What's Next For Nathan Grant?

    Hello Hearties and welcome to December! Can you believe we're in the last month of 2020? (Okay....yeah you probably can, as I'm sure everyone is ready for 2020 to end.)

    Anyhow, on the bright side we are getting so close to the start of WCTH Season 8! (Eeeek!) I'm not sure when it's going to premiere, but I'm hoping it'll be sooner than last year. (Is January too much to ask? :D) 

    So if you've read the title of this post you'll know by now that today's topic is all about Hope Valley's man in red serge. Yes, I'm talking about Nathan Grant. Now for anybody who doesn't know by now, (Although I doubt they don't) I am totally a Team Lucas girl. Therefore this post may make some Hearties roll their eyes, and scoff as they already know what I hope to see, or rather what I hope to not see happen for Nathan in Season 8. However, despite this, I still enjoy Nathan as a character, and want to see him have a wonderful storyline this coming season!

    So here are a few things I hope to see for Nathan Grant in Season 8! (Team Nathan be warned my list does not include Elizabeth picking Nathan. Then again....you probably already knew that it wouldn't....)




Allie's Father Comes to Town



    So, I think a really good storyline for Season 8 would be Allie's father showing up in Hope Valley. Wow, that would be an intense, and dramatic story! There are a few ways it could happen, and it all depends on whether he comes to town for Allie or not.

    If he doesn't care about Allie at all, then he could show up as a dirty, gambling bum who just happened to come through Hope Valley. Then Allie and Nathan would find out, and BOOM! Ensue the drama.

    Or we could do a reversal of things and the whole reason Allie's father shows up is that he feels bad for abandoning her and wants to take her back. I can already feel the emotional story that would create! And then of course there are two variations of that storyline.

    Does her father come in as a kind and humble man who pleads his case to Nathan and Allie? Or does he come in a big huff, demanding that Allie is his daughter and he has the right to take her? There are a bunch of different scenarios that could take place here, but each would make for a thrilling plot-twist!

    Honestly I really hope this season we get more info on Allie's parents. After all, her mother was Nathan's sister, and her death had to have hit him hard. We really have so little information on the whole situation, and I hope this next season sheds some much needed light on it. I mean, how did Allie's mother die? Why did her father abandon her? What kind of man is he, and how did everyone get along?

    I have a LOT of questions here and I hope this coming season solves at least a few of them.




Special thanks to @Divine_Lustre for the artwork!💗

    Oh boy....(Nervously wipes sweat from brow) Yes, I'm daring to go down this road. If you know me, then you'll know that I'm a hopeless romantic. Therefore, yes I hope to see Nathan have some romance this coming season. Just....not with Elizabeth.....(Cough)

    Don't worry, I'm not going to go into all the reasons why I don't want him with Elizabeth. I've already done that quite a bit these past two years. (Gosh....two years....) I will however give my opinion on who I would like to see him with! In my mind there are only two options.....

    First we have, probably the Team Lucas fan favorite, Fiona Miller. So....I haven't given this girl a very easy time in the past. I just couldn't picture her with anyone in Hope Valley. I honestly think that she needs a bigger storyline, so we can really get to know who she is, and so her character can be more developed. She's a very sweet, and kind girl, and I would love to really just see her character come to life, and learn more about her.

    With all that being said, I think I need to see more of her, as well as her with Nathan before I can give a final judgement on the idea of Team Fate. (I don't really see people calling them that, but it's such a good hashtag! Lol!) Honestly Fiona and Nathan could make a really cute couple. I'd love to see her give Nathan some sass and shake his world up. Not to mention she sounds like she has quite a big family, and that would be fun to watch Nathan experience what it's like to have such a large, loving family around.

    Of course there is also Allie to consider, as any woman who'd marry Nathan would automatically become Allie's mother/aunt. This is another situation where I really need to see Fiona and Allie interact before I can make a final assessment. I don't get huge "mother vibes" when I look at Fiona, but I totally can see her as an aunt. After all she does have a sister who's married, and it would not surprise me if she has a couple nieces and nephews. But as I said before, I really need to see her and Allie hanging out together, perhaps fishing or getting their hair done, before I can make a final statement on them.

    With all of that being said, the second and only other option I see for Nathan is.....someone completely new. Yes, I just suggest adding yet another character to the already swelling cast of WCTH. There really just isn't anyone else for Nathan. (Unless you consider Florence or Molly, which I highly object to.) So, if Fiona isn't the one for the brave Mountie, then a new girl needs to move to Hope Valley.

    As for who, I'm really not sure. I think Bethany Joy Lenz and Kevin McGarry would be a great pair, even if it wasn't in Hope Valley. But other than her, I'm not really sure who I'd like to see fall for Nathan. Feel free to leave your ideas in the comments below!

    Anyhow, all in all I'd love to see Nathan get some romance this coming season!

Mountie Action



    Come, on. Who doesn't love watching a Mountie in action? Tracking the bad guys down, serving justice, and kicking their butts in a way that keeps you on the edge of your seat. That's what I'm hoping for this season. Some more bad guys to catch, and action that glues my eyes to the screen.

    I've brought up this prospect many, many times in the past, but I think Hope Valley is due to have some more criminals come to town. And I'm not talking about necklace thieves like Archie Grant's acquaintance. I'm talking about dirty, gun-slinging bandits that aren't afraid to pull a trigger. (Wow, that got dark.)

    It's always fun watching Nathan have to solve the mystery, and chase the bad guys down. And let's be honest, bandits create so much fun drama!

    Maybe we could even have someone like Nate Toliver from S1 come to town. Someone who seems like they could be a good guy, and charms the town, until they find out in the end he's a dangerous criminal! Fiona could even begin to fall for him, eventually becoming the man's hostage! Then she'd need someone to save her..... (Not that I have anyone in particular in mind...)

    Anyway, this coming season I'd like to see more Mountie moments.

Solid Friendships



    And last, but not least I think it's SO time that Nathan gets at least one solid friendship in his life. Now, before you start chewing me out, no I am totally not saying that he doesn't have any friends. He does, and the town cares a lot about him. It's just that he doesn't really have any close friends. Like Rosemary is to Elizabeth, and Lee is to Jesse. Someone who he can always turn to, and talk about personal issues. 

    I think the closest person to that description right now is Bill. Bill is always there for Nathan and gives him advise when he needs it. However this season I would just really like to see either that friendship grow, or for him to gain another close friend. Maybe Lee will teach him to drive, and they'll become better acquainted as friends.

    In all honesty I think it would be SO fun if Nathan became friends with....wait for it...Lucas. Now, this obviously may take a little time....(Cough) But I just really love Chris and Kevin's dynamic and humor when they're together. They are so fun, and I would absolutely love to see Lucas and Nathan form a sort of begrudged friendship. 

    Maybe if Elizabeth picks Lucas (Team Nathan please work with me here) Nathan could fall in love with a friend of Elizabeth or even better a friend of Lucas. This would constantly bring both guys together, and even though they both have found the love of their lives, they may not be on the best terms. So maybe they'd try and put their differences aside (For everyone's sake) and be sort of friends. Then they could have all kinds of misadventures together and eventually become close friends! (Maybe even like brothers!)

    Now this of course may not happen or at least start to happen until mid to late season if at all in S8. But either way I think Nathan needs to develop some deeper friendships with our Hope Valley cast this next season.

    And there we have it! Just a few things I hope to see in Season 8 for Nathan Grant! I hope you enjoyed this! (And that I haven't lost a few readers in the process. Lol!) Despite the fact that he isn't my choice for Elizabeth, I'm still very interested to know what's next for him. I enjoy watching his character, and hope he has an amazing story this season! (Just....maybe not so close to Elizabeth....😉)

    Thank you so much for reading! What do you hope to see happen next for Nathan? I'd love to hear your ideas whether you're Team Lucas or Team Nathan! Feel free to leave them below in the comments or on my Twitter page! (I'm also on Instagram and Pinterest! Links in the bar to the left!)

    God Bless!


  1. I'd love Allie's father to come to town! I'd also like to meet Nathan's mother. I wonder what she would think of Elizabeth. And (as a proud member of Team Nathan) I have had the same thoughts for Romance for Lucas that you have for Nathan. Now that Lucas has the bar and the oil company, he needs to hire unemployed Fiona. I'm hoping sparks fly and he's not broken-hearted at Elizabeth choosing Nathan (fingers crossed).

    1. Yes! I've always thought Fiona and Lucas would make a great pairing. They are both more acclimated with larger cities, both speak French (I believe), and seem to be on the progressive side of things. They would also look adorable together and keep each other on their toes.

    2. Yes, Allie's father coming to town would make for such a great story! It would also be interesting to meet Nathan's mother as well, especially since I really want to know more about Nathan's backstory.

      I'm not really sure what's going to happen to Fiona in Season 8. She's definitely in need of a job, but the only one I can see involving Lucas is being a waitress at the saloon, or a secretary at the oil company. I'd prefer the first one, should Lucas hire her, and think she would do really well as a waitress.

      Thank you for reading and the comment! God Bless!

  2. Where do I start??

    As a fellow fanfic writer, I also wonder about Allie's father and had the thought of bringing him to town. As yet, I haven't done that in either of my stories, but I think I would make him a con artist if I did.

    I --as a Team Lucas girl-- really like Nathan most of the time. I love his scenes with Allie and I loved that tiny little train scene with Fiona. I just don't like him with Elizabeth. I would like to see Nathan have to deal with some puppy love with Allie. I'm wondering how he would approach that type of situation. And speaking of that, I think Fiona would be just the one to help Allie if and when she does like a boy. Which leads me to your second point...

    I am all about Team Fire and Ice! I think they should totally develop them as a couple. (I won't mention the real life gossip that's been going around about the show, not sure if you have seen any of that) And Team Fate is so much better than Nathona! I also added some family history for Fiona in King of Hearts, my current story. :)

    As for Mountie action, are you sure you haven't read my work? One of your ideas seems to be all up in my fanfic, lol. Let's just say it has to do with Fiona and kidnapping. I'm not surprised we think a bit alike as we both write stories about the show.

    And just possibly in my next few chapters we might see a new friendship for Nathan. I won't say with whom. As I said, we think alike. ;)

    Thanks for this blog. Even though I am all about LucaBeth, I want Nathan's story to develop as well. Would love to see him fall in love, just not with E.

    1. What was it they say about great minds.... ;)

      And I hear you loud and clear! I totally want Nathan to have a wonderful storyline this next season as well as romance....Just not with Elizabeth. Lol! I'm not a huge fan of him with Fiona but I've really seen so little of them together. Maybe seeing them together would help change my mind some.

      And the idea of Nathan dealing with Allie's school crush sounds so fun! Oh boy, those over-protective Uncle instincts would come out. Lol! I wonder who it would be...

      I did see that there was an article about Nathan and Fiona but other than that I know nothing. And I should probably keep it that way, at least until after Season 8. (Sadly. Lol!)

      Thank you so much for reading and the comment! I love to hear your thoughts! God Bless!

  3. I'd really like to see Nathan and Lucas as friends. Once upon a time Rosemary and Elizabeth were "in competition" for Jack's attention and ended up best friends. And Rosemary ended up with a great marriage with Lee. I'm confident it can happen for this love triangle, too!

    1. Yes, I am 100% all for Nathan and Lucas becoming friends! That would be so fun to see! Elizabeth and Rosemary are a prime example. Elizabeth couldn't stand Rosemary at first, and now look. They're the best of friends, neighbors, and Rosemary is even her son's guardian!

      Thank you so much for the comment! God Bless!

  4. I think Allie's father coming to town would be a great storyline for Nathan in S8 as well! It would give Kevin McGarry a lot of good material to work with and I think it would be nice to see more of Nathan's backstory that leads to character growth.

    As a Team Lucas fan, I obviously don't want him with Elizabeth whatsoever. I personally would like a Nathan/Fiona romance once this triangle ends (hopefully sooner rather than later.) We don't know a ton about Fiona, but I think from what we've seen of her pleasant personality, it would complement Nathan's cynical and jaded nature to create a fun push/pull, opposites attract type of love story. Since Fiona is outgoing, young and has great fashion sense, I could see her bonding quite easily with a pre-teen Allie. She'd make for a great role model and confidante, and I can picture them teaming up against Nathan, which could make for some amusing scenes.

    I'm still not sure how I feel about a Nathan/Lucas friendship...maybe way, waaaay down the road, it wouldn't be so bad :)

    Great blog entry - really enjoyed reading it!

    1. Thank you so much! Honestly, Allie's dad coming would make for such a great storyline. I saw how emotional Nathan got over arresting his father, and the possibility of having Allie taken away would make for such a dramatic story.

      I also really would like more info on his backstory and Allie's father coming to town would certainly help with that.

      I'm not sure about Fiona and Nathan. (Again I need to see more of them together as we had such a short scene with them at the train station.) Maybe this next season will sway my opinion, should Nathan start a friendship with her. But I like your idea of Allie and Fiona ganging up on Nathan. Lol! That would be fun!

      As for a Lucas and Nathan friendship....I really don't know when that would happen. They haven't been on the best of terms, have they? Lol! But Chris and Kevin are so fun together, and their antics make me laugh, so I'd love to see them as friends on the show someday. It would be funny if they had this love/hate friendship going on. Lol! It would make for a lot of humorous scenes!

      Thank you so much for reading and the comment!

  5. Awesome blog entry! I agree with several points that you've made here.

    I have also thought that Allie's father coming to town could potentially bring an interesting story arch to the series. What would Nathan do if he were on the verge of loosing her, especially if her father did return a changed man?

    I would love to see a Nathan and Fiona story line, even if their relationship were to only start as a friendship like Elizabeth and Lucas' did. I agree, Nathan needs more true friends. He always seems to be on the outskirts.

    Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts about what you'd like to see next for Nathan.

    1. Thank you! Nathan really needs to get to know some of the Hope Valley citizens better. Most of his storylines revolve around Allie, and Elizabeth, and he hasn't really develop too many close friendships outside of Bill.

      And I'm all for Allie's dad coming to town! SO much drama and emotion to be had there!

      Thank you so much for reading and commenting! God Bless!

  6. I totally want to see Allie's father come to town, and I think he will. It's just too good of a storyline for them to ignore, especially since a point was made of them saying in S6 that Allie's father left her. He could have died, but instead he left. That just screams "he's coming back". Naturally, me being a Team Nathan gal, we have different thoughts on how that would play out - Elizabeth would have a huge role in my scenario :D - but I really do think he is coming to Hope Valley, and I think he'll be the first "baddie" the town has seen in a while (as in, will probably play out over a few episodes).

    And obviously, I'm ALL about Nathan having lots of romance, but....well, you know ;)

    And I REALLY want to see Nathan and Lucas become friends! I think Bill will be his BFF, but I would absolutely love to see the two current rivals put aside their differences and learn to trust and respect each other. I might have made them really good friends in a fanfic, so I could totally see this happening LD :D Double dates with N/E and L/F!

    I just keep getting more excited for S8! Everyone involved keeps saying it's the best season yet, and the past two were already stellar...can't wait! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

    1. Yes, Allie's father absolutely has to show up at some point! It would make for such a fantastic story, and make for some great emotional scenes with her and Nathan.

      And yes...I know...Lol!

      I totally want Lucas and Nathan to become friends! My dream version of this would be Nathan falling for Lucas' sister (Should he have one) and they sort of begrudgingly become brothers-in-law. It would just be so fun, and I can just imagine all the adventures they'd have together!

      I so can't wait for Season 8! I hope this season will be the best one yet! Thank you so much for reading and the lovely comment! God Bless!

  7. I really enjoyed reading this! Thank you!

    I am also hoping we see Allie’s father come to town - it’s just too good a storyline to pass up!

    A big yes to Mountie action, and I’m glad you mentioned the friendship aspect. He definitely has Bill, and I love their dynamic. I really want to see Lee teach him to drive, and regardless of who Elizabeth chooses, I really want to see Lucas and Nathan become friends.

    I am on Team Nathan, so I’m hoping his romance storyline involves Elizabeth, that being said, I can’t really picture Fiona with Lucas or with Nathan. If I HAD to choose someone else for Nathan I would want it to be a new character, and same for Lucas if Elizabeth chooses Nathan. We’ve heard Lucas say that he’s always had faith he would know the perfect woman for him when he saw her, so to me the only options for him are Elizabeth or someone new.

    Season 8 cannot come fast enough! :)

    1. Thank you so much! So happy to hear you enjoyed it!

      I am SO with you! I want Lucas and Nathan to be friends too, as Chris and Kevin are so much fun together! If Elizabeth and Rosemary can be best friends, why not Lucas and Nathan?

      And I totally agree with you about both guys' potential romance storylines. I'm not a huge fan of Fiona going with Nathan, and absolutely no for her and Lucas. A new girl would definitely have to come should Elizabeth not choose him, and that would be my preference for Nathan as well should E pick L.

      I've thought what if Lucas was the one to teach Nathan to drive and I love the idea! That would be hilarious! :D

      Thank you so much for reading and the comment! God Bless!

    2. I absolutely agree - Rosemary and Elizabeth had WAY more conflict between them than Lucas and Nathan have - they just HAVE to become friends (though whichever way it goes I’m sure it will take some time).

      I’m glad we agree on a new girl for whoever Elizabeth doesn’t pick :)

      I am laughing out loud picturing Lucas teaching Nathan how to drive 😂😂 that would probably become one of my all time favourite scenes. SUCH a good idea! Haha

      Thanks for your work on this blog, and making it a space for all hearties :)

    3. Thank you for reading!💗


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