WCTH Fanfic: Making Sure: Chapter 12


    Merry Christmas, Hearties! Wow. Can you believe it? Just one week until Christmas. One week! This holiday season has just flown by, which is sad for me as I love Christmastime. 

    However it does mean that we are getting closer to WCTH's Season 8 premiere in February! Yes, it's official! If you haven't heard the news yet, Season 8 is set to premiere February 21st! While I was hoping for something around the beginning of February, (Something like the 7th or 14th) I'm very happy to finally know the premiere date!

    But that's not all! Not only was the premiere date released, but the Season cover was as well! 


Thanks to ET for the exclusive!

    Eeeek!!! I'm so excited for Season 8! I could totally go into detail here about who made it to the cover, who didn't (Cough...Little Jack....cough....) and the whole triangle thing going on here, but I'll save that for another post.😉


    So moving on, I guess I better get to what you came here for. I mean, I did kind of leave you hanging last week.... :) FYI this will be the last chapter of fan fiction I put out this year, but never fear as I have more coming in 2021! My goal is to finish this story before Season 8 begins, so hopefully all will go as planned. (Fingers crossed!)

    Again thank you guys so, so much for your support, and wonderful feedback! I love hearing from you all!

    Alright, alright I'll quit talking. Lol! Hear it is! Chapter 12! Enjoy!💗



The blood drained from Lucas’ face, his feet staggering. Elizabeth’s light laughter assailed him like a dagger to his heart. His hopes that they would still be on speaking terms no longer seemed relevant.

Suddenly Elizabeth raise her eyes, and instantly went silent.  Her face seemed to pale at the sight of him, her mouth hanging open in what looked like shock. Maybe even guilt.

He needed to get out of there. Fast.

Stumbling he backed toward the door, when suddenly Jeanette grabbed his arm, looping hers through it.

“Well, hey there!” She grinned, pulling his limp body forward. “Fancy running into you two here.”

By now Nathan had turned his head around and seen the two of them. His face clearly showed his puzzlement, and he undoubtedly had to be annoyed right now.

“Hi….” He smiled a very forced smile. “What are you guys doing here?”

Jeanette looked up at Lucas adoringly. “Lucas was so sweet and offered to buy me dinner.”

Lucas wanted to kick her shin like he used to do at the family dinner table to silence her. She had obviously set this whole thing up. She probably even knew that Elizabeth had a date tonight with Nathan.

He cringed internally at the word “date.” Oh, if only this were a horrible nightmare he could wake up from.

Nathan ran his hand back over his hair, looking to Jeanette. “Isn’t it…uh… odd to eat where you work?”

“Nope.” Jeanette flicked her hair back over her shoulder. “It actually reminds me of those late-night dinners we used to share.” Again, she turned her puppy dog eyes on Lucas, batting her eyelashes. “Remember Lucas?”

Oh, brother. Lucas squirmed inside as he looked from Jeanette, to Elizabeth whose eyes had grown wider with every word from his sister. He had to get out of there. “I should go check on the saloon….” He tried, but Jeanette quickly spoke up.

“Ooo! This table looks perfect!” And before he could stop her, she was dragging him over to a table. Right across from Elizabeth and Nathan’s. Lucas felt like he was going to be sick.

His sister nearly shoved him into one of the chairs, before she skipped to her own. Lucas pulled his head into his shoulders, forcing himself to not look toward Elizabeth.

Suddenly Bill emerged from the kitchen, with two steaming plates of food. He smiled toward Elizabeth and Nathan. “Here we are. Two specials.” He then jerked back quick at the sight of Lucas and Jeanette sitting at a table and his brows furrowed. “Evening Lucas. Jeanie.”

Jeanette smiled brightly at him. “Good evening, Bill.”

Bill looked puzzledly from her to Lucas. “So are you two…”

Lucas opened his mouth to set things straight, but as usual Jeanette cut him off. “Starving.” She placed her hand over her stomach exaggeratedly. Suddenly her eyes lit up as she spied the plates in Bill’s hands. “Oh, that looks amazing. Could we have whatever they are?”

Bill still eyed them suspiciously. “Coming right up.” He finally replied. Carefully he set the plates down in front of Nathan and Elizabeth, and with a final scratch of his head, went back into the kitchen.

Lucas lowered his gaze at his sister, his words below a whisper. “What are you doing?”

Jeanette glared back at him. “Shh! Just sit and act like you’re having a good time.”

Lucas’ stomach turned over. That would take an incredible amount of acting.



Elizabeth glared across the room at Lucas and Jeanie, her mind still in shock. First her greatest fear had come true. Lucas had not only found out about her dinner with Nathan, but had caught her in the very act. The fact made her want to run and hide in her room.

Now he sat a few feet across from her, dining with no one else than his “childhood friend” Jeanie. Her overly exaggerated laughter echoed through the room.

“Oh, Lucas you’re such a tease.” She patted his hand, causing Elizabeth’s blood to boil. Some “friend” Jeanie had turned out to be.

“So, Elizabeth.” A foggy voice sailed through the back of her mind. “Elizabeth?” Suddenly she realized Nathan was talking to her, and jerked her eyes back to him

“I’m so sorry.” Her face began to fill with heat. What must he think of her staring at Lucas with her mouth wide open?  She coughed, clearing her throat. “What were you saying?”

Nathan fidgeted in his chair, clasping his hands together. “I was just saying how…”

Suddenly Jeanie’s laughter erupted across the room, causing both of them to look her way. Her head dropped to her hands, her body shaking as if she were having a seizure. “I did not….” She tried but another bout of giggles cut her off. It seemed like she could hardly breathe. “It was you who….” Her head collapsed to the table, her shoulders shaking. Elizabeth felt her teeth clench.

The nerve of that woman! It was so obvious that Jeanie thought of Lucas as much more than a friend. She clearly adored him, and was purposefully flaunting her “win” for all to see. Elizabeth shook her head in disgust.

How could Lucas do this? It hadn’t even been twenty-four hours since he’ tried to kiss her, before he was going to dinner with another woman. She dared a glance at him, and her heart twisted more. He looked miserable.

He sat hunched down in his chair as if he wanted to slide down under the table and into the floor. She supposed he hadn’t expected to find her here. And with Nathan no less.

Well, that’s what he got for trying to go on a date behind her back. Yet as soon as the thought had formed, she realized how absurd she was being. She’d done the exact same thing. Of course, she knew she wasn’t on a date, but he didn’t. Had he taken her response the other night to mean she had rejected him as a suitor?

“So,” Again Nathan’s words broke through her jumbled thoughts. “As I was saying…”

Suddenly Elizabeth’s eyes opened wide as she saw Jeanie reach across the table and place her hand over Lucas’. Okay, now that girl had crossed a line.

Elizabeth abruptly pushed her chair back. “I’m sorry.” She looked to Nathan apologetically, as she stood. “Could you excuse me for a minute?”

He shrugged, running his hand back over his hair. “Uh…yeah. Sure.”

Elizabeth nearly marched the ten feet to Lucas and Jeanie’s table, turning to stand in front of him. “Can I speak with you? Privately.”

Lucas’ eyes widened, before he cleared his throat, looking to Jeanie as he pushed his chair back. “Excuse me.”

Elizabeth turned and walked briskly to the door. “Hurry back, Lucas.” She heard Jeanie call in an incredibly annoying flirty way, and Elizabeth’s blood threatened to boil over.

Lucas quickly followed after her, and she nearly launched for the doorknob to avoid him opening the door for her. There was no way she’d be accepting civilities from him now, or ever after this.

Quickly she descended the café stairs. Her lips pressed tight together, and she couldn’t help the clenching of her fists. Her emotions were such a chaotic storm inside of her. She felt so betrayed, yet knew she was just as guilty as he was.

She heard Lucas dismounting the stairs behind her. “Elizabeth I…”

Suddenly she spun on her heel, turning to face him. “What are you doing?” The words came spilling out of her before she had time to think them through.

Lucas was taken back at her sudden outburst, but quickly recovered. He shoved his hands into his pockets, his eyes narrowing. “I could ask you the same thing.”

So, he was going to play that game. Her hands went to her hips. “Don’t change the subject. How could you do this?”

Suddenly his eyes grew wide, his brows shooting up his head. “How could I?” He seemed shocked at her accusation, his mouth opening as if to say something, then closed again. Finally, he shook his head helplessly. “I am not the one who’s guilty here.”

Now it was her turn to be shocked. How dare he not only turn this around on her, but deny that he’d done anything wrong? “Really?” She replied incredulously, tilting her head. “So, you just happened to show up where I just happened to be having dinner tonight, and with her no less.” She was completely incapable of hiding her contempt for Jeanie in this moment.

Lucas held up his pointer finger. “First off, not that it’s any of your business, but Jeanie and I are just friends.”

Elizabeth mentally rolled her eyes. Apparently, Jeanie was very unaware of that.

“And secondly,” Lucas continued. “I had no idea you would be here tonight, let alone that you would be dining with someone.”

Elizabeth didn’t miss his meaning when he said, “dining with someone.” And it only reminded her that to him, she’d done the exact same thing she’d just accused him of. She raised her chin, trying to salvage some of her dignity, yet couldn’t quite look him in the eye.

“It’s not what you think.”

Lucas’ brow quirked. “Really? You and Nathan sitting alone at a table in an empty café isn’t what I think it is?”

Elizabeth grit her teeth. The audacity of that man! “And I suppose you allow all your “old friends” to hold your hand across the dinner table.”

Suddenly something crossed his face. His brows furrowed in question, his voice low, but a hint of a smile crossed his lips. “Are you jealous?”

Elizabeth nearly gasped at his question, her mouth dropping open. “Excuse me?” She became speechless, fighting for something to say. “That’s ridiculous.”

Lucas raised his brows, seeming to think the idea wasn’t. Elizabeth crossed her arms, looking down the street.

“No. No, I’m not jealous. Why would I be jealous? I have nothing to be jealous of.”

Lucas almost flinched at her last remark, and she instantly wished she could take it back. That had been a bit too much. Honestly, she was doubting every word that came out of her mouth. She couldn’t be jealous. Could she?

Lucas schooled his features, looking to his feet. “Then I suppose Jeanie and I are none of your business.” His words came out stiff and cold.

Elizabeth brushed her hands down her skirt. “Nor are Nathan and I any of yours.”

Lucas sniffed, stuffing his hands into his pockets. “Well, I’m glad we straightened that out.”

Clasping her hands together, her eyes dropped to the ground. “Me too.” This conversation had not gone the way she’d expected it to. Then again, what had she expected?

An awkward silence settled between them. Elizabeth wasn’t sure if she should say something more, but nothing really came to mind. She hoped he would, but daring a quick glance up at him, she found him just as speechless.

Finally, she gave up, and with a sigh started for the café steps.

“Elizabeth.” Came his voice softly behind her.

She turned toward him with a start, still standing on the steps. Lucas seemed to be having an internal battle. His dark eyes shut tight, before he looked back at her. “Why didn’t you just tell me?”

Elizabeth’s mouth opened to speak then shut again. What should she tell him? She figured telling him that she didn’t want him to know about her dinner with Nathan wouldn’t help her case.

Lucas took a step closer, his eyes not quite meeting hers. “If you’re not interested….why didn’t you just end things?”

Oh. That’s what he was talking about. Elizabeth shifted uncomfortably, wrapping her arms around herself as an icy breeze blew. What did he mean by “end things?”

“That’s a little hard to do when nothing has been started yet.” She replied, trying to keep her voice even.

He cocked his head, his brows raised. “So, you almost kissing me last night meant nothing then.”

Elizabeth couldn’t keep her eyes from widening. He sure didn’t seem to know the meaning of the word “subtlety” tonight. Stiffly, she crossed her arms, heat flooding her face. “For the record you were the one who tried to kiss me.”

Lucas shrugged helplessly. “Well, I don’t recall you objecting.”

This was getting absurd, even if he did make a fair point. Elizabeth took a fortifying breath. “Lucas, I told you. I’m not ready to date anyone yet. Me and Nathan are just…”

“Friends.” He finished, seeming very unconvinced. “What about last night? Was that us just being “friends?”

He looked to her eyes, his own harboring pain and maybe even a spark of hope as he waited for her answer. Elizabeth looked to the cold ground, realizing she didn’t have one.

Still to that very moment she fought to understand what had made her react the way she had. It was as if every bit of common sense she had had been telling her to run, yet something made her stay. Even looking at him now, something drew her to him.

She could see the anguish seared in his gaze, and knew she’d hurt him badly. Yet an all-consuming feeling of anxiety took hold of her, crippling her feet, and choking down her words. She couldn’t deal with this now.

Anxiously she bit her lip, turning back toward the café steps. “I should go back inside.”

“Elizabeth.” Lucas’ voice carried softly on the night air.

She turned back, and froze as she saw Lucas’ tortured expression. His lips pressed tightly together, his brows pinched. Sighing his breath clouded before him, and the soft moonlight showed the watery glaze over is eyes.

“What matters most to me is that you’re happy. You’ve been through too much in your life to be anything else.”

Elizabeth held her breath as he struggled to speak. “And if Nathan….” He almost seemed to wince, looking down the street. “If he makes you happy….”

No, no, no. Elizabeth felt her heart breaking inside her, as he looked back to her, his voice low. “Then you should be with him.”

Elizabeth’s eyes stung with unshed tears, as a pain suddenly rose in her chest. He gave her one final glance before turning to leave, and her chest suddenly felt hollow, as he turned away. A chilling wind blew through her, a sob catching in her throat.

Quickly she stepped down the café stairs toward him. “Lucas….”

He stopped, and Elizabeth felt the lump in her throat swell as he turned back toward her. The moonlight illuminated his face, making his dark eyes shine. Was that a tear stain on his cheek?

Suddenly the metal “click” of a gun hammer pierced through the night. Elizabeth jerked quickly to her left and saw a lone man standing there, an evil smile on his face.

She looked to Lucas, who’s eyes were wide with fear. The other man laughed, causing her to look back. Instantly her heart stopped as he raised a pistol from his side. His crooked teeth sneered in a sickening grin. “Night, night, Teacher.”

Suddenly a shot rang through the night. She screamed, her hands flying to cover her eyes. The blood drained from her face, and for a moment she thought she might pass out. Had she just been shot?

A yelp of pain made her jump, causing her to uncover her face. There in front of her the man stood clutching his arm, as he slowly sank to his knees. She then turned toward where Lucas had been standing and found him facing the man, his pistol outright.



Lucas had drawn his pistol and fired long before his brain had caught up with him. The man dropped his own gun as he sank to the ground clutching his arm. Lucas swallowed, and prayed he hadn’t just killed a man.

Suddenly Nathan burst out the café door, his eyes wide. He took in the sight before him.

“What happened?”

Lucas’ breaths came hard, racking through his chest. “He tried to shoot Elizabeth.”

Nathan’s eyes looked like they’d pop from their sockets. Immediately he turned to Elizabeth. “Are you okay?”

Elizabeth nodded, and Lucas couldn’t help the sick feeling that surfaced. He’d felt his soul shatter inside himself a moment earlier as he’d faced the fact. Elizabeth was in love with Nathan. Not him.

It had taken every ounce of strength he possessed to tell her what he had, but he’d meant every word. His feelings were too deep to hold her back. She deserved every happiness the world could offer her, even if it killed him to let her go.

Finally, Nathan seemed convinced that she was okay, and started toward the man on the ground. Grabbing him by the back of his shirt he dragged him upright.

“Come on.” The man begged. “I was only messing around. I wasn’t really going to shoot her.”

Nathan yanked his good arm behind his back, his jaw clenching. “I’d stop talking if I were you.”

The man flinched. “Ouch! Take it easy, lawman. I’m shot.”

Lucas looked on in disgust, taking in every detail of the man’s face. He couldn’t remember ever seeing him before, whether in town or on any of his travels. And from the look on Elizabeth’s face he seemed to be a stranger to her as well.

Footsteps sounded and Lucas found Bill running frantically toward them. “What’s going on?”

Nathan tugged the man’s arm harder. “What’s your name?”

“Agh!” He yelped. “James Jenkins.”

Again, the name didn’t ring a bell. Nathan turned toward the jail, and gave “James” a shove forward.

“Well, James Jenkins, you’re under arrest for breaking an entry, theft, and the attempted murder of Elizabeth Thornton.”

Nathan’s words pierced through Lucas’ ears. The attempted murder of Elizabeth Thornton.

Lucas instantly went to Elizabeth, grabbing her arms. His eyes searched her face for any signs of pain, but all he found were her wide blue eyes staring back at him. “Are you alright?” he breathed.

She seemed as breathless as he was. “I’m fine.” She whispered.

His feet seemed stuck in place. He couldn’t move, his eyes locked on hers. Oh, how he wanted to take her in his arms, and hold her tight to him. To assure himself that she was safe, and to shower her with the love that threatened to spill out of him. Yet it was as if an invisible barrier lay between them, keeping him from her.

She stared back at him, looking into his eyes. For a split second he felt a deep connection run between them, leaving him speechless. She still breathed deeply, drawing his eyes to her lips. If only…

“I’ll handle him.”  Bill’s voice suddenly broke through his thoughts, severing the moment. Elizabeth broke eye contact, slowly pulling away. Bill grabbed hold of James, turning to Nathan. “Get Elizabeth home.”

Nathan nodded, and walked over to Elizabeth. He looked from Lucas to her. “Let’s get you home.”

Lucas felt a cold wind blow between him and Elizabeth, as she looked to Nathan. “Clara has Jack upstairs.”

Nathan nodded, motioning for her to walk ahead of him. “I’ll go with you.”

Lucas silently watched as she nodded, and walked with Nathan up the café’s front steps. Stopping at the door, she gave one last fleeting glance back at Lucas, before walking inside with Nathan. And with the close of the door Lucas felt his heart break in two.

Warm tears stung the back of his eyes, as he stared after the closed door, feeling like half of himself had just died. A gentle hand suddenly touched his shoulder, followed by the emotion-filled voice of his sister. “Are you alright?”

He blinked his eyes shut tight, working to bring his emotions under control. “I’m fine.”

Her mouth opened helplessly. “Lucas, I…”

He winced, shaking his head. “Please, Jeanette. Don’t.” He hated how harsh he sounded, but he could barely get the words out.

Avoiding eye contact, he turned and walked back toward the saloon, an icy breeze blowing through the now empty space in his chest.


    And that's the end of Chapter 12! Thank you so much for reading! I hope this has been a blessing to you! You probably know by now, but I'll be taking this next week off from posting on my blog. 

    I'm so grateful for how God has blessed me with this blog, and you wonderful readers! You have been such a wonderful blessing and I truly appreciate you! Thank you!

    Feel free to leave your thoughts on this chapter below or on my Twitter page! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, and a merry, merry Christmas! God Bless!

P.S. Want a little something to wear during Season 8's big premiere? Shop now and save 15% on anything in the store! https://shop.spreadshirt.com/heart-and-family-mercantile


  1. HOPE!!!!!!


    I was cracking up and Jeanette, that girl is so funny! and such a matchmaker. And her ploy worked really well, E was seeing green!

    Then the outside scene with Lucas and Elizabeth. I was just about swooning as I held my breath thinking they were going to finally get together.

    Then the bad guy shows up!

    Just so much in this chapter.

    My heart is breaking for Lucas, please tell me you won't leave him like this for long! The poor man!

    Definitely my favorite chapter so far. So intense!

    I will prob comment more later, after I have time to process, but bravo!

    Great work here, Hope!

    1. Aww! Thank you so much, Sue! I'm so happy you enjoyed this chapter! I've had the idea for this dinner scene for awhile so I was really excited to finally get to share it with you! There were a LOT of emotions to write for this one to be sure. Lol!

      Thank you so much for your amazing support and feedback! I hope your having a wonderful weekend so far! God Bless and Merry Christmas!

  2. Ok, Lucas's eyes weren't the only ones that got watery! Oh, the angst!!

    I'm glad that a lot more of the feelings they had internalized came pouring out. I was happy that Elizabeth got jealous (seriously, E? You KNOW you were totally jealous) and that it put a damper on her dinner with Nathan (yay!) Hey, if anything, they were both spared a forced and awkward conversation (that's how I would imagine it going anyway.)

    I'm fine with Lucas bowing out and telling Elizabeth he would be happy for her if she moved on with Nathan. She needs to understand the depth of his feelings for her and realize this is not at all what she wants. We know she can't resist that man forever :) Loved the angst! Amazing, amazing chapter! Can't wait for the next one in the new year!

    1. You're so sweet! Thank you so much! I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed the chapter!

      This was such an emotion-filled chapter to write. I'm glad you enjoyed the angst between E&L. We haven't had a lot of tension between them in the show, and I'm really hoping we'll see some in this next season. (I mean, how can there not be after that hug? :)

      And yes! Jeanie not only made E jealous, but she really messed up E&N's dinner. Lol!

      Thank you so much for reading and the feedback! Have a great weekend! God Bless and Merry Christmas!


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