Rock, a Bye, Baby: When Calls the Heart Season 9 Episode Review

    What a roller coaster of emotions! What wonderful and sweet scenes! I laughed, I cried, I jumped up and down with joy. I’m also scratching my head at a few things, but… oh well. Lol!

    Hello Hearties and welcome to my final episode review for WCTH Season 9! (Sniff!) Why does it have to be over? It really was such a fun season. Honestly this is one of my favorite seasons. It was fun, romantic, and emotional. 

    Well, there's a lot to cover this time around! Let's just jump right in!


Side Note: I'll probably cover this in a future blog post, but... That Wyman and Spurlock storyline really fizzled out. I won't say much for now, but... Why on earth was that guy's name Spurlock if nothing was going to come of it?



    Okay... so... Is Nathan in another triangle or not? I don't know if the fans or even the cast could handle that. Lol! I'm still not sure where things stand with Nathan, Mei, and Faith. At this point it feels sort of like either woman has a shot with him, and that he feels something for each of them. However... Nathan has shown deeper feelings for Mei. Thinking about her while she was gone, protecting her, and wanting to be around her. I mean they even had dinner together, not to mention Mei was on the cover for this season standing right next to the Mountie. Plus she's been added to the cast section on the WCTH website so... She doesn't appear to be going anywhere.

    And so with all of that, if I had to make a guess I would say that Mei is the one Nathan will end up with. He just hasn't shown that much interest in Faith like he has with Mei, and he's been around Faith for around four years! Surely he'd have shown some interest in her, unless he just never considered her before as she was still with Carson. Meanwhile he was struck by Mei from the moment he saw her. So yes. Mei is my guess. Besides... I like Nathan when he's with Mei. ;) But let's not despair about the potential of another triangle just yet. It's way too soon to say.

    Aside from his possible romances... Oh my goodness! Lol! I love Nathan! Yes. Yes, I just said that. I may not have cheered him on during the triangle, but I love his character and how he's been this season. Oh wow, he was so bold and infuriating! But in a really good way to be sure. Lol! He was hilarious! I like the fun, and playful relationship he's developed with not only Elizabeth but with Lucas as well. Now Team Nathan fans will absolutely hate me for saying this, but my own mother who is a Team Nathan fan themself actually agrees with this so I'm justified. ;) But... Nathan has really become... like a brother to Elizabeth.

    (Braces behind desk with cup of coffee and prays for mercy... Lol!) It feels cruel to say this, but honestly it's true. Nathan could have just moved on with his life, and avoided Elizabeth altogether, but instead he's become her protector. He genuinely cares about her and wants her to be happy. And actually... He cares about Lucas too.

    It was so much fun seeing Nathan and Lucas together when Nathan went after him. Oh, and check! Lucas Bouchard has officially chopped wood. (Not very well, but it still counts. Lol!) Nathan picked on him a good bit, which I always find hilarious, even if Nathan's being a stinker. Which he was here. But at the same time I can see that beneath his hurt and annoyance with Lucas he genuinely cares. Nathan is a protector. It's just who he is, and so it doesn't matter if that person is the woman who rejected him or even the man she rejected him for. He still cares about both of them and wants to make sure they're okay.

    I love the dynamic between Lucas and Nathan. It's funny because even though the triangle is gone, they're still very much rivals. Just in a different way now. They're always trying to best each other, and pick on each other. Oh, and now we know that Lucas Bouchard doesn't drink coffee. (Oh the horror! Lol! I just personally really enjoy coffee, and may be drinking as I write this so... ;) And Nathan's face just makes me laugh, as he knew what the alternative was. Tea. And Nathan's bold and brash manner just cracks me up, like when he told Lucas he thinks too much. Or too little. Lol! But in the end despite everything Nathan was very noble in the fact that he was there not only for Elizabeth but also for Lucas. He was a shoulder to lean on, and a listening ear, and in the end made sure they were both okay. Hmm... Nathan Grant, protector of LucaBeth... Who would have thought it?



    Faith… (Sighs in exasperation) Why on earth do you get yourself into these situations? It will only end in heart break. Bitter, tragic heartbreak.

    Faith has officially made it known that she in fact does feel something for Nathan so at least we’re not guessing anymore. But she’s so torn inside because Nathan is her patient. I mean, she was worried about dating her work-partner, and we all saw how that turned out. Now she has feelings for her patient. A patient who is still getting over his own heart, and now is clearly and visibly having feelings for another woman. A woman who isn’t Faith.

    And so with all of this… yeah. I guess Faith would feel relief at seeing Nathan and Mei together. Then again… I don’t know that I believe her. Honestly her face looked more… disappointed. Sure she may feel relief if she believes he doesn’t have feelings for her, as she no longer has to worry about her “problem”. But I also don’t think that her “problem” has truly gone away. Not yet anyway. She still has her own feelings to deal with. Again, it's still my opinion that she slow down. Maybe not pursue anyone just yet. After all she herself is still getting over Carson, so she really isn't in the best emotional state to try and begin a new relationship.But that's just my opinion. :)


Mike, Fiona, & Bill

    Mike is back! Yay! And he’s officially resigning as mayor, but you know what? That’s okay. He did a great job while he was in office, and proved to himself that not only could he get elected, but he was capable of doing the job. He just realized that it wasn’t for him. Now he wants to get back into the oil company, and do a job he actually enjoyed. And of course he’s going to fight for his best friend to stay on with the company.

    It’s so sweet that Mike feels so strongly about fighting for Fiona’s job. Those two are still thick as thieves, and very sweet together. Fiona was there toasting her friend, being by his side no matter what. I still say that there is a very real chance these two could end up as more than friends, but it didn’t happen this season. And so with that...

    Consider my hat as eaten.😂    

    Fiona on the other hand didn’t have a very big part this episode. I will say that I’m curious what’s next for her, but… (Sighs) I’m just not 100% happy with her. I still blame her a fair bit for what happened with the mine. Honestly if she hadn’t brought in Jerome, Henry wouldn’t have blown up the mine, and now wouldn’t be on his way to jail. But in truth no one is perfect and we all make mistakes. I guess what I’d like to see is Fiona feeling more guilt than what she does. It’s like she doesn’t even blame herself for what happened, and she’s letting the outcome of her decisions fall on Lucas and Henry. She’s letting them bear her burden in a way, while going on about her life like she isn’t to blame for this.

    Was it all her fault? No. I just think she should be handling things differently. But that’s just me. Either way I’m still curious like I said about what’s next for her. Especially since Jerome is so intent on getting rid of her. Well, I know Fiona, and she’s going to give that man a run for his money.

    Moving on to Bill… Oh crap. His last will and testament?!? I mean he said he didn’t want to be dramatic but… that’s incredibly dramatic!!! What on earth is wrong with him? The writers never really let us in on exactly what’s wrong with him, but it must be very serious. And permanent if he’s staying Faith prescribed things that can “help” him. Not fix him, but help him. He’s also going to have to go to Union City for treatment, so… this is quite serious.

    Now obviously the big question is… is Bill leaving the show? As of now I’ve heard the opposite, as one of the writers for the show, Elizabeth Stewart, recently did an interview and stated this… 

 Bill has had a wake-up call with his health. If there is a season 10, he’ll have to make some big changes in the way he’s been leading his life. 

    This sounds more like there’s more to come for Bill, rather than he’s leaving. But it sounds like he has a rough road ahead of him. Now I really don’t know what’s next for him. Will he be written off the show? Does Jack Wagner want to leave? Or will things go on like normal should we get another season? It’s really way too soon to tell anything, or be worried about him leaving for that matter. After all this is television and there are one hundred and one ways the writers could take this story and not make him leave. So we’ll just have to wait and see.

    On the other hand… how fun yet emotional was that scene with Bill and Elizabeth? Elizabeth was immediately in tears. After all the man has kind of become a sort of father-in-law to her. And the whole bit with the grape juice and Bill and Little Jack? So fun! I laughed out loud. It’s just so fun to see Bill and Little Jack together.

    And finally... just what did happen between Bill and Molly on that car ride? I was hoping one of them would finally kiss the other before the episode was over. Oh well... I guess we'll never know.



    Oh my goodness… Okay Henry you made me cry. Are you happy with yourself? I mean, I wasn’t “crying-crying” but my eyes may have glossed over. Oh man guys… What an emotional, tear-jerking, gut punching scene we got with Henry and Joseph in the jail! I mean, wow. That was probably the most emotional scene of the entire season.

    First Henry actually turned himself in, and in such a hilarious way. Bill was irritated while the Mountie transporting Henry clearly enjoyed talking with him. Lol! And it’s so sweet to see Bill actually caring what happens to Henry and doing his best to help him. As to Henry himself… The man has just finally given in. He doesn’t want to hide anymore. Doesn’t want to avoid his crimes. (More like his act of heroism when it comes to blowing up the mine, but that’s just me… ;) He’s decided he just wants to turn himself in and accept whatever punishment he receives. I almost feel like he wants to go to jail. That he’ll feel better if he does. Like he’ll finally get some peace by serving prison time, you know? He obviously still was carrying that burden of the mine disaster as he told Elizabeth that he is no hero and asked that his story not be printed. Ahh Henry… You’ve gone from being a man of pride and power to a humble hero.

    And Florence officially fixed things with Henry. I actually clapped for her after she apologized and actually gave Henry a kiss on the cheek! That was pretty bold, especially considering she’s married, but I know full well it was done in gratitude for his efforts and as an apology for how she’s treated him. And as a result Henry Gowen felt the burden lifted off his shoulders for the first time. Wow. How beautiful was that? I can only imagine how incredible that felt for him. He deserves to find happiness. He’s so, so different from the man he was in Season 1. And that scene with Joseph proved it.

    Henry Gowen literally broke down, falling to his knees in tears as Joseph showed him how to pray. And I was emotional! Bravo WCTH writers. That was an amazing scene. One of the best all season long. I don’t get emotional about  lot of things when it comes to watching TV, but this scene officially got me. And it was beautiful.

    Obviously now the question is… What’s next for Henry? Is he leaving the show? Will his charges be dropped? Will he got to prison? From the interview I read it didn’t sound like the writers were getting rid of him. Like Bill I think it’s way too soon to jump to any conclusions, but I will say that I truly hope Henry does come back should we get another season. Martin Cummins is a great actor and love Henry’s character.


The Canfields

    Leave it to Minnie to tell Joseph the exact thing he needed to hear. My thinking was correct about Joseph to an extent. Minnie’s father apparently didn’t approve of Joseph marrying his daughter, and as a result Joseph has always felt that he needs to prove himself. To make a name for himself in the business world. Honestly I feel like there is so much history and story to be told for these two. Like a whole movie’s worth of story.

    But as always Minnie was there to lift her husband up, and tell him just what he needed to hear. And while they were having a picnic in the church no less. Lol!

    Now I do have to comment on the lack of Angela and Cooper, but mostly just Cooper. Why was his story dropped? Why didn’t we see resolution on that? Cooper’s attitude and rebellion was such a big plotline in the beginning of the season, and now we’re left with him still being his own boss. Doubting God and not going to church. I just feel like that’s not a very good way to end things for Cooper or Joseph. Hopefully the writers will resolve this if we get a Season 10. But either way, I’m glad we finally have a clearer picture of who both Joseph and Minnie are, and know why Joseph is so intent on doing something “bigger” with his life than preaching. I hope eventually he sees just how important his job in Hope Valley is. Taking care of the people around him and pointing them to God. Praying for them and being a shoulder to lean on. That is a wonderful job to have, especially in a town like Hope Valley.



The Coulters 

    THEY'RE HAVING A BABY!!! EEEEEEEEEEKK!!! Oh, my goodness! My dream has finally come true! Rosemary is pregnant! Her and Lee are going to be parents! Oh, I'm so happy John Tinker gave us this! We've been waiting for so, so long, never knowing whether they'd ever be parents, or adopt a child. My preference has always been that Rosemary would become pregnant, and now my wish has been granted!

    (Happy sigh...) So happy. Once that second scene of Lee and Rosemary in their bedroom started to play I figured this was going to be the moment. the moment she would feel the baby move and share the news. (Side note: This is the first time in the entire history of this show that a couple has ever been shown side by side in bed before.) I love how emotional and teary eyed Rosemary became when she felt the baby moving inside her. I can only imagine how incredibly nervous, scared, and just terrified she's been since Faith first told her she may be pregnant. If she would have discovered she wasn't she would have been devastated. But... she is!!! She's pregnant!!!

    And then we got the wonderful, hilarious, and emotional scene where she finally told Lee the news. He literally shot up in bed once her whispered words registered. Yet even then her words failed to fully click until she joyfully told him that he in fact is going to be a father. His response? Running outside in his jammies to tell the whole world, THEY'RE HAVING A BABY!!! Oh, it was such a joyous and fun scene, that you can't help smiling and laughing about. Lee is just over the moon, and honestly... I think most Hearties are too. One of my favorite things about this scene was just his, "I love ya," to Rosemary. Lol! So sweet.

    (Happy sighs...) The Coulters are pregnant. All is right.


    Okay now Hope... You screamed and made a fool of yourself after the triangle, so let's hold it together this time and not...

    EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!! Lucas proposed!!! LucaBeth is engaged!!! I didn't know if it was going to happen this season, but it did and now I'm happy!!! YAY!!!

    (Clears throat) I mean... how sweet? Lol! Honestly guys I wasn't sure if Lucas was going to propose or not. I was still holding out and hoping he would, but after episode 11 and even some of this last one I wasn't too sure. but then he did and I'm so glad John Tinker gave us that before the season ended. Now we have a wedding to look forward to in Season 10! (Should we get one of course.)

    But before we got to that sweet and intimate proposal, the couple had a bit of a rocky episode. Lucas kind of has a habit at this point that when things get really tough for him emotionally, or he's not sure where his life is going he runs away to clear his head. Like when he saw Elizabeth hug Nathan, and now with everything that's gone on he just needed some time to think. Which this is understandable. Lucas Bouchard has had quite a tough season, and all form him just trying to do the right thing. He wanted to catch Wyman and rid the town of that snake of a man, but instead put him and the people he loves in danger. He wanted to sell his shares in the oil company and spend more time with Elizabeth and Little Jack, yet in the end the mine may now reopen and Lucas isn't sure what's next for him in business.

    The poor guy really tends to hold his thoughts and feelings inside, trying to deal with everything by himself. But what happened? He comes back and after one conversation with Elizabeth things suddenly don't seem so bad. He has more hope, and the wonderful love of both her and even Little Jack. 

    Now as to that fire... Confession time. I have known that the saloon was going to catch on fire since... maybe episode three? Yeah. Read about it in a blog post. Go figure right? Lol! But I didn't know when it would happen or how bad it would be. Turns out... it really wasn't a big deal. Pretty much what they showed in the preview was all that happened. They didn't even explain exactly what happened so I'm left to guess something caught on the wood stove. (That actually would be hilarious as Elizabeth had a similar experience...) But either way it made for a bit of excitement, even if it was short lived.

    Moving on, we have that proposal... Now I will be honest and say that I really didn't see it happening that way. I would have thought Hallmark would have arranged some huge grand gesture, but with all the talk about Lucas not doing grand gestures I should have considered things might be different. Lucas has learned that he doesn't need to do these huge grand gestures to show Elizabeth that he loves her. And even Elizabeth has matured in the sense that she doesn't need or even want that. So instead Lucas planned a proposal that was intimate, private, and sweet. And he included Little Jack. Guys, the idea hit me as Little Jack was bringing them rocks that what if he gave Elizabeth the ring. I just didn't know if Lucas was even going to propose as I didn't watch the preview. I loved the timing of Lucas' lines, talking about how he'd planned on going to see her parents to ask for Elizabeth's hand in marriage. I mean, by now our hearts have started racing at the word marriage, and Elizabeth's jaw is dropping, and then BOOM! Little Jack hands her the ring and Hearties everywhere start squealing as we know this is it. Again I loved the timing of Lucas' words when he then said, "But I just called him (Her father) instead." Lol! Bravo Tinker! The timing on that was perfection!

    Oh and Lucas' expression! That nervous yet incredibly excited smile! SO sweet and romantic! My own mother, (Who's a Team Nathan fan) actually said that this was Chris McNally's best performance on the show. He was a nervous wreck yet was so visibly excited. He just could help but smile with this light in his eyes. And his words were heartfelt, romantic ans sweet. We got a callback to that kiss on the bridge when he told her that he's never been more sure that she is all that matters. And after he got down on one knee the first thing he asks her reveals his heart. He asks if she'll allow him to be a father to her son. Not only is this so sweet, but it's so important. Elizabeth isn't the only one involved here should they marry. Little Jack is too and Lucas' desire to be a father to him is so vital and wonderful all at the same time. And the fact that he'd ask her permission is very sweet and thoughtful. Oh and Little Jack's face as he hears those words is just the cherry on top. I mean seriously... (Happy sigh...)

    And then he says the words that make women swoon... I don't know about you but I just found it romantic that he asked her to be his wife specifically rather than just would she marry him. There's just something really romantic about that to me. And then of course he asked the big question... Will you marry me? Elizabeth's response? Of course it was yes! Duh! Lol! As if she would have said anything else. That was the thing John tinker fixed for me this season. Last season I was sure of Lucas' feelings but wanted to see more from Elizabeth. This season proved just how much they BOTH love each other. I could actually feel that from Elizabeth this season, which was so great.


    And that ring? I'm sorry Mountie Jack but Lucas' ring tops yours for sure. Lucas definitely has good taste, and another sweet added detail was the fact that Elizabeth was wearing the earrings he got her for her birthday. Lucas then swooped in for a kiss, and then proceeded to pick her up and twirl her around. Oh, that's right. He twirled her, and it just worked so well in that scene. The twirl was actually an improvisation crafted by McNally himself, and I love that he decided to add that. And the cherry to top this whole thing off? Little Jack's loud and joyous, YAY!!! Lol! Oh, I love that kid! I absolutely love him as Little Jack, and the pure joy he is to watch. I love his friendship, or rather 'buddy-ship' with Lucas, and Hyland needs to remain as Little Jack permanently or I shall die.

    And there we have it, Hearties! LucaBeth is officially engaged! YAY! I'm so glad we got an engagement this season! It just wouldn't have made sense if we didn't. Lucas and Elizabeth are just too in love.

    And it is with this that I shall end my final episode review for Season 9. What a ride this has been! Honestly, this has been my favorite season for LucaBeth, even topping Seasons 6-7! And those were pretty wonderful seasons. John Tinker has redeemed himself, and I have to say bravo to the man. This season was a joy to watch, and was filled with so many fun, romantic, emotional, and just joyous moments. What I love is just how much love we got this season between the characters, and not just from LucaBeth. Love between husband and wife, and even love between friends. It was lighthearted, emotional, and just made me happy.

    Thank you so much for reading! Feel free to comment all your thoughts below in the comment section or on my Twitter page. Sorry I'm so late with last week's comments. Have an amazing weekend! God Bless! 

P.S. Feel free to take a look at all the fun WCTH inspired designs in the shop!



  1. Hi Hope!

    I absolutely loved your blog/review of EP 12! I appreciate you taking the time to write it for us.

    Let me say my favorite scene of ep 12, I thought, would be the L/E proposal. But Henry and Joseph, in the jail, blew me away! I cried uncontrollable tears. So good!

    Mr. Nathan... Such a treat this season. His off the cuff comedy and snark, I'm here for it! Need that to continue in S 10.

    So happy for Rosemary and Lee!!!

    Back to E&L, Yessssssssss, they are engaged!!! Perfect proposal. Perfect ring. Perfect family.

    I need a Season 10!!!

    1. Thank you, Kathleen! I'm so happy you enjoyed the post!

      Oh, yes! Henry's scene was the most emotional moment in the whole season for me! So, so good. Martin Cummins did a wonderful job!

      I loved Nathan this season! His bold comments made me laugh outright, and it was really sweet to see him fall for Mei. I also love seeing the dynamic between him, Elizabeth, and Lucas and really hope we get more of all of the above.
      I am so, so happy the Coulters are expecting, and that LucaBeth is engaged! I really, really hope we get a Season 10! So much goodness is still to come!

      Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts with me. Have a wonderful weekend! God Bless!

  2. I love your blog! This is only the 3rd one I have read. I look forward to Thursdays to get your insights. Thank for doing this; your blogs are awesome. I hope for a season 10 as well. I started watching at the end of season 7 and have been ‘hooked’ since then.

    1. Aww! Thank you! I'm so glad to hear that you're enjoying the blog. I really hope we get a Season 10 too! I need to see LucaBeth's wedding and Rosemary give birth! :) And I totally get it. I started watching Season 1 when it was on Netflix and I too have been hooked ever since. Lol!
      Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts with me. God Bless!

  3. The Heartie ObserverMay 27, 2022 at 10:01 PM

    I'm glad you enjoyed the episode! Lucas's proposal was definitely different than I thought it would be too, but I thought him including Little Jack made it really special. Lot's of great moments for Lucabeth fans during this finale, and during this season in general. I'm glad it lived up to all of your expectations!

    As you know, I'm a Nathan fan, so hopefully one of these days we'll get to see some special, romantic moments for him as well. Hopefully we won't have to wait another four years for that, lol. I would have liked a little more closure on his story this year, but it is what it is I guess.

    Henry totally made me emotional this episode, as did the Coulters! I'm so happy they are finally HAVING A BABY!

    Great review! Keep up the good work!

    1. Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Yes, this is definitely my favorite season for LucaBeth so far, but honestly I absolutely loved watching Nathan this season. I love Kevin McGarry's sense of humor, and he's a talented actor. I also really enjoyed seeing Nathan have feelings for Mei, and was even wondering if we'd get some sort of romantic moment between them in this last episode. But their interaction was pretty quick. I totally agree that we need to see Nathan get his own romantic moments next season. The sooner the better in my opinion.

      Oh my goodness yes! Henry's scene was probably the most emotional moment this season for me. Such a tear-jerking moment! And I'm so happy that the Coulters are FINALLY having a baby! Yay!

      Thank you so much for reading, and the lovely comment! Have an amazing day! God Bless!

  4. Some great storylines were capped off this episode--a Coulter baby, Henry's whole arc, and Lucas and Elizabeth are engaged!

    Really enjoyed the highlights of the season although I must admit overall, I was disappointed how some things wrapped up. So many loose threads and lost potential, and I wish Lucabeth had had more meaningful scenes.

    And why, why have they taken away Lucas' grand gestures (or rather just planning sweet romantic settings)? I wanted to see little moments AND big romantic ones. Ah well. I did like how Little Jack helped him so flawlessly with the proposal. So adorable. The twirl was perfection. Hope we have a season ten wedding.

    Thanks so much for all the fun recaps. I looked forward to them every week.

  5. Hope, I agree with your review of the finale. I think Mei will be Nathan's love interest because she helped to bring out the better side of him. She helped him realize that it wasn't romantic love he had for Elizabeth. Plus Nathan relates his past to Mei freely. He hadn't done that with anyone else before.

    Henry, will get off because in S6, Henry not only bought land, he was also buying mineral rights. Arthur mentioned mineral rights when he was talking to Fiona.

    I think Bill and Molly may become a couple after all because she was very excited when she came back from taking Bill to UC.

    Mike is smart and he and Fiona will do big things for the oil company. Lucas is still contractually liable for another year at the oil company. With Mike there that would help Lucas.

    With Elizabeth and Lucas, they both have grown. There love is more mature. Elizabeth has not really doubted that Lucas loved her or has she been jealous of him ( only with his mother, lol) I am not sure what kind of wedding they will have because Lucas isn't doing the grand gestures anymore and Elizabeth is desperately ready to be Lucas's wife.

    Again I enjoyed your recap of S9. We will have a S10 Brian said, just not sure what channel it will be on yet.


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