WCTH Fanfic: Making Sure: Chapter 11


    What? It's Friday? Who knew! Lol! Hello and happy Friday Hearties! I hope you are all doing wonderfully today!

    I am here to give you all the next installment of my fan fiction! I want to thank you guys so, so much for all of your absolutely wonderful feedback, support, and encouragement! You are so sweet and kind, and I want you to know how much I appreciate it! Thank you!

    Well, shall we get right down to business? Here it is for you guys! I hope you enjoy it!


Elizabeth looked herself over once more in the tall mirror Rosemary had lent her. She smoothed her hands down her skirt, turning sideways to get another look at her hair. She hadn’t chosen anything fancy, but she still wanted to look nice.

She glanced at her light pink blouse, and white skirt, her stomach suddenly starting to turn. “What am I doing?” She sighed, looking back quick to the other blouses laying on her bed.

Why on earth had she told Nathan she would dine with him? It was the complete wrong time to be doing this with all the chaos surrounding her right now. And what if Nathan took the whole evening the wrong way? What if she was giving him false hope?

Elizabeth shook her head. Of course, she was. He would see this as a sign of interest on her part for sure, even though she’d been quite clear on her intentions.

And what if Lucas saw her with Nathan? The thought had continually assaulted her throughout the day, and the closer the evening got the more uneasy she felt. She also couldn’t get the memory of their “almost kiss” out of her mind, causing her to stumble and blush in the most awkward times.

A knock sounded on the door, followed by Rosemary’s voice. “Elizabeth?”

Elizabeth worked to compose herself. She was not ready to be interrogated by Rosemary’s “all knowing” intuition. Elizabeth smiled weakly. “Come in.”

The door opened and Rosemary bustled in. “What’s taking you so long?” She’d recovered from her nausea that morning, and after a nap had insisted on being let out of bed. Much to Lee’s dismay.  

She fluttered around the room, grabbing a toy of Little Jack’s off the dresser. “Nathan’s bound to….” Suddenly her eyes landed on Elizabeth and she stopped suddenly, eyeing her clothing. “Why aren’t you dressed yet?”

Elizabeth looked at her friend puzzledly. “I am.”

Rosemary’s expression instantly fell. “Oh.”

Elizabeth began re-examining her outfit, her hands going defensively to her hips. “What’s wrong with this?”

“Nothing.” Rosemary insisted quickly, holding her hand up. She looked again to Elizabeth’s choice of outfit, and winced. “It’s just…very….everydayish. What happened to the dress I gave you?”

Elizabeth sighed wearily, her hands falling to her sides. “Rosemary, this isn’t a date.”

Rosemary rolled her eyes, stepping toward her. “So, you’ve said time and time again, and each time I believed you less.”

Her words only made Elizabeth’s mixed emotions swirl more. “Rosemary….” She warned, but really didn’t know what to say. Was this really a date?

Of course it’s not.” She firmly decided internally. It absolutely wasn’t. It was just two friends sharing a meal. Nothing else.

Suddenly a knock sounded from below, making her jump. A feeling of fear and dread settled over her, and she instantly wondered if it was too late to take cancel. She turned to Rosemary, her eyes wide.

“Maybe this isn’t a good idea.”

“Nonsense.” Rosemary scoffed, batting her words away. “You deserve a night out after all you’ve been through these past few days.”

Rosemary must have seen that she was unconvinced, and came to stand in front of her. “Besides, Clara has already agreed to watch Little Jack, and will be right up-stairs in the café. You have absolutely nothing to worry about.”

If only that were true, but she had a thousand things to worry about. Elizabeth shook her head. “But what if something happens…”

“Elizabeth,” Rosemary placed her hands gently on Elizabeth’s arms, her voice softening. “Nothing is going to happen. Bill has assigned men to watch the row houses, and the café. And you’ll be dinning with Nathan himself. Believe me, everything is going to be fine.”

Elizabeth sighed, seeing the honesty in Rosemary’s words, yet they seemed to bring little comfort. Her heart still stirred anxiously inside her, and she couldn’t calm the restlessness that gripped her so firmly. Why was she so unsettled?

Rosemary eyes took on that knowing look. “Or is this about more than the break in?”

Elizabeth wanted to say no, wanted to pretend her tumbling feelings were nonexistent, but she couldn’t. Not anymore. They’d grown too strong to ignore, adding a strong dose of fear to her twisting stomach. She winced, not able to look her friend in the eye. “Maybe…”

She could feel Rosemary’s eyes watching her. “Perhaps this concerns a certain someone who left flowers for you today?”

The mention of flowers made Elizabeth’s head snap up, and she caught the sparkle in Rosemary’s eye. “How did you…”

Rosemary cut her off quick. “Lee told me everything.”

Elizabeth felt her face fill with heat. Had Lee told her “everything?” Like finding her and Lucas about to kiss on the front porch? Her cheeks grew hotter.

Thankfully Rosemary didn’t seem to notice, or if she had she gracefully ignored it, and just raised her brow. “Well?”

Another knock echoed from below, followed by the sound of the front door opening. Elizabeth gulped. Out of the frying pan and into the fire. At least she could escape Rosemary’s interrogation.

“I’d better go.” She managed through her dry throat, retrieving her coat, and folding it over her arm. “Will you be alright?” Despite Rosemary’s miraculous recovery that afternoon, she still worried about her.

“Oh, I’m perfectly fine.” Rosemary insisted, rushing over to fuss with Elizabeth’s hair. “You heard Carson. It was probably just something I ate or not enough sleep.”

Quickly Rosemary circled around Elizabeth one final time, making sure everything was properly primped and placed. A large smile then formed on her face, obviously satisfied. “Now go.” She laughed, pushing Elizabeth toward the door.

Elizabeth couldn’t help but laugh. She honestly didn’t know what she would do without that girl. She flashed her friend a grateful yet nervous smile, as she walked toward the stairs.

Rosemary grinned back. “Don’t worry about a thing, and most importantly….” She took Elizabeth’s hands, a twinkle in her eye. “Have a wonderful time.”

Elizabeth smiled anxiously, giving her friend’s hands a light squeeze. “Thank you.”

Turning toward the stairs, she took a breath, before she began descending them.

Nathan was talking to Lee in the living room, while Little Jack played in his pen beside them. At the sound of the stairs creaking Nathan looked up, his eyes landing on her. Elizabeth felt her stomach twist, although she wasn’t sure if it was a good feeling or not.

Nathan smiled nervously. “You ah…you look really nice.” Elizabeth couldn’t help but notice the red creeping up his neck, and Lee’s happy smile as he looked on. Again, she wondered if she’d made the right choice, but still gave him a smile.

“Thank you.” Stepping down the final stair, she hoisted her coat from her arms, and began to slip it on. Nathan leaped forward.

“Here, let me.” Her breath caught in her throat as he moved to take hold of her coat. It felt too….date like, but it would be rude to refuse him. After all he was just being polite, and she really did appreciate the gesture. Reluctantly she allowed him to help her.

Suddenly her eyes caught her son’s smiling face, and another thought came to mind. “Are you sure you don’t mind me bringing Little Jack along?”

She’d told him earlier that day about the “addition” to their outing. Jack was only coming so Clara could watch him above the café with Jesse. Nathan had told her he didn’t mind, but she worried he was secretly disappointed they now had a third-wheel.

Nathan smirked and shook his head. “For the fifth time yes, I’m sure. Besides he’s going to have a ton of stuff to do with Jesse and Clara.”

Rosemary lifted Jack from his pen. “Exactly.” Hoisting him onto her hip, she bustled over toward them. “You have nothing to worry about.”

Elizabeth smiled gratefully. She knew she was being a worry-wart, but as far as she was concerned, she had every right to be. “Thank you.” She took Little Jack from Rosemary, pulling him close. His little angel face smiled up at her, and her heart swelled with love for her son.

She then caught Nathan smiling at them. “You ready?”

Smiling stiffly, she nodded. It wasn’t completely a lie, as this was as ready as she’d ever be. Taking a breath, she stepped toward the door.



Nathan had arranged for Henry to drive them to town, as it was quicker, safer, and more…private. It wasn’t that she was ashamed to be seen with Nathan, but people would certainly begin talking if they saw her strolling down the lane with him.

The ride to town was long and painfully silent. Nathan had tried to make some small talk, but it was a bit awkward with Little Jack between them and Henry sitting quietly in the front driving. Elizabeth felt bad as she knew she was probably completely destroying the night Nathan had envisioned for them, but she just couldn’t have agreed to go with him any other way.

Never in a million years would she have left her son while there was someone out to potentially harm them. And she was in no way ready to accept this as a date. Nathan didn’t seem to mind too much so hopefully he wasn’t too disappointed.

Finally, Henry pulled the car up in front of the oil company, and parked. He turned a bit so he could look at them in the back.

“I’ll let you guys walk from here. I know how this town can talk.” He smiled knowingly.

Nathan tapped him on the arm. “Thank you, Henry. I owe you.”

Henry shrugged it off. “Not necessary. Enjoy yourselves.”

Elizabeth looked to him gratefully. “Thank you.”

He smiled warmly at her, but even in the dim light of the evening she could see the dark circles under his eyes. Her heart ached for him, and she wished there was something she could do to help him.

Gowen Petroleum had meant so much to him. She’d never seen him so proud or happy about something. Now it was all gone, and she clearly saw the pain it caused him.

Realizing there was nothing she could do she simply gave him a warm smile, hoping he saw the care and concern there. She then exited the car with Little Jack in tow.

The café was just across the street from Gowen Petroleum, but it seemed like a mile. She was grateful Nathan hadn’t offered his arm to her, as she wouldn’t have had the nerve to take it.

She couldn’t help peering over her shoulder to make sure no one was watching. Especially Lucas. She didn’t know what she’d do if he saw her with Nathan.

Honestly the fact that she was trying to hide the whole evening really made her stomach turn. She felt like she was betraying both Lucas and Nathan by agreeing to this dinner. Yet something in her pressed her forward. Like she needed to do this, if not for herself, then for both Lucas and Nathan.

She was tired of not making decisions. She just hoped that this one wouldn’t end in ruin for everyone involved.

Finally, they reached the café, and Nathan smiled warmly as he opened the door for her. She walked in and was surprised to find the place completely empty. Her heart began pounding as she realized the intimacy of the set up. She’d told Nathan that this wasn’t a date.

Suddenly a sharp pang hit her chest, as an all too familiar moment played before her eyes. Her and Jack’s first date flashed before her as if it had been yesterday. Panic began to take hold of her, choking her resolve. She couldn’t do this.

“I was hoping we’d miss the dinner rush.” Nathan came up from behind her, closing the door. He shrugged his shoulders, giving a small smirk. “Maybe…not have the whole town gossiping about us.”

Elizabeth worked to keep her emotions from showing, attempting to smile back. “I appreciate that.” Her mouth seemed to speak on its own, as her mind was still on the scene before them.

How would she be able to do this? She could never bring herself to sit at that table with Nathan. Yet she knew Nathan had no idea that this had been her and Jack’s first date.

Surly he’d understand if she told him, and wanted to cancel. Yet she also knew she’d feel terrible if she did that to him.

Suddenly she felt his eyes resting on her. He shrugged his shoulders, seeming to sense her uncertainty.

“You know… you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”

She took a breath, determination filling her chest. She could do this. She had to do this.

“Oh, no,” She quickly assured him, although she couldn’t bring herself to meet his gaze. “I do.” Or she sort of did anyway.

Just one step at a time.

Suddenly Clara came through the curtains separating the kitchen from the café. Her eyes lit up at the sight of Little Jack, and she came to stand in front of him. “Hello.” She reached for him, and Elizabeth reluctantly released him to her.

Her empty arms instantly missed his warmth, which had seemed to act as a sort of shield against the night. Now she was on her own. She tried to paste on a smile.

“Thank you so much for doing this, Clara.”

Clara grinned brightly. “It’s my pleasure.” She then looked happily to Little Jack, giving his belly a tickle. “We’re going to have so much fun.”

Elizabeth looked to her son, unable to help the sigh that escaped her. He’d be alright. Right?

Clara must have read her expression, and placed a gentle hand to Elizabeth’s shoulder. “We’ll be fine.”

How many times would she have to hear those words before she’d believe them. She nodded, telling herself she knew Clara was right. Now if only she could be so sure about herself.

Clara then ushered them into the cafe. “Take a seat. Bill will be with you in just a minute.”

Nathan, who’d stood and watched her and Elizabeth’s whole exchange in silence, smiled gratefully. “Thank you.”

Elizabeth gave one last glance at Little Jack before he disappeared behind the curtains with Clara. She swallowed hard, becoming very aware of Nathan’s presence. “Give me strength,” was all she could pray.

Nathan shifted his feet, and gave her a wobbly smile. He seemed just as nervous as she was. Sadly, however, that knowledge did nothing to calm the stirring in her stomach.

He started walking toward a chair….at the same table her and Jack had dined at. Quickly she stepped toward the table across from it, positioned against the wall. Nathan eyed her, seeming confused at first with his brow raised in question. However, he quickly shrugged it off, and joined her.

He moved to pull her chair out, and she nervously let him. This wasn’t a date, but she could at least allow him to be a gentleman. He then walked around the table and took his seat across from her.

Both their eyes found each other, and then instantly dropped. An uncomfortable silence settled between them. Elizabeth looked to her hands folded in front of her. Nathan fidgeted in his chair.

Should she speak first? Or should she wait for him to start the conversation? Honestly, she wished she could go upstairs with Clara and Little Jack.

But with that thought she scolded herself. She was being absolutely ridiculous about this whole evening. Nathan had been kind enough to ask her, and she was ruining the night for him and herself.

Straightening she determined to enjoy the nice outing he’d planned. She opened her mouth to speak, but he cut her off.

“So….” he began slowly. “How’s Little Jack doing?”

Elizabeth sighed with relief at the start of a conversation, despite the knotting of her stomach. “He’s good.” She smiled, happy to talk about her son. “I think he’s finally figured out that 2:00 a.m. isn’t play time.”

Nathan smirked. “Yeah, I remember when Allie was little. She hated going to bed.” He shook his head, a nervous chuckle escaping him. “It would take about three bedtime stories, and two lullabies before she’d finally give in and go to sleep.”

Elizabeth couldn’t help the laugh that escaped her. She could just imagine the fight that spirited girl would put up. “I bet you miss it now.”

Her comment seemed to catch him off guard, causing him to become thoughtful for a moment. “Yeah…” he finally admitted, a look of nostalgia in his gaze. “I suppose I do sometimes. Raising Allie wasn’t always easy. A Mounties’ life doesn’t always make for a lot of family time.”

Didn’t she know that all too well. More often than not Jack’s calling had taken him far from her for weeks to months at a time. She could only imagine the weight Nathan carried trying to do his job, and care for Allie.

“Things got tough sometimes,” He continued. “But I like to hope that I’ve done something right.”

Elizabeth looked at him gently. “You’ve done a wonderful job raising her, Nathan. And I can see how much she looks up to you. You’re her hero.” She tried to will him to see she really meant what she’d said.

The corners of his mouth turned up slightly, hinting that he did. “So,” He seemed to relax a little, his brow raising. “How’s the writing coming?”

Elizabeth winced internally, remembering her large pile of crumpled paper in Lee and Rosemary’s waste bin. “It’s…coming along.” She placed a very fake smile on her lips, hoping he’d buy it.

Nathan’s mouth quirked. “You could try to be a little more convincing.”

She should have known better then to try and fool a Mountie. Her shoulders slumped, as she sighed. “I guess I just haven’t been feeling as inspired lately.” Either that or her mind was so conflicted that the words were being clogged up.

Nathan repositioned himself, his hand going to the back of his neck. “Well, a lot has happened….lately….”

Elizabeth’s eyes came up quick, and she found the deeper meaning in his words. “Yes…” She looked away, smoothing her skirts. She should have had this conversation with him a long time ago. The topic was just so…so…embarrassing.

But she needed to do it. She swallowed, taking a fortifying breath. “Nathan,” The words stuck to her throat. “I…”

“Elizabeth,” The soft tone of his voice caused her to look up. She found his eyes gentle with understanding. “I wasn’t asking for an explanation.”

She winced helplessly, her palms sweating. “You deserve one.”

Nathan shrugged, looking toward the far wall. “I suppose so.” He sat quietly for a moment before looking back to her, his lips forming a slight smile. “But let’s leave that for another time. Let’s just enjoy the evening for now.”

Elizabeth couldn’t help but sigh in relief, as she nodded in agreement. Yet something inside her still stirred restlessly, although she couldn’t figure out why.



Lucas’ breath spilled out into the night, as he quickened his steps. He worked to catch up with Jeanette who was practically dragging him across the street. Despite his protests she’d insisted that she treat him to dinner at the café. It wasn’t that he wasn’t grateful, but after his last encounter with Elizabeth, and his failed attempt at securing an investor, he wasn’t quite in the mood for a night out.

He was also still unnerved by the fact that no one knew that Jeanie was his sister. And then there was the whole problem with Harvey chasing after her, and the break in at Elizabeth’s….

All in all, he really wasn’t up to dinning out that night.

“Jeanie, maybe we should just eat at the saloon tonight.” He attempted, as he quickly jumped up onto the boardwalk so he wouldn’t trip in his sister’s haste. “Gustave made chocolate soufflé.”

Jeanette scoffed, pulling him forward even harder. “You eat there everyday.” Lucas opened his mouth to protest, but she held her finger up to stop him. “No, this is my special treat for my big brother.”

Lucas winced at her confident volume, pulling her to a stop. Had anyone heard her call him that? Quickly Jeanette turned, and wrinkled her nose under his warning glare. “Sorry.”

This was getting to be ridiculous. “Jeanie,” he sighed, pulling her to sit on the bench outside of the library. “You need to tell everyone the truth.”

Jeanette’s eyes dropped to her feet. “I know, and I will. Just….give me a little more time.”

He shook his head. “And just how much time is that?”

She bit her bottom lip, still refusing to look at him. “Just… enough so people can get to know me better.”

Lucas couldn’t help the laugh that escaped him. “I think everyone knows you by now.”

“Not enough.” She winced, her fists clenching. Her eyes looked longingly into the night. “Not the real me.”

His brow raised, as he turned to try and read her expression. “And what’s that supposed to mean?”

“You know.” She fidgeted, wrapping her arms around herself. “Who I really am. Not the girl who flies off her horse in the middle of Main Street, or gets stuck up a tree, or…”

“Or who was once married to a McElroy?” Even as he said the words, he doubted whether he should touch on such a sensitive topic. But he knew his sister, sometimes better then she knew herself it seemed. And he knew what was really holding her back.

His heart ached as he watched her eyes seal shut, her voice becoming quiet. “Or who possibly put the entire town in danger.” She pulled her knees to her chest, burying her face into them.

Lucas’ thoughts tumbled over each other, at his sister’s words. He’d wondered himself at times if Jeanie’s mess with Harvey had anything to do with the man after Elizabeth, but could never connect the two. He leaned his head back against the wall, placing a hand on his sister’s shoulder.

“Jeanie, you have no idea if this whole thing with Elizabeth has anything to do with you.”

She raised her head and looked at him, her brows furrowed. “Well, it sure seems like it. And how would anyone accept me if they knew who I really am?” Her arms flailed out, before she crossed them over her knees.

Lucas felt his heart twist inside him. Gently grabbing her shoulders, he turned her towards him. The unshed tears in her eyes made a pain rise in his chest. “Jeanie.” He looked at her softly. “You are not Scottie. You had nothing to do with his crimes.”

“That’s never mattered before.” She sniffed, losing the battle to keep her tears at bay. “Once people find out I was Scottie McElroy’s wife they assume I’m just as dirty as he was.”

Lucas’ blood boiled remembering the remarks he’d heard people make about his sister. How could people be so shallow? Especially to a young widow who had gone through all she had?

“They were small minded old maids who thrived on gossip.” Lucas chided himself on his choice of words, but couldn’t deny them as the truth. “The people of Hope Valley are different. They believe in second chances. You just need to let them see who you are right here.”

He pointed a finger to her heart, flashing her a loving smile. “Because if they see you the way I do, the entire town is going to love with you.”

A wobbly grin formed on Jeanette’s lips as she wiped her eyes. “You know, for a bossy big brother, you can be really sweet sometimes.”

Lucas’ spirits lifted at the slight sparkle of hope he saw in his sister’s eyes. That girl was so strong, it made his chest swell with pride. She still had a ways to go before finally healing from the grief and trauma of her past. But her being in Hope Valley with him now was a great start.

“Come on.” He playfully nudged her arm. “Let’s get inside before people start thinking we’re a couple.”

Jeanette snorted, rising from the bench. “Right.” For some reason her smile seemed more like a wince. “We wouldn’t want that.”

She sounded almost nervous for some reason, but he chose to overlook it for now. Maybe he was just being paranoid. They started off again, and soon came to Abigail’s Café.

He couldn’t help feeling something was off as he and Jeanette climbed the café steps, although he had no idea why. He opened the door for his sister, following behind as she entered.

The first thing that caught his attention was all the empty tables, but that wasn’t abnormal for the time of night. His eyes went over the room, before opening wide at the sight before him. There was Elizabeth sitting at a table with no one else then Nathan Grant.



    As a certain famous pig once said, "That's all folks!" :D I hope this has been a blessing to you! Feel free to share your thoughts below in the comments or on my Twitter page! Thank you all so much for reading! Have a fantastic weekend! God Bless! 


P.S. Are you ready for WCTH Season 8? Find some fun merch to wear for the big day!


  1. Well...just...ugh!!

    So, you really left me hanging right there? At the cafe? With Lucas seeing them?

    And I thought I was your friend and you liked me.

    I was going to leave you a nice review, then you left me dangling over a cliff..so I'm too mad to.


    Just kidding. This was a great chapter! I loved Elizabeth nervousness and uncertainty about her 'date' with Nathan. I am still hoping that Rosemary is pregnant.

    But, not only was Lucas surprised to see them together, Elizabeth will also get to test her own jealousy over seeing Lucas have dinner with his sister- that she doesn't know is his sister.

    Your story has me totally captivated! Thanks again!


    1. Mawhaahaa! (Villainous laughter) Operation "cliffhanger" is now complete!

      Lol! ;)

      I'm so glad you enjoyed the chapter, despite a certain dinner scene with a certain someone...:) I know that is pretty much the exact opposite of what we hope to see, but I couldn't have written all the fun stuff to follow without it. (Opps! Did I say that out loud? Lol!)

      I promise not to keep you hanging forever. ;) Can't wait to hear your thoughts on next week's chapter!

      Thank you so much for reading! Have a wonderful weekend! God Bless!

  2. I enjoyed this chapter regardless of all the Nathan in it lol. I know that having Elizabeth and Nathan go to dinner together might seem like an unpopular opinion, but I think it makes sense as far Elizabeth needing to "be sure." It can be argued that it creates a little fairness as well (although it doesn't change who is in Elizabeth's heart :) ).

    I like that Elizabeth chose not to wear the dress that Rosemary had given her and decided to go with something everyday-ish. I'm also glad that there was awkwardness between Elizabeth and Nathan. That ending needed to happen so I was all for it! Can't wait to read about the fallout in next week's chapter!

    1. Thank you so much! I'm happy to hear you enjoyed it!

      I totally agree with you. I would actually be okay if E had a dinner with N so long as it helped her realize who is really in her heart. She really hasn't gone on any romantic outings with N and I think it could really help her figure some things out.

      I also figured there was enough awkwardness between them as well, to help smooth things over. Lol!

      Thank you so much for reading and the feedback! Hope you're having a great weekend! God Bless!


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