Season 9/Blog Updates

    Happy Friday my Heartie compadres! I hope you're all doing wonderfully this September's day!

    So it's been a bit since I posted about what's currently going on with Season 9 and... well... Honestly there wasn't a whole lot to say about it until recently. For some reason things have been really "hush hush" on set with very little details being spoiled. I mean... I'm still looking at WCTH's Instagram! That has to say something, right? Lol! 

    But recently we've gotten some great BTS pics that I thought I'd share and give a few comments on. I've also got a mystery to talk about concerning Jesse and Clara. Mainly... the fact that NO ONE has seen them on set!

    And finally I've been doing some work on my blog that I thought I would share with you guys. :)

    So here we go!


        So first off we have Pascal and Kavan being... well, Pascal and Kavan. Lol!


    We also got this pic of Kadence Roach who plays Anna. It appears she may not have made it to set until just recently if she's being fitted for her costumes now.

    And then we come to this... Alright now... Just who is in that wagon and why are they being transported? Well it would appear that we might have some more excitement and danger coming our way. I'm curious to see if the person starts off in jail and we just see them get transported, or if we actually get to see Nathan or Bill (Or both of them) catch whoever this is.


    We also have Erin getting some pictures taken that I believe will be used for Season 9's cover and promotional pics! I love getting to see each season's cover, so this is great news. Speaking of Erin...


    We've seen a few pics of her outfits for Season 9 and they are pretty! They feel so different from what she usually wears, and I'm liking what I've seen so far. It's been fun to see her get a change in her wardrobe.


    We also got this sweet pick of Joseph and Minnie sitting in the cafe looking lovingly at each other. (No one could ever guess they're in love, could they... ;)💗

    I also just saw today that Paul Greene is actually on his way to Hope Valley! I had heard that he was going to be in a few episodes but I didn't know when he would go and how many he would be in. He's flying out during pretty much the midpoint of the season, and may only be in the last couple of episodes for all I know. It leaves me wondering if this is Carson coming back for keeps, or... finally settling things with Faith and leaving Hope Valley for good. 

    I've got questions people.


    We also have this pic of Robert and... Wyman Walden. Now I've seen from pictures that both Wyman and Julius Spurlock are indeed back for Season 9 so... I smell trouble. ;)

    Next we have this great picture of Nathan and Bill. Lol! So good! These two make me laugh on the show and behind the scenes.

    I also would like to comment on Nathan's apparel here, and the fact that he has a non Mountie hat on! That's fun! Now (Disclaimer) I have never been a huge fan of all Nathan's wardrobe choices, especially the faded browns he gets. But blue is definitely his color, and I'm glad to see him getting some more casual clothes this season. Speaking of Nathan...

    I have read that apparently Kevin has a "new look" that has yet to be revealed to the public. Recently he did an interview on "Rave It Up" and in the description for the YouTube version of the interview it states...

*This interview's video will be uploaded in the future. Kevin has a new look at the moment for an acting role, which hasn't been revealed to the public yet. Once it has, we will be uploading this video. In the meantime, the interview is on all podcasting platforms under 'Rave It Up'*

    Now obviously people are wondering if this "new look" is for WCTH or another role entirely. I really don't know, but I am very intrigued! Here's the link to the interview if you'd like!

    And finally... The Jesse and Clara mystery.

    So if you saw my Twitter page recently you'll know I asked if anyone had seen Jesse and Clara on set yet. And... everyone's answer was no. This is very concerning for all the Team Classe fans out there. I myself enjoyed watching them, and was curious what was next for them in Season 9. Furthermore... Eva Bourne deleted her Instagram and Twitter accounts that she used in connection with the show. Basically... things are not looking good for the newly weds.

    Now nothing is certain yet. Nobody knows if they really are on set and just haven't been shown, or if they got written off. It sure would be abrupt if they were written off without even a good bye and I know a lot of people would miss them. My friend is very much a Team Classe fan and would be quite sadden if they were written off. But again... nothing is for certain.

Blog Additions

    So this past week I've been doing a bit of work to the blog. Specifically the very sad "Characters" page on my site. I put that there when I first started the blog and... well... it really has just sat there unfinished for two years. 

    And so I have decided to finally tackle it and turn it into a page about the actors in WCTH. Most of the info will be common knowledge to a lot of you Hearties but I also want to include some helpful info as well. Things like the actors ages, birth dates, and social media handles. I have been TERRIBLE at keeping up with the actors birthdays so... this will hopefully solve that. :D

    Now it's obviously not done, and I haven't even started on the children yet, but it's a start. I plan to add more and more characters over time. (Also any ??? you see there just means I haven't discovered that fact yet. :) If you'd like to take a look just click on the tab titled "Actors" at the top of my blog! :)

    So I hope this post as well as the new pages will be a blessing to you! We're kind of at the half way point in filming as far as I can tell. I can't wait to see all that Season 9 has for us!

    Thank you so much for reading! As you can tell by now I've been posting on Fridays a lot. Things tend to go back and forth between Wednesday and Friday depending on how much I get written and when. So if you don't see me post on Wednesday, chances are I'm posting on Friday instead. (Unless I let you know otherwise. :)

    Have a wonderful weekend! God Bless!


P.S. Feel free to stop by and check out some merch!



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