Never Say Never: When Calls the Heart Season 9 Episode Review

    Jumping jelly beans! What an episode! Were you emotional? Please tell me you were emotional!

    Hey Hearties, and welcome to today's blog post! I hope you're all doing well and enjoying Spring. What a great episode we got this week! So dramatic! So fun! And a HUGE dream of Hearties worldwide may have just come true.

    And I'm just going to jump right in.

Side Notes: What hole did all of the Hope Valley children fall into this episode? Suddenly they're all gone. Strange...

WHY DOESN'T ARTHUR HAVE A BRITISH ACCENT?!? I've seen Matthew James Dowden in many Hallmark movies and I really love it when he has a British accent, so I was just disappointed that he didn't here. But, oh well. :)


    Bravo, Nathan! You made the right choice! (Or rather the choice I wanted you to make. Lol!) Oh guys, what a spot he was in. I totally understand the internal struggle he was dealing with. He's a Mountie and wants to protect people. To uphold the law and make sure the bad guys don't get away. This guy Nathan chose to let walk free not only hit Newton and ran, but also caused Nathan a serious head injury, and did dirty work for Wyman to incriminate an innocent man. Those are some serious crimes (Especially hitting Newton) and Nathan by no means wants to just let the guy go free. But... if he didn't Lucas may end up in jail for a long time as an innocent man, thereby crushing Elizabeth. In the end I think Nathan made the best choice. better to ensure an innocent man isn't convicted for a crime he didn't commit, and just catch the other dude later when and if he commits another crime.

    In the end Nathan showed us what a good and kind man he is. Sadly however he had to deal with some rather unhappy people in the process. Mainly just Lucas and Elizabeth. :D Lucas was far from happy or friendly toward him, and I get it. I mean... Nathan could send him to jail, for goodness sake. But Nathan did try to take the time to explain his struggle to Lucas, and I believe Lucas understood. It was just a really tough spot for the both of them.

    And of course... I absolutely have to mention the scene with Nathan and Elizabeth. Man, what is it with this guy and ladies hugging him? Lol! Did anyone have flashbacks to Season 7's finale? I know I sure did! But while I can imagine how hard that scene was for Team Nathan to watch, I have to say it was a different kind of hug. Instead of Elizabeth hugging him out of fear for his safety, she was rather hugging him out of relief for Lucas'. She was so incredibly relieved and grateful that Nathan was keeping the love of her life out of jail. And being overcome with emotion and gratitude she hugged him in thanks. Which was really sweet actually. But oh my goodness... About Nathan and Little Jack's scene...

    Nathan called him, "MOUNTIE JACK"!!!! Did anyone else catch that? (Excuse me while I cry...) Oh wow the nostalgia! And the salutes between them were fun and sweet. The last thing I have to mention is Nathan and Faith...


    You know it's weird... For some reason I liked Faith more this episode. You may know by now that Faith has never been a favorite character of mine, but this episode really showed Faith stepping into her role as the town doctor. She was doing the things Carson would have if he was still here. She is so incredibly loyal to Hope Valley and it's citizens. This is her home and the people are her family. Time and time again we've seen just how strongly she feels called to stay here, having two men dump her because of her dedication. So maybe that's why I liked her more this time around. She was chasing after Nathan, or being jealous over Mei. She was being her thoughtful, determined, and caring self.

    As to her and Nathan... If I had to guess I'd say that her Nathan will never be a thing. Faith my just be a red herring, while Mei is the one Nathan will really end up with. Which if this is true... shoof! I would hate it if the writers paired them together. They're just not what I had in mind for either of them.

Rosemary & Lee & Joseph

    Oh. My. Chicken crackers…. 


    Rosemary is pregnant! Rosemary is pregnant! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! Oh my goodness, my dream has finally come true, and if the writers pull a fast one on me and say she isn’t really pregnant I am going to burn up my next blog post with the fire of my wrath.

    (Okay Hope… breathe… just breathe…)

    It would figure that this would happen right after I roast the Coulter’s storylines in my last blog post, right? Lol! But it would appear that John Tinker reads my blog and decided to add this just for me. (I tease, I tease… Lol!) And I’m not saying I called this or anything, but I did mention the writers could be waiting until the end of the season for the “big thing” to happen to the Coulters so… Yeah, I’m not saying I called it, but feel free to say it yourself. :D

    Oh guys, this is just so incredibly wonderful. From the moment Rosemary said she was nauseous I thought, “She might be pregnant.” And then… it happened. Please, oh please tell me you got emotional during this episode at least during one or both of Rosemary’s scenes. The first when the chill-bump-raising scene occurred and Faith first told Rosemary, and the second when Rosemary told Elizabeth. Wow. Just wow. It was such a fun way for Rosemary to find out with Faith talking into the stethoscope, and Rosemary’s reaction? It was just as you would have expected. She nearly fainted from shock, and then so sweetly placed her hand to her belly. Over the child that may be growing inside her.

    And I figured she wouldn’t want to tell Lee yet, and it makes absolute perfect sense. This has been such an incredible struggle for the both of them, and to get his hopes up just to find out she not pregnant would be devastating. But I simply cannot wait until she does. Tears will be shed by Hearties everywhere, believe me.

    Now… about Elizabeth and Rosemary… Guys, my emotions took quite the ride this episode. First I was shocked at Rosemary for daring to publish the news about the mine that Elizabeth told her IN CONFIDENCE. I was NOT happy with her at all. She completely broke Elizabeth’s trust, and then published it for everyone to see. But what saved it for me was the fact that the two of them resolved things so quickly, and that Rosemary admitted that she was wrong. I mean, yes the town should know about the mine reopening, but I agree with Rosemary that the way she went about it was not right. So everything was resolved very nicely and the two of them are best friends again.

    Aren’t the two of them just so sweet? The two most unlikely friends have become each others’ support and best friend. And that moment when Rosemary told Elizabeth that she may be expecting… EMOTIONAL! So emotional. I was emotional. My friends watching with me were emotional. Even my mom was emotional. (Happy sigh...)

    Now the question remains… Is Rosemary pregnant or not? If I had to make a guess I would have to say yes. The writers just can’t do anything else with how long we’ve been waiting for this moment. It would be absolutely crushing if they were to tease us and not make her be pregnant. So unless they’re trying to portray real-life and make the Coulters go through an incredible trauma… yes. Yes Rosemary is pregnant. (And I called it! Sort of…😂)

    And finally Lee and Joseph have had it out with each other and are back to being the best of friends. Or mostly anyway. Lee really hurt Joseph, and that may take a little time to heal. Joseph may even be a little wary of trusting Lee. But in the end they hugged it out, and made things right. Lee understands that what he did was wrong and disrespectful, and Joseph knows that Lee was just trying to be his friend. 

Mike, Bill, & Fiona

    (Sighs…) Oh poor sweet Mike. Now we know why he wants to quit. He just has too big of a heart to keep turning people down. Honestly, that’s just who he’s been ever since he first came on this show.

    He’s a giving guy with a big heart. He became mayor to help people, but it’s much… stricter… when you’re the mayor. Things aren’t simple anymore and now he has more rules to follow. So it’s with all this that he’s decided to take a trip and clear his head. He still wants to resign, and I don’t know what will happen next. Will he indeed resign, and have Bill or Lee takeover? Or will Bill encourage him to stay on? I don’t know, but what I do know is that Bill is a big sweetheart.

    That was so heartwarming that he said he was going to track Mike down if he didn’t come back. Bill has really become Mike’s biggest supporter and it’s very sweet. But speaking of Bill… What on earth is going on with the man’s health? One moment he seems perfectly fine and the next he’s coughing and sputtering. I suspect we’ll figure out what’s going on pretty soon as we only have two episodes left. So for now all I can do is wonder.

    And finally… Fiona… (Sigh…) What I’m about to say is incredibly harsh and only half true, but… It’s kind of her fault that the mine is reopening. Now I can’t blame her entirely as she really was left holding the bag here. Lucas wanted to pull out of the company, and Henry disappeared for a time so she was really left on her own. But… if she hadn’t, made that deal… Yeah. Now in truth I think everyone kind of played a part in this. Henry wasn’t there to help, and Lucas wanted to sell his share to Jerome. But… Fiona knew Jerome and Henry’s history, and she decided to go ahead with things anyway. She was more focused on making a deal then checking things out with her co-workers. And as a result… the mine is reopening. Feel free to argue against this opinion if you disagree.

    But other than all that… You tell that Arthur creep, girl! That’s right. It’s Ms. Miller, and he’d better learn to keep his hands to himself. This Arthur is turning out to be quite the villain, and I’m very curious what’s going to happen with him and Fiona. But it was simply hilarious that the writers made Fiona (AKA Kayla) talk to Nathan (AKA Kevin/Her real-life boyfriend) about Arthur having feelings for her, and Nathan told her how to deal with it. Oh, and that they were stealing food from each other. Lol! 

Side note to the writers: Please make Fiona and Mike become a couple. I'll have to eat my internet hat if you don't. Lol!


    Oh my goodness. That slap… Florence actually slapped Henry Gowen! Guys, someone hasn’t been slapped in the face like that since Season 1! And oh how grieved and hurt that man is.

    Henry’s worst nightmare has come true. The mine is reopening. And he is in charge of it. Again. As much as he probably just wants to run away and pretend it doesn’t exist, his choice to oversee the mine in honorable. Brave. Courageous. He knows what happened last time. He believes that mine is not safe, and he’s not going to make the same mistake he did last time and shut up and listen to his superiors. He’s going to make sure this is done right. If that means working with his old acquaintance Jerome, so be it.

    But that double door entrance though... (You da man, Henry.)

    Speaking of Jerome, I have to say he’s turning out to be an okay guy. His outlook on the mine is logical, and in a way makes sense. If the mine is safe, let it reopen and make a profit. If not, oh well. No harm done. (Minus the town going into shock) Now there is still time for the guy to do a 180 on me, so I can’t write him off yet, but if I had to make a guess I’d say he’s a good guy. But all of this isn’t going to calm the people of Hope Valley.

    The town is absolutely horrified at the news of the mine reopening, and rightly so. That mine caused the biggest, most horrific accident in the town’s entire history. I mean, over 40 men died down there! So, I absolutely, 100% understand everyone’s reactions to this news. Especially Florence and Molly.

    Honestly, I think Henry shouldn’t have tried to talk to her so soon. Yes, it was so very brave and noble of him to try, but… The news was just too fresh. Maybe with time, and after she learns the details, she’ll understand that Henry is not to blame. Or that he has the best of intentions. But for now… Henry just has to deal with his new reality. If the town looked down on him before, they certainly do now. Which is just sad. Those people should know Henry Gowen better than that. Should know he has a good heart. Hopefully after the dust settles they'll learn the truth of the whole matter and show Henry their support.

Lucas & Elizabeth

    Okay... Spill it, Bouchard. What is in the box? If you weren't in my TV screen I might even wrestle you for it. Lol!

    Oh, wow guys... So much happened with LucaBeth and even Little Jack this episode. We got so many wonderful scenes with Lucas and Elizabeth kissing, and Lucas hanging out with Little Jack, and Lucas being in jail, and... Oh yeah. Lucas Bouchard was in jail. Well, the writers certainly didn't keep us guessing for long about whether or not Lucas would be arrested for those fake ledgers. And just look at the poor man. (Although I'd say that being in jail really agrees with him, as I really like the disheveled look. Lol!) Lucas was NOT happy with Nathan for a majority of this episode, and I understand. Everyone's trust in Lucas was being tested, and it had to hurt. But in the same token I know that Nathan was just doing his job and I'm sure Lucas does too.

    Yet even with the great news of him being released from jail he goes straight from the frying pan and into the fire as he attends the meeting with the oil investors. He is so far from pleased with how this whole thing has turned out. Never in a million years would he want that mine to reopen, but now... It's just too late. And you can just see from the look on his face that he is devastated. I'm sure he feels responsible for this, but the thing is I believe he was the least involved with this whole thing. He didn't know about Jerome's connection to the mine because Fiona kept it a secret from him and Henry. If Henry had known, he could have looked into things and figured out that the investors wanted to reopen the mine. All Lucas wanted to do was get rid of his share of the oil company, and he had no idea what the investors were planning. So he's pretty innocent in this whole thing, but I doubt he feels that way. Especially after hearing Florence crying over the phone.

    The big questions are obviously... Is Lucas cleared for good of his charges, or will complications rise? And will the entire town now look at him differently with the mine reopening, or will all the blame fall on Henry? Oh, and will Wyman really have it out for Lucas now that he's not in jail? I think yes. Definitely yes. But how clever, yet devious was Wyman to plant those ledgers in Lucas' office? And in the wall no less!


    Okay, now with all the jail and business talk out of the way I can focus on Lucas and Elizabeth's romance and the pure cuteness of the LucaBeth family. How perfect was it that Elizabeth gave Lucas a pocket watch? His pocket watch has become his trademark thing, and it's just so fitting that it will now be a very meaningful gift from his soulmate. And the inscription, "Our time has come".... It's like she's literally asking Lucas to propose to her. Or at least giving him the green light. Lol! And for a second there it looked like he might...

    Now I have to be honest here. I really, really doubt that that box holds an engagement ring. I'm thinking this is another "Mountie Ball" moment where the writers make it look like the guy might propose, but he doesn't. Not to say that Lucas won't propose this season, as I think that very well may happen. I just don't know that his gift to Elizabeth is an engagement ring. Lucas is just too thoughtful to up and ask her right there. He'd plan some perfect and romantic engagement, or otherwise just blurt it out because he can't hold back anymore. Lol! I actually might like it if he did. You know, have one of them be in danger, get saved, and the whole thing just makes Lucas blurt out, "Marry me." But I guess we'll see. All I know is I am going to be very, VERY upset if he doesn't propose this season in some way. :)

    Aside from the box, how stinking cute are not only Lucas and Elizabeth, but Lucas and his little buddy? Elizabeth was so supportive of Lucas, claiming romantically that she'd visit him everyday should he end up in jail. (And twice on Sundays. Lol!) I love their romance! It's so sweet, cute, swoon-worthy, and just so wonderful to watch. They're just so happy together, which in turn makes me happy to watch. They both also handle tension and trouble very well, and stick together as a team, coming out even stronger and more in love in the end. 

    And Lucas wants to build Little Jack a tree house? How amazingly cute and fun would that be?!? I can just imagine how it all might go down. (The scene, not the tree house. Then again... I've seen Lucas with a hammer so... ;) I know I've commented on this before, but it is just so fun that Lucas and Little Jack call each other "buddy". I really love that the writers did that, and Little Jack's "Telephone, Buddy," was so cute! It was also neat seeing the whole little family hanging out in Lucas' office together. Little Jack was just looking at all of his buddy's little trinkets and asking what they are. And Jack just can't take seeing his buddy being sad and just had to turn his frown upside down. And it sure worked. Lol! How fun and sweet was that?


    Over all this was a wonderful episode. Such a great mixture of emotions, romance, and drama. Honestly this was one of the best episodes of the season, and I can't wait to find out how this all turns out. 

    Thank you so much for reading! Feel free to tell me your thoughts in the comments section below or on my Twitter page. (But please no spoilers. We're almost at the end. :) Have an amazing day! God Bless!

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  1. If I'm repeating myself, I apologize. Your beautifully written review is a an absolute treat to read each week. Thank you for taking the time to do it and giving us this gift to read. 🙂

    1. Aww! Thank you so much, Kathleen! You are so sweet and I really appreciate your kind words! I'm so glad you're enjoying the posts! Have an amazing day! God Bless!

  2. Ms. Hope, you for sure called it. ;) So glad they finally decided to have Rosemary become pregnant. Will be such fun to see her tell Lee! I'm glad they put this news in the same episode she and E argue. If I were Elizabeth, I'd probably be more careful what I'd say around Rosie. Just saying.

    Such a good, good episode. Loved how supportive Elizabeth was for Lucas. Probably some of my favorite Lucabeth and Little Jack moments thus far! (Let them get engaged already! It's their time.) Ooh, and Nathan's struggles and his scenes with Lucas--loved it. Great conflict for them to walk through. I hope Nathan is able to still get his hit and run man booked down the line.

    Henry, oh Henry, what'll happen to you? I fancy he'll do something to prevent that mine ever reopening. He's not one to be fettered by, shall we say, gray areas? So it'll be interesting to see what measures he takes. The last two episodes oughta be jam-packed with good scenes! Looking forward to it.

    Thanks for the lovely recap! You picked the best pictures of the episode too.

    1. And thank you for reading, Ann! I'm so glad you enjoyed the post, and it's really helpful to me to know you liked the pics too.

      Oh, I simply cannot wait until Rosemary tells Lee that she's pregnant! It will be such an amazing an emotional moment. And I have to agree with you there. If I was Elizabeth I'd think twice before telling Rosemary something.

      And yes! Elizabeth and Lucas just need to get engaged and married already. Lol! They really already act like they're newlyweds. And yes, that guy who hit Nathan definitely deserves some measure of punishment. I wonder if Nathan will catch him committing some other crime.

      I am so curious to find out what's going to happen next for Henry! He was absolutely crushed at the end of this last episode. The last thing he wants is that mine reopened so he's going to fight this hard. Or at least do everything in his power to make sure it's safe. I can't wait to find out what happens in these last two episodes!

      Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts with me! God Bless!

  3. Hope, I truly enjoy your recaps of WCTH. There was so much going on in this episode, but I loved it. I agree with everything you said. However, I have to add my thoughts about Fiona. First what is her connection to Mr Smith and because she didn't say anything to Arthur when they first met, he thought it was okay to act the way he did towards her. True Henry was missing in action and Lucas wanted out, but it still isn't her company, so she needed to discuss what she wanted to do. None of the men look down on her being a woman in business. They respect her and support her. The decisions she made brought the disaster to town. Lucas always wanted to be a silent partner. He only took it over because of his love for Elizabeth and HV. Now he devasted about the mine reopening, his reputation and how it will affect Elizabeth and her reputation. Also how devastating it will be for Henry. Lucas feels deeply and her doesn't like to hurt anyone, so he is struggling with all this bad news. Lucas will definitely propose by the end of this season I am 100% sure. Just don't know how. It could be Lucas grand gesture style or a poetic romantic simple style. Great review looking forward to your next one!!!

  4. Great blog post. You know what bothers me about Nathan is that both he and Bill just put Lucas in jail on the accusations of a criminal, but when Mei was in trouble, Nathan investigated and proved her innocence. Where was the investigation for Lucas?

  5. HI Hope!

    Another great review! :)

    I wasn't happy with Nathan and Bill in this ep. I think Lucas wasn't treated fairly, from what they know of him. It was like we had reverted back three years.

    I'm glad that Nathan finally made the right decision, but frustrated at his words regarding Lucas in this ep.

    Rosie is preggos! Finally...

    As for Smith and Gilchrist, as I told you in DM, I am of a totally opposite opinion. Thinking Smith is a snake, and Gilchrist will end up doing the right thing. Can't wait to see.

    Lucas and Jack--omg- just too sweet and precious!

    And what's in that darn box?! I can't see him being so casual about an engagement ring, so perhaps it is another jewelry gift. Or a rock Jack found that they decorated, lol.

    Love our couple and can't wait to see what is next!

  6. The Heartie ObserverMay 14, 2022 at 7:04 PM

    I just discovered that you are no longer on Instagram, but are still writing reviews! Hurray! I'm so glad I found your blog again! I've missed reading it! I've enjoyed your reviews so far! Keep up the good work!

    1. Thank you so much! I'm really sorry I didn't notify you that I'm not on Instagram anymore. I should have commented on your blog or something. But I'm so glad you know now, and are enjoying the posts! Also I never told you but congrats on getting all those interviews with the cast members on your blog. That is amazing and so neat! I've avoided reading much on your blog so I don't see spoilers but I've read some of your reviews, and I enjoy reading your blog as well! Keep up the good work as well! God Bless!


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