A Moment in Time: Food For the Soul


    Hello and welcome back to another blog post on a Friday! I hope you're week has been wonderful thus far, and you're staying cool this summer. Isn't it crazy to think we're already in August? Before you know it all the leaves will be falling, that chilly breeze will blow in, and it will be Fall!

    So... what do I have planned for you today? Well, it seems about time that I started up my series, A Moment in Time, again and started covering some of these romantic LucaBeth moments from Season 8! (Yay!) I really wasn't sure which scene to start with. (There are quite a few to choose from. ;) So I asked you guys on Twitter which scene you'd like me to cover, and I've finally made a decision!

    For my first "Moment in Time" blog post I will be discussing that tension filled library scene in episode 4! It's one of my favorites (Granted I have many. Lol!) and seemed like a great scene to start the series with. 

    So... Let's get right into it!

    Now obviously this scene came after Elizabeth and Lucas had what I refer to as their first real fight. Or maybe disagreement would be a better term. Elizabeth, in trying to keep Helen Bouchard's confidence, kept back the fact from Lucas that his parents had separated. 

    Now obviously there is the question of who eventually told Lucas about it as we never saw the scene where he found out. I'm going to say that it was 99.9% his mother. Nothing else would make sense, unless he finally managed to contact his father and he told him. But I'm going to assume it was his mother. The bigger question is how did he find out that Elizabeth knew about this, which once again points to his mother telling him as she was the only person who knew this. (Except for Rosemary but she never would have told Lucas.)

    Anyhow he found out, and... he wasn't happy to say the least. This in turn led Elizabeth to try and explain, and tell him the advice she gave his mother. Oh, yes... the advice about maybe his mother needed to be the one to reach out first. And of course that came as quite a blow in the stomach for poor Lucas. After all... up until then Elizabeth has barely ever been the one to make the first move when it came to either Lucas or Nathan. So Lucas rightfully felt hurt by her words and lashed out before walking back to the saloon.

    So I believe this library scene picks up the very next day, as Lucas is still wearing the same suit from their disagreement. Elizabeth opens the library door and is surprised to find Lucas sound asleep over a book. And this is where I gush...

    First off... how pitiful and yet adorable is it that he wasn't even able to go to bed after their fight? He's simply miserable. I mean you could argue that it's the oil company that's got him stressed out but... I think we all can agree it was his fight with Elizabeth combined with his parents separating that drove him to his beloved books. Speaking of which, again how cute yet sad is it that he went seeking comfort in books? I like to joke and say he went and got drunk on books. Lol!

    And finally... you just got to love the messy hair. I mean... Swoon! And just the fact that he fell asleep there, and Elizabeth found him, and... yeah. I LOVED all that! 😊

    So, Elizabeth opens the door and Lucas jerks awake. She's surprised to find him there, and apologizes for disturbing him.

    She then comments that he's out early, but Lucas then corrects her and says he's out late. He didn't make it to bed the previous night, and... Elizabeth just gives a very casual "Oh?" She is trying very hard to act like she's not interested in that fact, and just go about her business. I also realized in re-watching that scene that she had absolutely no intention of addressing the elephant in the room. They both didn't plan on it really. They could so feel the tension between them, and they knew exactly why it was there, but... Both of them kept their mouths shut.

    Anyhow, a sleepy Lucas stands up, and walks toward Elizabeth, still trying to wake up. He tells her that he was in his office "robbing Peter to pay Paul." He also tells her that they managed to save the oil derrick before it took on too much damage from the fire. Elizabeth then casually says that "luckily no one was badly injured" and I have to believe she totally included him in that statement.

    Now I will admit that one of my complaints about this whole "oil fire storyline" is Elizabeth's lack of response to Lucas being in danger. Even though she hasn't figured out that he's the one for her, surely her heart knew ahead of time. I just feel she should have reacted very differently. More concerned, more panicked. But however the writers' goal was to keep everyone guessing and to have her be super panicked over him may have been a giveaway.

    Anyway... Lucas then agrees with her statement saying it was a "miracle" no one was badly injured. And then he goes right on ignoring the tension between them and mentions that she's up early. Elizabeth then explains that a new family had moved in. Everyone else was bringing pies and casseroles so she thought she'd bring...

    And then... BOOM! Lucas just knows her so well, that he literally finishes her sentence by saying... "Food for the soul?" And instantly Elizabeth jerks her gaze to him. 


    You can just feel this mixture of tension and romance and you can clearly see the connection they share. Elizabeth's face really just sums the moment up well. The look of surprise yet knowing how he understands her. How they just get each other.

    So after a second she of course says that she'd better be going. What is it about the library and being in close proximity to that man that makes her run for the hills? Lol! She walks to the door carrying her pile of books and then... well and then I start gushing again.

    Even though they're currently in a fight. Even though Elizabeth hurt him (Although that wasn't her fault nor her intention) he just can't help himself. Being the gentleman that he is, (And a very in love man) he offers to open the door for her. (Happy sigh...) That there earns you, Lucas, a big fat gold star. He was so sweet, and thoughtful! And the looks they give each other just makes it even better.

    Elizabeth seemed surprised at his offer, which I understand why. She knew Lucas was mad at her, so why would he offer to open the door? But he did, and it just showed her what kind of a man he is, and how much he cares about her. She thanks him softy, then exits through the door, and again we can really feel the tension between them. Lucas' face was filled with it. He obviously doesn't want things to be like this, but yet he's still struggling to do something about it. Knowing his parents separated is crushing, but to also know the woman he loves knew and didn't tell him? Ouch. Not to mention everything he thought about love seemed to go up in flames, and then hearing that comment from Elizabeth about "making the first move...." So, yeah. This man is filled with a lot of emotional conflict right now.

    Moving on Elizabeth then strolls to Sergeant and of course Mr. Bouchard follows behind and holds her bag open so she can put the books in it. (Mic drop) Again it's just so sweet and shows how much he truly cares for her.

    So while she's loading the books they both catch two Mounties riding down the street. Lucas asks her what she thinks that's all about, and she explains how their looking into the shooting incident. She then says how she thought Nathan had been exonerated, to which Lucas responds, "Apparently not entirely."

    Now... depending on which side you stand on we can get two different ideas about Lucas' motives when he said that. In my opinion, I do think he may have held some disdain for Nathan here which would make sense. He currently believes that Elizabeth has feelings for Nathan, and her words only would seem to confirm that as he can see she's not happy about the inquiry.  It's also worth wondering if perhaps he was worried about Elizabeth in that moment. If there's an inquiry happening about Nathan, obviously something is wrong, and Lucas would hate to see her hurt in anyway. Not to mention he just had the Mountie asking him for one THOUSAND dollars and I doubt he ever found out why. I could be totally off base here, but I think it's worth considering.

    So after giving what appears to be a sort of annoyed look at Lucas for his comment, eventually Elizabeth mounts Sergeant and starts off for the Canfield's house. BUT! Before the scene ends the music grows louder and oh so dramatic as Elizabeth looks back over her shoulder at Lucas! 

    I love the feel of this moment! It's so dramatic and filled with angst and romance as Lucas looks after her while she rides away. And with a final fleeting glance back at the man she's fallen for (Yet doesn't quite know how much she has just yet) turns away and rides off.


    And that brings us to the end of the scene! I hope you enjoyed this re-cap of one of my favorite LucaBeth scenes from Season 8. I don't know about you but I would love to get some more scenes like this. We haven't had a lot of tension like that between Lucas and Elizabeth so far, and I would love to see a bit more in this coming season. Granted not quite to the extent of what happened between Jack and Elizabeth in Season 2. (Oh, that was so hard to stomach!) But I would like to see some level of tension between Lucas and Elizabeth in Season 9. (Just not all season long, please and thank you. :)

    Thank you so much for reading! Feel free to comment your thoughts on this scene below or on my Twitter page! God Bless! 

    P.S. Feel free to stop by and see if there's anything that catches your eye in my shop. (My newest design was inspired by these two! :) https://shop.spreadshirt.com/heart-and-family-mercantile



  1. Hi Hope, Thank you for writing about the "I love you baby, but I am mad at you" library scene. LOL! It's a favorite of mine, as well. I love the combination of angst and romance, too You could tell Lucas and Elizabeth wanted to get this disagreement behind them, but they weren't quite ready. I understand that Lucas was hurt about not knowing about the separation of his parents, but there is something to be said for Elizabeth's loyalty to his mother, IMO. Helen caused Elizabeth to be caught between a rock and a hard place. Surely, Lucas knew that, and I think more of his anger is because Elizabeth is not following the advice she gave Helen. As you said, she is not reaching out or "fighting for love" with him. The man has consistently pursued her with non-dates, words of encouragement, etc. Give the man a bone, Elizabeth!

    I also didn't like that Elizabeth had no words of concern for Lucas over the oil rig fire. Just a few would have been sufficient. Like, "Lucas, I am glad you weren't hurt, or I was concerned for you. Something, Elizabeth! LOL! I guess that would have tipped the scales of the triangle. So glad the triangle ended.

    1. Lol! I love the phrase you used to sum up this scene, Shelby!

      I definitely agree Helen put E in a difficult place, and it was honorable that she kept her confidence. Lucas was in such an emotional state as not only did his parents separate, but he's also in love with E and thinks she likes N, and her whole comment just made things even worse.

      And yes I really wish we would have gotten more of a response from E about the oil fire. A few words would have been better than nothing. I wonder if there's any deleted scenes for this.

      And yes!!! It's so good that the triangle ended! :) Thank you so much for reading! I hope you're having a great weekend so far! God Bless!

  2. You have written all that needed for this scene and more. I liked the angst and romance mixed it. The tension was thick but their chemistry and that spark still remained. I just love that he knows her well and why she was getting books - food for the soul. They have this connection. The love and the trust is there. Yes to messy hair Lucas pls lol. I also would like to see angst between them in season 9 as well as the romance ;) we need both. I also wished we saw more of a reaction from Elizabeth concerning the Oil rig fire but on the whole it was sos quickly done but we did get Helen and Elizabeth moments and keeping his mother calm. I cant wait to see this love story continuing or shall i say the journey is beginning now more so.

    1. Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed the post!

      This scene was filled with tension and angst, yet still we had the sparks and romance. I enjoyed seeing this sort of new aspect between E&L and I hope to see more in the future.

      Absolute yes to Lucas' messy hair! :)

      Yes, I wish we would have gotten more of a response out of E to L being in danger. Would have made for some great romance and drama! But like I mentioned in the post I wonder if it had to do with the triangle and not wanting to give away who E would pick. Or maybe there wasn't enough time in the episode? I'm not really sure.

      I so want to know what's next for E&L! It will be wonderful to see their romance blossom and their feelings deepen now that the triangle is over! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me! Have a wonderful weekend! God Bless!

  3. Thanks for reviving the library scene, it is one of my favorites from last season. And I can totally relate to you having a hard time to pick one of the many great scenes to start with, lol.
    I found it interesting that you described L as feeling mad at E. My take of the scene was more like he was frustrated, with E for not following her own advice but also a bit with himself for still feeling all these feelings for E. If you think about it, they had this “almost date” in the library, next thing he sees is E running to N and giving him quite the hug. She is happy enough to see L return, but after he tells her whatever she decides, he just wants her to be happy, she is walking down main street with N like a family on an outing. So from my understanding L must think he already lost her to N. Then E “lectures” him about how love needs to be nurtured and fought for and that sometimes one has to make the first step, something L did over and over but E never did in return. That must have felt like another blow that he is not the one for her. I would thus assume L is trying to back off, but there is E in the library they created together and he can’t help but trying to recreate their usual closeness, but it’s awkward because of N and because they didn’t part on speaking terms last time. The moment when he opens the door for her, his eyeroll that looked to me like he was thinking “What am I doing here?”.
    E’s lack of concern for L in the explosion had me worried for a while especially compared to her reaction to N’s life being at risk in the S7 finale. Apart from the obvious filmmaking decisions of not giving too much away or cutting it for time restraints, I came up with following theories.
    a) E kept herself busy with comforting Helen and that prevented her from giving into fear.
    b) E & N share a connection and she felt that he was alright.

    Her comment in the library was a bit disappointing at first, but I believe an appropriate address of the issue for the time period and considering L as a male acquaintance not being an accepted suitor. After her not very proper spur of the moment hug with N, which I believe she already regretted, she was bound to act more cautious with L especially since his potentially life-threatening situation was already over.
    When E was riding away, I always thought she was looking at the two Mounties riding in the middle of main street. She is riding on the left side of the street and L is standing right next to the library’s boardwalk, i.e. either directly behind her or left of her. E is looking over her right shoulder but not craning her neck, in my opinion it is physically impossible that she is seeing L.

    But I totally agree: I want more scenes like that, where they are at odds with each other but still so clearly drawn into each other. Such great entertainment these two!


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