What If....

    Hey, hey, hey Hearties! Welcome back to yet another post on this here blog. Today's post was not exactly what I had planned, but I'm rolling with it! Last Friday, as I was getting ready to post the blog for that day, I had an idea.

    I'm always, always coming up with plot lines and stories for WCTH. (A running line between me and my friend is, "Why can't we write the show!?!") I'm also sure that I'm not the only one who's done this, and so for this post I thought I would share some fun ideas I have for WCTH.

    I also would like to hear from you guys too! Please feel free to share your WCTH hopes and dreams in the comments below, or on my Twitter page! (After reading this of course!) Then next week I'll pick a couple, and share them in my next blog post! (Blog comments will be responded to via email!)

    Now without further ado, my version of what WCTH could look like! (Please keep in mind that I'm a hopeless romantic, and I LOVE drama! ;)

#1. Lucas and Elizabeth fall in love.

    Now you may be shaking your head right now saying, "That's obvious." While that's true, I don't want to settle for them just falling in love. I want the story to shine! I want to feel my heart burst with joy, and to cry sad and happy tears! (Cough) Anyway...

    In simple words, I'm hoping for a really great, and dramatic story! It has to involve Lucas' past, and maybe some extra added drama, from an external disaster. BUT....NO drama like Season 2!!! There can absolutely be some competition from the guys, and Elizabeth going back and forth between them, but NOT with the stress of Season 2! Just, no.

#2. Competition between Lucas and Nathan!

    Let the games begin! I want to see some cake auction, tug of war, and test your strength competition between these guys!

#3. A new girl comes to town, runs the cafe, and falls in love with Nathan!

    Now before Team Nathan begins throwing tomatoes at me, please hear me out. I also have a sort of Plan B for Lucas as well, if Elizabeth doesn't pick him. Patience please.
    This idea would actually solve a few problems. First off, Nathan could fall for her, and not Fiona. I know that I put out a post about those two, but I'd really like to see another girl come to Hope Valley for him. (And another guy come for Fiona. More on that in a bit.)
    It also would solve the absence at Abigail's Cafe. Bill already has a new job to deal with, and Clara...No...Just no... (This wedding will push her to her working limits.) Just picture this...

    This new girl would be a sweet girl from a small town, coming to get a fresh start in life after dumping her controlling fiance. Bill will hire her after tasting her amazing muffins, and then, in would walk Nathan. Sparks would fly from the moment they locked eyes, and although Nathan is currently trying to win Elizabeth's heart, he can't deny his feeling for this girl. Then in rides the jilted fiance. (Dum dum dum!) He would demand she return home, even going so far as to threaten her. Nathan then shows up, beating up the evil man, and rescuing the girl he now realizes that he loves. And they live happily ever after! (Bows. Thank you, thank you...)

#4 Fiona falls for a cowboy!

    What? A cowboy? Yes, a cowboy. It could be really fun!
    Picture a rough, and charming cowboy with a dark past he's running from. He shows up in town, and the spunky city girl captures his heart! If you've ever seen one of the Love Comes Softly movies you'll kinda get the vibe.
    I know this is sort of an out-of-the-box idea, but you never know!

#5 Fiona falls for a British man?

    This idea actually just came to me as I was typing the topic above. What if Hope Valley had a British man come to town? That could be fun! Even if he didn't go with Fiona that might be a good idea.

#6 There's a real bear on the loose!

    They live surrounded by forest and we've never had a wild animal sighting. (Except for some snakes.) Now of course it's not that easy to get a bear on set, but I just think that it could be a fun idea. If not a bear then maybe some wolves or coyotes?

#7 Someone gets sick or hurt.

    Yes, we have seen this before a few times, but as I stated above, I love drama! :)

#8 A new girl comes to town, and falls for Lucas

    See, I told you I had a Plan B. Of course, I still want Lucas with Elizabeth, but if that doesn't happen I have a story that would help it not be so disappointing. Prepares yourselves for this...

    A sweet kind girl shows up in town looking for work, to pay off a debt her deceased parents owed to her cruel Uncle. She's cute, fun, and may find herself getting into some scrapes. (Accidentally of course.) She's always very poor, but that never bothers her. Lucas hires her to waitress at his saloon, and despite the fact that he's trying to win Elizabeth's heart, he finds himself falling for her.
    Then one day Lucas discovers the whole situation, but not before the girl's Uncle comes demanding what he's owed. Lucas steps in, saves her, either pays off the debt or the Uncle gets arrested, and they live happily ever after!

    (I'd like to thank you now for indulging in my craziness. :)

    I hope you guys enjoyed your peek into this romantic's brain. Only 14 more days and we'll finally get to know what's really going to happen! Yeek! It's so close! Please feel free to tell me your ideas for WCTH!

    Thanks for reading! Feel free to comment below or on my Twitter page! (Blog comments will be answered via email.) God Bless!


  1. If you like fanfiction, here's how I'd like to see season 7 play out. https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13337741/1/Hopeful-Hearts

    I really like your plan B for both men. I could see that working for the man Elizabeth doesn't pick. Great ideas!

  2. Wow, I really like your plan B for Lucas :D Even though I'm Team Nathan, if he's not the one the writers pick for Elizabeth I like your plan B for him as well. Out of curiosity, since you didn't mention this as one of your scenarios, do you not see Lucas and Fiona together at all? I think their chemistry would be stellar, but I'm curious to know your thoughts on that.

  3. first thing at the end of seven 6 the guy fixing the stagecoach likes fiona she picked him to dance with and i want and love to see nathan and elizabeth togethier he needs he and she needs him thank you


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