Personal Requests To the Writers...

 (Image Credit: Crown Media)

    Hello and happy Wednesday Hearties! I hope as always that you all are doing well and enjoying life!

    Today's post is just a quick and fun idea I had recently to list some ideas I think would be fun to see on WCTH. Will the writers listen to me? Probably not, as they already have their master plan in motion right now. Lol! But oh well. :D It's still a lot of fun to talk about all the things that could happen on this show, right? Right!

    So here we go!

1.    Animals. That's right, you heard me. I would like to see some animals on the show. Now of course we have the lovely group of faithful horses on the show which they are a treat to see. But... some variety would be nice. :) I mean, isn't weird that not one person in this town has a pet? I want to see someone (Cough... Lucas... cough...) get a dog, or even better yet a puppy! Or see a cat walking around town, or have Clara find a litter of kittens. Goodness I'd even like to see a baby pig now that I saw one in Hallmark's movie "The 27 Hour Day." Man, that was adorable! (Cough! Hope... compose yourself.) All in all... animals.


2.    Charles Spurlock. This guy was one of Hope Valley's best (And worst) villains, and I think it would just be so dang cool if he came back for a few episodes. I mean... picture it. He gets out of jail with all this long black hair, and goes looking for revenge. And now that we have Julius Spurlock in town... bringing Charles Spurlock back could be the coolest and most dramatic storyline ever!!!


3.    Family. Somehow Elizabeth's family seems to have just disappeared into Hope Valley's infamous black hole of no return. So it would be my request to the writers that they... maybe... bring them back out. Just for an episode or two at least, and... and it wouldn't have to be everyone. Just her sister Julie would suffice. Her mother can continue to be in London with Viola even though both of them have never seen Little Jack or Hope Valley. And... and her father can be on business or something. No need to trouble him into visiting his grandson and daughter. (Even though he hasn't seen Elizabeth since Season 5... no need to trouble him.) And I mean... Jack's mother didn't even show up for her son's wedding... or funeral... and... and she never saw her grandson either... but you know... it's fine... She's probably busy anyway throwing her back out again or something. And Jack's brother Tom... yeah... that would be asking too much. So... I'd settle for Julie or... anyone really at this point. :D

4.    Revisiting the coal mine. It's been so long since anyone went down into Hope Valley's mine shaft... and that place is just screaming with danger and drama potential! Lol! I honestly would love to see that place revisited. Now as much as I would love to see Elizabeth and Lucas go there... that would be pretty reminiscent of Jack and Elizabeth in Season 2. (But I wouldn't object if the writers did it in a new and creative way. :) But either way I just think it would be cool if the writers brought it back for an episode or two.


5.    Fix... Jesse and Clara... Yeah that one is pretty straight forward. (Please and thank you! :)


6.    Less plotlines per episode. Not that I'm not curious to see what happens next for all the beloved WCTH characters, but I think many people will agree with me here. Last season there were just so many plotlines crammed into each episode. Now I personally have a problem with this as it takes away from Elizabeth and Lucas' storylines. (Both as a couple and separate) But with all that being said I do wish the writers would focus more on the main characters and not pile on so many side characters' storylines. Maybe it would work better to focus mainly on the main characters (Elizabeth, Lucas, Nathan, the Coulters, Bill etc...) and then just pick one or two side character storylines per episode. But this is just my personal opinion. :)


7.     Build. Jesse and Clara's. HOUSE!!! (Calm yourself Hope... Breathe... ;)


8.    Resolve the Coulter's infertility storyline. I know this is way easier said then done and realistically the problem can't just be willed away by the snap of someone's fingers. But it's just been awhile since the Coulter's infertility storyline was introduced and I'd really like to get some answers. Will they never have children of their own and focus on their careers and loving on the town? Will they adopt? Will they just always take in children when a situation presents itself like with Rachel? Or will they actually have a child of their own? I know Covid really did not help this storyline in S8 so I understand if the writers were limited in what they could do. But I'd just like to request that we get some direction with these two. They so deserve a child of their own, whether by Rosie becoming pregnant or her and Lee adopting.

9.    Rosemary gets her own office. Now I do enjoy watching her and Lee share an office. But... that's going to get difficult fast. Lol! Rosemary's paper is no doubtedly going to grow, and the more she digs for stories, does interviews, and gets the proper machinery and maybe even some employees... she's quickly going to take over Lee's office. :D So I think she needs her own space dedicated solely to, The Valley Voice.

10.    Completely, totally, 100% resolve Faith and Carson's storyline. Both of these characters need resolution in their lives. I need resolution. We ALL need... resolution. No if, ands, or buts... I need to know if things are truly over between them or not.

11.    More horse riding for Lucas and Elizabeth. It's just too romantic not to have more of. 😍

12.    Surprise character reappearance. Wouldn't you just jolt upright in your chair if you suddenly saw Gabe Montgomery or Nora Avery just waltz back into Hope Valley? You absolutely would! (Okay... honestly I would prefer it if Nora didn't but you get my point. :) And since John Tinker seems to enjoy doing callbacks to Season 1 (Which is fun) I think it would be really fun if he brought someone like Gabe or Mary Graves back to town for an episode or two. (Then again I would settle for Charles Spurlock...hint...hint... Lol!)

13.    A pregnancy storyline. Why? Because they're always fun! :D But seriously it's been awhile since anyone in Hope Valley had a baby. And I'm not even talking about main characters or even side characters having a baby. I would settle for a minor character. Remember Carla from Season 1? She was around for only a few episodes, but her pregnancy storyline was fun and added some drama as well as a sweet moment between Elizabeth and Jack as they held the twins. I think another storyline like that could be fun!


14.    Swimming. Never in the history of the show have we ever, ever seen anyone, anywhere go swimming. I mean, nobody has even fallen into the lake. The closest thing we've ever gotten was when Elizabeth found an unconscious Jack in the river. I just think it would be a lot of fun to see a group of Hope Valleyians go for a swim. :D (I'd even settle for someone falling out of a boat at this point. Lol!) And hey! Maybe we'd even get to see Lee don that swimsuit Rosemary designed for him.😂


15.    Elizabeth learns how to shoot a gun. I don't think I even need to explain why this is in this list. That would just be so much fun! Imagine Lucas trying to teach her how to shoot a pistol or a rifle even. Lol! No doubt some hilarious... and probably romantic... moments would ensue! It would honestly be so fun no matter who tried to teach her. Bill, Lee, Nathan, or even Rosemary! It would just be gold!


    I really could make this list go on forever, but I think I'll end things here for now. There are honestly so many things that I would love to see happen on this show. So many funny, heartfelt, and romantic moments are yet to be had, and I'm excited to find out all Season 9 has in store for us!

    Thank you so much for reading! Feel free to tell me all your "personal requests" for the writers down below in the comments or on my Twitter page! Have a wonderful week! God Bless!


Book Review 

    You may or may not know this but I am a huge fan of Misty M. Beller's writing. She is by far my favorite author. She writes historical romance and does such a wonderful job immersing me into the story, the characters' lives, and the world they live in. And I absolutely love the drama, and swoon-worthy romance she writes! Honestly she is my biggest inspiration as a writer and I hope to be as good as she is one day.


    All this being said I am honored to have a chance to work with her and tell you guys about her newest release, A Warrior's Heart!

    A solider on a secret mission to help end the war. A beautiful lady warrior determined to protect the people she loves. One day will change their lives forever.

    Misty's newest story intrigued me from the get go, and brought me on a journey filled with faith, danger, and romance. I can literally imagine this story playing out as a movie with the secret village of Laurent and the fierce lady warrior Brielle bravely defending the people she loves.

    Misty's writing is so good and always takes her readers on a journey with every story. I was also personally inspired by Evan and his fervent prayers in a way other novels have failed to inspire me.


    If you'd like to check, A Warrior's Heart, out for yourself here's a link for you! I hope you enjoy Misty's writing as much as I do!


P.S. Feel free to stop by and take a look at the new Fall/Winter products I've added to the shop!



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