Some... Interesting WCTH News

    Happy Wednesday Hearties! How has your Summer been? You know it’s so crazy to think that we’re more than halfway through 2022. Where did the time go? Before you know it we’ll be in Fall and then right back in the Christmas season. Crazy, right?

    So anywho, we’ve had a bit of WCTH news shared with us. Filming has been underway for a bit now, and we’ve gotten a couple BTS pics. However there have been two big pieces of news shared recently that I thought I would write a quick post on.

    Around two weeks ago I read the very disappointing news that WCTH Season 10’s premiere has been delayed. Yes. Delayed. Instead of airing in the Spring like it has since… forever really, the new season will be debuting mid-2023. Possibly in June. Wow. I did not see that coming, and I have to say I was not, and still am not thrilled about this. We Hearties already wait so long for these seasons that the added months of waiting are kind of… well… stinky. I do have a thought as to why it’s been delayed however, although I have no idea if I’m right.

    Hallmark is adding two new series to it’s channel. Ride and The Way Home. They’ve already canceled Chesapeake Shores which usually airs in the Summer. (It’s final season actually just started airing this month.) So I’m just wondering if one of these new series are going to take WCTH’s usual premiere slot, and if WCTH will be moved into Chesapeake Shore’s. Again I have no idea if I’m right. I just can’t think of another reason Season 10 would be delayed like this. Feel free to tell me your thoughts on this matter.

    The other little tid-bit of news that came out is quite exciting. Now nobody knows for sure what this means, but Lori Loughlin apparently has an acting role in CANADA and recieved permission to fly out and film for a week. The interesting thing this article stated is that it usually takes TWO weeks to film a Hallmark movie. Not one. And so I am left wondering if maybe, just maybe, Abigail Stanton will make a surprise appearance for Elizabeth’s wedding. This is such a long shot, and I know Hallmark already made a big stink about never working with Lori again, but… Then I read that Lori’s Garage Sale Mysteries have been quietly added to Hallmark’s subscription service, Hallmark Movies Now. Hmmm…. Does this per chance mean that Hallmark has changed their minds? I truly hope that’s the case, as it would be so cool if Abigail could come back for a few episodes. Just imagine how emotional that would be for Elizabeth, and the amazing reunion Abigail and Henry could have! Eeeeek!!! (Hope… Calm down…)

    So again I have no idea if this is actually going to happen. I’m just spit-balling ideas and wishful thinking. J

    What do you think about all this, Hearties? Please feel free to tell me your thoughts in the comments below or on my Twitter page. I’d love to hear what you think!

    Thank you so much for reading! Have an amazing week! God Bless!

P.S. The holidays are creeping up on us. Feel free to check out some fun WCTH inspired merch and find a unique gift for your Heartie friend.



  1. I have a secret thought but please don’t publish this , I think Erin is pregnant so they will give the filming a longer time then they usually do.

  2. So sad that Lori L isn’t on the show. I really miss her.


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