A Moment in Time: Lucas' Christmas Lanterns

    Good gracious! It's only 9 days until Christmas! Oh, and hi guys! Welcome to today's blog post! I hope you're all doing well, and maybe even enjoying a snow covered wonderland outside.

    Now in case you're wondering yes I am very much aware that Super Channel released a brand new promo for WCTH Season 8. And no I will not be covering it at present as....I haven't seen it. (Audience gasps!) 

    Believe me, I am so curious as to what's in it and I have seen a few pics, however as of the moment I am choosing not to watch it so I can avoid seeing spoilers. I love being surprised and so I will just....have to....wait.... (Breathe, just breathe...)

    Also in case some of you don't know yet, I plan on taking the week of Christmas off from my blog so I won't have a post or any fan fiction next week. However, I couldn't let this holiday season go by without posting something WCTH and Christmassy. (Yes, that is a word. Google it if you must.)

    I had first planned on discussing that cute scene where Elizabeth brought Lucas those cookies, but then I realized that I had to do a different scene first. And if you've read the title then you obviously know what scene I'm talking about. Yes! That wonderful lantern display Lucas put on for the town. (You make your own interpretation as to who "the town" stands for. :)

    While some people said the lanterns were a fire hazard (Which...in a town with all wooden buildings that's also surrounded by trees....yeah.) there were others who thought it was a beautiful event during the holiday season... And also very romantic some might argue. :D

    And so today I shall be breaking it down bit by bit, and discuss it with you all! Shall we? ;)

    So the whole town has come together to have a great big pot-luck after the saloon ran out of food. Everyone has enjoyed a good meal, and is chatting happily.

    We also had Nathan conveniently leave as he just had to go do his rounds right in that moment. I'm just reminded of a comment Chris McNally made about Nathan leaving during an interview. He said, "It was exactly as it was meant to be." Lol! Wasn't it?😂

    Moving on, Lucas sees Elizabeth getting some punch and walks over to her to say hello, which in turn produces this....

    Haha! Try and tell me now, that Lucas isn't the one! Lol! I mean just look at that smile, and all just from the sight of him. (Happy sigh...) Anyhow Lucas tells Elizabeth that Hope Valley deserves its reputation after their generosity that night, and Elizabeth comments how, "It's hard to think of anything else that could top all this." This in turn causes Lucas to mysteriously back away, a mischievous smile on his face as he motions for her to wait a moment. Elizabeth has no idea what he's up to, and watches him with a confused yet intrigued expression.

    (Side note: Did anyone hear those "magical Hallmark sparkles" sound as he backed away? You know, the ones that let you know this is a special or romantic moment.😁)

    Lucas then goes to one of the tables where his little "elves" are sitting and excitedly says, "Let's do it." The kids then all smile and leave to go accomplish their secret mission with Florence.

    (Side note: I think Lucas must be really good friends with Florence as every time there's a group event he's always talking to her in the background. :D )

    Lucas then thanks everyone who showed up for the pot-luck, and asks them to give the people of Hope Valley a round of applause for their warm generosity. This is worth mentioning as he took absolutely no credit for that evening. He could have thanked people for coming to "his saloon" or "his event" but he didn't. He realized that the evening was all thanks to the kind people of Hope Valley and thanked them accordingly.

    He then informs everyone that the night is not over yet, and for everyone to join him outside. Everyone then rises from the tables, grabs their coats, and heads out the door to follow Lucas. Meanwhile Florence and some of the Hope Valley kids are hard at work lighting the paper lanterns they had made earlier that day, and sending them into the night sky.

    All the people flood into the streets, uncertain and extremely curious of what is about to take place. Lucas is in the front, and Elizabeth quickly runs up to him, unsure what is happening. I would like to take this moment and fangirl a bit as Elizabeth didn't have to go stand with Lucas. She could have just stood in the crowd and waited like everyone else, but instead she specifically sought Lucas out, and stood next to him. And....they were really singled out as they stood together at the front of the crowd. Just saying.....😏

    So Elizabeth turns to Lucas and asks, "What is this all about?" To which he ironically replies, " Have a little patience." This man is all about patience. :) Elizabeth then reluctantly says that she'll try.


    After a moment we hear Bill ask, "What exactly are we looking for?" And right after that Elizabeth spots the first lantern peaking over Bill's office and replies softly, "That."

    Everyone watches the lantern rise into the sky, followed shortly by a dozen more, flooding the night sky. Everyone watches with wonder, Rosemary commenting how they're like "little stars," to which Lucas agrees completely.

    Elizabeth is in awe by the lanterns telling Lucas that they're "breath-taking." Lucas then smiles and says, "I was going for spectacular, but breath-taking will do just fine." Elizabeth then looks up at him, her eyes having this glossy/dreamy look and asks how did Lucas pull the whole thing off.

    Lucas answers with a laugh that he had help from some "elves," once again not taking all the credit for himself. That's one of his wonderful qualities, as he humbly gives credit where credit is due, not making everything about himself.


    The whole town watches as the lanterns float over them until they drift off into the distance. (Hopefully not setting fire to any trees. Lol! Honestly, what is it with this guy and fire hazards? ;D )

    The crowd then slowly disperses as Lucas and Elizabeth turn to each other. We then got one of the most romantic moments (For me personally) in the whole Christmas Special. 

    Elizabeth thanks Lucas (Still in awe by the whole event) for the lanterns saying how beautiful they were. She's just so happy in this moment! I mean look at her beaming face! 

    We then got this sweet little moment between them as they just stood there looking at each other, almost a little shyly perhaps. Everyone else had walked away and they were standing in the street together. Add the whole intimate vibe that the night lighting brought, as well as it being Christmastime and BOOM! Instant romance! (Not to mention E&L are just stinking cute together!😍)

    They had such a sweet little moment, even though it only lasted mere seconds.


    They both then seemed to realized they'd better start walking back with everyone else as they were now alone in the middle of the street. Lol! (Maybe they even realize how romantic the moment was. :) And so they started back...together. (Aww!)

    The end!💗

    Now there are two big things I want to point out here. The first would be just Elizabeth's tone of voice and the look on her face as she asked Lucas how he pulled off the lanterns. She was so awe-struck by the display, and her tone of voice with Lucas actually reminded me of the way she'd talk to Jack after he had done something really sweet and thoughtful for her. Which is exactly what Lucas had just done for her here. Sure he wanted to share something from his childhood with the whole town, but he really did it for Elizabeth.

    The second thing I want to mention is the music that was playing as the lanterns floated across the town. Guess what instrument was playing....Yes, you guessed it. A trumpet. Guess who also had trumpets play during big scenes? Yep, no one else then Jack and Elizabeth. Now "granted" Nathan and Elizabeth have also had trumpets play for them as well, but I just thought I'd point out the fact E&L had a significant sounding song playing during this scene.

    Now don't get me wrong. Lucas is not Jack nor will he ever be, and this is perfectly alright as I don't want him to be. He is his own wonderful person. I just think it's worth noting the intimate setting of this scene and how Elizabeth responded. She has a certain tone of voice for different situations, and the fact that her response to Lucas reminded me of when Jack did something romantic for her is a good sign in my book. :)


    And there we have it! A little Team Lucas Christmas for you! :) 

    Thank you so much for reading! So long as all goes according to plan I'll see you this Friday with another chapter of my fan fiction! Feel free to leave your thoughts on this Team Lucas moment below in the comments or on my Twitter page! God Bless!


    P.S. My shop will be having a 15% OFF sale starting tomorrow! Feel free to find your Heartie friends or even yourself a last minute Christmas gift! (Please be sure to check the shipping time to ensure you receive your purchase before Christmas.)



  1. Hello Hope!

    9 days! are you kidding me??!! Good thing my shopping is almost done...

    As for the weather, even in Houston the highs are in the 50's right now which is COLD for south Texas. We are getting some winter in December this year.

    As you probably know, I wasn't shocked...like at all...that you haven't watched the promo. You have the patience of Job...er...Lucas, and I'm all like...give it to me NOW!! Like I said before--polar opposites, even though we are a lot alike in our love for our show. (and our guy) I mean I bet when you were a girl you waited all the way til Christmas to actually open your gifts instead of- ahem- opening them weeks ahead of time and rewrapping them and acting surprised on Christmas morning. I mean, I know someone that actually did that... ;)

    I really don't have a lot to add to what you said about the scene- you pretty much covered it. That girl is all about Lucas. Her smile says everything you need to know about who she is falling for.

    I love how you broke it down and agree with all of it. Her smiles go all the way to her eyes when she looks at him. I'm 99% certain we will get the endgame we want. The writers would really have to pull a rabbit out of a hat to go with Nathan.

    Thank you so much once again for your blog. I always enjoy reading it and it brings me joy.
    Merry Christmas!!

    1. What? Wait all the way until Christmas? Uh...no....I totally didn't do that.....like every time....Lol! Okay, yeah you got me. :D

      And believe me, inside I'm like you when it comes to the promos. I NEED Season 8. Like now. :)
      I honestly do a terrible job at avoiding spoilers, as....I kind of want to see them, and yet I don't...(Sighs with confliction...) I am glad to have some time to finish my fan fiction, but other then that I'm ready to storm Hallmark for that season. Lol!

      And does Elizabeth get the biggest and cutest smiles when she's around Lucas? I honestly feel like I'm too confident at this point that E will pick Lucas, and that I need to brace myself in case she doesn't.

      Thanks so much for reading! You're comments bring me joy! :) Merry Christmas, and God Bless!

  2. Wonderful blog entry!

    This scene was so romantic! There were so many people surrounding L&E, but it felt like they were in their own private bubble. The entire scene is pretty much them either looking up at the sky at the lanterns or into each other's faces - it's beautiful! I agree on Elizabeth having that soft, gentle tone; I love that Lucas matches it when he says, "I was going for 'spectacular', but breathtaking will do just fine..." He starts off talking softly, and by the end, it's becomes a whisper (he also does this in the library scene). Chris is so good at portraying the tender romantic moments.

    I was disappointed that the scene of them alone on the street ended so abruptly. I wish that moment where they stare into each other's eyes had been prolonged because they really were caught up in the moment and then the spell was broken. Ugh! Still, it was adorable. The looks, the smiles, the chemistry...I just adore these two! You did an outstanding job taking us this through this scene :)

    1. Sorry for such a late response. I'm so glad you enjoyed this post! You really put it so well. Despite all the people surrounding them, E&L were in their own little world. Even while the lanterns were flying above them, all they really seemed to notice was either the sky or each other. (Sighs happily....)

      It would have been nice if the scene had been a little longer as it was one of the most romantic in the whole special! These two are just so cute together!

      Thank you so much for reading and the comment! Have a wonderful weekend! God Bless!


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