Two Days Till the Finale!

       It's almost here! The finale of When Calls the Heart, season 6 is quickly approaching. I don't know what I'm going to do when it's over!

       Now I haven't watched the teaser so I know less than many others do. I usually wait and be surprised. But now that I'm on Twitter it is WAY harder to not find out stuff.
       I wont give anything away here. If you want to know you can go to When Calls the Heart 's website and see the teaser for yourself.
       So far this season has been great. One of the best so far. I know that some people thought that it felt shorter, which I believe is due to the hiatus and the fact that we got one less episode than last year.Either way, the ride has been fun and exhilarating, despite the bumps along the way.
       I just don't know how I'm going to wait. We all have to wait until, most likely, this Christmas for more! I REALLY wish there was two seasons a year!
       The thing I'm anxious to see is who Elizabeth will pick. I'll die if it's not Lucas! I used to be like, "You know she's going with Nathan. Then Lucas can be with Fiona." No more! Elizabeth needs to be with Lucas!
       I'm still scared that she'll do the predicable thing and go with the Mountie. I mean, I get it. She'll have to face her fears and let herself be open to loving another Mountie. But I think there is quite a bit of fear conquering to be done if she's to love Lucas as well.
      His past is less than squeaky clean and his profession, I'm sure, wouldn't be her first choice. But looking past the surface, he's a good person. Kind, caring, and generous. Hopefully Elizabeth will be able to see that.
      After watching this week's episode I plopped myself down at the computer and started plowing through comments on Facebook to see where the odds stood. It was comforting to see that the majority of them, as far as I could see, were for Lucas. And I still continue to find more and more people on his side.
      People like him because he's different. (And he's not bad on the eyes either.) We all saw Elizabeth fall in love with Mountie Jack. It's time for something new.

     Whatever happens, we all have to wait till next week to find out. If only Sunday was today! 
      Feel free to comment and tell me your thoughts. God Bless!


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