Sailing into Love Movie Review

Aside from When Calls the Heart I’d also like to post my views on some Hallmark Movies I’ve seen. This will be my first movie review so it stands to reason that I’d pick a good one to start. And Sailing into Love was definitely that.

I was excited for this particular movie mainly because Chris McNally was in it. I’d never seen Leah Renee in anything before, and as far as I knew this was just another Hallmark movie.
So I sat down with a bowel full of three different flavors of Ben & Jerry’s and a snuggie Saturday night and watched it. Afterwards, I can now say that I very much enjoyed it, and that it’s going in my list of favorite Hallmark movies.

Basic plot: Claire, a biology teacher, works to save her beloved Blue Island from her ex-boyfriend who works for the developer building a resort there. All the while she’s being a bridesmaid in three different weddings in one month.
Going into it, I thought that the ex was McNally’s Character, but I’m glad to say that I was wrong. He plays a former Navy man named Tom, and is the new owner of the boat Claire would use to take her students to Blue Island.
There are a couple of things that made this movie stand out from the crowd

The Music

Often times for me the music in some Hallmark movies are just cliché or even cringy. This was not the case here. The song that started the movie was great. It was fresh, sounded good, and really helped set the vibe and even add some excitement to the opening. 

What’s even better is that the next day I looked at the list of music on the movie’s web page and found out that it is a yet to be released song by The Afters. They’re a Christian band I like, and somehow I had no idea that it was them. (How did that happen?)

The song that really hit me though, was when they were dancing at the second wedding. Calum Scott’s, You Are The Reason SO made the scene. It was so much more romantic, and moving, and just THE FEELS!
I mean, she was sort of upset at him right then and it still moved me. Now, of course, the moment still would have been romantic if they’d used another song, (Kudos to Chris and Leah!) but that song made it just that much more special and sigh worthy. Which brings me to my next point.

Swoon Worthy Moments             

Oh, boy. I’m about to really let the hopeless romantic in me show.
First off, was when Tom gave her the flower off the table when she purposely didn’t catch the bridal bouquet, and told her she still owed him a proper dance. I’m not gonna lie. My heart swelled twice the size. It was so sweet!
Then there was the moment when Claire thought Tom wasn’t coming to the town meeting to argue their case against the resort. He took some time getting there, causing me to doubt, but once he showed up, bringing a crew of supporters with him, he officially became the hero.
Next there was the dinner. Very romantic. (Even if he didn’t cook it!J) These Hallmark guys know how to woo a lady.  

And of course Tom looks good in a uniform. (Great way to show up Claire’s ex! Lol!)
Plus, they kissed before the end of the movie, bringing me to my final point.

The Plot

       After watching so many Hallmark movies, I have become pretty well acquainted with the different plot points that are used. (Hallmarkies will know what I mean.) But this one sort of broke the mold in places.
         For one, they never had, “The Big Break Up.” You know, the place where the guy or girl does something to make the other person upset and they run away. That never happened. They worked things out and neither one left. (Sigh of relief.)
         It was especially cool when Tom went and fought for Claire, telling her that she shouldn’t get back together with her ex. He didn’t give up. Well, he almost did, but after a pep talk with his buddy he didn’t and that’s what counts!
         Second, as I said above, they didn’t wait until the last minute of the movie to kiss. They weren’t even interrupted by a phone, a dog, or another person. Plus they shared more than one. All of which was a welcome change.
         Lastly, they didn’t end the movie with a business pitch. This is just my opinion, but they do that in a lot of these movies, and to have it be more about the couple was great.

I’d also like to add the fact that the scenery was lovely and having boats was a cool bonus. It’s crazy that this movie was shot in the winter. The actors and actresses must have been freezing!
          Going to IMDB, I found the locations for the marina and the light house. I looked them up on Google Maps and it was neat to see the same places I saw in the movie. I copied them below.
            Brentwood Bay B.C (marina scenes)

Fisgard Lighthouse, Colwood BC (lighthouse scenes)

In the end it was definitely worth the watch and I absolutely recommend it to everyone. God Bless!



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