Journey into Light: When Calls the Heart Season 9 Episode Review

    Okay, so... I've come to a very important decision...

    It's official. John Tinker has redeemed himself as a writer in my eyes, and I "heartie-ly" give him and big round of applause. If you've been reading awhile on my blog, then you'll know I wasn't a big fan of his writing in Season 8. I mean I really did enjoy some of the things he did, but not everything. But I said I was giving him another chance, and now its not even halfway through the season and I've changed my mind. I absolutely love what he's doing, and watching WCTH is such a wonderful joy. I didn't want the episode to end!

    Oh yeah, hi Hearties! Welcome to this week's review! As you've just read, I definitely enjoyed this week's episode, and honestly I just didn't want it to end. I want more! Lol! It did seem to be more of a filler episode as the big storylines weren't really touched on, but for once that didn't effect the episode as much as the writers gave us such great stories to follow instead. Before a filler episode meant that the triangle drama got delayed, which was frustrating. But this time I totally enjoyed the episode, despite the major plots only being touched on slightly.

    Well... Let's not waste anymore time and dive in!



Nathan & Allie

    It's official! Nathan is a mustache-less dad! Lol! But wow. Allie's new name for her uncle really hit me out of no where, but it was definitely a heartfelt moment. The look of pure joy on Nathan's face was beautiful. He's literally over the moon that Allie wants to call him dad. It's a moment that Hearties have been waiting a long time for and the writers wrote the moment in an effective and sweet way. Now I do have a confession... I was never a fan of the idea of Allie calling Nathan dad. (Hearties gasp and raise frying pans over their heads...) I just always enjoyed the uncle/niece relationship and always liked that she called him 'Uncle Nathan.' But now that I've heard her call Nathan dad... I have to say that scene won me over some. It was very sweet, and now I'm liking the idea of her calling him dad way more.

    Either way, Allie has finally made her return, and she's making quick work of catching up on everything she missed. That was hilarious when she confronted Nathan about getting hit by a car and NOT telling her. It was also hilarious when she met Mei and gasped about how beautiful she thinks Mei is. And Nathan's just like, "I didn't notice." Lol! Oh sure, Mr. Mountie. It's not like you've been staring at her across the street, or been talking to her a lot lately, and you certainly didn't have a dinner date with her recently... :D Oh, if only Allie knew about that. ;)

    But Allie and Nathan had some meaningful conversation this episode. Allie is growing up, perhaps a little too fast, and feels like she's old enough for things like traveling by herself, and falling in love. What now? Whoa girl! How old are you again? 13? Maybe 14? Aren't you just a mite bit young to be saying you have feelings for a boy that go beyond "liking" or even "like-liking" him? But then again people got married a lot younger back then so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

    But one thing is for sure... Nathan is not ready for this. Not at all. And I have to admit that I agree with his sentiment. Maybe Allie and Robert should just go on liking each other as friends for a at least a few more years.

    And if anyone could get Nathan to shave the stache it would be Allie. After telling him that his hairy development hid his smile instantly he's at the barber shaving it off. But I have to ask... Why did he go to the barber shop just to shave it off himself? Why didn't he do that at home? Oh, yeah that's why. Because how else would Mei happen upon him finishing the job? You know, in his undershirt with his suspenders dangling at his sides. Lol! I don't know guys, but should she have been a little embarrassed? I mean, they had standards back then. You know, propriety and stuff. But I have to say... wow. He looked so different after shaving it off, and while I definitely like McGarry better without it... I really did like that stache on Nathan. But... oh well... Lol!

    Oh yes, and lastly I have to mention him and Lucas' interactions... Lol! Guys, Nathan had one of the best lines of the episode. He's getting really suspicious of Lucas and Wyman, and he's not really trying to hide it. He outright questioned Lucas on it, and of course Lucas said nothing. Then when Lucas asked Nathan why he's asking so many questions, Nathan responded, "I'm starting a fan club." 😂😂😂 Oh, I love Nathan's one-liners, and him and Lucas' rivalry. Nathan never fails to make me laugh, and I actually hope him and Lucas keep this rivalry up awhile longer. It's just too much fun. :D

Faith & Mei

    (Cough!) Excuse me while I rant... Really Faith? Really? Since when have you and Allie been so close? In fact I don't even know if you two have ever said a word to each other. EVER! And now you want to welcome her back with a great big hug in front of Nathan AND Mei? Wow. Talk about transparency.

    I know it's not certain yet whether or not Faith has a crush on Nathan or is just concerned about him spending so much time with Mei. But... Yeah, it really looks like she may have a crush on the man. And as a result she's acting a bit... odd. And silly. Lol! Now all of a sudden she's inviting Allie over for a girls event at the barber shop with Mei, and giving her motherly advice. Along with Mei. I guess we'll have to wait and see how this all plays out.

    As for Mei... Just like I predicted her storyline is being dragged on forever. Very, very little was said about her, and nothing that was new either. I guess we're still in the dark about her past for awhile longer. But she did meet Allie and thinks she's great. She also seemed to make a point of spending time with the girl and doing fun things with her. Hmm... Someone's trying to win Allie over maybe... Or maybe Allie's handsome uncle perhaps... ;)

The Coulters


    Rosemary Coulter! How dare you ever consider the idea that Lee would be cheating on you! Wow, guys... Things got rough there for a little while. Lee was acting so suspicious that Rosemary actually thought he might be tiring of her. Honestly we haven't seen Rosemary doubt her relationship with Lee since Season 2 or 3. But the imagination is a wild and dangerous thing.

    Now I knew that Lee was probably working on something very thoughtful for Rosemary. That's just who he is, but Rosemary got a little carried away. Or a lot. But then again... Lee did go behind her back and try to find out her confidential source is. Lol! Florence sure showed him! :D

    But in the end things turned out to be the complete opposite of what Rosemary was fearing. Lee wasn't tiring of her... He wanted to spend even more time with her! Time outside of work. And he finally put that woodworking dream to use and built a very sweet and thoughtful set of chairs. Chairs they can sit in, look at the views they both enjoy, and spend even more time together in. Bravo Lee.

The Canfields & Landis

    Oh my goodness... That was the sweetest way this storyline could have ended and I loved it! Landis and Angela playing the piano side-by-side? Pure genius! Turns out he's not such a monster after all. 

    Guys this storyline was so heartfelt and sweet. Not only did we see Minnie and her family heal, but we even saw Mr. Landis heal as he rediscovered his passion for music. Through Minnie's difficult decision to invite the man over, love, kindness, and forgiveness was found. This is the love of God. Showing kindness and love to our enemies, and in the end everyone found such joy and healing.

    It couldn't have been easy for her to do this. He's caused so much hurt and trouble for her family. But she set her own feelings aside and chose to show him kindness. And as a result the most beautiful events unfolded.

    Mr. Landis is now going to quit his job and go back to being a teacher! Who would have guessed? Music brings that man to life. And now the Canfields have found peace and joy.

    We didn't get too much on Cooper's storyline this episode, but that's okay. This wonderful storyline was so great to watch instead.

Mike & Fiona

    So Mike asked for help... from Bill... about being mayor... Maybe he's not as smart as he thinks he is. Lol! Honestly guys, do we even know if that's what he was asking Bill for help with? Bill just jumped in so fast, Mike could barely get a word in. And Bill's last words to him...Ouch! For shame Bill! First you take away his bow-tie and now you've really hurt his feelings. But then again... Bill's words about Mike loosing friends is proving to be true. I'm a little torn about what Mike was feeling in that last moment. Was he considering Bill's words and worried about something he'd done or even just his own mayoral abilities, or was he just plain hurt? I'm not 100% sure. For now all I can say is... Poor Mike.

    Moving onto his best friend... (The one who didn't even say hi to him, and is now suddenly a blonde.) Honestly guys... Fiona has blonde hair now? Maybe the actress needed to dye it for a different role or something? Or maybe the writers just wanted Fiona to be a blonde now. Either way... it's different to say the least. And that hair must be affecting her as those were some strong words she spoke to Henry Gowen. Only she realized this a little too late. She's trying so, so hard to do a good job with the oil company and this deal with Jerome Smith, and she has the best of intentions. But I think there needs to be more communication between her and Gowen. You know, the nice kind, not insults and dirty looks. I understand her point about Henry, as the man really did just leave without telling anyone, and he's been quite difficult to work with. And... yeah he did get himself thrown in jail.

    Again, I think communication between the both of them would go a long, long way.


If We Should Marry...

    (Happy sighs...) Guys... These two are just so romantic, so in love, and I just can't get enough of them! And whoa! Just whoa! They're openly talking to each other about... marriage? Yay!!! Honestly if these two aren't at least engaged by the end of this season, I will be both disappointed and surprised.

    I enjoyed both Elizabeth and Lucas' storylines this episode, although most of their scenes were just about their romance this time. (Which... I mean I'm not complaining about it. Lol!) Lucas is spending more time with Wyman, and people are really starting to notice. Well, everyone except Elizabeth. Honestly I'm really curious, and a little scared of what she'll do when she finds out. Again, I'm really just enjoying their romance so much, and I don't want anything to ruin it. But I think some tension would be good for them. It will strengthen their relationship even more, and let us see how they both respond to struggles. I just have to wonder... Just what is Lucas doing, and how is this going to play out?

    On the bright side of things... Yes! Not only does Lucas have suspenders, but this rugged man has a new hat to boot! Hats were a standard back in the 1910s, and the people of Hope Valley wear them so little. So it was nice seeing this new side to Lucas, and I'm not the only one who thought so. Elizabeth was quite attracted to Lucas' new look. Now I just need to see him and Little Jack wearing suspenders and hats side-by-side. :)

    Elizabeth and Lucas' romance is so sweet and romantic to watch. Physical touch is for sure their love language, and they always greet each other with a kiss, something her and Jack didn't even do. And Lucas also used a sweet peck on her cheek to smooth over his decision to buy Lee's motorcycle.... What the what? After all the fuss over Jesse buying it in Season 8, and then Fiona riding at the end of the season, I have to say I didn't see Lucas being the one to end up with it. But you know what? That's actually a really fun idea! And Elizabeth didn't seem to mind too much. She was more concerned about Lucas and Nathan racing.

    Lol! Guys, I have to applaud the writers here. The idea of Lucas and Nathan racing each other was pure gold, and I laughed outright. It was so fun, and hilarious. Those two just can't stop challenging each other, and it's just so funny to watch. I think Lucas might need to take some mechanical lessons from Lee or maybe Joseph before challenging Nathan to another race. He can just have more pillow fights with Elizabeth in the mean time to keep him occupied. :D

    It was interesting that Lucas' past of traveling and never staying in one place too long was brought up, and I think it was good that it was. Obviously this would be a concern for Elizabeth if she's thinking of marrying the man. But... Lucas squashed those fears she may have had with his incredibly romantic and sincere words.

    You are my adventure. You are my passion.

    And then.... Then came the jaw dropping statement. "If we were to marry..." Guys, Lucas literally just brought up the idea of them getting married, and right to Elizabeth's face. I mean, his sweet and romantic words about how he would hurry home to Elizabeth every night, and have to pull himself from her every morning... That's literally like him promising her that he would love her forever, and ever. And then... Elizabeth proceeds to repeat the same words back to him. She mentioned the idea of marriage to Lucas, and then promised to love him forever too!!!

    And I now pronounce LucaBeth as husband and wife! Lol! But guys didn't it feel like they were reciting wedding vows? And that kiss afterward... (Happy sigh...) Oh, the romance! I just can't get enough of these two! I am so, so, SO happy that Lucas and Elizabeth are so happy and in love. It just makes my day, and is so amazing to see after all the stress of the triangle. And besides all that... aren't they just cute? :)

    Overall this was another fun, romantic, and enjoyable episode. I'm excited to see what's in store for us next week. (Especially since John Tinker is writing the next three episodes. :) Thank you so much for reading! Feel free to leave your thoughts on this episode below in the comments or on my Twitter page! Have an amazing day! God Bless!

P.S. In the market for some WCTH inspired merch? I got you! Feel free to stop by the shop and see if you find anything you like. :)



  1. Last scene was beautifully done and tenderly. Love that Lucas brought it up about the reason for staying is Elizabeth and always has been. Loved the whole speech from “you are my adventure and passion to if we should marry…. “ . She is his home. Their lifetime.
    Another thing Elizabeth says that it’s important he got back and he did, he came back to her…. (like Jack never got to, so their is that fear). Love their kisses in the episodes cos each kiss is a different one each time. And their touches and playfulness etc. Like that we did see Elizabeth comment on his rugged look with suspenders and so on. Also like the tie in with Adventure where she says she wants to fill Little Jack days with fun and adventure and cue that Lucas is a adventurer, and his adventure is Elizabeth. He will fill their days with love, support and adventures and trying out new experiences. That will be beautiful to see.

    1. Yes, I'm absolutely loving E&L's romance! I love how sweet and gentle they are, and you can see just how in love they are. You make an interesting point about Lucas coming back to Elizabeth like Jack never got to. I never thought about it like that.

      I'm so excited to see what next week's episode brings for these two! Thank you so much for reading and commenting! God Bless!

  2. Hello Hope
    Interesting to read your thoughts – as always.
    Contrary to you, I am on and off frustrated with this season. Everything is so incredibly neat. I mean after the first season it has always been too neat to be real, but I learned to ignore this nagging feeling with time. Now it’s back – full force, screaming in my ear how fake it all is. And it – well spoils it for me – despite the wonderful cast and heartwarming stories.
    Why do people suddenly arrive in a white elegant something that seems to have sprung right out of a Hallmark royalty film and into HV. What happened to the good old previous coach?
    Those thoughts aside I enjoy the new season, even Nathan is bearable. His place as most annoying character has been handed over to Faith. What is that woman’s business with Nathan and Allie? I am appalled and have no wish to add more – you have already said it all.
    But what a pleasant surprise Minnie is - she gives me some long-missed Abigail vibes. Just the way she chose to deal with Landis reminded me so much of the way Abigail reached out to Henry. In that sense I would find it very fitting if she indeed took over the Café. I also like Minnie’s dynamic with Joseph. It is fascinating how all three married couples are heartwarming in their own unique way. OK, I know there is still Florence and Ned, but I can’t help it – I did not care for them single and I do not care for them as a couple. They are there, they do not disturb me, but they certainly do not interest me either. LOL, I just realized I am totally getting ahead of myself, because in the three I counted Minnie and Joseph, Lee and Rosemary and Elizabeth and Lucas! But – honestly – can you blame me? With all the kissing and touching and sweet dialogue between them. I am absolutely thrilled about how their relationship is developing this season and marvel about the variety of kisses Lucas has in store for Elizabeth: hand, nose, forehead, cheek, mouth, quick, longing, tender, lingering, passionate – I’d never thought we’d see them this physical with each other, not that I’d ever complain, lol.
    Nathan and Mei: I like them together and I absolutely see the potential. They seem to click, not in the romantic sense – not yet at least, but they have certainly connected. They both have baggage and they both hold back because of it. Nathan has his broken heart to mend and Mei – well whatever it is that we still have to be clued in on and makes her not free to start something with Nathan. And it is weighing on her – just like Fort Clay was weighing on Nathan. II am curious to see how their relationship unfolds and I think it’s great that they gave Nathan someone new to interact with but do not force instant romantic vibes but give the fans who need it time to mourn and learn to accept the idea of Nathan with someone new.

    1. Hi Kate! Please forgive my late response to your comment. I'm glad you enjoyed the post.

      I do agree that everything is very neat, but I think part of that is due to progress. The town continues to grow and change, and since it's no longer a coal mining town, things have cleaned up in appearance. Now things are moving into the 1920's and so styles and the vehicles they use to travel in are changing. I believe Lucas brought the white carriage in as there is now a Queen of Hearts transportation service. But anyway, with all that being said, I do understand because I absolutely loved how things were in Season 1. It felt grittier, and more realistic to the west, and was just really fun to watch.

      Yes, I'm definitely enjoying Nathan this season, and continue to scoff at Faith's behavior. Lol! She just needs to find love and finally get married. Yes, Minnie does seem to have taken over the "Abigail" role in a sense. She's a very kind, and gentle soul with a big heart for others. And that's totally fine that you don't care for Ned and Florence. Everyone has their own personal taste.

      Yes, I'm absolutely loving Lucas and Elizabeth together. They are so romantic and I love it! I need to see more of Nathan and Mei together before I make a final judgement about them. So far I'm not loving Mei, but I think she's too guarded for me to really see who she really is. Hopefully that will change after she deals with her past.

      Thank you so much for commenting! God Bless!

  3. I love the relationship and romance between Elizabeth and Lucas. After the pressure the writer's received and maybe deservedly so, they have certainly redeemed themselves. I personally am loving the joy of their relationship so much, I don't want any problems between them. I'd be happy with a problem they solve together. Bring on the romance. Great season and another great review! I look forward to your comments and analysis every week.

    1. Thank you! So glad you enjoyed the post!

      Yes! I am so with you! I love E&L's relationship/romance and don't want anything to mess it up! Lol! I mean, yes I would be okay with a little drama. A little tension. But it needs to be cleared up quickly! :D But a problem they can work out together could be good! That would be nice to see.

      Thank you so much for reading and taking the time to comment! God Bless!

  4. Good Day -
    Hope - as you mentioned this episode definitely had a "filler" vibe to it -as it jumped
    from topic to topic with no real theme.

    Faith - I really think that she is either very nervous about Mei's unknown background and Mei getting closer to Nathan as a protective mechanism OR she has "real" feelings for Nathan which perhaps she herself does as yet not recognize.

    Happy that the story-line with Mr. Landis was resolved in a good way - but I am
    sure that someone or something will replace him with the growth of the town and
    E will have to work around or with that situation when it arrives.

    E & L - what can I say - they are perfection - the actors have such chemistry and
    play off of one another beautifully - whether it be romantic or comedic. I wish
    they would have shown the entire pillow fight between them. The "vows" at the
    end were just amazing - I for one just melted.

    I am sure that some type of "angst" will be introduced for them - especially with
    L's mystery involvement with WW. I hope that it will be something that is easily resolved and not left as a cliff-hanger. I am holding onto hope that L comes out
    as a hero at the end.

    Enjoyed your review - as always. Love the show!

  5. Yep, definitely a filler but some fun scenes, nonetheless. Gotta love Lucas and Nathan's rivalry! And L&E' romance, which goes without saying. :)

    I'm still not a fan of the choppiness. I wish we could get fuller scenes, rather than 2-3 minutes with certain characters, then on to the next batch. I guess they have to because of the ensemble cast, but it makes it harder to invest in some of the storylines. Potential depth is lost at times.

    I think we'll get tension soon between Lucas and Elizabeth, what with the Wyman/Spurlock thing going on, just hope they give it a good chunk of screentime so we have deepening characterization of both L&E.

    Great recap per usual. :) Thanks so much!

    1. I agree Ann about the length of the scenes. I'd rather have an episode devoted to 2 or 3 stories and the following week 2 or 3 others.

    2. Thank you for reading, Ann, and for your sweet words! I'm so glad you enjoyed the post!

      I completely agree with you! This was definitely a filler episode but we got some really fun scenes in it! I love Lucas and Nathan's rivalry! So fun! And E&L's romance is SO romantic to watch! (Happy sigh...)

      Yes, there is such a large cast that they really have to jump from one story to the next. I've been okay with things so far, but if the writers focused on only a couple storylines in each episode, characters would get more screen time. Something that could be nice, and could deepen storylines as well.

      Ooo... I'm nervous yet excited to see what happens with Wyman and Sprulock! I think we all know some drama is on the way with those guys. I can't wait to see if E ever finds out the Pinkerton's name is Spurlock!

      Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts with me! God Bless!

  6. As usual, I loved your review and agree with what you said. Rosemary knows she's a lot to handle and deep down inside she's insecure, but Lee knows all that about her and loves her for it. I knew they would work it out. I love the Canfields for so many reasons. They have been married the longest of all the couples, and they are the only full family we see in HV. Also they allow God to lead. They are a multi-talented family. Now my favorite couple. One thing is they have become very comfortable with each other. Elizabeth has matured a lot and Lucas has mastered how to successfully argue with your (wife)🤣🤣🤣 Elizabeth has learned enough about Lucas to know when to ask him some things to get an answer that satisfy her. One thing we know, Lucas eyes have always been on Elizabeth and that there isn't anything he wouldn't do for her and she knows that about him. It's getting harder and harder for them to leave each other so I am 100% sure they will get engaged this season. I look forward to your next review 👏 👏👏👏

  7. Gosh I am so behind on commenting! Sorry about that my friend!

    I liked this episode, but wondered about that sweet hug with Faith and Allie. Seriously? I don't think I've ever seen them speak- could be wrong. Not sure what that was all about at all.

    It was sweet that Allie finally calls Nathan dad. I was hoping for a more spectacular scene, like she's in danger or something like that and it just springs out, but it was still a sweet moment.

    And that last scene! Oh my, where is my fan?! If we should marry. It was such a wonderful, romantic scene for our couple. And pretty sure there is no 'if' but 'when'. Prob not til next season at the minimum..

    Actually, my fav scene in the ep was with Landis and the Canfields. I was extremely touched by the piano scene and the fact that he decided to go back to teaching because of his time with them. Beautifully done. Bravo!

    Thank you again!
    smk :)


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