WCTH Fanfic: Making Sure: Chapter 10


    Happy, happy Friday Hearties! I hope your week has been great so far! Anyone feeling that December chill? I myself am not a huge fan of cold weather, but it's a great excuse to stay inside and work on....yes, you guessed it! The next chapter of my fanfic!

    Now I realize that I didn't mention this in last Friday's post, but my plan is to post a chapter every Friday, until the week of Christmas. That week I'll be taking a break from posting on my blog. Then I won't have another chapter until the New Year. Should my plan change I'll be sure to let you guys know!

    Anyhow, onto the good stuff! Here's the next chapter for you all! (If your new to the story, here's a link to the previous chapters! https://whencallstheheartblog.blogspot.com/search/label/Fan%20Fiction )

    I hope you enjoy it!

Nathan urged Newton onward as they made their way to the woods. He’d left Allie with Bill, after getting the location of the “hole” from her. He remembered spotting an old well during one of his rounds and had a good feeling that was what Jeanie had fallen into.

It would figure that she’d be in some sort of trouble again. It was like danger followed her, waiting to pounce at the most awkward moments. Now her trouble had kept him from possibly finding out about the real danger lurking about her. He wouldn’t be surprised if she somehow planned for this to happen, just so he wouldn’t.

Eventually he guided Newton off the dirt road and into the trees, leaves flying up behind them as they went. After riding for a brief amount of time, he quickly found the well, and pulled Newton to a stop. Dismounting, he tried him off to a tree and ran to the well.

Narrowing his eyes, he peered down into the pitch-black abyss, attempting to spot her. He cupped his hands around his mouth. “Jeanie?” Silence followed and his stomach twisted.

All he could see was black. Who knew how far the well went. Had she survived? Instantly the thought made him sick.

Suddenly a voice echoed out of the darkness. “Afternoon, Constable.”

Quickly he shaded his eyes from the sun, and squinted down the hole. Slowly his eyes adjusted and the small hunched form of Jeanie came into view. He sighed, the heavy wait he’d felt a second ago falling off his shoulders.

“Are you alright?” He called down.

Her voice echoed back up. “Oh, yeah. I’m great. Just great.”

He rolled his eyes. “I mean are you hurt?”

“Just my pride.”

Despite his concern, he couldn’t help but smirk. Well, at least she was well enough to dish him her usual sarcasm. “Just sit tight.” He shouted down. “I’m going to get you out of there.”

“Did you honestly just ask me to sit tight?” She retorted, and he could just picture her nosed scrunched as she said it. Yet he realized the redundancy of his statement.

Quickly he ran over to Newton, and pulled a rope out of his saddle bag. He then found a good-sized tree nearby and tied one end of the rope to it. Walking toward the well, he found another tree with a sturdy looking branch a few feet from the hole, and threw the rope over it.

Finally, he returned to the well, making sure not to stand too close to the edge. Its slippery, muddy surface appeared to be the reason she’d fallen in the first place.

“Here,” He tossed the rest of the rope down to her, hoping it didn’t whack her in the head. “Tie this around your waist.”

“Okay.” She called back up, before taking the rope, and beginning to wrap it around her. Quickly she had it tied, and gave the rope a tug. Apparently, she didn’t trust his knot tying skills.

Nathan stepped back, and grabbed the other end of the rope hanging over the tree branch. “Are you ready?”

She grunted. “Just about….”

Suddenly she began shrieking, her screams echoing up the well. Nathan dashed to the top of the well, and hunched down helplessly. He blocked the blinding sun with his hand, trying to see the cause of her cries.

“What?” He called desperately. “What’s wrong?”

The screams then turned into laughter, and Nathan squinted harder to find Jeanie attempting to wrangle something. Was that a…. puppy?

“N…nothing,” Jeanie giggled holding, yes, a puppy up in the air. “You’re just so happy to get out of here, aren’t you?”

Nathan sighed, his head dropping to his hand. He could horse whip that girl for the number of heart attacks she’d given him. Well, at least he’d figured out why she was down there.

Finally, after she loading not one but two puppies into the basket she apparently had down there, she gave the rope another tug.


Nathan stepped back from the well, looking for something to steady himself on. A large tree stump sat next to the well, and he carefully propped his foot on it. “Alright.” He called, taking the rope in both hands. Pulling it taut, he braced himself. “1…2…3!”

He began pulling, pushing against the stump with his foot to give him more leverage. She was heavier than he’d thought she’d be. Then he remembered that she was carrying a basket full of puppies.

Pulling for what felt like an eternity, he finally saw her head emerge. He gave a finally heave and she managed to scramble out. She rolled onto the ground with a sigh, clutching the basket close to her chest. Nathan quickly dropped the rope, and moved to stand above her, mentally examining her for any wounds.

Suddenly her eyes opened wide, and upon finding him staring at her, hurried to stand to her feet. Yet as she rushed her foot caught on her skirt, and she went spilling toward the ground. Nathan jumped forward in time to catch her, the basket she still held becoming sandwiched between them.

For a moment her eyes locked on his, and for a moment he found himself becoming lost in those violet depths of hers. Stray strands of hair clung to her face, and he felt the odd need to brush them away. She stared back at him and for a split second he saw a glimpse behind the perfect façade she always tried to keep in place.

Was it fear he saw? Uncertainty perhaps? Even…longing?

And then it was gone. Her walls went firmly back in place as she jerked back from his grasp. She busied herself brushing the dirt off her blouse.

“Thank you.” Her words came out stiff, and she refused to meet his gaze.

Nathan shrugged, trying to shake the awkwardness of the moment off. “No problem.” He watched as she opened the basket, her face lighting up as two little hound pups poked their heads out. A smile spread across his face, as she accepted their thanks of wet puppy kisses.

“So that’s how you ended up down there.” He walked over, placing his hand on one of the pup’s soft heads.

Jeanie still stared at the puppies, her eyes taking on a pitiful look. “Well, I couldn’t just leave them down there in that horrible black pit.” She giggled as they continued to lick her hands, becoming even more rambunctious.

He then noticed just how much the fall had mangled her clothes. The front of her was stained from top to bottom in mud, while her hands held a few small red cuts. He looked to her, a spark of worry in his chest. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

She shrugged his concern away, placing the lid back on the basket. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

Suddenly a tear in her sleeve caught his attention. “You’re bleeding.” He reached out, and pointed to the cut on her shoulder.

She pulled back quick. “It’s just a scratch. I’ve had worse.”

It looked like a bit more than “just a scratch,” and he started determinedly toward Newton to retrieve his medical supplies. “Well, just to be safe I think I’d better take a look.”

She rolled her eyes. “Honestly it doesn’t even….” Suddenly her eyes grew wide at the sight of blood dripping down her arm.

Sympathy filled his heart for her, as he grabbed the small medical pouch out of his saddle bag, as well as his canteen. She tried to be so strong, but he could sense that underneath she was more fragile than she liked to let on.

Walking back, he cleared his throat, feeling an odd sense of déjà vu. “May I?” This was the second time in two days he’d had to ask permission to doctor her.

Her nose scrunched as she crossed her arms, refusing to look at him. “Fine.”

He’d probably smirk in amusement at her toughness, but felt way too awkward in the moment. Pulling a handkerchief from his pocket he poured a tiny bit of water on it. He then carefully attempted to clean the blood and dirt from the cut. Although he couldn’t help but feel very self-conscience as he did so, causing heat to climb up his neck.

Maybe conversation would cut through the tension? “You seem to have a knack of getting yourself stuck.” He immediately winced inside at his poor choice of words. “Yeah, like that’s going to make things less awkward.” He chided himself.

Her chin raised up, her body stiff at his touch. She looked off into the trees, refusing to make eye contact. “I’d like to think of it as bravery, but suit yourself.”

A snort escaped his lips. “Knowing you chased some random guy down after not paying for his lunch, I have no doubts about your bravery.”

Suddenly his conversation with Bill refreshed itself in his mind. Dare he tell Jeanie…or rather Jeanette what he knew? He had so many unanswered questions, and could feel in his gut that something was wrong. But Bill had strictly told him not to tell anyone. Then again, he wouldn’t really be “telling anyone” as she already knew who she was.

He took a breath. “I suppose….. you were also brave when Amos burned your business down.” He caught her jerk as he said Amos’ name, though her eyes wouldn’t meet his. Maybe he should have kept his mouth shut, yet he couldn’t stop himself now. “Jeanette.”

She pulled away from his touch, her wide eyes finally finding his face. “You….know?”

Instantly he saw the absolute terror in her eyes. He almost regretted revealing what he knew, but something told him her fear came from more than having her business almost burn down.

He shrugged, taking a step toward her. “Just that you’re the woman Amos Dixon was after. I was wondering if you’d like to fill in the rest of the blanks for me.”

She looked off into the trees, her arms wrapping around herself. “There’s nothing more to say.”

He should have guessed that she wouldn’t just open up and tell him her life story. “I disagree with that.” Slowly he walked closer, still hoping to get her injured shoulder bandaged up.

He reached out with his handkerchief, only to have her swipe it from his hand, and begin cleaning the wound herself. Her lips pressed tight together, as she dabbed at the cut rather roughly. “What else do you want? I owned a business, Amos burnt it down, I gave up, and moved here. End of story.”

She threw the cloth back at him, and held her hand out expectantly for the gauze. He retrieved it as well as the medical tape from his bag, handing her the gauze first.

“I feel like it’s not.”

She yanked it from his hand, grunting as she forcefully ripped a piece off. “Well, people in your position don’t often believe people like me.”

Nathan’s brows furrowed as he tore a piece of the medical tape off. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Her eyes suddenly grew wide, as if she’d revealed more than she’d intended. She bit her bottom lip nervously, grabbing the tape he offered her, without looking him in the eyes. “Never mind.” Quickly she slapped it over the gauze, and turned toward Newton. “Let’s go.”

Nathan leaped forward quick, catching her gently by her arm. “Jeanie.”

She stopped cold, her eyes going from his face to his hand on her upper arm. Honestly, he was surprised by his boldness, and quickly let go, looking at her softly. “I want to help you.” He tried to will her to see the honesty in his words.

It was as though he could feel the fear and pain that was torturing her on the inside. Someone or something had hurt her, and he knew all too well the internal battle of dealing with hurt alone.

She seemed to think on his words, turning to look him right in the eye. She seemed to be searching for the truth, weighing his words. For a second he even thought he saw a longing there, as if she really wanted to be able to trust him.

Finally, she looked away, her face tense. “No Constable. I don’t believe you do.”

Her words were a jolt to his system. She walked over to her basket, and scooped it up in her arms, turning to face him. “Now I know you have a job to do, and if you feel the need to run around telling everyone what a sorry human being I am, be my guest.”

Determinedly she walked past him, her voice low. “It wouldn’t be the first time.”

Nathan watched her go toward Newton, his mind a whirl. What did that mean? He started after her. “Jeanie…”

Suddenly a sickening crack sounded through the air. Nathan looked up toward the trees to find one coming down straight toward them. He darted toward Jeanie. “Jeanie, look out!”

Quickly he grabbed her, and dove with her to the ground just as the tree crashed behind them. His heart pounded, as he worked to catch his breath. The woods seemed to be a minefield today.

He then looked to Jeanie who laid beside him, her face to the ground. His arm laid across her, his fingers clutching her sleeve. He felt her panting hard, her hands still holding her basket tightly which now laid on the ground in front of her.

Nathan felt his stomach twist. Was she hurt? He inched closer. “Jeanie?”

She didn’t move. He raised his hand, and, without thinking, he brushed her dark hair away so he could see her face. Her eyes were sealed tight, her face tense. Was she in pain? Or was she just in shock?

Still she wouldn’t move and Nathan felt his heartbeat escalate. “Jeanie?”

He was afraid to move her in case she’d broken something in the fall. Gently he stroked his thumb across her cheek, internally pleading that she would show some sign that she was alright. “Jeanie.”

Slowly her eyes blinked open. She turned her head slightly, and Nathan felt his heart stop as her wild flower gaze found his. He searched her face, his hand still resting on her cheek. “Are you hurt?”

Her words came slowly. “I….I don’t think so.”

For a second he felt like he could hug her, and almost did. But then he realized that he’d just considered hugging a woman. A woman that wasn’t his dinner date for that night. A tingling sensation started in his hand, and he quickly drew it back from her face.

Why on earth had he felt the liberty to do that? Heat filled his face, and he felt the need to put some distance between them. He was just doing his job, but he didn’t need to do it this close to her.

Jeanie seemed to realize his unease, and drew back herself. Rather quickly she started to rise, and he was forced to put a restraining hand on her shoulder.

“Slowly.” His face grew hotter at the contact, and he cleared his throat. “Just sit here for a second.”

She fidgeted away from his touch, frantically grabbing the basket in front of her, before sitting up. He’d nearly forgotten about those pups. She peeked inside, and sighed with relief at the happy squeals and licks she received, before carefully closing the basket again.

Suddenly Nathan’s eye caught something golden dangling against her shirt. He looked closer and found a small ring hanging on a string around her neck. His stomach dropped to his feet, making him feel sick. Was she married? Not that it mattered to him, but he was sure her husband wouldn’t approve of him stroking his wife’s cheek.

Jeanie caught him staring, and nearly gasped at the sight of the ring. She frantically grabbed it, shoving it back down inside her blouse, before nearly jumping to her feet. So, she did have something to hide.

Nathan stood to his feet, reaching for his Stetson laying on the leaf covered ground. A mixture of emotions swirled inside him. “So, is he chasing you?” He raised his brow at her, placing his hat on his head. “Or are you chasing him?”

He instantly regretted his words, as well as his tone. Honestly, he didn’t really have a right to ask that of her, but he longed to finally know the truth about Jeanie. Also, something about the sight of that ring unnerved him.

Jeanie’s lips pressed tightly together, and he was taken back at the rush of emotion that seemed to sweep over her. “Neither.” Her voice was quiet, her words sounding almost choked.

She then raised her chin in her familiar determined way, her voice low yet sure. “He couldn’t chase me even if he wanted to.”

Nathan felt his heart sink as she started toward Newton. He didn’t miss the watery glaze over her eyes before she had turned. That and the audible sniff she gave as she gently began stroking his horse’s nose told him what he’d suspected all along.

Someone had hurt her. Now the only question was, did they inflict this pain before or after they had died?



Lucas’ head dropped to his hands, his elbows propped up on his desk. He’d just watched his last hope for saving the oil company walk out the door.

He knew it had been a long shot. He’d heard the investor was a tough business man, but he had thought he’d stood a chance. But in the end the man had decided Gowen Petroleum wasn’t worth the risk. Lucas didn’t blame him, but it didn’t make the outcome any less disappointing.

Falling back into his chair, he rubbed his tired eyes. Staying awake all night had made it easy to fall asleep early that morning, even though it was only for a mere two hours. But he was grateful nonetheless as except for pure exhaustion, he wouldn’t have been able to sleep at all.

His awkward encounter with Elizabeth and Carson replayed through his mind. She barely could bring herself to look at him, and then when she had he completely ignored her question. Why had he done that?

Surely he could have found a satisfactory answer like, “Just some oil business,” or “Just a meeting” Or maybe he should have just came right out and told her he was meeting with a potential investor. Of course, then he’d have to tell her how they’d declined, and why he needed an investor in the first place. He just wasn’t ready to do that yet.

His shoulders slumped down under the added weight. Allowing his eyes to drift shut, his mind went back once again to the night before. Right back to the moment he’d nearly kissed Elizabeth Thornton.

How could he have crossed such a line? Or almost crossed it, anyway. He could still feel her soft skin beneath his hand. Her gentle breath had brushed over his face, and for a split second he’d thought something he’d only dreamed of would finally come true.

But soon reality rushed back in, and he was left reeling. He’d seen the uncertainty in her eyes. She’d jumped away from him like he had the plague, and then had called him by his last name to top things off. Again, he mentally kicked himself, his stomach rolling in knots.

He hoped and prayed that he hadn’t messed things up between them permanently. The thought of not having her in his life sucked the air right out of him, and made him feel sick. His feelings were so strong for her, but inside he realized that he needed to wait to express them.

He knew she was scared, and he didn’t blame her. He just wished there was a way to reassure her. To show her that it was okay to let him in, and that he wasn’t going anywhere. But he knew he couldn’t rush her, let alone make that choice for her. She needed to do it for herself.

Sighing, he breathed a prayer for guidance, peace, and patience. Lots of patience. And was it too much to ask that Elizabeth would not be mad at him, and be on speaking terms with him again?

Suddenly the door opened. Lucas’ eyes popped open and he found Nathan walking in. He tipped his hat to him stiffly.

“Afternoon, Lucas.”

Lucas sighed wearily and stood from his chair. As if he needed anymore problems right now. Nathan wasn’t exactly the first person he wanted to talk to right now. In fact, they had rarely even crossed paths since Elizabeth and him had had that….”encounter” last week.

Clearing his throat, Lucas attempted a civil tone of voice. “Afternoon Constable. What can I do for you?”

Nathan waved him off. “Oh, it’s not me.”

Lucas’ brow rose in confusion. “I beg your pardon?”

Suddenly Jeanette came bounding in the door, a basket clutched in her arms. “Lucas! You’ll never guess what I found!”

Lucas nearly fell back in his chair. His sister looked like she’d been caught in a mud slide. Her clothes were crusted over from top to bottom in dirt, her hair dangled messily over her eyes, and was that a bandage under that ripped sleeve?

“Jeanie?” Lucas slowly rounded his desk. “What happened to you? I thought I told you to stay at the café.”

She hoisted the basket on top of his desk. “No, you didn’t.”

Lucas walked toward her, knowing full well that she’d heard him. “Yes, I did. I told you….”

Suddenly Jeanette lifted the basket’s lid and Lucas’ mouth dropped open at the sight of two little puppies popping out. Jeanette’s eyes lit up, as she lifted one up, holding it out to him.

“Aren’t they adorable?”

Lucas hesitantly took the fuzzy little hound pup, a thousand questions running through his mind. He looked from his sister to Nathan who’d looked on silently. “Where did you….”

Nathan’s mouth quirked. “I’ll give Jeanie the honor of retelling the rescue story.”

Lucas couldn’t help noticing the looks between Jeanette and the Mountie, or rather the absence of eye contact. Nathan watched her, a thoughtful look on his face. Jeanette seemed to be purposely avoiding his stare, and for some reason Lucas felt his “big-brother protective instincts” rising.

“Thank you, Nathan.” He placed a smile on his face that he hoped was genuine. After all the man had clearly aided his sister in some dangerous escapade and he was genuinely grateful for his help. “Dinner’s on the house for you and Allie tonight.”

Nathan stepped toward the door rather quickly, holding up a hand. “Thank you, but I’ve got other plans.”

Lucas’ brows furrowed in confusion at his unease, and caught Jeanette rolling her eyes. “I see.” He wondered what “plans” he might have, but didn’t press him.

Nathan tipped his hat to them and left, closing the door behind him. Lucas then turned to his sister, raising his brow. Jeanette just smiled brightly, the same heart-melting smile she’d turned on him as child.

“I found them in an old well while I was on my way to the creek.”

Lucas rearranged the squirming pup in his arms, unable to help his delight at the adorableness he held. “And I’m assuming by your appearance that this “rescue” required you to climb down inside this well.”

She shrugged, sinking to sit on the floor, her back against his desk. “Something like that.”

Lucas’ eyes went wide as he saw the red peeking beneath the bandage on her shoulder. She seemed to catch his concern, and cleared her throat. “So, how’d your meeting go?”

Right. That. He sighed, lowering himself to sit beside her. He’d save lecturing her for another day. “Not good.”

She winced sadly, placing a hand on his shoulder. “I’m sorry.”

So was he. His head leaned back to rest on the desk. “I just don’t know what to do. If I can’t get an investor in two days, I’ll have no choice but to shut the entire company down.”

Jeanette ruffled her pup’s fur, her eyes lighting with hope. “Something will come up. It always does.”

Lucas looked helplessly to the ceiling, pulling his puppy pitifully to his chest. “I wish I could be so sure.”

He then felt his sister’s small hand slip through his, as she gave it a firm shake. “Well, I’m sure.” Her eyes shown with confidence. “Everything is going to be just fine.”

Lucas couldn’t help but smile. Jeanette had always been able to chase the clouds away, and make him believe the impossible was possible. If only she could do the same for herself.

He knew there was a lot she was dealing with right now, especially with her being on the run and the whole “secret identity” fiasco. Bill quietly continued to keep him informed on the situation, which gave him a little peace. He still felt terrible for not telling everyone who she really was, but he honestly wanted her to feel confident enough to do it herself.

Her scoundrel of a late-husband really damaged her opinion of herself, and Lucas would probably beat the cad to a pulp if he were still alive. If only he’d known who Scottie really was, he could have tried to save his sister all the heart-break she’d suffered.

Suddenly a small warm tongue lapped at his fingers, and he turned his attention back to the pup who was climbing up his chest. He laughed as it kissed his face, and scratched its soft little head.

“So, what are their names?”

Jeanette giggled as hers chewed playfully on her fingers. “I don’t know. You’re their owner. You tell me.”

Lucas’ brows shot up his head, as he turned toward her. “What? You found them.”

“And now I’m giving them to you.” She raised her puppy and placed it in his lap. Quickly he reached for it before it scampered away, meanwhile trying to hold the other with his other hand. Jeanette smirked at his struggle.

“Consider them a “cheer my big brother up” present.” Suddenly her brows furrowed. “Don’t you like them?”

He cocked his head at her. What kind of question was that? “Of course, I do.” He assured her gently. “I’m just too busy right now for….” Suddenly one pup started violently licking his fingers, as the other rolled onto its back and began kicking his vest.

Lucas watched them, biting back his smile from his on-looking sister. The question of him keeping them suddenly vanished from view. Jeanette giggled as the one shoved its head under his hand.

“I’d say that settles things.”

Lucas didn’t even bother hiding his joy now. “Okay, we’ll share them. Fair?”

Immediately she scooped one puppy up, and placed it in her lap. “Very.”

Lucas just smirked. His sister had wrapped him around her finger the moment she’d been born, but he didn’t mind. He put his arm around her, pulling her close so he could plant a kiss on her head. “Thank you, sis.”

Jeanette just smiled her innocent smile, her eyes lighting up at the pup’s antics. Suddenly her brows rose thoughtfully. “You know….”

Oh, boy. Lucas rolled his eyes, as he smiled knowingly. Jeanette continued unaware. “I think it’s only fair that I get to name one since I found them.”

Lucas laughed, reaching to rub her puppy’s belly. “Well, you did go through quite a bit of trouble for them.”

Jeanette bounced with joy. “Yay!” Grabbing her puppy, she lifted it in front of her. “I shall call you, Annie.”

Lucas’ brow quirked. “Annie?”

“Just look at her.” Jeanette shoved “Annie” in front of his face. “Doesn’t she just look like an Annie to you?”

Lucas grinned, shrugging his shoulders. “Of, course. I don’t know how I didn’t see it before.”

Jeanette scrunched her nose, elbowing him lightly. “Alright, wise guy. What’s your puppy’s name?”

Lucas lifted his pup, his stubby little hound legs dangling over his thumbs. “Sawyer. Like Tom Sawyer.”

Jeanette rolled her eyes dramatically. “You would name him after one of your favorite childhood stories. Ugh, you used to read that book for hours.”

Lucas laughed, remembering her chastising him when they were kids. He used to hide in every little corner he could find so he could keep reading without her finding out. Of course, she only wanted him to stop reading so he could play with her.

Lovingly he looked to his little sister. “Thank you.”

Her brows pinched in confusion. “For what?”

Lucas smiled softly. “Just for being you.”

Jeanette smiled shyly giving him a shove. She never was good at accepting a compliment, but he caught the light sheen of moister over her eyes. Her face then took on a thoughtful look.

“So….do you have any plans for tonight?”

    That's the end of this chapter! I hope you all enjoyed it! Feel free to tell me your thoughts in the comments below or on my Twitter page! Have an amazing weekend! God Bless!

    P.S. Christmas is quickly approaching! Make sure you check the shipping time on your orders to ensure you get them in time for Christmas! https://shop.spreadshirt.com/heart-and-family-mercantile


  1. Hope Hope Hope!!!

    I so needed this chapter!

    Nathan gets to be the rescuer- which is so who he is as a Mountie. I can just see this happening on the show. He and Jeanie are just meant to be!!

    And Puppies!!!

    You stole my heart by bringing puppies into the story. And of course she would give them to Lucas- the dog whisperer! Of course you have no way of knowing that my youngest is named Sawyer- and he hates to be called Tom Sawyer! lol

    I read this and I picture Jeanie as having ADHD. Her character is just so here and there. (My Sawyer's ADHD is pretty severe) I love how you are writing her.

    And our poor Lucas, pining away for Elizabeth- hopefully not too long. And most likely he will see E and N having dinner-- just ugh!! But I know you will make it all perfect in the end.

    What a great chapter, Hope! Enjoyed every word of it!

    Thank you for writing and posting it!

    1. Sue, you make my day with your sweet comments! Thank you so much! Your encouragement is absolutely wonderful and such a blessing to me!

      I'm also so happy you're enjoying both L&E's storyline as well as N&J's. Since this is a "Team Lucas" fanfic I worry if people will not like me having so much of Nathan and Jean's plot in the story, but Jeanie is just such a sweet and fun character to write! I really wish she was on the show. (Especially since I want Lucas and Nathan to be brothers-in-law. :)

      I could tell you what happens with Nathan and Elizabeth but....I'll let you be surprised! ;)

      I'm so glad you enjoyed this chapter, and the puppies! I remember you mentioning to me about your son's name on Twitter when I first brought up the idea of what Lucas could name his dog if he were to get one. What a coincidence about his dislikement over being called "Tom Sawyer." Lol!

      Thank you so much for reading, and the lovely comment! Have a wonderful weekend! God Bless!

    2. I am so glad I can encourage you, we all need some of that now and then!

      As for wondering how people feel about another romance in your story, that is what makes it interesting! Once you read mine (I hope you will in the future) you will see that sometimes I focus a little more on the other characters because- let's face it- we all know that LucaBeth is the endgame from the beginning of the story. In my newest story I actually have two other 'possible' romances going on as well as LucaBeth. And I am having so much fun with it! I hope my readers enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. :)

      I had forgotten I had told you about our livewire Sawyer-which we pronounce Soy-yer. My daughter named him after Sawyer on the show 'Lost'. He was her favorite character on there. lol. His sister Cassi calls him Soy Sauce. :D

      Have a wonderful weekend, Hope!!

    3. So true! Everyone needs encouragement now and again, and I'm so grateful for yours!

      And you make a great point! If someone sees a "Team Lucas" fan writing fan fiction, they already know the ending. Lol! When we add our own characters it lets us open our creative wings and adds a storyline that our readers (And us ourselves sometimes) don't know how it will end.

      I'm still not positive on everything that will happen in my story. I mean I have a lot figured out, but still plans can change. But that's just another great thing about writing! Sometimes you find out right along with the characters. Lol!

      And that's so cute that Sawyer's sister calls him Soy Sauce! Lol! How sweet!

      Thank you so much for your wonderful support! God Bless!

  2. Great chapter! I'm glad that the Nathan/Jeanie dynamic is starting to take off -- I'm really enjoying them together. This is exactly the kind of girl Nathan needs. Lucas is adorable as the loving, protective big brother. And did you just give that man a puppy? Yeah, that just makes him even more adorable :) Sawyer has an excellent owner!

    Can't wait to see how these respective dinner plans go. Will Lucas/Jeanie find out/see Nathan/Elizabeth? I have a few scenarios going through my head, but I'm looking forward to seeing what you do here. Really enjoyed this chapter and can't wait for the next one!

    1. Thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed the chapter! One of the problems with writing fan fiction is that it may never happen in the show. Lol! I've said it over and over, but I think it would just be so cute if Lucas had a little sister! And the idea of him having a puppy just melts my heart. :)

      That dinner is quickly approaching....Boy, Elizabeth's got a lot going on in her life. Lol!

      Thank you so much for reading, and the review! Have a wonderful weekend! God Bless!


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