Episode Review: Hope is With the Heart

           I was so excited for this particular episode because prior to its airing I’d seen different snippets of it, all showing Elizabeth and Lucas together. Since I want them to be a couple, (especially since I saw Chris McNally in Sailing Into Love) everything seemed to show that they would finally have some good moments together. And they did!
Hope is With the Heart was a great episode, maybe even one of my favorites so far. The writers are doing a good job creating new events and adventures that keep me laughing and waiting to see what happens next.


The Court Case

Jesse taking Gowen to court was great! I did not see that coming and it was a cool twist. Jesse is no lawyer but he did manage, with Clara’s help to expose Lucas as Gowen’s financial backer. His average rookie mistake of asking Lucas where he worked was good. I mean, they’re literally standing in the building. Lol!

It is a huge bummer for Jesse to lose, but I have to say I’m glad Gowen won. As far as I can see, Gowen didn’t do anything illegal. Everyone else just jumped at the money he offered, some of them at the chance of oil, and didn’t fully think through exactly what they were doing.

Jesse heard everything Gowen did about his land and the oil, and made his decision. Sadly for him, he missed out.

Bill as a Judge

Bill being the judge in the case was also another added bonus. I laughed out right when he told Henry about it. And isn’t it just like Bill to use this opportunity to get some much needed answers from Lucas. Good try Bill, but, that’s not really legal. Then again, he never did play by the rules.

I have to admit that the idea of him being a judge was a bit scary, because it seemed like a good reason for his character to leave and there have been FAR too many characters who have left. But it turned around nicely, and while I enjoy his character being the sheriff, Bill clearly showed us that he not at all out of the game of catching criminals.

 Lucas and Elizabeth

Yes! Finally some good interaction between Lucas and Elizabeth! Lucas giving Elizabeth the building for the library, was pretty sweet if you ask me. And watching him hammering nails, or straightening nails in this case, and working alongside Elizabeth and the children was so much fun! He FINALLY lost the suit and got his hands dirty. So good!

(There’s also something to be said about Allie knowing more about building shelves than him, but I’ll leave it at that. ;)
It’s too bad Elizabeth turned Lucas down for lunch, even after he told her it was to discuss, “Library business,” which I’m not sure that I believe is true. I would have liked to see what happened, but I totally get that she needed to get home to her son.
Sparks definitely flew between them, especially when she confronted him on why he was helping so much with the library. I’m kind of half and half with his statement that he did everything just because, “It seemed like a good thing.” I can believe that he did it out of the goodness of his heart but his eyes and words showed something a little bit more.

Elizabeth is obviously not ready to move on, and I TOTALLY get it. I mean it’s only been a little more than a year since Jack passed. (R.I.P Jack) Honestly after the relationship they had, it wouldn’t be surprising if she wasn’t ready for years to come, or ever. But after waiting FIVE YEARS for her and Jack to marry, and then having him die, it’s sort of like I was cheated out of what I’d waited so long to see.
I definitely grieved over Jack, and it’s still weird watching old episodes and seeing him in them, but I’m ready to move on and I’m excited to see what’s to come.

The Haunted Cabin

Oh, those Hope Valley children. Always getting into trouble and learning valuable lessons along the way. I personally thought that the whole idea about the scary book and them going into the woods to find the haunted cabin was a good one. It was more exciting, and with Opal tagging along with the boys it was even better. Allie continues to create mischief and it’s amusing to watch. She’s different than the other kids and brings a great new aspect to the show. A sort of fresh air.
Also I hope I’m not the only one who’s noticed the return of the cabin. Oh, memories! That’s where Jack taught Elizabeth how to pump water! I am curious as to how many cabins they have and where they are. My guess is around 1-2. I wonder where they are.

Rosemary’s Secret

         This was the most emotional I think I’ve seen Rosemary so far, even more than when Jack passed. She shed some real tears here, and rightly so. So sad! What she must be feeling! Though she finally managed to tell Lee what had been weighing on her heart for probably quite a while. I’ve never experienced what she is, but I can imagine the burden must be great not being able to have a child.
Now I don’t know that that’s the case here, and I know that I’m not alone in thinking this. She may find out at the end of the season that she’s expecting, which would be exciting, but it would also be interesting if she wasn’t and she and Lee adopted a child. It would also give a reason for them to make an appearance in the new series coming to Hallmarks streaming service Hallmark Movies Now called, When Hope Calls.
Then again I’ve read that some people think they will adopt and then Rosemary will become pregnant. I have no idea what will happen and I look forward to finding out.
Another thing to mention is Rosemary and Lee becoming Little Jack’s guardian. First thing I’m going to say is, look how far Elizabeth and Rosemary have come. They started very much at odds, almost enemies, when Rosemary continued to try to win Jack back. Now they’re so close. It’s wonderful how they’ve put the past aside, and have such an amazing friendship. So much so that Elizabeth is willing to entrust her son, her last connection to her late husband, to them if anything should happen to her. Speaking of which I think I better address some fan’s concerns.

Elizabeth Dying?

          Say what now? Yes, you read that correctly. I’ve read some comments on Facebook and learned that there is concern of Elizabeth leaving the show, via death. All because of her decision to give guardianship of her son to the Coulters and the whole thing with Lori leaving.

My opinion?
Season 7 has already been announced, and by Erin Krakow herself. Plus I’ve not read anything that would serve as a good basis for that idea. With all that’s happened in the past I can understand that people are scared, and the idea is scary to me too.
I’m sure they could somehow resurrect the show if she did, but let’s face it, it wouldn’t exactly be When Calls the Heart anymore without her. With all the loss and delay that’s all ready occurred in WCTH, losing Elizabeth would be the final nail in this show’s coffin.
Now I’m not saying that this season wasn’t good. In fact I’m saying the opposite. I am truly enjoying season 7, and am super excited to see what happens, especially with Lucas and Elizabeth. (I don’t know if there’s a team for them yet but, go team Lucas!)
I actually believe this season may be better than last year’s season, and that’s when Jack was still alive! (I mean, I cried over that guy!)

When it all boils down to it, I would like to say, “No! Kill Elizabeth? Never!” But I don’t know everything that’s going on behind the scenes. There’s no facts so let’s focus on the positive.

Faith and Carson

NO! Faith come back!      
           Ok, I know what I just said, but this is a bit different. As someone who has wanted Faith and Carson to be together since season four, this is crazy. After working together for about two or three years, they finally got together and now they’re apart.
Of course she needs to take care of her father. That’s totally understandable and the right thing to do, especially considering their damaged relationship. That’s actually a really good way for them to fix things between each other, and for Faith to put in a good word for Carson while she’s at it.

It would be really sad for Carson if he had to lose Faith, even if it’s just temporary. He’s already been through so much loss. First his wife dies on his operating table, then he falls for Sofia who leaves after a few dates for a job in San Francisco, and now he and Faith are miles apart.
Maybe this is just temporary and she’ll be back. I just can’t help remembering Frank and Phillip’s departure last season and wonder if it’s along the same lines. I’ve seen Andrea Brooks, (the actress that plays Faith) in so many other Hallmark movies and I can’t help but think it would be easy to get her to stay. Who wouldn’t want to be in When Calls the Heart?
Once again, maybe I’m jumping to conclusions. Maybe this is part of the set up for the end finale. I really don’t know, and it will be very interesting to see what happens next.

John Boone

             Hmm… I’m not sure about this guy. Hope Valley has had its share of baddies but John Boone definitely stands out among the other gun slinging bandits they’ve seen.

They claim he’s a legendary criminal, yet he’s never hurt anyone. That’s an interesting idea. A villain with a conscience?  It’s very, very possible that he will play a part of the events to come in the finale. Staying another night was maybe a part of his plan to escape, and if so Bill played right into his hands.
It’s just a theory, but I don’t think we’ve seen the last of John Boone.

Nathan’s Past

Breaking news! We have it folks! Nathan Grant’s past has been brought to light and it’s bringing more twists and turns with it.
The idea of Nate’s father being in prison brings a couple of new cards to the table. For one it further explains his attitude towards others, and it gives us the reason he became a Mountie. Sort of different than Jack’s reason, yet sort of the same. He wants to protect people from the bad he’s experienced in his own life, and bring evil doers to justice.
I don’t know exactly what it was that put his dad behind bars, but this story is absolutely going to continue to pop up in the future. Who knows? Maybe even his dad will.

In conclusion, I can say that I was pleased with Episode 8 and I’m anxious to see how the last 2 will play out. It’s so sad that there’s only 2 more! I’m going to die waiting till December for more!



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