What's Next for #TeamClasse?


    Will Jesse ever build that house? When will Clara become pregnant? Will Jesse have what me and my friends refer to as his "Christmas hair?" Lol!

    Hello Hearties! I hope you're having a great week so far, and finding fun ways to keep from melting like butter in this summer heat. So if you haven't figured it out by now, (Which you obviously have) this post is all about Team Classe and what the future may hold for them in Season 8! (Or at least what I hope it could. :) These two have overcome a lot in their lives, and are crazy about each other, yet they always seem to sit a little lower on the character totem poll. But for me personally, I'd actually sit them a little higher then Faith and Carson, and a little lower then the Coulters. 

    Well, let's get to it!

Home Sweet Home



    So, obviously my huge question is.....Will Jesse FINALLY build him and Clara's dream house? It's definitely time for it according to my book. He's found the girl he wants to spend the rest of his life with, married her, and has the money to buy a nice (Less rocky) piece of land. Plus with all the promotions Lee has given him, I'd imagine that has certainly helped his financial situation. So....where's the house, man?

    I totally believe that this would be a great season for Jesse to build him and Clara's house. Before him and Clara were getting engaged, and then married, and had some obstacles to overcome. But now they are living in their newlywed stage of life, and its a great time for Jesse to build their forever home!

    Will it actually happen? I have no idea. Due to COVID I wonder if their budget got cut at all, and so that would make it harder to take on a big project like that. But this is just me speculating, not facts. I think (If we minus COVID restrictions) that this would be the perfect season to have Jesse finally build that house he's been talking about and I would be so happy if he did! (Please, WCTH writers?)

Maybe a Baby?


    This girl was already talking about having a baby toward the end of last season. And while I believe that a different couple sort of has first dibs on a pregnancy story (And you all know who I'm talking about!) I wouldn't object to seeing the Flynns expecting a baby this season or next season. It could be so fun!

    Clara would totally have to have a girl. NO EXCEPTIONS. And Jesse would absolutely flip out. (First from excitement, and then from fear. Lol!)

    Now I really have my doubts as to when this would happen. Things in Hope Valley tend to happen pretty slowly and so maybe this would be something that happens at the end of the season? Yet I'm not even sure about that. Still it's a fun idea and one I hope to see played out either this season or in the next one. (Should we have one, of course. ;)

First Fight?


    As for something I think could happen this next season that's not so big as a house or a child, I think Jesse and Clara are due to have their first married fight. Oh, yes they've had plenty of disagreements during the course of their relationship, but never while they were married. I'm thinking along the lines of Lee and Rosemary's big fight about her driving his car, resulting in her staying with Elizabeth for the night. You know, something silly but would get their blood boiling. 

    Something like maybe Jesse said the wrong thing about one of Clara's dress designs, and she took it way too personally. Then Jesse would get kicked to the dog house, go to Lee for help, then Lee and Rosemary become involved, and before you know it Lee is taking Jesse's side while Rosemary is taking Clara's side, and now everyone's arguing. Lol! It wouldn't be anything serious. Just something small and sort of silly that's resolved by the end of the episode. It would make for some heart touching moments by the end, Jesse and Clara learning and growing in their marriage, and some hilarious scenes!

A Blast From the Past


    I also think that it's about time that we learn more about these two's pasts. I believe that both Jesse and Clara's parents have died, and both of them have had quite a lot of trauma in their lives. Maybe this season the writers could take us deeper with these characters and bring some of their pasts to light. Maybe one of them just brings up a random fact one day that causes the other to ask more questions. Or maybe someone from one of their pasts comes to Hope Valley. Perhaps one of them has a family member that they never knew about, or never told anyone about? There are so many possibilities here, and each would allow us to learn more about one or both of these characters.

A Little Drama, Anyone?


    Another idea that a friend of mine suggested to me is sort of a flip the coin on its head idea. Clara's greatest fear has always been that she would again lose the man she loves. Last season we saw that fear in her before her wedding and then when Jesse was out in the woods. However we have never seen Jesse in that sort of situation where he realizes he could lose Clara. Now if you know me at all you'll know that I love romance and drama. So I think it would be fun to sort of reverse the roles for say and have Clara be the one in danger with Jesse worrying about her! (Yay! Drama!)

First Christmas


    And for the final idea for these two I realized that Jesse and Clara's first Christmas as a married couple is coming up! That's a very special event and I think it would be fun and cute if they spent this Christmas Special trying to find each other the perfect gift. It would also be sweet to especially see Clara search far and wide for Jesse's gift as usually we always see Jesse giving her the perfect gift, but not usually vise versa. 

    So I think it would be fun if Clara overheard Jesse say something he wanted and moved Heaven and earth to try and get it for him. Maybe her and Rosemary would go on an adventure out of town in search of it, get stuck, and Jesse and Lee would come after them. This would combine my previous topic of some drama, and in the end both of them would realize that the best Christmas gift is just each other. (Everyone say it together.... Awwww! Lol!)

    These are just a few ideas  for Team Classe in Season 8! Well, we only have around 4 months left to wait until the Christmas Special! (We can do this! Right?)

    Thank you so much for reading! Feel free to let me know your hopes for Jesse and Clara in Season 8 down in the comments below or on my Twitter page! God Bless!


  1. You have great thoughts on what could happen for the Flynn's! Wouldn't it be interesting if they do indeed have their first married fight over something Jesse says that Clara takes personally, he's confused outside his mind about her reaction, and then we find out Clara is pregnant? Pregnancy hormones could certainly account for her taking something too personally!

    Great write up, and I hope some of these do indeed happen :)

    1. Thank you! And that's a fun idea! Clara would get all upset over something small or silly, Jesse would have no idea why, and then they find out that they're expecting! Great idea!

      Thank you for sharing and for the comment! God Bless!


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