WCTH Fanfic: Making Sure: Chapter 8


    Surprise, surprise! Happy Monday Hearties! Now yes, I know that me posting on a Monday is quite strange, but I have a good reason. I didn't post anything this past Friday, as I needed a bit more time to finish up my latest fanfic chapter! Sorry once again for all the delays. Boy, these characters don't like to make things easy for me! They just have so many thoughts, and feelings, and EMOTIONS! Lol!  Thank you all so much for your patience! I'm very excited that it's FINALLY done, and I can share it with you guys!

    Well, without further ado, here is Chapter 8 of Making Sure! I hope you enjoy it!




Elizabeth felt her heart drop to her feet, as Nathan’s words raced through her mind.

Someone broke into your house.

Her body felt numb, as she worked to swallow the lump in her throat. “Are you sure?” The words barely made it past her lips.

Nathan looked at her sadly, and nodded. “Yes. The boots we found matched the prints in your house, and…” He hesitated, before reaching into his coat pocket. “There was also this…”

A chill crawled down her spine as she saw her son’s toy dog in his hand. She hadn’t been able to find it after that stormy night. She’d figured that she had just misplaced it.

Her hands shook as she reached out to take it. Her fingers rubbed across the rough felt fabric, gritting her teeth. “Where did you find this?”

“It was in a saddle bag at an old camp site in the woods, just outside of Jed Campbell’s farm.” He explained, the words seeming to pain him to say. “It was the same place we found those boots.”

Elizabeth’s head jerked up at the “we” part. Had he told someone else? Her brows raised, as she eyed him. “We?”

Nathan seemed confused at first, then his eyes dropped, and he shifted uncomfortably. “I’d …. helped someone prior to finding the camp.” Elizabeth was still puzzled by his words, but he quickly changed the subject. “Do the initials J.J. mean anything to you?”

Elizabeth racked her mind, trying to think if she knew anyone with those initials. Yet she came up with nothing. “No. Why?”

“They were engraved on the bag. He replied. “As well as…..” Again, he hesitated, seeming unsure whether or not to continue.  “The… gun we found in it.”

Elizabeth’s mouth dropped open, her brows shooting up her head. “The gun.” This was too much. Her mind began racing, panic setting in. “So, someone with the initials J.J. and a gun broke into my house so they can steal my son’s favorite toy?”

Even in her shocked state she knew how crazy that sounded. Yet it was the truth. “W-why would someone….”

Elizabeth stopped suddenly as Nathan rested a hand on her shoulder, his voice softening. “Elizabeth, I don’t mean to scare you. I’m just trying to help you understand how serious this situation really is.”

Elizabeth’s mind went from his serious tone of voice to the warmth from his hand. It was a comforting feeling knowing he cared, yet the action made her uneasy at the same time. Carefully she thought over his words, realizing that this whole situation didn’t make sense. Unless….

“So, someone took my son’s toy…” She started.

“To use as a calling card.” Nathan finished for her, and she felt the blood drain from her face. That was what she had feared. Someone was using her son to bait her, and the realization terrified her and caused her blood to boil.

Nathan’s shoulders dropped a bit. “Elizabeth that bag was just hanging right in plain sight for anyone to see. And the fact that someone went through that much trouble, tells me that this is personal.”

Personal? How could it be personal if she didn’t even know who’d done this? However, that wasn’t the most important thing right now. What matter was keeping her son safe.

Determinedly, she raised her chin. “So, what do we do?”

“We take extra precaution.” Nathan explained. “Bill and I have already set up an undercover round the clock watch. What I need you to do is never be alone. Whether you’re going into town, or staying at home, both you and Little Jack need someone with you at all times.”

Elizabeth titled her head. “What about school?”

“We have two days until you have to go back.” He answered. “Let’s just take things one step at a time.”

She didn’t like the idea of her teaching being disturbed, but he was right. One step at a time. She nodded in agreement. “Okay.”

Nathan’s eyes soften, his voice gentle, but sure. “I don’t want you to worry. I just want you to be safe. I’m not going to let anything happen to you or Jack. Do you trust me?”

Elizabeth looked at the man dressed in red serge before her and knew that she did. He’d do all he could to keep her, her son, and the entire town safe. “I do.” She answered, willing him to see she meant it. “Thank you, Nathan. For everything. I really appreciate it.”

Nathan gave a small smile. “You’re welcome.”

Silence settled between them, and Elizabeth fought for something to say. There was so much she could, or rather should say yet couldn’t bring herself to right then. Finding nothing more to discuss, or nothing that she wanted to discuss, she just gave him a smile, and turned toward the house. “Well I guess I’d better get inside.”

He let her go without saying anything, causing her to wonder if she’d been too blunt, as she climbed the porch steps.

“Elizabeth…” She turned back quick to find Nathan still standing there. He twisted his gloves in his hands, his mouth moving but the words refusing to come. “I…um….”

Come on, Nathan. She silently encouraged him. Just say it. But then she thought of the things he might want to talk about, and suddenly she wondered if she wanted him to say it.

Finally, he shrugged, turning to go. “Never mind.”

Well, now she had to know. She took a step toward him. “What is it?”

He smiled weakly, looking to his hands. “It’s not the right time.”

Suddenly she understood. He was still waiting for an answer to his dinner invitation. Well, it appeared it was time for another uncomfortable conversation. She took a fortifying breath, descending the porch stairs.

“Nathan, you’ve been so kind to me, and…. I know what happened between us last week may have…complicated things.” She cringed internally at her words. Oh, why was it so hard to talk about that hug? Quickly she shook her embarrassment off. “But I need to be honest with you.”

Nathan nodded, shifting uncomfortably. “Okay.”

Elizabeth sighed. You can do this. “I’m so grateful for all that you’ve done for me and Little Jack, and it was really sweet of you to ask me to dinner, but….”

“But?” He said it as a question, but seemed to know where this was going. Elizabeth sighed, willing herself to go on.

“But if you were hoping this would be something…. more… than I’m sorry but I have to decline.” Her words seemed to come out in a single breath. She looked to Nathan, trying to read his response.

“I see.” He nodded understandingly, but she could see the disappointment in his face. She winced inside, knowing she should have cleared things up with him much sooner.

“I’m sorry.” She tried, hating the guilty feeling in her stomach. “I’m just…. not ready to be more than friends…with anyone right now.”

Nathan looked to her, a faint sparkle in his eye. “So, you’re saying that if I asked you to have dinner with me… as a friend…. you’d accept?”

Elizabeth’s eyes widened. She wasn’t expecting that. She fumbled for a response, unsure what to say. “I don’t know.”

“It wouldn’t be a date.” He quickly added. “Just…. a parent thanking the town’s amazing teacher for all the hard work she’s done.”

That actually didn’t sound so bad. Or wrong. There was nothing wrong in dinning with friends. Right? “Perhaps.” She hesitated.

Nathan smiled, his eyes taking on a shine. “Does seven o’clock at the café tomorrow work?”

Well, he sure didn’t waste any time! But the less amount of time she had to sit and come up with excuses on why not to go the better. More than anything she wanted this tension between her, Lucas, and Nathan to be resolved. She felt she owed it to herself, and Nathan to go.

She nodded a bit stiffly, placing a small smile on her face. “That would be fine.”

Nathan grinned, and she immediately wished she could take her response back. Oh, she prayed she wasn’t giving him the wrong idea. She’d clearly stated that she wouldn’t consider this a date.

“Great.” He set his Stetson on his head. “I’ll pick you up at seven then.” He tipped his hat to her, and turned to leave. Then suddenly he turned back quick. “For safety reasons, of course.” He held his hands up as he slowly backed away. “Because this is not a date.”

Elizabeth couldn’t help but smile, despite her inner turmoil. At least he’d gotten that part. Or at least she hoped he had.



Inside the Coulter’s guest room, Elizabeth ran her hand over Jack’s head, listening to his soft breathing as he slept in his crib. He was so peaceful, unlike her restless heart.

Rosemary had been asleep when she’d entered the Coulter’s house, and Lee had been reading on the settee. She’d expected Lee to turn white at her news, but it was rather her who was surprised to find out that he already knew.

Apparently, Bill had thought it prudent to let him know since Elizabeth was staying with him, and the Coulter’s house was right next to hers’. Lee then informed her that he’d be spending another night on the settee keeping watch, this time with a rifle. Elizabeth hadn’t the strength to argue, nor did she want to.

Why did someone want to hurt her? She couldn’t think of anyone she’d offended or who had a grudge against her. Fingering her son’s small felt toy, an icy chill gripped her heart.

If this crook’s intention had been to frighten her, he’d done his job well. Yet at the same time, he had no idea what he was in for. No one with ill intent was going to step a toe toward her son. Not one inch.

Suddenly she began wondering if Bill would lend her a rifle, even though she had no idea how to use it. Maybe Nathan could give her a quick run-through? And that reminded her of the fact that she now had dinner plans with the man.

Oh, why had she said yes? She wasn’t ready for a relationship yet, and that’s exactly why Nathan had asked her out. She’d been so worried about hurting him or Lucas and now she’d gone and done this.

And what would people think if they saw her and Nathan sitting together? The gossip was dying down since she’d thrown herself at him, but it would start right back up again if people saw them having dinner together.

But it wasn’t even the gossip that troubled her the most. For some reason all she could think about was Lucas. She’d already hurt him once. And after all she’d told him about her not being ready yet. There was no doubt he’d take this the wrong way if he found out.

But she needed to sort her feelings out once and for all. That was the real reason she’d accepted. Rosemary was right in the fact that she’d never figure things out if she kept hiding from either suitor.

And this wasn’t a date. Just two friends enjoying a meal together. There was nothing wrong in that. Of course, that’s what she’d said about her trip to Union City with Lucas, and she’d seen the way Nathan had reacted.

Would Lucas act the same way? Would he become jealous and hurt? Or would he not care? Suddenly she found herself wondering if she would care if he didn’t.

“Why is this happening to me?” She sighed, rubbing her hands over her eyes. Walking to the large plush chair in the corner she collapsed into it, exhaling back into the cushions. Raising her hand, she eyed the gold bands on her finger.

Never did she dream that she’d be in this situation. She’d thought she had known what her life was going to be after marrying Jack. A house, children, and a life full of joy with her husband by her side. Things had been so much easier with Jack.

Well, that wasn’t really the truth. They’d certainly had plenty of hardships and struggles to overcome, but they always did in the end. And she had always known deep down that Jack was the one. Now she was so confused.

Suddenly Rosemary’s words from that afternoon came to mind. “That you have feelings for Lucas.”

Did she? Every time she was around him, she seemed to have a hard time breathing. Her stomach would flip-flop at the sight of him, and whenever they were close, she felt drawn to him yet like she needed to run.

But that wasn’t love, right? Her mind jolted at the sudden appearance of the “L word.” Where had that come from?

She sighed, her head falling into her hands. “Show me what to do.” She prayed, tears stinging the back of her eyes. “Please show me what to do.” Too tired to think anymore, she rose from the chair, and prepared for bed.



Two hours later Elizabeth sat upright in bed. Her body was so extremely exhausted, but her mind refused to relax and allow her to sleep. Funny, as she didn’t seem to have any trouble drifting off at the movie that night.

Wincing at the memory, she tossed the quilts to the side, donned her robe and slippers, and started toward the door. She stopped quick and looked down at Jack, who was still sleeping soundly in his crib. She smiled lovingly at him, lightly touching his arm. “I love you, my sweet boy.”

As stealthily as she could, she crept down the hall, and tip toed down the stairs. Maybe a cup of tea would help her finally drift off to sleep.

She reached the landing, and jumped at the sound of Lee snoring on the settee. She descended the last few stairs as silently as she could, praying that she wouldn’t wake him. He had enough to deal with, without her interrupting his sleep.

Creeping into the kitchen she went to the stove and slowly lifted the kettle. Empty. She winced, disappointedly.

Glancing at the water pitcher at the wash basin she found it to be empty also. She shuddered thinking about stepping into the dark and cold night to pump more water. What if someone was just sitting out there waiting for her?

No, she’d make some hot chocolate instead. Quietly she set to work mixing it up, and put the kettle on to heat it.

As she waited, she suddenly realized that she needed to use the outhouse. Oh, why now? It was pitch black outside, and freezing. And it had been her back door that she had thought she heard close that night. What if the crook was planning on breaking in the same way here tonight?

But no matter how many reasons she came up with not to go outside, her body denied them all. There was no arguing the matter.

Hesitantly she retrieved her coat off the rack as quietly as she could, and walked to the back door. She gulped, sending a prayer up for her safety, before she slowly turned the door knob, and stepped outside.

A bitter wind swirled around her, making her skin prickle. Hope Valley was having a very cold Fall. She pulled her coat more tightly around her, and crept toward the small wooden structure. Her teeth chattered as she reached it, whether from the cold or fear she didn’t know. Quickly she went inside, shutting the door on the frigid night behind her.

She finished her business quickly, and nearly ran back to the house. Well, no one had got her yet. She scolded herself on her lack of faith. She’d prayed for protection, and now she just had to trust that God would give it to her.

She reached the door, and went to turn the knob. Suddenly her blood went cold. It was locked.

She started to panic. How was it locked? Had Lee woken up, saw the unlocked door, and locked her out by mistake? Had someone else?

A cold wind bristled past her and she ducked her head down in her coat. Her legs shook, guarded by only the bottom of her long coat and her thin night gown. Oh, why hadn’t she worn her stockings tonight?

Maybe somehow the front door would be unlocked? She knew it wouldn’t be, but she figured she should try all her options first before waking Lee up. She shook her head in embarrassment. So much for not disturbing him.

Using her icicle feeling fingers she pulled her coat tighter around her, and made her way around the house. Her heavy breaths fogged in the light of her lantern, and she strained her ears for any slight noise. “God will protect me.” She repeated to herself. “I’m fine. I’m fine.”

Carefully she looked ahead of her out into the street. All seemed calm and peaceful. She’d be safe.

She began to round the corner, when suddenly she ran straight into a man’s chest. She nearly screamed as she jerked back, two hands catching her as she tripped over her own feet.

“Elizabeth!” A familiar voice whispered loudly. “Elizabeth! It’s me!”

Elizabeth stopped her thrashing long enough to recognize the man who held her. “Lucas?”

He breathed raggedly, his eyes wide in the light of the lantern she’d somehow managed to hold onto during the struggle. “Are you okay?”

She pulled back, glaring at him. “What are you doing here?”

He shoved his hands in his pockets. “I could ask you the same thing.”

Elizabeth crossed her arms, fighting the chill. “I asked you first.”

Lucas looked to his feet, then down the road, seeming to stumble for an answer. “I’m…. helping the night watch.”

“Oh.” Elizabeth shifted uncomfortably. “You know?”

He winced, seeming to read her discomfort. “Jeanie over-heard Nathan telling Bill.”

“I see.” Elizabeth couldn’t help feeling a bit miffed at Jeanie, even though she knew the news about the break in was bound to get out at some point.

A few seconds passed between them, before Lucas eventually spoke. “Are you okay?”

With the shock subsiding, she nodded. “Yes, just startled.”

“Good,” He answered, offering to take her lantern for her. “But that wasn’t exactly what I meant.”

Elizabeth tilted her head, as she handed the light to him, unsure exactly what he did mean. His gaze softened, and he shrugged his shoulders.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

Oh. That’s what he meant. Elizabeth sighed, walking to the porch. “I didn’t want to tell anyone.” She lowered herself onto the top step, looking out over the road. “I wasn’t even sure about it until tonight when Nathan told me.”

Lucas seated himself next to her, placing his rifle to the side. His face twisted. “When he walked you home?”

“Yes.” Elizabeth exhaled, realizing Lucas had been affected by her choice to let Nathan walk her home. Why did things have to be so complicated? Didn’t he trust her? Then again, after he’d witnessed the hug, she’d given Nathan, she understood his feelings.

Glancing at him, she saw his brows furrowed, as he seemed to fight for the words to say. “Elizabeth, about… what happened tonight….”

Elizabeth suddenly felt a bit panicked as she realized what Lucas was about to talk about. She was still so embarrassed that she’d fallen asleep on his shoulder. Quickly, she fought for something to say to sway the conversation. “Lucas I….” She tried, but he carried on.

“I’m sorry.”

Elizabeth stared at him puzzledly. He was sorry?

“I should have woken you up the minute I saw you were asleep.” His words all tumbled out in one breath. “You were just so exhausted, and I thought I could wake you up before…”

“Lucas.” Elizabeth gently touched his arm, causing him to stop mid-sentence and look at her. Her heart was a mixture of emotions as she saw the panic in his eyes. He truly felt bad about embarrassing her, and her heart was touched at his concern. Yet she wasn’t quite ready to broach that subject for reasons other than worry of the town gossiping.

Instead she smiled gently, her voice growing soft. “Thank you.” He seemed to understand, and nodded, a look of relief on his face.

Again, an awkward silence fell between them. Elizabeth sat looking out over the road before them, wondering if she should say something.

“I finally read the chapter you left me.” Elizabeth’s head came up at Lucas’ words, her heart suddenly starting to pound. She’d forgotten all about the chapter she’d left him. Her thoughts started to whirl. Had he liked it?

She turned to try and read his expression. “And?”

Lucas grinned, giving a light laugh. “It’s very good.”

Elizabeth couldn’t help the smile that came across her face, or the sigh of relief that followed. “Thank you.”

She then noticed Lucas became thoughtful, as if he had something more he wanted to say. “Is there something else?” She prompted.

He seemed to wince unsurely, before he finally spoke. “I am curious, though, about Elsa’s reluctance to let Luther court her.”

Elizabeth was taken back a bit at his statement. He’d commented before about her work, often good things, but this was the first time he’d actually questioned one of her characters. “She’s not reluctant.” She insisted, although she doubted her words in her head.

Lucas smirked, raising a brow at her. “She’s turned down Luther two times for a date, and she refused his offer to walk her home.”

“She’s just being cautious.” Elizabeth suddenly felt uncomfortable, feeling the need to defend her character.

Lucas looked back to his hands, becoming thoughtful again. Eventually he spoke, his voice a little lower. “I think she’s scared.”

Elizabeth’s eyes widened at his statement. “She’s not scared.”

Lucas turned toward her, looking a little amused. “She practically ran when Luther asked her out on a simple picnic.”

“It wasn’t that simple.” Elizabeth retorted, unsure where her sudden frustration was coming from. “Accepting would have given him the wrong idea.”

Lucas cocked his head, one brow raised. “Which is?”

Elizabeth attempted to calm her swirling emotions. “That she’s not ready for a relationship yet.”

Lucas smiled. “Which proves my point.”

Elizabeth failed to see the point in this whole conversation. She looked at him impatiently. “Which is?”

“That’s she’s scared to love again.” He answered gently, yet with confidence. “To open her heart again. To take a risk. She’s already lost her first love. Now she’s afraid of losing her second.”

Elizabeth was taken back at his boldness, or perhaps the honesty in his words. Yet she couldn’t help but feel annoyed at him.

“Well, she’d hardly call it love just yet.” She straightened her coat, becoming a little irritated with him.

“I think Luther might.” Lucas countered, almost defensively.  “But Elsa’s just too afraid to admit she feels anything for anyone.”

Elizabeth grit her teeth at his bold claim. Who was he to say how she was feeling? Err…Her character Elsa, of course. “Well, that would be very presumptuous on Luther’s part.” She shivered, pulling her coat tighter around her.

“Maybe so.” Lucas suddenly began unbuttoning his coat, seeming to grow a little irritated himself. “But all he can do is presume if she keeps running from him every time she feels something.”

He shirked the coat off and before she knew it, he draped it over her legs like a blanket. How was it that he was still a gentleman even in the middle of an argument? Warmth filled her chest at his concern, yet at the same time she realized that this was their first real fight.

He tucked the thick material around her, murmuring something under his breath. “And her accepting the doctor’s invitation to dinner would definitely give him the wrong idea.”

She barely caught the words, but they sent her blood boiling. Now he was judging Elsa’s character? She pressed her lips tight, fighting to keep her voice even. “He’s just a friend.” She put emphasis on the “friend” part.  Honestly why were they even discussing this? It was just plain ridiculous.

Lucas snorted. “Who would be more at the slightest bit of encouragement from her.”

Elizabeth raised her chin, turning to stare out across the road. “Well, that’s really none of Luther’s business.”

Lucas stuffed his hands under his arms, looking to his feet. “I suppose so.”

Suddenly there was a rustling against the side of the house. Elizabeth froze, straining to see into the dark passage between the houses. Was someone there?

Lucas quietly reached for his rifle, never taking his eyes from the spot they’d heard the noise come from. He slid slightly more in front of her, maybe trying to shield her from whatever was there. Elizabeth felt her heart pounding in her ears.

Like a bolt of lightning, something darted out in front of them. Elizabeth gasped, jerking toward Lucas, who raised his gun to fire. A small bunny stopped in front of the house, scratched its ear, and then sped off for the nearest bush.

Elizabeth exhaled deeply, willing her racing heart to stop. It was just a harmless bunny. She was embarrassed at how jumpy she’d become, yet she couldn’t help it. How was she to know if something was a dangerous criminal or a baby animal?

She felt Lucas sigh against her, as he rested his gun back on the porch. She could hear his heart beating furiously clear through his suit jacket, and once again she realized that she was holding onto him. Slowly she pulled away, instantly missing the warmth and security she’d felt against him.

As she pulled back, she caught his gaze, and stopped cold as his brown eyes locked on hers. Her pulse sped, their faces mere inches apart. A lock of hair draped over her one eye, and her breath caught in her throat, as Lucas cautiously raised his hand to brush it back.

Her skin burned at his touch, as he rested his thumb on her cheek, though his dark eyes said he was unsure if he should. His breathing was soft and ragged, as his eyes slowly dropped to her lips.

“Get out of here!” Her brain screamed at her. “You can’t do this!” Yet somehow, she felt herself leaning forward. Lucas’ hand cradled her cheek, gently drawing her closer. Her eyes started to drift shut, as she felt his warm breath against her face.

The door behind them flung open. Elizabeth jerked back from Lucas as if he were on fire, heat instantly filling her face. What was she doing?

Her and Lucas both jumped up at once, turning to find Lee standing in the doorway. His face twisted in confusion, as he crossed his arms to fight the chill.

“What are you two doing out here?”

“Nothing.” They both responded at the same time. Lucas looked to his feet, while Elizabeth pulled her coat tighter around her. She fumbled for something to say, but her mind seemed to be working in slow motion.

“We were just…. discussing….my book.” She managed weakly. “That’s all.”

Lee stared at them, raising a brow. “Isn’t it a bit late for that? Besides it’s freezing out here.” He then shivered as if making his point, rubbing his hands over his arms.

Lucas fidgeted, looking down the street. “I…hadn’t noticed.”

Elizabeth felt her face burn even hotter, and she didn’t dare look at him. She needed to get out of there. Now.

She cleared her throat, and nearly ran up the porch steps. “I’d better go check on Jack.” She brushed passed Lee, without a single glance at Lucas. “Goodnight Mr. Bouchard.”

She caught his, “Goodnight, Mrs. Thornton,” just before Lee closed the door. She walked quickly to the stairs, looking to avoid any and all questions from Lee, but he followed after her.

“Mr. Bouchard?” Elizabeth caught the question in his words, yet couldn’t bring herself to look at him. Oh, to be locked behind her bedroom door right now. Or to wake up and realize this was all a dream.

“Is everything okay?” Lee asked, concern in his voice.

Finally, she managed to look at him, and gave a small smile. “Yes.” She tried to sound as normal as possible. “Everything is fine. Goodnight.” And she sped up the steps, trying not to wake the sleeping members of the house.

“Goodnight?” Lee called softly behind her, clearly confused, but there was no possible way she was going back down to explain. She dashed for her door, fumbling with the knob before she finally opened it. Entering the room, she locked the door tight before she fell back against it, breathing hard. What had she done? Or rather almost done.



Nathan sat in his hiding spot among the trees, a perfect view of the row houses before him. His heart was such a mixture of emotions. He had joy at the thought of taking Elizabeth to dinner. He still couldn’t believe that she’d agreed, even though he knew it wasn’t the “date” he’d first envisioned.

He was also confused remembering Lucas and Elizabeth’s seemingly un-pleasant exchange a moment earlier. He’d been looking through his binoculars when he’d caught the two of them together. Their faces told him that they were arguing about something. And watching Lucas tuck his coat around Elizabeth had only made his jaw clench.

He felt wrong spying, but he was responsible for Elizabeth’s safety after all. And… okay his curiosity had gotten the better of him. But no one was perfect.

He’d then dropped his binoculars suddenly at the sight of Lucas raising his rifle at something. He’d started to run out, when he’d seen the bunny dart out and stopped. He wasn’t so sure what happened after that. By the time he’d found the binoculars he’d dropped in the bushes, Elizabeth was going in the house. But she sure had seemed in a hurry.

He grit his teeth, thinking how that man could have said something to hurt Elizabeth. He didn’t even know why Lucas was there. He wasn’t a part of the night watch, and as far as he knew Lucas didn’t even know about the break in. Yet the sight of his rifle seemed to say otherwise.

Lucas had then continued to sit on the porch, his expression unreadable. Oh, why wouldn’t he just leave Elizabeth alone? Nathan just didn’t know what to think about that man. Lucas seemed nice enough, but he knew all too well that looks and words were deceiving. And never again would he sit by and helplessly watch a woman he cared about be hurt by another man.

Suddenly he found Jeanie’s tear-filled eyes flashing before him. His heart had ached inside him at the sight of her wiping that stray tear away. And he knew it had been more than a love of dogs that had caused it to fall.

Jeanie put on such a bright and fearless front, but he could see past it to the fragile heart she possessed. Someone had hurt her. He could see it in her eyes. An aching filled those violet depths. A longing for something more. Acceptance maybe? Or maybe just someone she could trust.

Again, her incredible voice floated through his head, as she’d been singing in that tree. She’d sounded so angelic, yet she seemed to deny that there was anything special about it. Is that how she viewed herself in general? Nothing special?

He shook his head from his wonderings, turning his attention back to his job at hand. If only he could figure out who was behind all of this. He’d never forgive himself if something happened to Elizabeth or Little Jack.

Sending up a prayer for strength and guidance, he stared out into the night. He’d failed too many people in his life, and he didn’t intend to fail now. As long as his heart was still beating, he’d do everything in his power to keep everyone safe.

A Message for my Readers

    I know there were a lot of delays in getting this chapter out to you guys, which I apologize for. Between the break I took from posting on my blog, and the added week I gave myself for this chapter....yeah it took a bit longer to get out. (Sorry!)

    And now I regret to inform you that I'm labeling these last eight chapters I've posted as Part 1 of my story. When I first started posting chapters I had a nice sort of build up of story and I could just keeping posting on schedule. But after I ran out I found that one week is just not enough time for me to write a new chapter for you guys at the quality I would like. It's very stressful, and I put a lot of pressure on myself to get the next part out to you. Which makes me rush things, and not do as good of a job as I could have. (All of which is my fault.)

    You guys have been so wonderful and such a blessing to me. One of my favorite parts about writing fan fiction truly is hearing what you thought of it, and knowing that you enjoyed it. So don't take this to mean that I'm not posting anymore fan fiction, as that is not the case at all. I just want to slow things down, and be able to write these chapters at my own speed.

    I'm unsure at the moment when I will post the next chapter (Which I've yet to write) but rest assured this story is far from over. I can't wait to give you more of the story, as I have some really fun chapters planned!

    Thank you all so so much for all your amazing support, encouragement, feedback, and love. You guys make my day, and I'm so grateful God has blessed me with you!

    Thank you so much for reading! Please feel free to tell me what you thought of the chapter in the comments below or on my Twitter page. God Bless!


  1. First of all, I know I am a bit impatient, but it's only because your story is so compelling and well written. I hope I'm not the reason you felt a need to rush. Mainly I like to joke around with you, but your chapters are always worth the wait. Never feel a need to get something out there quickly!

    And second of all--this chapter!! Oh my gosh, that scene with Lucas on the porch was perfection! I am glad you took the time to get it just right, because it was, just right.

    I am always in awe of your imagination. I absolutely loved the conversation about Luther and Elsa that E and L were having. Of course, both of them- and the reader- knew that they weren't talking exclusively about the book characters. That was so well done- bravo!!

    I will PATIENTLY wait for part two to begin- I promise I'll be good! ;)

    Thank you so much for your story, it always makes me smile.


  2. Thank you so much! Your comments always brighten my day, and I love hearing from you! Please do not feel bad at all! It's not your fault I can't write a chapter in a week. Lol! I've just realized I need more time to compose these chapters and needed a break from trying to meet my self-imposed deadline.

    As for the chapter itself, I'm so glad you like it! I love the idea of Lucas and Elizabeth arguing using her characters to mask the fact that they were really talking about themselves. Lol! I actually wish that would happen in the show as I think it would be so fun! And I will totally let you know when Part 2 has begun! Your continual support has been so wonderful! Thank you so much! God Bless!

  3. Loved this chapter so much!! I'm glad you took your time with it because it hit all the beats! That E&L scene was beautiful and I enjoyed picturing it in my head...especially that almost kiss *sigh* I love that despite their argument, like you wrote, Lucas is such a gentleman. I hope Elizabeth realizes how lucky she would be to have a guy like him as a life partner. He's just so sweet and so thoughtful. It's like that scene in 7x09 in front of the mercantile when he not only apologizes for sending her chapters in, but goes on to say he's learned his lesson. He's not proud or arrogant to admit when he's made a mistake (also that "humble pie" scene comes to mind.) He is the ideal man...and Elizabeth needs to figure that out.

    I liked the Nathan/Elizabeth scene as well...you wrote their awkwardness perfectly. If I were Nathan, I'd be embarrassed that this woman was having such a hard time wanting to go out with me in any capacity lol. I'm curious to see how this dinner between them goes and if Llucas finds out and how Jeanette might react if she's working at that time.

    As a fellow fanfiction writer, I totally get how difficult it is to stick to deadlines. I've broken them more times than I can count. I'm glad you're setting your own pace, which you absolutely deserve to do and we'll all learn to be patient knowing it will be worth it! After all, you've given us some beautiful chapters already that I know I will be re-reading plenty of times!

    I do have one question: When Elizabeth says Elsa would hardly call it love yet and Lucas counters that Luther might...is he implying that Luther "might" already love Elsa or that Luther thinks Elsa "might" love him? I guess it's open for interpretation but I thought I'd ask lol.

    1. Aww! Thank you so much! I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed the chapter. (Even the N&E scene. ;) I had to be careful when writing the emotions for that one! And Lucas is truly such a sweet and thoughtful guy! You make a good point in that he will come right out and admit when he was in the wrong, and do it humbly and sincerely. That is such a wonderful trait and I hope Elizabeth doesn't pass this great guy by.

      And thank you so much for understanding about me setting my own pace! But do know I have some fun and exciting scenes planned for Part 2! ;)

      And Lucas was implying that Luther might already love Elsa. Sorry for the confusion! :) Thank you so much for your support and the comment! I truly appreciate it! God Bless!

  4. You are so great and wonderful...your storytelling keeps me on the edge of my seat....I love how you brought Nathan and Lucas into the story...Luther and Elsa was perfection..for Elizabeth to realize she is writing about herself...it was funny...Lucas wants answers but for her to see what the story is all about...Nathan watching on as things unfolds in his eyes..wish he would like Lucas but he is so competitive..love Lucas and Elizabeth closeness..can’t wait for the next chapter...please take as long as you need...I know it will be beautifully written...thank you so much..loved every word!!!..the only person I can think of breaking into her house is...I’ll let you tell me..I will give you my answer after yours!!!..love you girl..thanks for entertaining us💕💕💕💕

    1. Thank you so much! You are so sweet!💕 I can't take credit for the writing as it's thanks to God that I can write anything at all, but I'm so grateful for all your support and encouragement! God Bless!

    2. And I look forward to hearing who you think broke into Elizabeth's house! ;)

  5. I just stumbled upon this story. I hope life allows you time to continue this story. It is very well written and I was honestly disappointed when I came to the end of the current chapters. I look forward to reading more if you continue. However, I understand how much work a ff story can be. I started one years ago. It took a year to get 10k words. Never got around to the edit process.

    1. Thank you so much! I so appreciate that! I absolutely plan to continue the story. I'm not sure exactly when I'll post the next chapter, but please know I do plan to continue.

      Thank you so much for your support! God Bless!


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