Hope Valley Days Part 1: When Calls the Heart Season 9 Episode Review

    Hello, hello Hearties, and welcome to this week's WCTH episode review! Sorry this review is a day late again. As always I hope you all are doing well and enjoying Spring so far. Spring is always such a beautiful time of year. Flowers blooming, rain falling, and weather that's not too cold but not too hot.

    This week episode 7 premiered for WCTH Season 9 which is actually the first of a 2 part event dubbed, Hope Valley Days. Once again I have to admit that this episode was not my favorite in Season 9. It was just too slow for my taste personally, it didn't move the multiple plotlines along too much, and had a lack of LucaBeth. (And you can't have a lack of LucaBeth. Lol!) But there were a few scenes and things that I did very much enjoy, and I laughed outright multiple times. It also brought in the mysterious Jeffery Lewis! Dum, dum, dum!!!

    So without further ado, let's get to the review!

Side Notes: 

    Gustave just made me laugh with his accordion. Lol!

    This is going to sound really bad, but I've just been realizing that Jesse and Clara have been gone and I really haven't minded at all. I mean, I loved Jesse's character and him and Clara were so in love, and they had the best wedding in Hope Valley history. But I really haven't noticed their absence this season, as sad as that sounds. Since this is the first season they've ever been gone I thought it was worth mentioning.

Nathan & Mei

    And it has happened, folks. Once again Nathan’s fragile and wounded heart has taken another kick, and his face tells the rest of the story. He was just gutted to learn that the woman he’s interested in has not only hidden her complicated past from him, but also has a man claiming to be her husband following her around. Oh, and she has three arrest warrants. Nice.

    I did find it interesting that Nathan said he doesn’t believe that Mei is married. He is either very trusting, a good judge of character, or is judging this based on what he knows about the situation. But in the end none of that will matter if he doesn’t just flat out ask Mei what exactly happened with her and Jeffery. And believe me, I am going to be on the edge of my seat once this woman FINALLY spills the beans.

    But on the bright side, Nathan was absolutely hilarious this episode. It was so fun seeing him “attempting” to get driving lessons from first Elizabeth and then Lucas. He was like a six year old when Elizabeth was teaching him, pressing buttons that he didn’t know what they did. And his face? Lol! Oh, my goodness, that was gold! And wow. Did he ever burn Elizabeth with that comment. “Maybe it’s a good thing that we never got together.” Oh, my goodness! Did you just say that, Mr. Mountie? Lol! But despite the brashness… that was hilarious. :D And I think it would be really fun if Nathan asked Lucas to give him a driving lesson every time he just wanted advice and a friendly ear. Nathan sure didn’t take Lucas advice too well, but… I do have to agree. Nathan really is once bitten, twice shy. He’s had his heart broken once, and he’s now afraid of opening himself up fully to Mei. And I don’t blame him. He should be cautious for now when it comes to romance with her, but I do think he should give her a chance. A chance to explain herself. Then he can take it from there.

    As for Mei… Wow. I now know why she’d run from that guy. Yick! Jeffery is disgusting! He’s rude, intrusive, and even violent. Yikes! And what’s this now about him making a fake marriage license? Yes! I know it sounds odd to cheer about that, but if that’s the case it means Mei was never married. And that would make me so happy. Mei’s story has been quite sketchy so far, but this would make things so much better. And it would make me be so much more sympathetic to her character and story. I’m now very curious to hear the full story. I mean, I always have been, but now even more so. John Tinker has just been carrying this out for so, so long. It’s time we got some answers, and now that Jeffery is in town, I think we very well may in this next episode.


Lee & Rosemary

    Lee.... Listen, if you don't start behaving right, I'm going to have to send you to the naughty chair for a time out. (Says Hope, using her best Super Nanny accent.😂) But honestly, guys Lee's behavior has been going on for a long time, and him and Rosemary's conversations about this problem are getting old. Sadly their scenes were part of the reason I didn't like this episode as much. Their scenes were just too long, and they keep talking about the same thing over and over again. It didn't add very much to the episode, and made things boring. But their costumes... were anything but boring. Lol!

    Oh, guys those costumes were crazy, but very fun. And the characters were perfect for our lovely couple. (I can just hear Florence's comments about Lee's legs sticking out. Lol!) I hope that Lee takes his wife's advice and finally, FINALLY writes something nice about Mike. I mean, after all Mike was Lee's right hand man for years, and was his friend for even longer. Surely Lee can put down his pride, and bummed feelings over losing and just support his friend. His friend who is doing a good job so far as mayor.

    I'm also definitely concerned about Lee's very sweet and kind gesture to the Canfields. Lee is such a kindhearted, generous, and giving man, and covering Joseph and Minnie's loan was something he did purely out of love for his friends. But... I just don't know that Joseph or Minnie will accept the loan if they find out that Lee covered it. I also don't know how well they'd take the news either. If they never find out, everything will work out fine, but if they do... I don't know how happy they'll be. Lee could be getting himself into quite a fix.

The Canfields

    Okay, Joseph. You just tell me who I need to punch, and I'll take care of the rest. Joseph and Minnie were so excited about buying into the cafe, and honestly it's about time that someone who truly loves the place worked there. Abigail is probably never ever coming back, so who better to run the place than Minnie, who simply loves to cook for people and can minister to her customers as well. Beautifully her and Joseph sat around the table and prayed for their new venture, asking God that all would go well. And then... Wham! Some jerk turns them away for the worst reason possible.

    Thankfully Lee and Rosemary are the amazing friends they are and immediately covered their loan. But... I have to wonder just how well this will turn out. Now Joseph is a gentle and kind man and I know he'd appreciate Lee's act of kindness, but I don't know that he'd accept it. I also don't know how he'd take the news of Lee just up and doing this without telling him. So, I am very curious to see how this all plays out.

Mayor Mike, Faith, & Bill

    Mike you are just a great big sweetheart of a guy. I mean how incredibly sweet and kind was he to Faith? He didn't just turn her down, and shatter her spirits. He encouraged her to chase her dreams, and grow her practice, just without funding from the town. Honestly, so far Mike is doing a good job as mayor. He's bringing the whole town together in a joyous holiday celebration, and he's being kind and respectful to the townsfolk. He's encouraging people, treating them with love and giving them support. In all honesty, that's exactly how the mayor of Hope Valley should be. Now I can't speak to how well he's going to handle business matters, or Wyman Walden, but I know he has the town's best interest at heart. And so far Hope Valley Days are a big success.

    As to Faith, I think she got just the advice she was needing. She wants to grow her practice, and bring in technology that would definitely benefit the whole town, possibly even save lives. But she has to do it on her own. It's kind of a sad thing to see her actually burn the Infirmary sign though. It's just been there for so long, and that building has always just been called, "The Infirmary." I guess it's been renamed the doctor's office? But one thing is for sure, this shows us just how dedicated Faith is to Hope Valley, and it's citizens. She's not going anywhere. (Unlike a certain doctor who shall remain nameless... ;) And there is something to be said there for her wonderful loyalty.

    Finally as to Bill... Lol! Wow. He sure showed Jeffery what for! And good for him! I outright laughed as he wheel-borrowed the guy away. So good! He's not going to allow anyone to behave so disgustingly in his office. No, sir. But now... Bill may actually be facing a serious health crisis. Apparently Jeffery punched Bill, and now Bill may have the beginning signs of pneumonia. This is quite serious, especially for an older man like Bill. Back then they didn't have all the modern equipment we have to fight pneumonia, and I am very curious to see how this turns out. Will he collapse like Ned did last season? Or will he heed Faith's advice? Also... So Bill and Molly are just friends, huh? Honestly it's kind of sad that the writers ended their romance, because they really did work well together. Oh well... I guess I'll just have to be satisfied watching both of them remain single forever, while dating every single available person who steps into town. 😉

Henry & The Mine

    Wow. Was Henry standing in front of the mine a haunting picture or what? Not a whole lot was said on the oil company,the mine, or even Henry, but I felt the need to just make a few comments on it. Especially after a scene like this. The mine holds such painful, guilt-filled memories for Henry, and he wants more than anything in the world to right his wrongs and move on. But now that horrible event from around nine years ago is coming flying into the present with the possibility of Jerome Smith reopening the mine. If I know Henry, he will do everything in his power to make sure that doesn't happen, and he won't be alone. The whole town will have his back on this one. We just have to wait and see how this all turns out.

Lucas & Elizabeth

    They said it! Did you hear that, Hearties? They both said it! LucaBeth is going to get married! LucaBeth is going to get married! Lol! You know, I get the feeling that Lucas would just up and elope with Elizabeth if she gave him the go ahead. :D But Elizabeth wants to take things just a little bit slower.

    Both of them had some deeper conversations this episode, which, if I'm being honest, they've been lacking this season. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the romance between them. Can't get enough of it to be honest. Lol! But I have to admit that there has been a lack of depth in their conversations at times. A lot of their story this season has just been their romance, and while that's great, I'd like a little bit more than that. Problem solving, deep conversations, etc. So the fact that they were discussing their pasts and what they want in the future is great. Lucas just hasn't quite found his passion yet. His calling. He envies the fulfilment Elizabeth finds in teaching, and wants something like that for himself. This is very interesting to me, and I'm very curious just what that might be.

    We also saw Elizabeth confessing her feelings to Lucas. Deeper feelings of stepping out, growing since she first arrived in Hope Valley, and becoming braver. And with that bravery she's found, she's also willing to be braver with Lucas. And... immediately wedding bells started going off in Lucas' head. Lol! Guys, it was literally like she gave him the green light to propose, and instantly that's where his mind goes. Like I said, I think he'd marry Elizabeth in a week if she wanted that. Okay, he may have even married her that night if she had suggested it. Lol! He just loves her that much, and he's 100% positive that she is his lifetime. And I think Elizabeth is 100% sure that he is hers.

    And now the question remains... will Lucas propose this season? In my opinion... very possibly. I mean, if this wasn't Hallmark we were dealing with, I'd say absolutely. But... we all know how Hallmark likes to drag things on for forever, and add drama where we didn't want it. :D So I guess we'll see. If I had it may way, though, I'd say proposal this season, and wedding next season. Preferably an outdoor occasion, with a lantern lighting event at night in front of the pond. But you know, that's just me. ;)

    The last thing I have to comment on is this... Why are all these guys suddenly asking Lucas for advice on romance and the heart? Lol! Oh, poor Lucas. Couldn't you just feel him squirming on the inside as Robert asked him when guys and girls first start "going together?" Lol! Lucas was SO uncomfortable, but he handled the situation quite well. :D

    And that about does it for this review. In the end again it wasn't my favorite episode. It was slower, and more boring to me personally, and again lacked enough LucaBeth IMO. But that's just me. Lol! Yet I still laughed out loud at times, and did definitely enjoy some of the scene and things that happened.

    Thank you guys so much for reading! Feel free to share your thoughts on this episode below or on my Twitter page. Have an amazing day! God Bless!

    P.S. My shop is having a sale! 20% OFF EVERYTHING! Feel free to stop by my shop and see if you find any WCTH inspired products you like. :) https://heart-and-family-mercantile.myspreadshop.com/



  1. Yes, more Lucabeth, please! I agree, it was nice to see them talk with more "meat" to their conversation. But the scene when Elizabeth spoke about fear felt cut. Why else did she ask his thoughts then abruptly launch into her own? *sniff, sniff* I hope we are compensated with many wonderful scenes to come--including a memorable proposal.

    The other storylines aren't holding my interest much. Except poor Gowen. Give the man a hug! :(

    Appreciate reading your thoughts, Ms. Hope. :0) Thank you!

  2. Hi Hope!

    You know...I haven't really missed Classe much this season on the show, but thinking about a scene in my fic, I wanted Fiona to talk to Clara in it! lol Guess I'll have to go with Faith. :)

    Favorite expression with Nathan was when he pressed the horn button! Looking forward to finding more out about Mei's story for sure. Hopefully this week.

    I didn't care for the Lee and Rosemary scenes either, thought they were way too long and didn't add anything to the show. Filler, as I like to say.

    I love, love, love the Canfields. They should have been added to the show years ago. The prayer scene was really touching, love their faith. I'm very concerned about Lee calling the bank and covering their loan, I think Joseph will be upset about that when- not if- he finds out.

    I can't figure out if they plan a relationship with Faith and Mike or not, need to see more to know. But right now, I don't like them as more than friends.

    Oh my Bill is hurt! Not a happy girl about that. Wondering how they plan to wrap up that story.

    As for our couple, never enough scenes with them, but I was glad they had more than a surface conversation. Enjoyed that for sure.

    Thank you again for taking your time to write. I certainly appreciate it my friend.

    It's almost Sunday again!! ;)

    smk :)

  3. I agree with your thoughts. I liked the Lucas and Elizabeth scenes, but I needed more scenes, never enought.
    I really can't take the same Lee and Rosemary talk about Mike anymore. I love Lee and Rosemary, but I feel like their storyline urgently needs to change for a baby because it's like they're just creating random stories for them because there's nothing more to tell. They've been on the show for 8 years, it's natural I believe.


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