A Moment in Time: A Brisk Morning Ride

    Well, hello Hearties, and welcome to today's blog post! And how are we this fine Friday? I am doing well, and am currently eating a bowl of cereal as I type this. (Not that any of you wanted to know that... Lol!)

    For today's post I think it's high time that I returned to my series, "A Moment in Time" and covered another LucaBeth scene! There are honestly a LOT to choose from this past season, and so much to discuss. But for today I have decided to talk about a scene I would have thought I could only dream would happen on the show. Yes, I'm talking about when Elizabeth and Lucas went for that romantic horse ride together!

    For so long the idea of them riding horses together through an open field seemed like it could only happen if I wrote it myself in a fanfic. But thankfully the writers went and gave us this sweet and fun scene, showing us just how happy, and in love Lucas and Elizabeth are. So without further ado...

    Shall we? 😉 (P.S. I don't happen to have pics of everything, so sorry about that!)


    The scene begins back at Elizabeth's abode. Laura just happened to be conveniently there, and at the sudden knock at the door, Elizabeth leaves Little Jack in her care as she goes to answer it. And who is on the other side of the door? No one else than Lucas Bouchard! Elizabeth is already instantly smiling just at the sight of him. But then her eyes drift to the two horses behind him. His own and Sergeant which he stole from the livery. (I tease, I tease... Lol!)

    Lucas of course has a big old smile on his face, and an air of excitement about him. He greets her hello, and after seeing the horses (Figuring out Lucas has a romantic plan in mind) looks to him with a big smile, her eyes shinning. Flirtatiously leaning her hand against her door frame she comments that he's out early.

    And the man with a casual shrug of his shoulders, says that he thought she might like to take a "brisk morning ride." Then we get a pause before he flirtatiously adds... "With me." Of course accompanied by another cute/casual shoulder shrug, and sweet smile.

    She looks to the horses, joy, and excitement evident on her face. But I also think there was some uncertainty just because she's only just begun this new journey in life. She's only just agreed to go on the very first date she's had since Jack died. So I do think she was mulling the idea over in her head for just a second or two. Like... literally a second or two because that's how long it took her before she finally agreed. 

    He asked. She thought it over, and immediately smiles back and says, "Why not?" I mean... duh! Why not, Elizabeth? Lol! A romantic early morning ride with a handsome guy who's head over heels for you? Pretty easy decision IMO. :D


    And so the scene changes to show them joyously riding down the road. Guys they were literally smiling and laughing the whole entire ride. And I absolutely love the fact that the writers made them go for a ride. That's just so romantic, and fun, and brought out that playful side of both of them. They rode side by side over Hope Valley's green hills and into the woods. Just laughing, and teasing each other. (Elizabeth's, "Keep up!" :) One of the things I enjoy about Lucas and Elizabeth is that really fun, playfulness they have when around each other. They tease and banter, and just cannot stop smiling when they're together. So cute!

    Eventually they came to a stop at what would become "their special place." The bridge. I don't think I need to explain how romantic bridges are whether in romance novels or movies, so... Yeah. I'm glad the writers chose to make that such a special place for them. I mean... this morning ride was kind of like a "pre-date" to their actual date. 

    So they both go and stand together on the bridge. Even their posture as they lean against the bridge is romantic, as it's kind of reminiscent of two high school teenagers crushing on each other. :)

    Lucas then drops the bomb (Very regretfully) that while he would like to attend the graduation ceremony, he doesn't believe he will. Elizabeth's face registers confusion at his words, and rightfully so. Why wouldn't he attend? He then explains that he believes that it could be hard for Nathan to see him and Elizabeth spending time together. He says that the day should be about Nathan and Allie and he wouldn't want anything (Like him and Elizabeth's love and puppy dog eye stares) overshadowing that for them.

    Now after this episode aired there were a lot of opinions about Lucas' decision not to go. Some people doubted his intentions, which is understandable. I however think that he did what he did out of the goodness of his heart. Lucas does indeed have a very big, and caring heart. We've seen this from his actions toward others. (And not just actions toward Elizabeth.) He also hates to have anyone miffed with him, which IMO is so sweet and adorable.

    To be honest... he really had no other reason why he wouldn't go. He dotes on Elizabeth and only ever wants to spend as much time with her as he can. I think he really, really did want to go, and spend time with the woman he loves. But he chose to be selfless, and kind. (To his rival no less!) So bravo, Bouchard! And Elizabeth felt the same way.

    Her face went from confusion and disappointment, to a look of pure respect for Lucas. She can see his heart, and believes his intentions are noble. Smiling she tells him, "You are being very thoughtful."

    Lucas then switches topics, happily replying, "Besides I do have you all to myself tonight... at dinner... at the saloon." I can tell just how happy he is at the thought. Finally he's getting the date he's dreamed of with Elizabeth. A REAL date.

    And Elizabeth is just as excited and giddy at the prospect. She gets this big sweet smile, and laughs like a school girl replying happily, "I'm looking forward to it." This in turn produces a sweet smile from Lucas.

    And then... like the lovebirds they are,  they both drift into silence, never taking their eyes off each other. A moment passes and they're just lost in each other's gaze, smiles stuck on their faces. Eventually they both seem to realize this fact, and begin laughing. It's just fun, sweet, and romantic how in love they are. I know I keep referring to them as love-struck-teenagers but... (If the shoe fits... Lol!) Honestly it just makes them even more adorable!

    Finally Elizabeth admits that she has some things to prepare for the graduation, indicating they'd better be getting back. Lucas totally understands (Like the wonderful gentleman he is. :) and they walk back to their steeds.

    Upon reaching them, Elizabeth asks, "Why don't we race back?" Lucas then response, "Shall we make it a wager?" This elicits a happy giggle from Elizabeth, who then replies, "Just bragging rights."

    These two... So fun, and playful. So... happy! I mean, finally we're seeing this happy, carefree side of Elizabeth. Both of them just bring this joy and playfulness out in each other, and the smiles... Their faces literally light up whenever the other is near. And her next move only shows just how "playful" she is...

    Both of them have mounted their horses and Lucas has agreed to race. But... Elizabeth then casts a concerned look at his horse, and says, "But first you'd really better tighten that cinch strap..." And while Lucas turns to look at it (Completely falling for her trick. Lol!) Elizabeth gets a mischievous grin as she races on ahead of him, giggling. Lucas then looks up, and with a smile races off to catch her.

    Elizabeth ironically calls back, "No cheating!" And Lucas... Did you hear that laugh he gave? He doesn't always give such a deep laugh, but here he just full out laughed. :) Which was followed by a happy giggle from Elizabeth as they raced on through the woods. So happy... So free...

    And that brings us to the end of the scene! I've said it before and I'll say it yet again... I for one am glad the writers chose to make them take a horse ride! (Thank you, Mr. Tinker!) I hope you enjoyed this look back on Elizabeth and Lucas' romantic ride! I really hope we'll get to see them take another in Season 9! That would be wonderful! (Are you listening, WCTH writers? ;)

    Thank you so much for reading! I hope your week has been great and wish you a happy and blessed weekend! God Bless!

    P.S. Doing some early Christmas shopping, and have no idea what to get your Heartie friend? How about a WCTH inspired Christmas mug! (I mean... if you needed an idea... ;) https://shop.spreadshirt.com/heart-and-family-mercantile



  1. Wonderful analysis of that scene. I agree completely with what you said. It has been a long time since Elizabeth laughed like that and we hadn't heard Lucas laugh like that before. I loved it❤

    1. Thank you! So glad you enjoyed it! God Bless!

  2. The freedom they felt, from being held back and cautious for so long, was apparent. They both threw caution to the wind and enjoyed themselves as a couple. For me, the entire scene was uplifting. I loved it. Thank you.

    1. You're welcome! So glad you enjoyed the post!

  3. Hope, Thank you for writing about and sharing this beautiful scene. You describe it perfectly. It was such a sweet, fun-loving time for Lucas & Elizabeth. While they were riding, I sensed the glorious freedom they both felt from the cares and woes of the world. I loved the surprise invitation for Elizabeth and us.

    Their time on the bridge did feel like too school kids glancing and staring at each other for the first time. Also, I understood Lucas's thoughtful reasoning for not wanting to attend the graduation ceremony, but the whole town was there. I wanted him to be present, but as you mentioned Elizabeth found it to be respectful and thoughtful.

    Loved the cute way they did the beginning of the return ride with Elizabeth tricking Lucas into looking at his cinch strap and then her hollering, "no cheating." LOL! The whole scene with them framed in what many of us now call "their bridge" was beautiful in every way.

    1. Thank you so much, Shelby! I'm so glad you enjoyed the post! Hope you're having a wonderful day! God Bless!


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