Smoke on the Water: When Calls the Heart Season 9 Episode Review


    Alas, Hearties. Our questions have been answered. We know what's in the box. We know Jerome is a crook. Oh, and to top it all off we know that Henry will go to any means necessary to keep the mine from reopening.

    Hey there, and welcome to the review before my last of WCTH Season 9. How did we get here? How is this season almost over? It's such a bittersweet thing every time as we all want to know how it ends, yet... We don't want the season to end. But this week's episode was definitely an enjoyable one, and has me wondering just how the finale will end.

    And with that I'm just going to dive right in!

Nathan & Allie

     Okay... So... I have a wild guess to make here, and I could be incredibly and 100% wrong about this. But does it feel like the writers are... perhaps... setting Nathan up to be in... another triangle in Season 10? One between Mei and Faith. Okay, there I said it. You can disagree with me all you want but I just had to say it. It's just... Nathan is so obviously smitten with Mei, and keeps asking about her, yet... Then Nathan had that moment with Faith in her office, and Faith started talking about love with Molly, yet Bill mentioned Mei to Nathan, and... and... Yeah. I really don't know exactly what's going to happen, but I'm wondering about something...

(Spoiler Alert! Stop reading here!)

    A commenter told me that Mei is coming back for the last episode, and so we'll see something happen with her and Nathan for sure. This will also show us something of how Nathan feels for Mei. But... what if Faith ends up seeing them reunited, and we get a repeat of Season 6's finale? What if Nathan gets launched into his own triangle where he is the one being fought after? That... would honestly be hilarious, and super crazy after all we've gone through. I have no idea if this is going to happen, and I really doubt that we'd get another triangle like the previous one. If anything it would be more like the one between Elizabeth, Jack, and Charles. One where you pretty much know for a fact who the person is ending up with. But I just had to throw this out there, and really I'm just spit-balling an idea that came to mind. Who knows? Nathan may end up kissing Mei this next episode, and put this Faith-Mei triangle to an end just like that.

(End of Spoilers)

    Anyhow, Nathan once again just cracked me up this episode. His jokes are for a fact corny, but his wittiness is just so fun. How do you sleep at night? Lying down. 😂 Really Nathan? Either way, I definitely enjoyed watching Nathan this episode, and I definitely think it's Mei he has feelings for. The question is... how will this last episode play out for him? Will he truly realize his feelings for Mei? Will Faith pursue him further? I guess we'll see.

    As to his daughter... finally the girl has come out of whatever black-hole she fell into with Robert, and is back to having a storyline. She's trying really hard to hang out with Robert, AND just be a friend. But I can't help but think her feelings for him are very present in her mind and definitely have something to do with her wanting to spend time with him. Plus I think Robert likes her too. It would be sweet if they had a friends-to-sweethearts storyline in the future. Oh, and the nickname she gave him? Cute! "Wolfy." Lol! So cute. I guess we'll just have to see if anything happens between these two before the season ends. Oh! And she called Nathan "Dad" again!


    Oh Faith... Faith, Faith, Faith... This crush of yours is not going to end well. At all. Nathan is so obviously in love with Mei, and he was incredibly obvious about it in front of Faith. Yet... she seems to have some deeper feelings for the Mountie. I just... (Sigh...) Faith isn't ready for a relationship. She's too indecisive. She outright admitted that she doesn't want to get married yet, and she was just in a very serious relationship. She really needs to slow her thoughts down when it comes to Nathan. After all, he was just in a very hurtful situation, and is still healing. Faith trying to pursue him could just end in more heartbreak for the both of them. Especially since she should know that he has feelings for another woman. I guess we'll see.

Fiona, Mike, & Bill

    Okay, I have to admit that I called out Florence outright while watching this episode when she lovingly accepted Fiona, but rebuked Lucas and Henry. What? Fiona was the one who first brought Jerome in!!! She was the one who didn't tell Henry!!! Henry was flat out against it! The only reason Henry is at fault here is because he left suddenly without telling anyone where he was going or how to reach him. But other than that... Fiona is responsible here! Okay Hope, breathe... just breathe...

    Either Florence doesn't have the full story or she just knows that Fiona wasn't trying to let the mines reopen. Which if that is the case she should know that about Lucas and Henry too. But she's crushed right now and grieving in a way so... yeah. I should cut Flo some slack. Anyhow, I just feel like Fiona is more to blame then what people are saying. I even feel like she should feel like she herself should feel guiltier than she does. Then again I'm not the writer of this show so who am I to say?

    Anyhow, Jerome is actually going to have her replaced in the oil company! Ouch! And it turns out Arthur isn't so bad of a guy and him and Fiona were able to leave on good terms. Right before Mike came back! Yay! Mike is back and Arthur left! A Fikam romance is still a possibility! Hiona? Fike? Hiller? I don't know. Lol!

    And Molly still loves Bill! Yay! I never would have thought I'd be cheering about this but... I am. Lol! I'm very curious if they'll end up together. As to Bill... What is wrong with this guy? he's just going to keep on going until he drops! He really ought to take better care of himself, but we all know Bill. So stubborn. And did Bill actually... thank Henry? See, I told you. Bill's just a big softy. :)


Henry & Spurlock

    Oh. My. Goodness. Henry blew up the mine. He literally got a bunch of dynamite, and blew up the mine. Wow.

    Okay, Florence. You officially owe that man an apology. That was one of the most gutsy yet noble things Henry Gowan has ever done. This just shows us how much he truly cares. How much that horrible disaster all those years ago truly effected him. And now he's doing everything in his power to keep the mine from reopening. Even if his methods are illegal.

    Now he did try and do things by the books to start. he even brought in an expert to prove the mine isn't safe. But then Jerome showed us his true colors and most likely bought the man's answer. Well my respect for that "expert" has plummeted, and I'm officially changing my guess about Jerome. He is a greedy, lying crook. Period.

    So in desperation Henry blew up the mine and I applaud him for it. Except for the fact that he could end up in jail for it. That part doesn't sound too good. Especially with him being on parole and all. I'm so curious how this is all going to play out. Henry is just so grieved inside, even telling Lucas that it may have been better if he had gotten hit on the head by that falling sign! Wow. That man needs a great big hug.

    The last thing I waned to mention was just the fact that the writers better make Julius Spurlock show up. They can't just name him Spurlock for no reason! They're just coming down to the wire to reveal who he is if they're going to. I really, really hope they do in this last episode! It would be such a waste if they didn't! Or just annoying if they left us on a cliffhanger. Lol!

The Canfields

    Oh boy... Trouble is brewing in the Canfield family. There was a lot that wasn't said, yet enough was that I kind of get the picture. From the sound of things, it appears Minnie is from a more wealthy family. Her family had a cook, she knows about high-tea and low-tea, and now her father apparently is offering to help them out financially. So to me it sounds like a poor-boy-falls-for-the-rich-girl kind of story. Perhaps that's why Joseph feels the need to do something more with his life. To do something big and make something of himself. Perhaps he doesn't feel good enough just the way he is. Either way, there is a story to be told here, and hopefully the writers will explain more before the season ends.

    I do find it odd that this plotline is only just coming up now. Why not include it throughout the season? It's an interesting one to be sure and I'm sure lots of people are curious to learn more about the Canfields. Perhaps the writers started it up since Minnie was gone for two episodes? I'm not sure.

    What I am curious about is Cooper's storyline, and why it keeps getting dropped. It was such a big storyline when the season started, and we're really not getting any resolution. Is Cooper just going to keep on not going to church and be his own boss? I'd find that odd for a faith-based show like this. Again, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

The Coulters

    Ahh... So Rosemary isn't the only one with a secret now. Wow. Who saw that one coming? Arthur has come to Hope Valley, not only as an investor, but to recruit Lee as a writer. A big time writer! Arthur literally gave him his pick of cities to live in. Who would have thought Lee would end up as a writer? Not me for sure.

    Yet I know Lee, and I know that he is not going to leave Hope Valley. Especially once he hears about Rosemary's news. It's so interesting how both their secrets sort of go together. I feel like once Lee hears her news he'll immediately turn down the job, BUT if Rosemary thinks she's not pregnant she may encourage him to take the job. Sort of shifting their focus elsewhere. It will be very interesting to see how this all plays out.

    As to Rosemary and her secret... I'm still guessing that she is indeed pregnant, but this "maybe she is, maybe she isn't" game the writers are playing is quite scary. Lol! We've just wanted this storyline for so, so long, I will be CRUSHED if she isn't expecting. Can't you just imagine her and Lee as parents? I know I sure can. Again, I'm guessing she is, but we'll just have to wait and see.

    But aside from that... Rosemary and Elizabeth were twinning for the first time since Season 1! Lol! Elizabeth said she would never wear red again, and she kept her word for over eight years, but now... She finally caved. :D


Florence & Ned

    I usually don't give FloYo a section but enough happened with them to warrant a quick section. Poor Florence! I can only imagine the pain and grief she's feeling with the mine reopening. So many terrible memories coming back to the surface. But this time is different. This time she has Ned by her side to see her through it. Ned is such a loving and sweet husband. So supportive and gentle. And Florence wanting him to be near, and come back from just across the street was sweet and romantic. She loves Ned, and wants him by her side. I will say that Florence isn't treating Henry or Lucas very well, which I totally understand why. I just think that when the dust settles she may really regret her actions and words. And sweet Ned. Such a dreamer with his automatic toaster, but I really do like the inventor side of him. It's fun to watch.


Lucas & Elizabeth

    They said it! They finally said it! Lucas loves Elizabeth, and Elizabeth loves Lucas! Then again... we already knew that. Lol! As if it wasn't super obvious. :D But it was great finally hear those two actually say the words, and it was a sweet and romantic moment. But before I dive into that, let's back up a minute. 

    Lucas is absolutely crushed by the mine reopening. Honestly we've never seen him so sad and depressed over something not involving him wondering if Elizabeth has feelings for him. Even though he wasn't there when the disaster happened, he still understands the situation and is so very grieved inside that this is happening. He absolutely blames himself to some extent I'm sure, and it's left him almost questioning a lot of things. I find it interesting and so realistic that the writers are keeping that "wandering/adventurous" side of Lucas intact. It's been his life for so long to just travel whenever he felt like it, and he's been constantly moving around since he was a child. He's used to traveling to and exploring big cities, but now for the first time he's picturing a life and adventure of a different sort. I wonder if him taking a ride, and coming back so inspired was kind of like when Jack or Nathan had found land they wanted to buy, and started dreaming of their futures. In the same sense I think Lucas ma have began dreaming of his future with Elizabeth and Little Jack as he rode out there in the country. Instead of dreaming of the next adventure he'd take in the form of a trip, he began dreaming of the adventure he wanted to take with Elizabeth and Jack. 

    However, to Elizabeth this sounded like Lucas wanted to leave Hope Valley, and with the whole "box" predicament... she came to a scary conclusion. She actually thought that Lucas might not love her? Girl... have you not been paying attention to the last three years of your life? That guy is head-over-heels, 100% in love with you. I mean, with all he had to go through these past three seasons, never being sure if she loved him yet still being patient and pursuing her... I think he's proved his love. But I have to admit, I think that box threw everyone for a loop. It so looked like an engagement ring would be inside, and you know the funny part? Elizabeth literally thought that was what was inside even as Lucas was literally handing it to her. Her face was filled with anticipation and excitement, and I think she was honestly confused that Lucas was having her open the box. I also think she may have even been disappointed that he didn't ask to some extent. So I think Lucas missed out on a good oppertunity as she absolutely would have said yes had he asked. Lol!

    But the real reason he didn't give her the box was sad yet sweet. He was afraid that his gift of earrings would pale in comparison to Elizabeth's gift of a pocket watch to him. Aww. Poor, sweet Lucas. But it all led to the moment. Oh, yes. The moment LucaBeth fans have been patiently waiting for all season long. The moment Lucas and Elizabeth said "I love you"! Honestly... it kind of hit me out of nowhere, but in a good way. Like I wasn't expecting Lucas to just say it all of a sudden. But in this moment he finally just spilled his deep feelings for her. One of my favorite parts about this scene was just the way both of them said it. Lucas just blurted it out, and it was so sweet and romantic the way Elizabeth said it so softly and intimately. And she didn't say "I love you too" like she was riding off his words. She was making a a clear and loving statement. One she's made before but now is finally doing while Lucas is awake. Lol! And of course they absolutely had to kiss. It wasn't as big of a kiss as I would have preferred for the moment, but then again I'm a hopeless romantic so... :D But it was romantic the way Lucas so sweetly cupped her face in his hands as he kissed her. And they've finally said the words!

    Finally, for LucaBeth the obvious question remains.... Where oh where did Lucas ride off to at the end of this episode? Elizabeth did not seem very worried, showing the level of trust she has in her man. She knows he loves her. But really, Lucas? You had to be so dramatic as to leave her a letter? How long are you going to be gone anyway? Where did you go? Why now? I have questions! :) But (Spoiler Alert) I saw in the first second of the preview for the finale episode that he's back, so... Yeah, don't worry Elizabeth. I just wonder is he just going to clear his head again, or is he doing something else... Maybe looking at land for his future family or something? I don't know, but it won't be long before I will.

    I guess the bigger question is... Will Lucas propose this season? Rosemary's words to Elizabeth after the "I love you scene" kind of scared me. Like Hallmark is going to drag this out possibly. I understand it makes for more seasons, but... it just wouldn't make sense for Lucas and Elizabeth. They're too in love. Honestly these two would be willing to elope in an instant. Lol! So I'm still really hoping that Lucas will propose, and I definitely think it could happen. But I'm not sure if it will. But who knows? Maybe Lucas left town to go buy her an engagement ring. Lol! I guess we'll see.

    All in all again this was an enjoyable episode filled with drama, and I can't wait to see how this finale episode wraps things up. Or leaves us hanging... You never know! :)

    Thank you so much for reading! Feel free to tell me your thoughts on this episode below in the comments or on my Twitter page, but just know I'll get back to you after the finale. (I'm trying to avoid spoilers. :) Have an amazing weekend, and I hope you just love the finale! God Bless!

P.S. Feel free to stop by the shop and see if anything catches your eye.



  1. Once again you delighted me with your beautiful writing/review of EP 11.
    Can I just say I adore Nathan and I want him to be happy. I see him with Mei and Mei only. I don't mind at all if it takes a bit, but no triangle, just Mei. ;)
    Lucas and Elizabeth... Yes!!!!!! Their ILY's were wonderful. I'm hoping for Lucas to pop the question on Sunday and w/little Jack in tow.
    I truly enjoyed this ep as well.

    1. Thanks, Kathleen! I'm so glad you enjoyed the post! Oh boy, I don't know if anyone could take another triangle. I'm just not quite sure where the writers are going with Nathan, Faith, and Mei. All I know is I so enjoyed watching Nathan with Mei, and hope to see more of them together should we get another season. And I'm so glad we got to see Lucas and Elizabeth not only say ILY but also get engaged! This was a wonderful season!

      Thank you so much for reading! God Bless!

  2. I truly enjoyed your review. Henry and Lucas are devastated about the mine. Yet, Florence is holding them solely responsible. Everyone knew Fiona brought in the investors and closed the deal and no one is saying anything to her. Plus she doesn't look sad about it to me. I knew Jerome was a snake in the grass because he always had dirty hands he was washing. He thought Henry was the same man he once knew. With all of that Fiona lost her job. She should have supported Henry because he thought highly of her. Bill is an excellent investigator he will find a way to get Henry off. Does Henry still own the mineral rights to most of HV? I hope Florence apologizes to Henry and Lucas. Nathan is thinking about Mei. He likes Faith's company but she wasn't honest with Carson about marriage, so if I were Nathan I wouldn't trust her either. Excited for the finale, hopefully most of our questions will be answered!!!

    1. Thank you, Joan! I'm glad you enjoyed the review!

      Yes, I am not happy with Fiona either. I feel like she's highly to blame for this whole mine situation and she should feel guiltier than what she is. Instead she's just letting Lucas and Henry take all the blame.
      And yes, I think Faith just needs to step away from Nathan for a bit. At least until she can get her emotions all sorted out.

      Thank you so much for reading! Sorry my response is so late. God Bless!

  3. The I love you's were so sweet. Loved Elizabeth's emphasis on the words especially. And poor Lucas has been understandably hurt by this whole mining and the Walden trouble. I think there will be a proposal, but I hope it feels like right timing. There is still a lot to deal with in relation to the town beforehand, in my opinion. We shall see!

    And I'm with you on Fiona. I don't like how she hasn't faced as much of the repercussions of this mine fiasco. I think her character could have used a bit more time to reflect on her actions.

    Faith, what are you doing, girl? Take time to distance yourself from a possible rebound for one thing.

    Yes, they've dropped the ball on Cooper. Why? Hopefully they give him resolution.

    Looking forward to the finale, especially all things Lucabeth, Rosemary telling Lee good news, and how Henry's storyline ends. I've liked this season in some ways, but it's been a bit disappointing too, so I'm hoping the finale ends on a good note.

    Thanks for all the fun coverage of the show!

    1. Thank you for reading, Ann! I'm so happy to hear that you're enjoying the posts.

      I agree with you in that I liked how Elizabeth said ILY to Lucas. Very sweet and romantic. Yes, I am not entirely pleased with Fiona, and I absolutely agree with you. We needed a scene or too of her thinking over her actions and actually taking some of the blame on herself. Oh, and yes, Faith just needs to stay out of a relationship for awhile. She already admitted that she doesn't want to get married yet, so she shouldn't be looking to start a new relationship just yet. Especially with someone who's just experienced heartbreak.

      Yes, I don't know why Cooper's storyline keeps getting dropped. It was such a big storyline in the beginning of the season.

      Thank you so much for reading, and taking the time to share your thoughts with me! Sorry my response is coming so late! Have an amazing weekend, and God Bless!


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