Random Friday Thoughts (New Season 7 Poster!!!)

    Hey everybody and welcome to the start of another weekend! It's crazy to believe that it's only 19 days until Christmas! 19! Man time flies.

    Now you may be wondering to yourselves, "What in the world is this week's blog post about with a crazy title like that?" Well, it's pretty simple. We've had a couple of random things going on pertaining to WCTH, and this here post is a combination of my thoughts about them.

    And....I found the Spring poster for WCTH Season 7!!! I'm so excited! Scroll to the bottom to see it!

Christmas Cookie Matchup

    First off, let's talk about Hallmark Drama's new reality series. After all we are now in the home stretch of the competition.

    When it first started, it was a bit slower, a little more awkward, but, it was the first episode after all. I'm not used to seeing the WCTH cast in this sort of situation, and they're not used to doing this kind of thing. It was still fun though. 
    By the second episode, however, things started to pick up, and it was even more fun! After that, I was able to get into the rhythm of it, and the fun continued through each episode. The challenges got harder, and more creative, and we got some great moments from the WCTH cast.
    All in all, I really do enjoy watching this show. Every time I watch it I smile and laugh as I watch the cast's antics, and it's really neat to see what these bakers can do. 
The cast,  paired with these talented bakers, are sort of like children in their mother's kitchens. They're learning how to mix, bake, and frost, and looking to their partner for help and guidance. They really do want to learn, and it's cool to see what they're capable of.

    Take Chris McNally for example. (Like I wouldn't pick him.) I knew from watching a Home & Family interview that both his parents are interior designers, and that he had some decorating chops, but it was neat to see how skilled he really is. Jodi and his gingerbread Christmas tree looked like a Hallmark Christmas card, and his cookie party presentation was thoughtful, and tastefully done.

    My overall thought about this show is that while it's a bit softer than other baking competitions, it's still definitely enjoyable, and the addition of the WCTH cast made it SO fun! I got to find out just what a jokester Kavan Smith is. (Really Kavan? You just dropped a metal baking sheet behind McNally, and your going to let him believe that he did it? It's actually really funny, yet a bit cruel...😂)

WCTH Christmas Special

    Now I know that I'm not the only one who's been studying this picture, and desperately hoping for some sign that Elizabeth is going to pick Lucas. (Or Nathan if you're Team Nathan :)) I had been waiting for SO LONG to see this poster, and use it for my new Twitter banner. (It works perfectly, and makes me happy every time I see it!)
    As for any sign of who Elizabeth is going to pick, it's kinda the same. I still don't know. I try to think about if I was someone who had never seen the show, (A horrible though, I know.) and who I'd think she would pick based off the cover. Once again I keep coming back to the same conclusion. Nathan, especially because of the red serge, seems like the obvious choice. Lucas has that air of mystery to him, and would seem like the rich guy she dumps in the end. This definitely is absolutely NOT the way I want things to turn out, but I have to think realistically at times. I still totally think there's a shot for Lucas, and I would be so happy if the writers decided to go that route.

    I also came across this neat magazine cover that I thought you guys would enjoy.

    I love finding new professional photos! Lucas, just as mysterious as ever, and Nathan with that big old grin of his.

WCTH Season 7 Poster!!!! 

    Oh, my goodness! I did not see this coming! I was just checking my Instagram, and then...BOOM! Someone found it, and posted it! (Thank you so much!) Just take a look!

    This is getting so exciting! (Thank you to hopevalley_brokkfield on Instagram for finding, and posting the picture!) Now, I have a couple things to point out here.

    1. Why is Fiona next to Carson, and Faith is on the other side??? (Andrea's name isn't even featured at the top.)

    2. Lucas is now on the left instead of the right. (And vise versa for Nathan.)

    3. Baby Jack is adorable! :)

    I can't wait to finally see Season 7! Erin Krakow actually compared the love triangle to a Bachelorette finale in a review! (I have never seen that show, but I get the idea!)

    Thanks for reading! Feel free to comment below or on my Twitter page! (Blog comments will be answered via email.) God Bless!


  1. Yay, this is all soooo exciting! I can't wait for the Christmas special! :) Have you seen the clips ET put out for the special? There's one with Nathan and one with Lucas. I've been analyzing them like crazy hoping to figure out who she picks! Haha, I think we are very similar in our analytics of the show (I may or may not scour Instagram and Twitter trying to see which team is winning...), but we're on opposite sides of the team debate. This season is going to be quite interesting! Side note: I also was wondering why in the world Fiona was next to Carson and Faith was not...weird.

    1. Great minds think alike re: the posters AND who she'll pick .. ('smy story and I'm stickin' to it)

  2. Once again, you've nailed my thoughts.
    Poster - Carson not standing with Faith? Why not?
    Lucas versus Nathan .. who is she going to pick?
    Conundrum - I wonder if we will even know this year who Elizabeth picks?


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