What I Hope to See: WCTH Home For Christmas

    We've almost reached it. Our waiting has finally paid off, and we are only a mere 5 days away from the WCTH Christmas Special! To say I'm looking forward to it would be an understatement.

    Now for any of you who will be live tweeting during it's premiere, I say happy tweeting and enjoy the show! I however will not be, as I enjoy it more when I can just watch the episode without worrying about being on Twitter. Sadly I may miss tweeting with the cast, if they do that this year, but it is what it is and I'm fine with it.

    Anyhow, for my last WCTH blog post for 2019 I thought I'd list some things I'd like to see/learn in this Special WCTH episode!

Learn more about Lucas' past.

Rosemary and Lee to start the adoption process, or Rosemary finds out she's pregnant! (Or maybe both!) If they adopt a child in the Christmas episode, once Season 7 starts in February, time will have passed, and we will have missed key moments in their adoption journey.

Learn why Lucas is holding the festival.

See some fun competition between Lucas and Nathan.

Learn more about Nathan and Fiona.

Watch Baby Jack talk, walk, and just be adorable!

I don't think it will happen in this episode, but I want to see Jesse and Clara get married soon. Like in the first couple episodes of Season 7 soon.

See what happens between Faith and Carson.

See if Kevin the blacksmith and Fiona are a thing.

For AJ to come back! (If not in this episode, then sometime during the Season.)

A fantastic story line!

And of course to see Elizabeth and Lucas get closer. I don't have to know who Elizabeth is going to pick just yet. (Even though it will drive me bonkers.) They can leave me in suspense, as it will just make me even more excited to watch the Season in February. (You hear that Alfonso? I'm giving you permission to make me go insane.)

    I have such high hopes for this new season of WCTH. I truly believe that it could be one of the best seasons yet, and I can't wait to see it!

    Thank you everyone SO much for all the love and support you've shown me this year! Please know that I really appreciate it, and I hope you all have a Merry, Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!

    I also thank my Savior Jesus Christ for you guys, and all that He's blessed me with this year! I also thank God for sending His Son to earth to save us all. It's such a sacrifice of love that I don't deserve, but He did it anyway because He loves me, and wants me to be with Him in Heaven one day.

    Happy Birthday my Sweet, Awesome, Jesus! Please bless this blog, and my readers as we plunge into this next year!

    Thank you all for reading! Feel free to comment below for on my Twitter page! (Blog comments will be answered via email.) God Bless!


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