Let's Talk About Season 8


    Greetings Hearties! Yes, I'm back! For anyone who didn't see my message on Twitter last week, I took a week off from my blog. So if you were wondering where I was no I didn't fall off the face of the earth. Lol! 

    Now I do have some news to tell you, good and bad. First off I'm afraid I don't have the next chapter of my fan fiction for you this week. Sorry! It's been giving me a bit of trouble, and by waiting an extra week I now have more time to work out the kinks and not stress about having it done in time for Friday. Again, sorry!

    But the good news is that I plan to debut a new Team Lucas fan video this Friday instead! I've had this project in the works for awhile now, but fan fiction took over and I never finished it until now. So be on the lookout for it this Friday!

    So, onto today's post! I'm here to discuss a super, highly important topic. That's right. Season 8.

    I haven't said a whole lot on the topic, and upon realizing that I knew I had to put a post together detailing things I've seen and heard so far, and my thoughts on them. We've gotten a fair amount of BTS pics and even a few videos for this upcoming season, and it's very exciting! So let's dive right in!

Who's Back?



    So far I have seen every single main character back on set. (Yay!) Erin, Jack, Chris, Kevin, Pascal, Kavan, Paul, Andrea, Aren, Eva, Loretta, Johannah, Kayla, and Ben are back! (Shoof! That's a lot of names!)

    Above is a fun pic Paul Greene posted of some of the cast mates together. Looks like Jesse's hair has grown out again, and Fiona might have gotten hers trimmed. And is that Faith's ankles showing! (Gasp!)

    But this does mean that Faith is coming back! I know I've said that Team Infirmary is not my favorite, and they still aren't, but I can see just how much they love each other which is sweet! Carson is going to be SO happy! And last but certainly not least Hickam is back! Yippee!!!


    Now for the two main male characters that everyone has been talking about since Season 6, they took a bit longer to find. The first time I saw Kevin McGarry was in an Instagram Story with Jack Wagner of them getting their makeup done on set. Sadly, however, I could not find the video anywhere to link it for you guys. But believe me, he's there!

    Now Chris McNally was especially hard to find. (What gives, man?) However he eventually showed his face. (Well, sort of...)



    See that mask and sunglasses clad face in the back of this picture sitting next to Martin Cummins? Yep! That's him! (Shoof! Okay, Team Lucas. We can rest easy now. :D )

    And speaking of Martin Cummins....


    Alright guys. This guy just won the internet. Lol! 



    And of course I can't forget about the Hope Valley kids! They're all back! Robert, Timmy, Anna, Laura, Allie, and Opal! Am I forgetting anyone? Hmm....Of course!


    Little Jack!!!!! Yay! So glad to see his sweet face back in Hope Valley!

Social Distancing


    This by far holds even more questions then even the triangle itself. With the new restrictions, rules, and protocols due to COVID-19 I'm extremely curious as to how this might effect the show. Honestly I'm hoping that everything will appear normal with no glaring signs that they're social distancing. Erin has stated in a news article that they have started filming earlier so that they can "take advantage of some of Vancouver’s gorgeous summer weather."


    She also explained how the production of Season 8 would work with the new COVID rules.

    "We’re operating in pods, [meaning] teams of people generally in the same department, and will be working to avoid crossover between them as much as possible. We’re aiming to film scenes outdoors as much as possible. And yes, masks for everyone but the actors in scenes."

    Here's the link if you'd like to read the article for yourselves. https://www.etonline.com/when-calls-the-heart-star-erin-krakow-shares-season-8-production-update-exclusive-149384

    Outside scenes could be fun. I would LOVE to see Nathan's idea of a baseball game come to life, and  this is the perfect opportunity for it! I also think a church picnic could be really fun too! Maybe even a boat, or a horse drawn carriage ride for Elizabeth and a certain someone.... (Wink, wink)

    Now obviously the huge question that has been on my mind is, "Are there going to be less hand holding, hugs, kisses, etc. due to COVID?" I mean, let's be honest, this show is all about romance. Plus we've now got probably the most important season coming up as I'm pretty darn positive that Elizabeth is going to make her choice this Season. (If she hasn't already.) That would obviously mean that she's probably going to have a first kiss with the guy she chooses. Will these protocols effect that? Will there be less romance? Sadly, I don't have any answers to these questions. But I refuse to believe that there would be no hugging and kissing throughout this whole season, and so I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens. 

    Apparently the rule is that the actors are allowed to have romantic scenes so long as they are comfortable with it. So hopefully with all the precautions the cast and crew are taking everything will be fine and we'll get that highly anticipated kiss between Elizabeth and _________  (Maybe Brian Bird or John Tinker would like to insert a name here? Lol!)


A Horse Is a Horse, of Course, of Course



    Alright, now. Let's calm down. Yes, I'm well aware that that's Elizabeth sitting atop that horse. And yes, I'm also aware that the horse appears to be Newton. (AKA Nathan's horse.) Hearties have been wondering what this may mean for Season 8. Does this prove Elizabeth picked Nathan, and etc.

    Here's the thing. This picture doesn't explain why Erin is on that horse. Now any Team Nathan fans reading this are probably rolling their eyes right now and saying, "Of course you would say that. You're Team Lucas." Which you are completely right. As a Team Lucas fan I really don't want to believe that this picture is a sign of her picking Nathan. However the reality is that we really don't know why Erin is riding that horse. It could be for a scene. It could be they were practicing a scene and Erin just used that horse to practice, and then switched to hers. Or it could just be that Erin had a break from filming and wanted to go for a ride. Maybe she volunteered to bring the horse back to its pen because they were done filming with him. There was no statement giving as to why she's riding that horse and so everything right now is just an assumption. But it sure makes you wonder alright.


Pot Stirring

    And finally....(Sigh...) the last thing I'm going to talk about is good old Papa Bird, and his pot stirring words. I associate his pot stirring words with a love/hate attitude. It's always fun to hear his comments, and wonder what on earth they might mean. Plus it adds lots of excitement for the future season. However....they also can add lots of anxiety with this triangle going on, and, like I said before, leave you wondering, WHAT DOES THIS MEAN??? Lol! So I have two examples of some fine pot-stirring by our beloved Brian Bird.

    So first Brian Bird posted a picture of a script from Season 8. It's the script for the very first episode of the season (Not the Christmas Special I believe) and he had this to say.


    (Crosses arms grumpily) Come on, Papa Heartie! What does "BOOM" mean? I could probably list SO many things that I think it could mean, but there is totally a chance that it pertains to the infamous love triangle. At least I hope it does anyway. :)

    Moving on, around three weeks passed before he struck again with yet another picture of a Season 8 script. This time I believe it may be the script for the second episode as the first one had "#HM8001" printed on it while this new one read, "HM8002." But again this is just my assumption. If you go to Crown Media Press they have an archive of the WCTH seasons and looking at S7 the episodes are listed as 7001, 7002, and so on. This gives me the impression that "HM8002" might mean the second episode of Season 8, but that's just me guessing.

    Anyhow he had this to say....

    Can't you try, Brian? Then maybe you could tell us a little about what this title means...

    Honestly, Elizabeth? Is that the episode title? The scene title? GAGH! Oh, Papa Bird...Why? WHY? (Breath....breath...)

    This is some super interesting stuff here. First off, should this be the episode title, this is the first time a character's name has been a part of it. Secondly, this is what appears to be the second episode. What happens in it to warrant the possible title of "Honestly, Elizabeth?" Also what happens in it that makes Papa Heartie's heart re-locate? Oh, it's already started! I've got more questions then I've got answers! Then again I've had questions ever since that cliffhanger. :D

    Well, that's all for this post. It's really fun to see all these BTS pictures and I'm so happy everyone is back working on Season 8! I'm not sure how long I'll be looking for these BTS pics and videos as I don't want to spoil too much, but it's fun for now! Besides, we only have to wait around 135 days until the Christmas Special right? (But that's only IF its debuted on Christmas like the other movies. A date has not been released  for it yet.)

    Thank you so much for reading! Feel free to comment your thoughts below, and remember to check back Friday for the special debut of my newest Team Lucas fan video! God Bless!


  1. I am so glad you are back! Last week was sooo longggg! (can you hear me whine?)

    Loved this post. BB's two pot-stirring tweets have caused much stir on social media. As for 'boom', of course it could be an actual boom. Some type of explosion perhaps? Maybe someone is hurt or missing? Maybe that causes a face to face in the next episode with feelings revealed. One possibility.

    Or, could be something big happening in the triangle, a decision perhaps. Or we find out some secret someone is hiding.

    Personally, the 'honestly, Elizabeth' episode/scene has me believing Lucas will finally reveal his feelings to Elizabeth. We all know he loves her, and most likely she does too- she isn't a novice at love- but he has never said the words. Of course, like you, I am totally Team Lucas, so that is probably driving that thought. Maybe he backs away because of the hug and she finally confronts him about it. Could be very emotional.

    Looking forward to seeing how things look- will we be able to tell it is filmed under covid rules? Mostly I look forward to seeing my favorite show and town again, with all my favorite people. Hoping against hope that the triangle ends early, and we can move on to a romance- with Lucas of course.

    Thank you so much for your blog!! You are amazing!!!

    blessings, :)

  2. Aww! Thanks, girl! You've been amazing yourself! An actual explosion could be so exciting and dramatic. It also would kind of break the normal "first episode rule" of not a lot of drama taking place in the starting episode. It also would totally bring feelings to the surface if one of the guys is involved.
    Plot-twist idea: What if Elizabeth was the one who's involved, and it makes Lucas blurt out his true feelings to her? That's the hopeless romantic in me coming out but it could be so exciting!

    However I'm not really sure that the "boom" is an actual explosion. I'm thinking it could do with some kind of drama but maybe it's something someone or like you said, some secret come to light. (Taps foot waiting for Christmastime to come....)

    Why is the off-season so long!?! Lol! Thank you so much for the comment! God Bless!

  3. Lucas has always used the word Honest when talking to Elizabeth.

  4. Great thoughts! My theory for Elizabeth being on Newton, with that look on her face, is that either Nathan or Allie got hurt, most likely Allie. I kinda doubt they would have Nathan hurt after people thought he could have died in the finale. I'm guessing Allie gets hurt, Nathan sends Elizabeth on Newton to get help, and then Carson comes with that wagon we've been seeing around set with those two big horses. Just my theory, though. I could be completely off base.

    Good to see you back!

    1. Sorry for the late response! Yeah, I'm really not sure what is happening in that picture. There are so many possibilities! Her face is more intense, but once again she could be acting or just on a break from filming. So many questions, with no answers.... :D


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