A Little More On Season 8 (Updated)


WARNING! If you don't like spoilers, you should skip this post. Just letting you know! :)

    Hey, everyone! Welcome to another Wednesday! I hope you're all doing marvelously this August day. Now I had planned on doing a completely different post today talking about what I thought could be next for #TeamClasse. But then....something happened. And my plans suddenly flew out the window, and now I'm here to talk about two particular photos of Lucas that a lot of Hearties have been discussing. I'll also talk about a video that Jack Wagner posted of him, Kevin McGarry, and someone I've never seen.

    Well, let's get into the post!  (By the way, aren't the Taylor twins so cute in this pic? :)

To Beard or Not to Beard?

    Things are getting hairy here! Lol! So the other day I was on Social Media when all of a sudden I saw these two brand new pictures of Chris McNally on set. He was all dressed up in his suave suit as usual, and sitting in a chair on one of the row houses porches. He was also sporting...well you can see for yourself.


    Whoa! Just look at that beard! Here's a sideways view if you'd like.

    Oh, boy. Where do I begin? Okay, first off it's wonderful to finally have some pics of Chris, as we all know he's been pretty....non-existent in all these BTS photos we've been seeing. However....that beard has me asking a lot of questions.

    It's so different then the neatly trimmed Lucas I'm used to seeing. Personally I liked his previous look better, but that's just me. Some people like the new look, while others...not so much. However, I'm not sure if he's keeping it the whole season or not. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

    Now the obvious question is, why did he grow it that long? I have a couple thoughts on that.

    First off, maybe it's just because Chris himself wanted it that long and so he talked the crew into letting him keep it. I knew he'd grown his hair out during quarantine, but I didn't know the beard would be staying. If this is the case, and he just wanted it that way, then the answer is super simple and may mean nothing storywise for Season 8.

    However should this actually be due to the story in S8, oh boy do I have questions!

    Did he grow it out because of the hug? Oh, how dramatic would that be? (I'm not swooning. You are! Lol!) It would show just how much Elizabeth meant to him, and how heartbroken he was at seeing her hug Nathan. 



    I'd previously stated that I thought I'd seen the chair Chris is sitting in on Nathan's porch, but now I don't know that it was. I saw Allie sitting on a row home's porch with a chair behind her that I had thought was the same one, but that was when Nathan was out of town and she was staying with Opal. So much for that theory for now. Sorry for the mix up. I should have fact checked.


    FYI, in case you didn't know...(Stop singing Brett Young everyone.) There are only two actual row homes, which are decorated differently depending on who's home it is. (Now you know!)

    Anyhow, back to the beard. Maybe Lucas grew it out due to all the stress of running the oil company. Did he take a long business trip to find investors for the oil company, and let it grow out? This brings me to my next point.


Got Any Luggage?

    Awhile back John Tinker shared a picture of some props for Season 8. Now I didn't have the pics (I really should save things like this when I see them.) and so a fellow Heartie was so kind and sent them to me to use here. (You know who you are. Thank you!) And those props in the pics happened to be some luggage, with the question, "Who could have booked passage into...or out of...Hope Valley?" (I'm assuming he meant passage.)



    Now the first logical thought is that this could be Faith coming back from Medical School. That seems very probable. And looking closely we can see that there is a large suitcase, a smaller bag, and a sort of file folder or briefcase. There are also two suitcases behind them, but I'm mainly focusing on the matching set of three. These bags also would line up with Faith coming back. She'd have all her clothes, maybe some souvenirs, perhaps some medical books, and then maybe some documents in the briefcase.

    However, these could also belong to someone coming back from a long business trip. Someone like...I don't know...maybe Mr. Bouchard? Now this is purely me tossing ideas around, but that would be really sweet if Lucas had tirelessly traveled from place to place trying to save the oil company. He could have done it to save all those people's jobs, and maybe for a certain lady.....(Wink, wink...)

    One final thought is that it could be Lucas' mother's luggage! Maybe she's come to town to visit her son, and meet the amazing writer he's been telling her about. Then she'll see how sad Lucas is, talk some sense into both him and Elizabeth, and BOOM! A Team Lucas ending! (Yay! Lol!)

    There could be a thousand and one reasons for that luggage, but it's always so fun to guess! Who knows? Maybe those bags will be nothing more then a prop in the background? Or maybe not....



    Finally the last BTS tid-bit I wanted to talk about is this fun video Jack Wagner posted for #MountieMonday. https://www.instagram.com/p/CEAVfnLpVNL/?igshid=2h7zocgpco17

    Lol! Thanks for bringing a smile to my day Mr. Wagner! Aside from this giving me a good laugh, there was a super obvious fact here. Who is that other guy in the red serge!?! He appears to be a Sergeant, and chances are he's there to see Nathan. Maybe he's rewarding him for catching Elias and his brave actions when Jenny pulled that gun on them? Maybe he's giving Nathan a new case to work on? He could be offering him a new posting, but we already had that in this past Christmas Special so I'm not sure if that would be it. Especially since Nathan has already made his choice to make Hope Valley his home, but you never know.

    And there we have it! A bit more Season 8 info to chew on! (As if we need anymore to think about with this crazy triangle...Lol!) 

    Now this is an odd request in a sense, but I do ask for everyone to please not tell me any spoilers in the comments here or on my Twitter. Soon I'm going to reach a point where I'll have to avoid looking at a lot of my social media feeds as I truly do want to be surprised by the majority of the season. I know. I write about a show every week, and yet I don't want to spoil things. Wonderful combination, isn't it? :D

    Thank you all so much for reading! Do feel free to comment your thoughts on these BTS pics and video below in the comments or on my Twitter page. (Just pretty please no spoilers! :) God Bless!


  1. Well, I'm as in the dark as you are at this point, so I don't have any spoilers to share, but when the season starts you better believe I'll be looking for every one! I wouldn't even mind if someone spoiled the end of the triangle for me, but that's just me. :) (I won't share anything I find out here, I know we are polar opposites in that and I respect that)

    So, the beard. I have a few thoughts on that as well that kind of align with yours. Perhaps he just wanted to keep his quarantine beard and they agreed. Or maybe, he will be a bit more unkempt the first couple of episodes- could be why we didn't see any early pics of Chris- because of the hug. That would kind of be along the lines of the fanfic I wrote. It is a bit of a lumberjack look, maybe he will be chopping wood soon?... haha!! Or the one I don't like to think about, they turn him dark. I can't really see that happening, just wanted to throw it out there.

    I actually don't mind the beard, good grief the man is handsome in every pic I see, but if we do get a kiss this season, I would prefer it shorter. I don't want any hindrance to seeing their first lip lock!! But, that is just minor, I'll take that LucaBeth kiss any way I can get it!

    Thanks for the blog! You always keep my mind turning. If I think of anything else, I'll post another comment.


    1. Sorry for the late response! And thanks for your respect on my "no spoilers request." I like to be surprised by the season, yet I always end up seeing something before the season starts. :D (I think I need more self-control. Lol!)

      And wood chopping? Yes please! If Elizabeth saw him chopping wood, this triangle might be over fast. Lol!

      I don't think that he's going to turn dark either, but that beard kind of has some villain vibes going on, you know? Lol! I too personally prefer his more trimmed look, and hope the beard doesn't stay the whole season. It could make the story even more dramatic if he had it for the first few episodes! But again I'm with you in that if we get a kiss this season I would prefer it shorter too. ;)

      Thank you for the comment! I always look forward to hearing your thoughts! God Bless!

  2. Great post, as usual! I almost forgot you posted today, because I'm taking a Twitter break and didn't have that to remind me! But I've been loving the BTS stuff we're getting. It's so good. Those pics of Lucas....oh boy. I prefer the more clean cut look myself, but I'm very interested to know why Lucas has such a bushy beard. We know Chris McNally likes having facial hair, so it's possible it's a personal preference, but who knows? Can't wait to find out!

    That other Mountie is played by an actor who has been in quite a few Hallmark movies. He's really good! I always enjoy seeing him in the films, so when I saw that video I miiiight have squealed with excitement, lol. I'm also wondering why there's another, high ranking Mountie in Hope Valley. Also, did you see the videos Jack Wagner posted today? One on his IG page and one on his IG story....so good! Lol, he called it Mountie Wednesday, and it's him and Kevin singing. Those two need to start a band....amazing voices!

    Great post, as always. Today was rather rough, so it was nice to read something fun and positive. God bless!

    1. Thank you! And good for you taking a break! We all need to do that every no and then, as Twitter can be SO time consuming. (I speak this from personal experience. Lol!)

      And yes, it's so fun to get these BTS pics! I too prefer Lucas' more trimmed look, but like you I'm very curious why it's so long this season!

      I didn't know the new Mountie has been in Hallmark movies. I wonder why he's come to Hope Valley? He could be an old friend of Bill's or there to reward Nathan like I mentioned above. (Sigh...so many questions....Lol!)

      And yes I saw the video Jack Wagner posted on Instagram! It's fun to hear Kevin sing, and he's got a nice voice too! It would be fun to see a quick video of all the cats who can sing, do a song together! I didn't see the video in Jack Insta Story, however. Maybe I'll be able to find it still.

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts and for the comment! I'm sorry your day was rough! Hopefully today will be much better! God Bless!

  3. maybe the suitcases are from Lee and Rosemary coming back from their trip and maybe the new mountie is a friend of bills and giving nathan award god bless team nathan

    1. All those are good points! I never thought about it but those suitcases really could belong to Lee and Rosemary! Thanks for sharing! God Bless!


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