Hope Valley Days Part 2: When Calls the Heart Season 9 Episode Review

    Hey howdy, hey! (As Woody would say.) Welcome to this week's episode review Hearties! I hope your week has been amazing so far, and that you've been enjoying Season 9 of WCTH. April has just flown right by, hasn't it? This month was especially exciting for me as... I finished the rough draft of my very first novel! Eeek! Of course I never could have done it without my Jesus, but to be able to say, "The End" on a story of my own is crazy. If you'd like more details on that, feel free to check out my second blog, Writing With Hope. :) 

    Anyhow, back to WCTH.

    Oh guy, I so enjoyed this episode, and much more than the two previous episodes. It was funny, heartwarming, romantic, and dramatic! Secrets were finally revealed, LucaBeth got more screen time, and a very sweet hug was exchanged.

    Yeah, and I think I'm going to just jump right into the review from here. :)

Side Notes: Fiona and Henry were nowhere to be found this entire episode. I understand Fiona’s absence, but where on earth did Henry go? And why did the clips from the previous episodes show Henry standing in front of the mine if nothing was going to happen with the mine or Henry?


Nathan & Mei

    Great job, Nathan! Great job! You didn't sit around and wait for Mei to explain. You went right to her, and outright asked who Jeffery is. And as a result, he (And we) received the full story. He then made it his mission to protect and save the woman who's becoming more and more important to him as time goes on.

    I’m going to make a very bold statement here. Actually two very bold statements. I have to admit that Nathan Grant is one of the best characters on WCTH. Period. I absolutely enjoy his character. He’s flawed, yet sweet. He’s a complex and layered character, and I absolutely love his sense of humor. He never fails to make me laugh, and watching him fall in love is just the sweetest thing. This all leads to my second statement….

    Nathan Grant is a better character because Elizabeth rejected him. I know, that’s quite a bold thing to say, but honestly it’s true. Elizabeth rejecting him made him into the man he is this season, and we never would have gotten some of these storylines, and lines of dialogue if she had chosen him. He’s honestly become one of my favorite characters on this show, and quite frankly is one of the best out of the entire cast.

    There. I’ve said it. I will now await and see what manner of response I receive. J

    Nathan really did get a good storyline this episode. Watching him protect Mei, and get to the bottom of things was entertaining, dramatic, and sweet. He really, really did not want to arrest Mei, but he just had no choice. But then again... I think he kind of liked having her hang around in jail with him. It was almost like their second date. Lol! Thankfully for him however, Mei understood, even if she did shed a few tears.

    Also I have to say that watching Nathan fall in love with Mei is absolutely adorable. You guys, it is just the sweetest thing ever watching his reactions to Mei. His love struck smiles are so cute, and that hug? My heart might have just melted a bit there. Now to clarify I still am not a fan of Mei. This episode certainly helped, and I’ll get to that in just a second. Rather I’m saying that I like watching Nathan with Mei, more than I like watching Mei with Nathan. Does that make sense? Also Nathan's comment to Lucas and Elizabeth made me laugh out loud, and... Okay, I have to ask. Why does Nathan always sit like he's in a hot tub when he's at church? :D

    As for Mei… YES! Finally I know her story, and oh my goodness it was more dramatic than I thought it would be! And I loved that! Jeffery is honestly one of, if not the absolute worst villain we’ve ever had on this show. Just in terms of what a scumbag he is. That guy is horrible. Not only did he make unwanted advances toward Mei, he started telling people they were engaged, and then that they eloped, AND THEN made a fake marriage license. Oh, and to top it all off he has a wife that he left somewhere. That’s right. He’s already married. Wow. Just wow.

    But guys, I cannot tell you just how happy I am that Mei is not married, and never was. And her storyline turned out so much more exciting and dramatic than I thought it would. All of this together actually helped me like her character a bit more. At least now I understand her, and why she’s been acting the way she’s been. She’s just a poor girl caught up in a terrible situation, scared and fighting to escape it. Thankfully she’s got Nathan on her side. I really did enjoy her and Nathan’s storyline this episode. I’m still not a fan of Mei, but hopefully that will change as the season finishes. I just feel like she needs more personality. But I do love watching Nathan fall in love with her, so that’s really fun.

    P.S. I really have my doubts that this is the last we’ve seen of Jeffery. That face he made before he left… Oh yeah. He was mad, and very well be planning his revenge.


The Coulters & Mike

    Finally! FINALLY!!! Lee got it through his skull that his words do indeed have consequences. The Coulter’s storyline was getting incredibly tired as every single episode they’d have the same conversation over, and over again. Lee just harping on Mike, and Rosemary telling him not to. It was getting so boring to watch, and honestly was not doing Lee’s character any favors. Lee is always so kind and thoughtful, so his actions toward Mike were really harsh. And somehow he thought that Mike would still be his buddy? Lee I think you’ve been in that office too long. :) Lee was literally surprised when Mike gave him the cold shoulder, but it finally got everything through his head. Yes, he does have power through that newspaper. The things he says matter. And finally he made things right. Finally. (Sighs with relief….)

    But on a brighter note… How fun were those costumes? And Lee’s hair!!! Oh my goodness! That was really fun. And it does seem indeed that Lee will be staying with the newspaper. But I think that works quite well for both him and Rosemary, and it's cute and fun that they'll be doing it together. :)

The Canfields & Anna


    Changes to the cafe you say, Mr. Canfield... I'm intrigued. The place already got a paint job since last season, and so I'm very curious what he might change. Things seem to be going quite well for the Canfields. Both Joseph and Minnie are really excited with their new business venture, and it's sweet that they're both tackling it as a family. It's not just Minnie's new job, but Joseph is right there with her. Praying over their decision, and going to work to make the place their own. He's even renovating the upstairs rooms to rent out to people. (And eradicating Mr. Fuzzy. Lol!) And who might their first boarder be? Anna!

    I forgot to mention her storyline in my last blog post, but it's interesting how the writers aren't just shipping the Hope Valley kids off to college now that they're done with school. They're actually keeping them around and giving them real jobs in town. It would have been so easy to just move on and bring in new kids, but instead they're keeping the children Hearties know and love and allowing us to watch them grow up. And for Anna, she's growing up more than any other kid. She's literally moving out of her mother's house, and into her own rented room while she works her first job at the cafe. Wow! Where did that little girl from Season 1 go, right? Lol! Well, it will be interesting to see where both her and the Canfields' stories go.

    I do have to mention very quickly.... what happened to Cooper's storyline? He's was going through something really big for almost the entire first half of the season, and the writers seemed to have dropped it completely. But things kind of slowed down a bit in episodes 6 and 7, so maybe we'll see more from him in next week's episode.


    Oh my goodness!!! Bill is coughing blood! And… is drunk on cough syrup? Lol! There is such a mixture of emotions surrounding this guy in this episode. First we have this horrible heath situation he’s going through. What on earth is wrong with him? I mean, this looks really, really bad. I could jump to conclusions and say, “Oh no! Bill is going to die and leave the show!” But I did that last season with Henry, and we saw how that ended. Honestly it’s probably going to be something more like what happened to Ned last season. Bill will probably collapse somewhere, everyone with rush him to the infirmary, and Faith will have her first doctor crisis to deal with since Carson left. We’ll just have to wait and see.

    But other than the drama of his heath we got the hilarious scene of him getting drunk on his cough syrup. Lol! That was so, so funny, and was one of the most humorous scenes in the whole episode. And finally we all got fooled by Bill’s “April Fool’s Day” prank. I wondered why nobody was pulling pranks, but now it all makes sense. Bill just wanted to make people think that’s what he was up to, when in reality he was surprising everyone with a wonderful Christmas surprise. Ahh Bill, you big softy. :)

Lucas & Elizabeth


    How fun was LucaBeth this episode? I mean... Lucas taught Elizabeth's students!!! Eeeek! I think a lot of LucaBeth fans' dreams just came true. The guy is a natural with the kids. You know, I don't know if I originally would have thought he'd do so well, and thought things could have been awkward and humorous. But wow. He was having a blast. Oh, and so were the kids. Lol! Honestly... he kind of out did Elizabeth. (But don't tell her I said that. 😉) And now Elizabeth is talking to Lucas about... becoming a teacher? Whoa!

    Honestly I am very, very curious what direction Lucas is going to go in his search for his own calling. Will he and Elizabeth end up as Mr. and Mrs. Teacher? Honestly I can see him as a teacher. I just don't think that would work in Hope Valley as they already have a teacher. No, he'll probably find a different calling in life, but at least Elizabeth always has a great substitute should she need one. :D

    It also seems the writers are gearing us up for Elizabeth to reach out to other teachers and families in need of teaching materials. Her book wagon was brought up again, this time with Lucas inspecting it. Guys, it would just be so fun if both of them took these big trips into the mountains to deliver books. I can just imagine all the danger they could get into. I'm curious to see where this storyline goes and if we'll have to wait until Season 10 to see her use it.

    Other than the teaching side of things, we got some fun and romantic moments between this lovely couple. I was much more pleased with the amount of LucaBeth in this episode, compared to what we got in the last episode. Elizabeth is quite the cheeky school teacher isn't she? Lol! She wanted to teach Lucas a lesson for teasing her about information he may or may not have been holding back from her about Mei, and only kissed him on the cheek. But... Yeah she's just too in love with the guy to do that, and instead pulled him in for a great big kiss. Right in the middle of the saloon. Lol! Lucas was quite surprised.

    We also got some more family moments between them and Little Jack. Going to church together, and walking back to the saloon afterward. Isn't it just so fun to see Lucas carrying the little guy? And Little Jack's "HEY BUDDY!" literally made me laugh out loud. It's really cute that those two have this little nickname game between them. And of course we can't forget the photo shoot. My, my Hyland... You sure you're not a model? Lol! His little poses were fun and sweet, and it was so fun to see Lucas drag Gustave over for a photo. I love that the writers made Gustave be Lucas' cousin. So fun!

    Overall I enjoyed this episode so much more than the last two. It was fun, lighthearted, yet dramatic and exciting as well. And I got more LucaBeth! Lol! I also caught the first second or two of the preview for next week's episode... You know, the thing Lucas told Elizabeth... Oh boy...

    Thank you so much for reading! Feel free to tell me your thoughts on this episode below or on my Twitter page. (But please no spoilers. :) 

    P.S. I just wanted to let you know that I no longer use Instagram. I've left my account up for anyone who wants to take a look, but I'm not going to be posting on there anymore. So if anyone has tried to reach me on there please know I'm not ignoring you. I have just decided not to use the platform anymore. So sorry for the inconvenience.

    P.P.S. Have an idea for a merch design you'd like me to sell? I'd love to hear your ideas! Feel free to take a look at what I already have, and tell me anything you have in mind! https://heart-and-family-mercantile.myspreadshop.com/



  1. Congratulations on your first draft. How exciting! I'm sure that entailed a lot of hard work and discipline. I also enjoyed this episode. The saloon kiss was wonderful. Perhaps with so many of the older students staying in Hope Valley (yea) and also wanting to attend college, it would be fun to have a college built. Professor Bouchard sounds good to me. Thanks for another wonderful analysis.

    1. Thank you so much for all your kind words. Yes, writing a novel is quite the project and absolutely involved discipline on my part. :)
      And yes this episode was so fun! That saloon kiss was great. "Professor Lucas" (Great title BTW) could be fun to watch. I actually am not against the idea of him becoming a teacher too. I'm just not sure how they'd pull it off in Hope Valley, but a college would certainly fix that.
      Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts with me! God Bless!

  2. Hi! I truly love reading your reviews. They are thought out, insightful and most of all, funny.

    1. Thank you so much, Kathleen! I'm so happy to know you enjoy the posts, and hearing your thoughts on them is so helpful to me. Have an amazing day! God Bless!

  3. Hi Hope!

    Can't say I totally agree that Nathan is a fav, but I do like him better this season- now that is isn't chasing Elizabeth. And personally, I don't love Mei either. She is kind of boring- at least for now. I'm hoping that will change since her secret is out.

    And the LucaBeth scenes- eek!

    Ok, his teaching scene was possibly my fav scene of the season so far. He was so exciting and engaging- why in the heck did I not have teachers like him?

    Speaking of heck, oh my goodness. Elizabeth really couldn't help herself, could she? Not that I blame her. That kiss, though...

    I simply love the scenes with Hyland- what a great addition to the show he is! And it seems he and Chris have really formed a bond. He is certainly a scene stealer.

    Not happy with the Bill story right now- does he have pneumonia? TB? Is he dying? Leaving? I've loved Jack since '84, so you can imagine how that part of the show makes me feel- a bit nervous.

    Overall, I loved this episode so much!

    Thank you my friend! You are such a blessing!
    :) smk

  4. Congrats on your novel! That's a wonderful accomplishment! Hope you celebrated. :)

    Great review and I agree with you on almost every point. It was nice to finally have some plot progression with Mei Sou's storyline. And agreed, I like Nathan showing interest in someone who reciprocates but I'm not really feeling it as endgame just yet. Who knows? He is one of my favorite characters too with some interesting scenes--this season.

    So happy there was more Lucabeth banter. I'm not at all greedy but more, more, please! I still would like to see depth/growth in their relationship. Feel like that has been lacking. Hopefully it's coming.

    1. Thank you Ann! (Sorry my response is so late.) Yes, I'm so pleased to be able to say I actually finished a novel for once. (Too often I jump from story to story and never finish any. :) I so appreciate your sweet words.
      Yes, it was so wonderful to finally hear Mei's story in this episode, and I loved seeing Nathan fall for her. I'm still not a fan of Mei, but I do kind of hope they end up together, just after seeing how much Nathan likes her. Plus she made it to the cover so maybe that means something? I guess we'll have to wait and see.

      Yes! More and more LucaBeth! Lol! I do agree with you, although I'm always scared to admit things like this online, that I'd really like to see more depth with Lucas and Elizabeth. I agree it's been lacking and things have been very lighthearted and fun. I love that, but I agree with you that more depth would be great.

      Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me! God Bless!

  5. Good review. Wholesome episode. But I don’t agree about Nathan being the best character at all. He just isn’t and that just dismissing his previous seasons behaviour and entitlement etc. He was kinda like Geoffrey who at times could not take a No or read how a woman was feeling and saying. I hope him reading the love is not forced quote (made me thought of Lucas quote in season 8 as he set Elizabeth free) he came to a realisation that he was doing that with Elizabeth forcing his love onto her at times and entitlement and disrespectful when she was with Lucas last season. But I know N isn’t the brightest

  6. Dear Hope,
    This comes rather late, but I hope you will see it nonetheless.
    I am so happy for you that you got to make this experience and got to this rewarding point when you can bring a story to conclusion. I can only imagine the time and nerves you have spent to get to this point. I hope you enjoy(ed) your well-deserved break before turning to editing – and a bit of distance between editing and writing is certainly not a bad idea. At least that always was my experience after working (in my job) on the same piece for months that it was really hard to objectively read what was written and not let myself be biased by what I had in mind when I wrote it. lol. Some things make total sense when you know where you are getting, but for someone you is still building the picture piece by piece it can be a total blur.
    I wish you good nerves for your editing endeavor; depending on how much you tend to second-guess yourself and strive for perfection, it can certainly be a tedious task and I am already looking forward to reading that you have completed this next milestone.

    And as for WCTH: I would not go as far as saying Nathan is my favorite character this season, but I did indeed have my moment during this episode where I was met with the realization that I actually like Nathan this season and the writers definitely managed to spark my interest in him. Who would've thought, LOL.

    1. Hi Kate! Thank you so much for your kind words. I so appreciate that! It's so neat to be able to say I finished a story for once. And thank you for your support on my story. I hope to be able to share it with you sooner rather than later, after I've gone through the tedious task of editing. (Not looking forward to all that entails. Lol!)

      And yes! I've really been enjoying Nathan this season now that the triangle is over. LucaBeth are still my favorite couple to watch but Nathan is definitely one of my favorite characters. He just cracks me up. Lol!

      Thank you so much for the comment! Please know I see them all, and I'm so grateful for all your support and kind words. God Bless!


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