Lucas Bouchard... Family Man... Chopper of Wood

    Hello Hearties! I hope your day has been a wonderful one so far! I am doing well, and am managing to survive this crazy heat. (I mean... at least I don't think I've melted yet.😨)

    I am back to bring you another blog post. So I was sitting at my desk trying to think of just what I should post. Eventually I decided that I am going to do a bit of rambling today. :D I thought I'd spitball, gush, and discuss Lucas Bouchard today and the new role he is about to play. (I'm also very poetic today. :)

    Ever since Elizabeth's heart made it's choice, and her and Lucas had that beautiful moment together on the bridge, Lucas' life changed forever. Not only has he committed to Elizabeth but he's now committed to a brand new role in life. I believe Brian Bird's tweet from awhile back pretty much sums that role.

    Lucas Bouchard is about to become... a family man. (And hopefully a chopper of wood as well. Like... really, really hopefully. :D ) We've also learned that Lucas' character is going to be explored more in depth in Season 9 which I'm super happy to hear! Chris McNally has also made a promising statement about how he thinks Lucas will have more time with Little Jack and have some fatherly moments. (Eeek!)

    Honestly... This post is a bit all over the place. Lol! Basically, if you like Lucas, and you care to hear my thoughts on his future then... Darn diggity... this post is for you. :D

Father Figure

    Obviously this is the biggest, and probably most discussed topic when it comes to Lucas Bouchard. Now that he's with Elizabeth he's not only become her boyfriend/eventual husband, (Cause we all know that's where things are heading. :) but that also means he is going to become a father figure to Little Jack. And there are a bunch of Hearties who aren't to sure if he's cut out for the job. I mean, I get it. He has what would appear to be a very limited experience with children, and the man has had a limited amount of scenes with Little Jack. The latter half of this, however, isn't due to a complete lack of trying on Lucas' part as there were indeed scenes between the two of them. During an interview on Paul Greene's podcast Chris McNally said...

“Lucas had scenes with baby Jack. They just got cut. They were there, they were written. But due to time, for whatever reason, they were gone.”


    Sniff! Why?!? WHY!?! (Hope... pull yourself together.) Seeing as though Lucas was the man Elizabeth chose, I'm a bit confused as to why scenes with Lucas and Little Jack would be cut. (That was kind of important for BOTH teams to see...) But at least we know he did indeed interact with the little tyke.

    Anyhow... coming back out of that rabbit hole. Lucas' world is about to take on a very new appearance, and he's going to be stepping into some very unknown territory. The man is about to enter "Fatherhood 101." Unlike Elizabeth, Lucas didn't get to gradually learn how to be a parent right after Little Jack was born. It is rather being thrust upon him, by choosing to date her. And I believe in this coming season we will be seeing a brand new side of Lucas as he learns how to navigate that world.

    Brian Bird had some great things to say about Lucas' future and what we have to look forward to in this article from The Christopher's Blog.

"I want to see the new layers of Lucas, layers that we haven’t seen before. I think there’s a lot more going on there with this young man than people give him credit for. And I want to see him with little Jack, to see how he handles the idea of instant family, potentially, if this relationship is going to work."

    This makes me excited for sure about Season 9. Not only do we get a more in depth look at Lucas, but we also will get more of him with Little Jack hopefully. (I say "hopefully" as I can't predict the future. Lol!) I'm going to comment more on this statement in a bit, but for now I'm discussing him and Little Jack.

    I think we'll definitely get to see Lucas spending some quality time with Little Jack in Season 9. I really want to see him not only embrace this new role, but... maybe see him a little out of his element at first. :D

    I want to see him really try his best to step into those "fatherly shoes" but maybe... just maybe things don't go as planned. I think it would be absolutely hilarious if Lucas volunteered to babysit Little Jack for any length of time. The shenanigans would be hysterical and Jack would give the man a run for his money to be sure. 

    But I think this coming season we'll see Lucas prove to us just how fit he truly is to be a father, and perhaps even how much Little Jack really means to him. I think we'll see some adorable interactions, and maybe even some potential step-father and son bonding time. Truly when you look back at season 6-8 we can see just how calm, gentle, and caring Lucas is with children. He knows how to keep their attention, and get them involved in projects. He knows how to soothe a child, and calm their worries in a way that shows them just how much he cares and even understands what they feel. 

    One of Lucas' best character qualities is how quiet and gentle he is. This, combined with his saint like patience, makes him some wonderful father material already. I think he just needs to spend some more time around Little Jack and find his footing. I can see him as a very kind, gentle, and wise father who would move Heaven and earth for his adopted son.


Family Man

    This next role sounds similar to the first topic, but it's a little different. Lucas is no longer a man who's "single and ready to mingle." He's in a serious courtship, in which he's looking to eventually marry Elizabeth.

     He can’t just consider only himself anymore. (Which… he never did anyway. Lol!) Of course he’s free to do as he likes as they’re not married yet, but rather I’m saying that the things he does no longer only effects himself. Taking a trip out of town, running into a burning building, getting a dog, or buying a cheese factory no longer just effects his own life but also Elizabeth and Little Jack’s. (Okay the cheese factory is a bit crazy, but you get my point. :P )

    I really want to see not only Lucas step into that "family man role" but I also just want the writers to go more in depth with his character.

    Brian Bird's comment about seeing new layers to Lucas, and that "There’s a lot more going on there with this young man than people give him credit for" really is exciting to hear, and it's so true! I think Lucas has dealt with so much with the triangle and his businesses and he tends to keep everything inside. He doesn't let all he feels come to the surface, but rather hides his emotions and let's everyone see a smiling and polite appearance. But there is still so much more to learn about this man. His past, his childhood, what he did before he came to Hope Valley, his hopes and dreams... etc. I really hope the writers dig deeper into Lucas' character and from what I've heard it sounds like I may get my wish. (Eeek!)


    Now obviously some people think that the writers are going to try and make him more like Nathan to appease the disappointed fans. This… wouldn’t totally be a bad idea. I’m all for seeing a more rugged family man type Lucas, and to be honest that doesn’t have to mean he’s becoming Nathan. He’s just stepping into a new pair of shoes, and changing as his life is changing.

    Nathan is already a family man, and a father-figure and came to Hope Valley with those qualities intact as he’d already stepped into those shoes years ago. We didn’t see him become a family man as he already was one. Lucas on the other hand isn’t and now that Elizabeth chose him, he’s going to begin that process of changing that Nathan did years ago.

    Therefore it’s sort of a yes and no answer. Yes, he’s becoming more like Nathan in the sense that he’s becoming a family man, but no he’s not "becoming Nathan." Lucas will always remain his own unique character. Even if he becomes a family man, chops wood, or even attempts to rescue Elizabeth from danger (Should that ever happen) he will do it in a way that only he could.

    As to him becoming a family man there are so, so many possible storylines, scenes, and moments to be had! Honestly the idea of exploring Lucas, Elizabeth, and Little Jack becoming a little family sounds fun, and sweet. There is just so many ways things could go, and I'm totally excited to see where they do go. I think he is going to do a wonderful job, and though I see some possible bumps along the way, Lucas is going to make a fantastic husband and father.

    As to my wish list to what I'd like to see in this category... Oh... There's a lot. I want to see Lucas come to Elizabeth's row house after a hard days work, actually go inside the house, (as this picture may indicate) and have a simple dinner with her and Little Jack. I want to see him take walks and go on picnics with his favorite people, and just shower them with love. (As he has done so well in the past.) I want to see them go for drives, and be a sweet little happy family! :) Oh, and obviously I want to see him chop some wood for Elizabeth. (I mean... duh. Lol!)

    Honestly the list can just go on and on, but you get the picture. :)



Business Possibilities

    Along with Lucas' relational changes, a friend of mine suggested I also talk about his current business situations and how things may change in Season 9. (You know who you are. :)

    As most Hearties may know by now, Lucas did in fact keep the saloon according to Chris McNally during an interview on Hallmark's Bubbly Shesh Podcast. So with this info, (and this lovely BTS picture), we can expect to see more of him running the Queen of Hearts. However... I do wonder if his job there may be put under fire. Wyman Walden is not the kind of man to take no for an answer, and since Lucas had very nearly signed the place off to him, and then apparently pulled out... I think Wyman may try and turn the heat up. He may pressure Lucas to sell to him, first perhaps by offering more money and just constantly asking him to sell. However, depending on how badly the man wants the saloon, I could definitely see him making Lucas' life miserable so he's forced to sell. 

    Should things go this way I can see only two possible outcomes. The first would be he fights against the odds, maybe almost sells the saloon, but in the end things work out and he gets to keep it. The second option would be he decides to give up the saloon, whether by force or maybe his own will. Perhaps after this next season he'll realize he wants to do something else now that he's going to have a future family.

    For me personally I've always enjoyed Lucas as a saloon owner, and hope he stays one. The role just suits him so well, and is very entertaining to watch. I also think it would be a much more exciting occupation for us viewers to watch him in rather than only owning the oil company or something else more "business like." There is no end to how many storylines can arise from Lucas running the saloon. So all in all, I hope he stays at the saloon. I honestly think the only reason he would lose that job is if the writers wanted to please some of the fans who don't like him as a saloon owner.

    As to his second business venture... Hmm... I think he'll obviously still own the oil company at the start of Season 9. I also think the oil company may have some level of problems. Whether they're caused by Wyman Walden himself or just problems similar to last season I'm not quite sure. However I'm very curious as to whether he will remain the owner by the end of the coming season.

    Henry is currently gone, and may be out altogether. He's still a sort of question mark for now, but I can totally see him coming back to work at the oil company. Mike, on the other hand, is really coming up in the company. I almost wonder if Mike will eventually take over the company, possibly with Henry and Fiona, and Lucas will be either only a partial owner or totally out. He's had a lot of stress come with owning that company, and still doesn't seem to know a whole lot about it. He always turns to Henry or Mike, and frankly seems tired of the stress and problems that come with being the owner. 

    Lucas is now entering a new phase of life and may not want to have to deal with all of that. So perhaps Mike and Fiona, and maybe Henry will take over.

    I can see things going either way. I personally have enjoyed Lucas being a part of the oil company, and would be perfectly fine if he continued to be. It adds more storylines for Lucas which I'm all for. :) But I maybe could also be okay if he did quit the company too. Again it all comes down to his storylines, and how the writers handle things. I really do like seeing him work with Henry and Mike, and the oil company provides more screen time for Lucas as well as possible drama. (Which you know I love. Lol!) I guess we'll see!


Lucas & Elizabeth's Relationship in Season 9

    So as you've gathered I've read some things concerning WCTH Season 9. (Everyone gasps and thinks, "Hope, you hypocrite!")😂 Yes I first read about this next fact on The Heartie Observer's blog, and she was so kind as to send me the article. (Thank you!) In continuing the quote from Brian Bird I mentioned earlier he had this to say about Lucas and Elizabeth...


"And how these two adjust to each other in the real world. It’s one thing to be on a courtship…Sometimes when you get into a real relationship, it’s not quite as much the honeymoon as you expect. But all that is to be explored."

    (Gulp!) Well... it seems some level of conflict is on its way...

    To be honest... that scares me some, but mainly due to what I saw happen with the couples in Season 8. I've seen the level of conflict John Tinker likes to add and... it's not quite my taste all the time. To be sure, I did like some of it, and sometimes it would even make me laugh. But... Jesse and Clara were just so... moody, and didn't show the love I've always known them to have for each other. And Faith and Carson... yeah. They were stressful to watch, and sort of took a nosedive into the burn barrel. But I'm not going to get into that here. (Maybe another day though...)

    Now I'm all for drama and even some arguments between Elizabeth and Lucas as we haven't really seen much of that from them. And a comedic argument would be fantastic! BUT! The conflict is only so good up to a point. Now that they're together I want to see them finally, FINALLY just be a happy couple and eventual family with Little Jack. 

    However... Brian Bird's words are realistic. A relationship is fraught with challenges, and trials to overcome. Honestly if it's done right, this could make for some beautiful moments between the two of them. So I teeter between curiosity, and some doubt. :D

    As to where this conflict will come from... There are so many options to consider. It could come from and very may come from both Elizabeth and Lucas' careers. Wyman Walden may create a lot of trouble for Lucas, and it would not surprise me if sometime next season Elizabeth loses her job. This would cause a great deal of stress and tension which may eventually leak into their relationship. 

    Or we could have people come into their lives that stir things up. Maybe Lucas has an ex-girlfriend we don't know about that shows up, or maybe the widow Jeanette he saved will come to visit. It could be totally innocent on Jeanette and Lucas' part, but it could cause Elizabeth's blood to boil a bit. Lol! (Wouldn't it be fun to see a jealous Elizabeth for at least a little bit? :D ) As for Elizabeth's side of things... I don't know how many people would agree with me, but... I would totally be open to Charles coming back for a few episodes! It could be so fun, and provide some amazing drama!

    I mean... just picture it. Elizabeth has been gone from home for around nine years. She rejected Charles in the past for Mountie Jack, married him, and then he passed. Maybe now Charles hasn't ever gotten over her and now believes he has a chance to win her heart! Maybe he even offers to move to Hope Valley! He then shows up and finds her courting the dashing Lucas Bouchard, and... well things could go so many ways from here. Maybe he slightly intrudes, but just to make sure she's taken care of and loved. Or... maybe Charles turns... to the dark side! (Dramatic organ music plays!) Maybe he tries to butt in, and tell her what to do, thinking he knows best. Maybe he tries to cause Lucas and Elizabeth to break up! (Dum, dum, DUM!!!) Of course I have my doubts about all this, but it could be really fun! :D

    All in all... it sounds like their relationship is going to be put to the test.

    Well, that's all for now! Thank you for listening to me ramble on about Lucas and his future. I'm so excited to see all that's in store for him, Elizabeth, and Little Jack in Season 9. I'm also looking forward to hopefully seeing him try on those fatherly shoes and seeing some adorable moment with him and Little Jack.

    Thank you so much for reading! Feel free to leave your thought below or on my Twitter page about Lucas becoming a father-figure/family man and what you hope to see next for him! Have a wonderful weekend! God Bless!

    P.S. Feel free to stop by and check out my shop! I hope you find something you like!



  1. Thanks for this post. First Papa Bird likes to pot stir and NEEDS to lose the IF language from his vocabulary. The relationship WILL work, even if their are speed bumps along the way. 3 years has earned them and us that happiness.

    As for Charles, NO. No more triangles. I have thought of Jeannette coming and making E jealous for a nanosecond, but resolve it quickly. That form of conflict has been done.

    Lucas as dad I would love to see. And apparently, you want to see him chop.wood too. Hopefully he handles the are better than a hammer? Seriously, I love it all as long as Lucabeth stays together and are happy.

    1. Yes, yes, yes. Too much angst already. We don’t need more and absolutely no more breaking up. Once was enough.

  2. I read this blog every week and always look forward to it. I agree with almost everything you said except the part about Charles, I think that ship has sailed and sunk. I do think it would be fun to see jealous Elizabeth ( we saw a hint of this when she first saw Helen before she found out she was Lucas’ mom) and see if she is as gracious and patient as Lucas was with her. I’m guessing not so much. However, I would like to see the relationship really progress this season without too many bumps and hindrances. I never really cared for Jack and one reason was they took forever to get married. I would like to see E and L at least get engaged by season 10. I also love the idea of Lucas babysitting and agree it could be really funny but I really want him to pull it off and show what good daddy material he is.

    1. I would like engaged season 9, married and maybe baby in 10. Jack and Elizabeth's courtship.was so long and we got robbed of married life and all the normal joys and trials married couples go through. Elizabeth telling Lucas he's going to be a daddy and him holding his first biological child in his arms are two of my most desired scenes. Please let them marry quickly so we can see that before the series goes defunct.

  3. I adore Lucas and the man he is! All heart.
    Two things i like to say that its the other team specifically being petty and who say becoming like N and dont like saloon owner to make petty comments on Lucas and their views are blurred by shipper goggles. Its all excuses and nitpicking. Esp saying Lucas becoming N, if i wanted him or someone to become like N then i would of liked N himself but i dont so that argument and suggestion is invalid and nitpicking. (And N has lot of growing up to do and attitude). I am sure all men in HV chop wood and one day will become family men and a father. Lucas fits in the Saloon. He has refined it and has all ppl in it and like a community. I didnt realise instantly that Lucas would not only become a boyfriend/beau but also a father figure entering tht path too. So i am looking forward to that. There will be hiccups along the way but thats learning and experiencing. And Lucas is a family man - he loves family, he talks about family... And like John Tinker said both Lucas and Elizabeth have a appreciation for family. Cant wait to see E.L and LJ become a family.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Lucas Bouchard - a very handsome man with equally a beautiful heart and soul. And the way he loves.. Elizabeth deeply and selflessly. And will do LJ too.

    I like how you have pointed out he is not just going to be a partner/boyfriend but also become a family man. Father figure as he navigates into this relationship and world now with Elizabeth. That now he has to consider Elizabeth and LJ, and his priority. I think Lucas is going to be a wonderful father figure to Little Jack, and a partner to Elizabeth. He will step into and i look forward to seeing the stages of it with Elizabeth there too, and as we all know he will always make sure Elizabeth is ok with it and how she feels about his place in Little Jack life.

    I cannot wait to see more layers of Lucas being seen and shown, and someone did mention on twitter that they always felt we would see layers of Lucas, once he and Elizabeth finally are together and she can really dig into him and get those out. As you say he does keep his pain and hurt to himself which is another thing to share out. Lucas has a appreciation for Family. Just look at where he comes from - from a good family (though he was alone most childhood but still was a family) and importantly what i mean by Lucas appreciation for family is how well he talks about his parents and so on.

    His appreciation for family makes him even more suitable and natural to become a father and have a family. And we have seen some moments of his interactions with Little Jack over seasons 6 and 7 - just tiny moments but the way he is with him is shown and its adorable. And also when he asked the kids to help him make paper lanterns at xmas, and his scenes with Allie and talking to her. Its all signs of how he is with kids. A wonderful man he is will make a wonderful husband and father.
    And he is taking on another person's child - that is huge in itself.

    The man has such huge heart to love so his love will love a part of Elizabeth as his own. I want to all family moments, casual moments, romantic moments, angsty moments. All that comes in a relationship - a love story. Their love and the soulmate connection.

    I for one do want to see Elizabeth jealous (she kinda was when her eyes were constantly on Lucas, and who the woman was on the stagecoach who happened to be his mother lol) but yeah to see women find Lucas - dashing and see few around him and she gets jealous lol. Fun scenes and passionate scenes they could be.

    I want Lucas to always have the saloon. He is the best person for it and he fits there. This saloon is a good place and honest place, with a honest genuine man running it. And the place has always had many moments and occasions there.

    I do think that if Wyman Walden wants it and put pressure on it and Lucas will fight him for the saloon and town. But if Walden ever says saloon or Elizabeth - you know Lucas will always choose Elizabeth. I do feel like Walden, and Pinkertons will bring trouble for Lucas and Elizabeth. And no to Charles please lol.

    I like to see a trip to Hamilton to see Elizabeth and Lucas there, and meeting her family etc. Imagine that.

    All in all, I am excited for Elizabeth and Lucas journey together and individually, and being a family with Little Jack.

  6. As always, I like your thoughts. I think one of the reasons Lucas didn't have a lot of interaction with LJ is because they wanted that relationship to be one of the character arcs after choosing Elizabeth. Lucas is a good man, what he wants most is for Elizabeth to be happy, so obviously he will try to be the best father possible for LJ. I think he will have some dificult. Maybe he doesn't feel ready, maybe he doesn't feel worthy to raise a Mountie's son (I've already imagined Lucas asking Nathan for advice about parenthood, about the Mounties and Nathan, maybe, he needs advice on courting a woman - he's not much good at it). I don't want Charles back, enough of another man in Lucas' way. Being a family man is not unique to Nathan, all men can be a family man. And it is an interesting process to follow this construction. We didn't see how Nathan got there. What I find so interesting is how Lucas wants it. It seems like it's something he's looking for, a dream. Have a family. "find the perfect place to raise a family." Finally, I just want a little conflict between Lucas and Elizabeth, but nothing exaggerated. I would like them to continue to work things out easily as they always did. It's a beautiful. I would like to see Lucas ask Joseph for advice. I would like Elizabeth a little bit jealous,because she is so funny when jealous, but I want Lucas to tell or prove to her that his heart and soul is all hers forever.


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