Was Rejection the Best Thing For Nathan?


    Whoa. That's a bold title.

    Hey Hearties! Welcome to today and my blog post for it! :D

    So... I'll be honest... I've had this post mostly typed up and sitting around for awhile now. (Like... for a month or more.) And after some thought, and having nothing else written for today, I decided to give it a shot. :)

    Awhile back after talking with some friends I came to an interesting realization concerning the outcome of WCTH's famous love triangle. And so I've decided to stick my neck out here, and share some thoughts with you all about Hope Valley's beloved Mountie.

    Now to clarify something very important first... I like the character of Nathan. (Half of the audience gasps, while the other rolls their eyes in disbelief.) Yes it's true. I think that Nathan is a deep character with multiple layers. He's not just your average flat character, but has complexities unique to him. I think he's sweet and funny, as well as flawed with room for exploration and character growth. All of this is wonderful. You can't help but smile when you see him flash that cute crooked grin of his, and snicker when the poor man will fumble his words. And when he's mad... oh boy... you never know just what might come out of that man. Lol!

    Either way, I think I've made my point.

    After the triangle ended there was a rip-current of emotions, backlash, and a general fallout amongst the Hearties. This was to be expected no matter who won, which I totally get. I probably would have been here ranting had Lucas not been chosen. We all love this show, and were so very invested in the triangle. We all had our "evidence" as to why our guy should or would win. And in the end there could only be one winner.

    Now I've already done a post stating why Lucas was chosen. He was different, and provided new storylines to explore on the show. Not that Nathan wouldn't have done the same thing. Honestly I agree with what Erin said in a particular interview with TV Insider. They really couldn't go wrong with either guy. Both men brought a lot of great things to the table, and would have provided fun and new storylines to explore.

    However... What if Nathan being rejected was actually good for him as a character on this show? And this is where we come to the point of this post.

    One of Team Nathan's biggest arguments right now is how Elizabeth never saw Nathan for who he is. Rather he was stuck in Jack's shadow, and she couldn't see the man past the uniform. And they would be right about most of those things. (Gasp!) Now I would argue that Elizabeth did see who Nathan is as a person. True she never went out with him, however she spent a fair amount of time with the Mountie and during all facets of life. She saw him when he was incredibly happy and confident. She saw him when he was scared and burning mad. She saw him when he was bursting with pride for his niece, as well as guilt laden over Jack's death, and even when he was being flirtatious with her.

    All in all she knows Nathan. But he was stuck in Jack's shadow, and that is the thing I'm getting at.

    I believe that if Nathan would have ended up with Elizabeth he would forever be stuck in Jack's shadow. This doesn't just apply to Elizabeth seeing him that way either, but the Hearties as well. Jack was such a well known and beloved character, and after he died and another Mountie took his place we can't help but compare him to Jack. It's just natural. Honestly people do the same thing with Lucas and Jack. (Including me.)

    The difference is the fact that Nathan is a Mountie, just like Jack was. And so I feel that had Elizabeth chosen Nathan he would have sort of been a replacement of Jack in a way. He would have been stuck trying to live up to Jack. Trying to be as good as Jack. And again this doesn't just come in the form of Elizabeth seeing Jack in him. It is only natural that we the Hearties would do the same thing, and compare him to Jack. His Mountie abilities, his romancing of Elizabeth, etc.

    Now that Nathan wasn't chosen, it almost feels like his character has been set free. He's not stuck in Jack's shadow, trying to be the new man in Elizabeth's life. He is free to be his own person and have his own amazing romance. It will be brand new, and not a repeat of Elizabeth and Jack. He won't feel guilty falling for this woman, like he was taking Jack's place. He won't feel the need to live up to Jack in the woman he love's eyes. Now Nathan is free. Free to have his own unique, and amazing romance, without being a woman's second Mountie love interest.

    To be clear I'm not in anyway saying the outcome didn't or shouldn't hurt Team Nathan. It did, and still does. I understand this, and would still be going over the "what-ifs" and ranting had Lucas not been chosen. (Of course that's just me personally. :D ) But... Maybe this was the best thing that could have happened for Nathan. Maybe now he can have an even better, and more amazing storyline. Maybe he'll meet the most perfect woman, and their love story will be 10 times better than him and Elizabeth's would have been.

    I don't know. I just can't help but wonder if maybe being rejected by Elizabeth was the best thing that could have happened for Nathan. Now he's free to stand on his own, still a main part of the show, and not be reduced to mainly being Elizabeth's love interest. I mean, if we're honest, that was Jack's main role on the show. (Other than kicking the bad guys' butts.) Now we can explore the character of Nathan, and watch him grow even more, while finding his own wonderful romance. A brand new, and beautiful one unique to him.

    And so... with all this being said... (If you've listened to me lecture this long, you're a champ!) I would like to go out on a limb and encourage people to give Season 9 a shot. I'm not promising it will be better than Season 8 because I don't know the future. (Only God does.) But there is a chance it could be a wonderful season for Nathan, filled with surprises, sweet moments with Allie, and potentially romance. It's perfectly fine if you decide not to, I just ask that you give it a shot. :)

    And with all that being said, I will get off my soapbox and end things here. :D Thank you so much for reading! I hope your week has been wonderful so far! Feel free to leave your thoughts on this subject below or on my Twitter page! I love to hear from you guys. (Even if I do a terrible job responding. Please forgive me for that as I do read every comment! :) God Bless!

    P.S. Looking to do a bit of early Christmas shopping? My shop is having a sale! 20% OFF EVERYTHING while the offer lasts! Feel free to take a look and see if you see anything you like! https://shop.spreadshirt.com/heart-and-family-mercantile



  1. The way I see it, the story and build up never felt Nathan. Not even compatibility wise. Ppl can argue neither was Jack but with Jack, I found he put Elizabeth happiness her and first, and they actually had a attraction and connect which I didn’t find Elizabeth had one with Nathan. It was all in the red serge and Jack projection not like how she was around Lucas and lit up each time and more so how they connected and he like Jack knew her, maybe Lucas knows her more then Jack and i especially think E and L have more in common but this being a second love story for E after loss. One of the important things is connection and common interests is vital. Anyways back to who the article is about Nathan. If he actually listened and see then being clueless most times, he would of got it but he didn’t and he didnt even put Elizabeth and her feelings first. He had to be told by few ppl to see Elizabeth is happy or put her and Allie first etc. As for Allie, she is a kid who was being a brat (no other word for it) but a kid and she kinda understood too once Lucas explained. Allie was like Team TN, thinking something is there when it’s not. And for Fort Clay secret I found it disrespectful for how long he kept it to him and he wouldn’t of told her at all until he was forced even after his the forced love confession, he was never going to tell her. Look each interaction N has with E is been about Allie or the job. And about what he needs. Even when Elizabeth goes to ask him about fort clay again, he turns it around on him loving her. Not going to parents evening is about himself, didn’t put Allie first in a way. If Team TN didn’t fantasy and make up stuff (which they did) and picked up the scenes and foreshadowing and visuals representation where it was leading and importantly Elizabeth feelings for Lucas cos she was glowing around him, they would of got it cos it was obvious and the writing it obvious esp when u go back and watch.

  2. Another thing some saying Poor Nathan or he got kicked all season. No he did not. He got a lot of things then most and that are important. Adopting Allie, Acquitted from the mountie trial and kept his job. Forgiven for Fort Clay. These are important. So he didn’t get the girl but he never had her at all. He did act entitled to/about her but she was never with him or he had her.

  3. Hi Hope, I loved every word you wrote, and I know it came from a heart that wants the best for Nathan and every beloved character in Hope Valley. I hope in time that those who were rooting for Nathan will come to see that Elizabeth's rejection will lead to a better path for him. I know seeing him not win Elizabeth's heart was a bitter pill to swallow. I get that. In time and when they are ready, I want them to be excited for Nathan's new journey.

    If I could have a wish list for Nathan, I'd like to see a little more humor added to his character. He has a serious profession, but with Kevin McGarry's outgoing style and fun sense of humor, he could easily portray Nathan in lighter moments. He has already.

    In my opinion, we all have an opportunity to grow from relationships that don't go our way. I agree that now the writers can explore more of Nathan's complexities. Perhaps, for just a little while, he can relax and have more fun with Allie, too. She's a teen, and that part of his storyline could be quite interesting. There's a lot of love, sweetness and joy in their bond that is ripe for even more growth as well. I also know when the writers write his love story, it will be beautiful. I'm looking forward to it. I want Nathan to find every happiness in S9 and beyond, and have safe adventures with the hope of finding true love, when he's ready.

    Bravo, Hope! Great writing and well done!

    1. Hi Shelby! Thanks so much for reading! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

      I agree that N has so much still to come for his character, and it all could lead to an even better story than people imagine he and E would have had. I would absolutely love more humor added to N's character! Kevin is such a fun guy and would play it well! (As you mentioned, he already has.)

      This whole outcome could lead to us learning even more about N, growth for his character and all kinds of fun storylines. I can only imagine the scenes between him and Allie now that she has her eyes set on Robert! Lol! And I'm totally curious to find out just who might become his new love interest!

      Thank you so much for all your kind words, and for sharing your thoughts with me! I hope your day has been great so far! God Bless!

  4. These would be all good things and valid points if they had handled the finale and post finale backlash of fans better. Instead they mocked them, got defensive of their writing and choices, resorted to name calling and starting blocking or muting ANYONE (not just people being unkind) that expressed support for Nathan/Allie.
    They currently are showing that the Nathan character will probably not be given a fair shot this season by their lack of SM pics or promotion of him by cast and crew. It seems like Nathan not being the choice is due to some personal problem BTS or possible jealousy over his popularity among fans. Somewhere along the line, it has become "taboo" to like the Nathan or Allie characters and the main page has silenced/or kicked off nearly everyone that is not gushing over the Elizabeth/Lucus pairing or expressing complete satisfaction with how they handled the resolution.

    It would be fantastic if they would go with what you have suggested here and guarantee Nathan would continue as a strong lead with great storylines with a great romance. They problem is that this they WILL probably not be doing it because it that would create the potential of overshadowing Elizabeth's storylines and her as the main character. The Lucus fans are so insecure that the writers may flip the choice, that they want E married as soon as possible and Nathan sent away or kept in inferior roles so he doesn't make Lucus look bad.

    Those who are already hurt over how Nathan and Allie were treated last season are not trusting what the current writers/producers will do for
    N in season 9. They don't feel that they will change from what they did last season. Why? Because they thought they HAD treated every one in a satisfactory manner last season and don't understand why everyone is not happy. In order to make Lucus a stronger character, they will have to give a character makeover to Lucus in S9 to change him into an even more upright character in order to shake his past S6 impression.
    To make sure he outshines the Nathan character, they will have to convince fans that he is not a gambler, drinker, that is still hiding
    something with a shady past.
    They also have to turn into a family man and make him more of a "hands on" masculine character that is not afraid of doing his OWN work. They will be showing him becoming a family man that puts Elizabeth and Little Jack over his job and that he will no longer run away when problems come his way. This season they will show him actually talking about problems with Elizabeth instead of avoiding deep conversations by just jumping into intiating physical contact anytime they are together.

    Nathan fans are not going to come back to watch Nathan be further humiliated and tarnished as a character, pushed to the back burner and only get paired romantically with a rebound relationship of one of his friend's girlfriends!

    Those who love Lucus would feel the same way if they would do any of this to Lucus if he had not been the one chosen!
    These problems are not Team problems. Both teams were given writing that showed Elizabeth interested in BOTH men while the writers/producers/HM tried to make THEIR decision about how to resolve the problem of Elizabeth's new love interest. They created the fan base division in order to grant them the ratings they craved. It is not the fan's responsibility to bridge the gap among the fanbase that they created through their marketing and storytelling.
    If Lucus truly was their choice from the beginning, (which we know isn't true based upon numerous actor's interviews stating that it wasn't actually chosen until the middle to end of season 8) then they need to apologize to all the fans for their writing being so confusing and for waiting until the finale to reveal their choice.

    1. The writers and show runners chose who it was going to before the season starts. That’s how u plan the entire season journey from start to finish to get their. Also it seems the actors themselves did not know for sure who will he chosen until half way but pretty sure writing team, showrunners and hallmark and author of book discussed when u have a season pitch meeting before season starts. John Tinker also states she chose early on if all looks for signs and what Elizabeth says and her actions.

    2. Lucas isn't the character who arrived in Hope Valley in season 6. He's not a mystery guy, he's a good guy, but of course he has a lot to develop. For example, he is not a father. If I was a show writer and season 8 wasn't the finale, I'd choose Lucas over Nathan, just because of that. You have a whole new relationship to explore. If WCTH were a movie or S8 were the end of show it would make sense to choose Nathan, he already has experience as a father. It would just be the portrait of the happy and ready family. (Of course there are some challenges, but a lot less than for a character who isn't a parent yet). The cast was probably told to say that no decision was made during season eight, but JT said Elizabeth would make a decision early on, and she really did. I won't say TPTB handled the ugly action of some fans well, but it certainly was a reaction. As for Nathan's BTS. was one of the first things Peter posted: Nathan. You guys are upset. You have a right to be like that. But I'm sure you still have hope, otherwise you wouldn't be reading anything related to WCTH, that wouldn't be a concern for you. I'm rooting for a great story for Nathan on S8. I believe he will, but I also believe they will have a great story for Lucas and Elizabeth. I hope that by the end of S9 we will love these two stories.

    3. First to the Unknown person. Lucas doesn't need outshine anyone. He shines on his own has done since season 6 by his character and his attitude and was/is a interesting character (much more the Nathan - see thats me being petty cos i do find him boring) and we got to know he is a wonderful man and gentleman and honorable. and i love to uncover more layers to him which we will now that he is with Elizabeth. And no he isnt a mystery person that was explained in season 6 and why. And it was with a heroic reason. And gave the viewers even more stamped seal he is a good guy. So there is not shadiness (which i know TN love to believe and want it to be true). Lucas is a hands on guys... He works even in his own saloon, we have seen his cleaning glasses, and helping with crates and being the host. Thats not someone idly sitting by. And also helping around for Jesse and Clara wedding etc. And helping to create the library. And then went out to help build a school when a hurricane hit. All seen and canon mentions and visible scenes. The kind of man Lucas and what we know of him, he would always put Elizabeth first (and LJ) and he has put her first for a very long time cos her happiness matters the most. Again seen in words and actions. Now that he is with Elizabeth, he can open up to her and share even more. And Lucas is a person who keeps his hurt and pain inside hence why he doesnt say anything and walls up alittle. And no he didnt run away, he went away to get some perspective and i totally got why he would leave in the finale. His reason for staying this long in HV was Elizabeth. So why would he stay around, again words and actions matter which was foreshadowed. ( all these things u mention about L, is exactly what N did and was going to do... keeping a secret and never going to tell E and he wanted to leave but Allie wanted to stay, so he stayed for Allie - so is Nathan a shady guy or bad guy..no a good guy but still i dont find him interesting or anything but atleast i dont need to keep being petty to prop up one guy over the other). And to be honest Lucas has shown in actions and words and in CANON scenes, that he is a wonderful guy and for Elizabeth. Another thing - Lucas has appreciation for family, we get that with the way he talks about his and their love. So he knows what and who Little Jack is and he will step up and be a great dad. And he will learn and experience it all. Which will be great to see. And no one comes with a ready made family or niece - being a father but everyone learns and experience along the way. Lucas is a enriched character with layers. Thats his beauty. I look forward to this character and the relationship. Just had to get this out there. Cos i am fed of untrue things that are not IN the show and silly petty comments and how things are only exclusive to one character -N. Its not!! Thanks. Peace out.

    4. Sorry just can't see JT do Nathan any justice

    5. To Unknown
      I don’t share your pessimistic view on Season 9. I get where you’re coming from, I do, but with all the hurt that still seems to be there, I believe that no matter what will happen with N and with L in season 9, it will not change how you feel. This change needs to come from within – if you want that. If you don’t, then don’t – it’s your prerogative to feel whatever you feel. But I hope you can acknowledge that you get to make your own feelings - not the cast/showrunners/writers/other fans. It’s the reason why we react differently to the same circumstances - some feel the love between E & N and others between E & L despite watching the same show and some feel N has been treated badly while others do not.
      I, personally, think the writers have some great storyline in store for N in S9, especially since he did not get the girl and the writers now have full creative liberty to take N anywhere they want. Plus, I agree with Hope, that as a character there is so much potential now that he no longer carries the burden of his secret. I want him to realize that there would always have been a stain on his relationship with E due to his connection with Jack’s last mission. Not from E’s side, but from his. From what we know about his family, my impression is that he does not forgive easily – and that he never forgets a past wrongdoing. And I think that goes not only for others but also for himself. I want him to learn to trust the town – a problem where the town need their Mountie but he also needs the town to overcome it. I want him to realize that having help does not make you weaker but stronger and that E never was his salvation. I want him to find peace in his heart and mind, maybe with the help of Joseph – or Allie will inadvertently teach him a lesson or two about love by her storyline with Robert. I have no clue what exactly S9 has in store for N, but I am 100% sure he will heal and grow and eventually find a great love of his own. I am positive that if Nathan leaves the show, it will be because Kevin McGarry wants to pursue other options in his career and not because Nathan was pushed out by Lucas.

      And why should the writers feel the need for L to outshine N by making him more N-like – or to make him a stronger character? I don’t see a single group that would actually benefit from that. Not TL – they love him just the way he is and would probably not like the change. Not the neutral ones who are also content with the outcome of season 8. Not the ones who had wanted a different outcome but have come to terms with what it turned out to be. And most definitely not those of TN who are still hurting. That would be a tremendous slap in the face to TN - and TL - to have E chose L and then turn him into a sophisticated version of N. If E had wanted a N, she would not have chosen L. And all TN who still think L is a gambler, drinker and hiding secrets – any attempt to changing their mind would be a lost cause. If even after three seasons and numerous deeds to the contrary they still choose to stick to this belief, let them. Nothing the writers come up with will ever make them change their mind now.

      I also have not heard of a single TL being insecure that the writers will flip the choice after the finale. Before, yes, there was insecurity, because the social media talk seemed to contradict what was shown on the screen. Now, there are voices hoping that we will get at least a bit of blissful E&L joy before things get rough. That does not equal insecurity, it’s being realistic because to tell interesting stories, it cannot be all smooth sailing between E & L. But if they hit a rough patch that does not mean the writers will flip the choice.

  5. I agree with your thoughts. I love Lucas and Elizabeth and I always thought their story had different story potential. Certainly, Lucas and Elizabeth will have to deal with totally different things that Nathan and Elizabeth (and Jack and Elizabeth) would have to deal with. Elizabeth's story would be trapped in anguish.
    There was no way it could be different from that. In episode 1 of season 8 we saw a little bit of that, when Nathan went out to meet Allie's father. Elizabeth asked Nathan to take care of himself, and when he came back, She said: Are you back? To be realistic they would have to deal with it. And honestly, it was already tough in season four and season five when Elizabeth had to deal with it. I always believed that any of the guys who didn't get picked would have a great story. I know Nathan will. I really wanted her big love to be Fiona or someone new who has that happy, adventurous spirit she has. Challenge him! And have a sweet way with Allie, like she did.

    1. I totally agree with you. There would be no way for E to escape the fear and anxiety that would have come if she had chosen N. Not that she couldn't have handled it, as I believe she would have if she truly loved N. But we have seen her deal with the fear of loving a Mountie before. By putting her with Lucas we can see a whole new storyline play out.

      And I absolutely agree! I want someone fun, and bubbly for Nathan! Not a fan of the idea of him and Fiona, but I really do want a happy adventurous woman for him. It could be so much fun!

      Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me! Have a wonderful day! God Bless!

  6. You really jumped out there with this one-bravo Hope!

    I felt since the beginning of season 6 that Lucas was the guy and saw much more chemistry with E and him throughout the seasons. They made him the catalyst for both of her main storylines in s6 and s7, so to go with Nathan wouldn't have made sense.

    That being said, as much as I wanted Lucas, I felt TPTB would go with Nathan because he was the typical choice. Him declaring his love so desperately early in s8 really made me think it had to be him, until Lucas asked E out. Then I was taken back to E saying she couldn't see both men as romantic interests, and Erin posted that line on Twitter. I was pretty convinced after that it had to be Lucas.

    For Nathan, I never saw a connection with Elizabeth like I did Lucas. He never tried to get to know her. Perhaps that all stemmed back to his guilt over Jack or his emotional immaturity- not exactly sure. But I never wanted E to choose him simply because he wore the serge. Many Nathan fans felt it had to be that way. Personally, I thought also there would always be the Jack comparison- from E and the audience. And I always thought she sought Nathan out because she wanted to be closer to Jack/the serge, and not from romantic interest. I never saw a spark there.

    I would love to see a wonderful Nathan storyline in s9. I don't want the writers to think they have to make him the star of the season to appease Nathan fans. And I simply don't understand the worship his character gets from fans, I don't see him as a superior actor to anyone on the show.

    I want to see some danger and perhaps he has to save someone and that begins a relationship that no one saw coming. Maybe Fiona, hopefully not Faith. I would be all-in on someone new.

    Thanks for the post! Loved it, as always. :)

    1. Kelly's girl.. i agree with everything you wrote. Yeah, Nathan is so boring. Lucas is a lot funnier and full of surprises! I never saw any romantic sparks b/n Nathan and Elizabeth.
      I think Kevin is an ok actor but his action is kinda of mundane. Same expression in all his Hallmark movies.

    2. Thanks, Sue! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

      Yes! L was heavily involved in both of E's own personal storylines in Seasons 6-7 with the library and then her writing. With her and N it was always about his job, or Allie and them solving some problem. My comment always had to do with the lack of romantic moments him and E had. Maybe it's just my personal taste but I would have wanted more if I had been rooting for N.

      And you know that I had always wondered if that hug had to do with her having a traumatic flashback to Jack's death. It would appear she maybe did now that we know she was projecting Jack on N. However I do believe that E had/has deep feelings for N in the sense that she cares about him a lot. Like she said... she loves him, she's just not in love with him.

      I too want N to have a great storyline this coming season. IMO the writers have a fine line to walk when it comes to the amount of screen time he gets. Too much and TL will say the writers are making him the star... too little and TN will say that he's being reduced to a side character. I think he can have a good amount... somewhere around the time the Coulters get. Just so long as E&L get plenty time as well. ;) I kind of wish JT would not try and cram so many storylines in each episode and focus more on the main characters, picking one or two side characters per episode to focus on instead of all of them. :D

      And girl... you know I'm all for danger! And that would be such a great storyline if he saved a woman and she ended up being the woman he fell for! I agree that I'm all for him falling for someone new as well. I'm just not a fan of the idea of him and any of the single girls in town.

      Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts with me! I hope your weekend has been wonderful so far! God Bless you my friend!

    3. Could one of you share what in your opinion makes a great actor compared to an ordinary one? I am really curious by what standards an actor falls in the one or the other category.

      I like some actors better than others but I have a hard time to state they are great actors, except maybe for a very few that have believably portrayed a series of very different, particularly difficult and complex characters and manage to look, speak and move very differently in each role. But apart from that....
      Personally, I know next to nothing about acting, I feel competent in asssessing that someone is a bad actor if the lines appear studied, emotionless and not natural or if volume/posture/facial expressions do not match the lines and I don't believe the portrayal. But other than that - I am lost. On WCTH they have believable actors in general. But in your eyes within the cast they have could you make a distinction between great and good?
      Is someone a great actor if he puts his mark on the character and if you change the actor the character will never be the same?
      To anyone answering: Thanks for taking the time. :)

    4. Hi Kate! Honestly I think acting is harder then I imagine it to be. Actors have to be able to jump in and out of their role within seconds, and still portray all the emotion necessary for the scene. That's hard!

      For me personally there are a couple things that make a good actor. Believability is definitely one of them. The acting needs to not feel like acting. I need to believe the emotions the actor is trying to portray for the character. It all needs to feel seamless and help me dive into this make-believe story.

      Also their words and actions can't be stiff or feel forced. I've watched some actors who really struggled with this, and it really takes away from a movie.

      I also think your thoughts are right on as well. An actor who is versatile and capable of playing an array of different characters shows great talent. And their lines shouldn't feel studied, emotionless, or unnatural. They have to literally transform themselves into their character and make me believe this character.

      But this is all just my thoughts personally. :) I hope this helps! God Bless!

    5. Indeed, it does. :) Thanks.

  7. I get your point. But the thing for me as a Nathan fan, and I have seen many Nathan fans say it too, is that we like and love Nathan more than Jack's character. I will even be bolt and say some of us even forgot jack excited. As for a great story for Nathan in season 9. I can't hold my breath. I just don't get the feeling the writers especially JT and show runner BB have Nathan's best interests at heart. They even said themselves romance won't come soos for Nathan.

    1. Anonymous, I totally get your point. I loved watching Jack with E but now... I'm really enjoying the way things are now, and it's easy to forget about Jack at times.

      I also understand not trusting the writers. JT did a lot of things in S8 that I really wasn't a fan of. The show kind of changed in a way, and while I did really enjoy somethings, I'm left wondering what to expect of S9.

      I hope S9 is great for both of us and that the writers give us some wonderful stories. Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts with me! I hope your weekend is off to a great start. God Bless!


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