Episode Review: A Call from the Past

       So, everything I said about last week's episode being one of my favorites so far... yeah. Forget it.

       Oh. My. Gosh. (Gasps) Let me...let me catch my breath. 
      Wow. So much tension! This was one of the most suspenseful episodes I have ever watched. It was like digging my fingers into the dirt and pulling myself across the ground inch by inch, while I waited to see what would happen every time the scene changed or commercials played. It killed me, yet I wanted more.

       So let's not waste anymore time, and get on to the review. (And just like the episode, I'm going to make you wait for the good stuff.😁)

SPOILERS BELOW!!!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Grace's Return, and Spencer  

       Grace's return to Hope Valley is obviously to further promote the new series she'll be staring in this August called, When Hope Calls,  which will be neat to see. I like Grace's character. She's cute, and quirky, and her past sounds very sad and dramatic. Jocelyn Hudon is a nice addition to the Hallmark Family and it will be fun to see her performance in the new series.
       As for Spencer, he is cute isn't he? I haven't seen enough of him to make too big of a statement on his acting and character. We'll see as time goes on, but the poor boy! To be the only survivor of  your family after a flood! No little boy should have to go through that! He definitely needs loving people like Grace, Lillian, and the Coulters. Which brings me to my next topic.

Lee and Rosemary


       I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who has the idea of Rosemary and Lee adopting him. It would be great to see those two as parents, and with Rosemary as the mother of a little boy, I can only imagine the scenarios they would get into. Both of them would do a great job.
       I can't really find another good reason for them to bring Grace and Spencer into the story if it wasn't for Lee and Rosemary to adopt. Maybe they were advertising When Hope Calls, or maybe they were just putting the idea of adoption into their heads. Either way, adoption is definitely a big possibility for them.
       Side Note: Spencer is actually in another Hallmark movie, called Harvest Love, and very possibly may be in more. I'm uncertain. Feel free to comment if you know.

Gowen's Antics 

      When the cat's away the mice will play it appears. Without Abigail to keep him in check, who knows what Henry will do. Now don't get me wrong, I think it's perfectly fine that he's started his own business, and it's like he said. He took a huge risk and it paid off. As for what he's doing in drawing Lee's employees away, it's not so simple. 
       Henry has every right to do what he's doing. He can hire whoever he wants, and he can pay them whatever he pleases. It was Hickham's choice to leave, and, if I may add, I think he did not handle it the best. I mean, at least give Lee a heads up.
       The thing about all this is, Lee took Henry in when he was nothing. Henry was just released from jail, and was the last person anyone would want to hire. He stole from the town and killed half the men there because of his drive for more. Yet, Lee still hired him and gave him a chance to make something of himself, and he did good. 
       In, my opinion, he did nothing wrong. There just needs to remain a sense of respect and communication between the two.


       Now here's a man who did it right. I clapped for Jesse's loyalty while I was watching. That was so good of him to stick it out with Lee, even when he could be making 20% more money, which has been one of the biggest stumbling blocks for him and Clara. And it really paid off too. Lee was so happy and impressed by his loyalty that he's going to promote him!

Faith is Still Gone 

       I'm not going to say much more than that. I have the idea that maybe Faith will come back during the finale and surprise Carson. There's a good chance it could. If it doesn't than I don't know what will become of her. Maybe she was just busy towards the end of this season and will be back for the next one.
        Now on to the good stuff.

Lucas' Past

       Finally! Lucas' secrets have been brought to light! Finally his true character can shine through.
I know that not everyone was sold on Lucas and his intentions. Let's be honest, the man runs a saloon, and has a massive amount of secret cash. But I knew that underneath all his mysteriousness there was a good person, and he proved me right.
       First off we have the woman on the phone. (SO glad that she's not his wife!) Lucas' actions of saving her from her burning business, and then helping her with all her financial troubles makes him deserving of a gold star. 
       Even him cheating, which usually is something to look down on, is justified because he found out that Amos was too. Of course cheating is wrong, but I don't think he really had a choice here. It was that or pay double unfairly and I'm sure Amos got more than enough out of his friend.
       It was also neat to see Lucas with a pistol trying to take out the bad guys. We all knew Jack could take out the best of them. Now we get to see what Lucas is made of. 
       Though it is interesting that he keeps a pistol in his safe. I guess now we know why.

       I would also like to say that men wearing hats are great! Nice one Lucas! 

        Jack used to wear one too! Oh, the memories...

As for Elizabeth 

       Ooo... Tensions are rising. She saw everything. The real Lucas', his past, all his money. Everything. 
       I can understand why she would be angry. Being held hostage and having a crook shoot a pistol mere inches from your head, while your child is at home, definitely merits hostility.
       Everything that happened that night was completely Lucas' fault, but it was because of a lack of trust. Like he said, Amos has a lot of people in his pocket, which for him to get out of jail would mean the law. If he would have told the wrong person, it would have meant bad tidings for him and possibly his friend.
       What Elizabeth went through was very scary, but hopefully she'll be able to look past all the bad  and eventually see Lucas' good intentions.
       She's actually got quite a lot going on these days. Her son's going to be baptized, and the library is about to open. Now she has two potential suitors who both seem to have an interest in her, whether she fully realizes it or not.

      I am curious as to who will run the library. Elizabeth is WAY too busy for that. Maybe Fiona could. As Elizabeth said, she's checked out the most books, and with Florence running the telephone part-time she'd have the opportunity.

       I'd also like to note that there's a new pastor passing through. I don't know that he'll stay. He's probably just there for one episode so little Jack can be baptized. It wont be another Frank, but it would be quite the twist if he stayed.


       We actually got a bit of flirtation from Nate this time around. While light, Elizabeth may have caught the bit of interest that he showed. And they had 'The Hallmark Moment,' as I like to call it. You know, hands touching, wiping dirt from one or the other's face. That kind of stuff.

       While I'm not #TeamNathan, he is not a bad guy, nor is he bad looking. He's obviously shy which is cute, and definitely guarded from all the trauma he's witnessed in his life. 
      I read someone say something about him ending up with Fiona, which would be quite the combination if you ask me. Imagine her trying to raise Allie. She's got more spunk than Fiona!
       I'm not sure about that idea and I'm not sure who he'll be with in the end. All I do know is that he'll make someone a fine upstanding husband one day.
      We also got to see some more of his Mountie skills. Good job sensing the danger and acting, Nate! Lucas and Elizabeth would have been in a totally different situation without you.


       My final conclusion is that the story in itself it was fantastic. I was in suspense for about the whole episode, and dying to know what would happen. Oh my goodness it was intense! 
      The other episodes this season were more light and fun, which I also enjoy, but this was on another level. I finally got to the bottom of Lucas' past, and a lot of change is on the horizon. Now I just wish I didn't have to wait till next week for the finale!
       Boy, it hurts saying that. Final episode. How will I survive? God Bless!


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