WCTH S8 Episode Review: The Kiss - Part 2


     Hello Hearties and welcome to Wednesday! I hope you are all doing wonderfully today! As promised I am back to finally post part 2 of my review for WCTH's Season 8 finale. And what a finale it was. 

    New beginnings and opportunities are arising for so many people. We also have new mysteries and potential danger on the horizon. Not every single storyline was resolved in this final episode, but then again... are they ever in a finale? Lol! We have to have some questions left unanswered so we're intrigued and come back next season. :)

    Again this was an enjoyable episode. We had fun and humorous moments as well as some beautiful and heart-touching ones as well. Well... let's dive right in!

    Also at the end of this post I'll also have a message to share with you! :)


    Side Note: The Allie and Robert romance lives on! (Not much happened with Allie this episode but I thought I'd mention this. :)


Someone Is Going to be Mayor?!?

    Oh my goodness! Did these people actually mention someone running for mayor? I mean... it's only been two seasons and a half since this town actually had a mayor. As to the candidates... 

    Bill and Lee are my favorite options. They seem very capable and knowledged for the job. (Bill more so than Lee.) The idea of Hickam as mayor is really fun and I think would make for some great heart-felt and hilarious moments, but my vote is with Bill and Lee. As for Fiona... no. That idea just... meh... Not my cup of tea. I'd rather see her working at the oil company with Hickam. That job just seems to suit her better.

    As to who I think will win this election... I think Lee may become Hope Valley's new mayor, just based on his conversation with Joseph and Rosemary. All season long he has been looking for a new purpose in life. His calling. And now he's decided that he feels called to run for mayor. And so It would appear that he may be the winner. And why not? He's only one of the most respected and beloved citizens in Hope Valley. He's trust-worthy, has everyone's best interests at heart, and is a very smart business man who doesn't take no for an answer. All beautiful qualities for a mayor.


Team Infirmary

    Wow... He's... gone. Carson really did it. He left. I couldn't have been the only one who was waiting to see him on the stage platform once the stage pulled away. Or who was waiting to see him all of a sudden show up next to Faith. Right? But... wow. He really left. And I believe Faith was just as shocked as a lot of us Hearties were.

    Faith and Carson continue to be a mystery to me. It seems that life just continues to drag them a part, and yet... they continue to show such a love for each other. Faith was so upset at his impending departure, and asked that they just hold each other for that sweet moment. She couldn't even bring herself to see him off at the stage. It just hurt too much. But... she constantly insisted on him leaving, even though it broke her heart to see him go. And I believe I know why.

    She knew that Carson would never be happy until he pursued his dream. He tried and tried to stay and be content in Hope Valley, but... Faith knew he needed to go. And I agree. He needed to take that fellowship. To follow after his dream and what he believes to be his life's calling. He needs answers.

    Now maybe he'll finish that fellowship and realize that Hope Valley is where his heart lies. Maybe working in the city, in a large hospital will lose its appeal and he'll realize that there's nowhere he'd rather be than Hope Valley. Or, on the flip side, maybe he'll absolutely love working in Baltimore. Maybe he'll feel so full-filled and that he's truly making a difference in the world. That he's exactly where he needs to be. I really don't know.

    Everything I've heard makes it sound like Carson's leaving is only temporary. I've yet to hear any statements stating that Paul Greene is permanently leaving the show. Maybe Carson will just be gone for a season. Maybe he'll come back the very first episode of Season 9. Who knows. But for now all I can say is, "So long Carson." I hope he finally finds the answers he needs.

    As to him and Faith getting back together.... I don't know. They clearly love each other, and at this point I can't see Faith with anyone who is currently still in town. So they would either have to bring in someone new, or Carson will have to come back. OR she'll have to go with Carson eventually. But poor Faith. She just can't seem to stay in Hope Valley and keep her man. What is it with these guys who either can't accept her calling or staying in town? Lol! Poor Faith.

    But all in all I am very curious to see how this all plays out next season.

Team Classe

    And Jesse has been found! The poor man! He looked terrible when Nathan brought him back to town. All cold and pitiful looking. And what does Clara do? She runs with a huge loving smile on her face straight to her husband. She flings herself into his arms, and they just hold each other. She didn't even scold him this time. All she cared about was that he was safe and back with her. And our loving and sweet Team Classe is back, Hearties! Yes! Oh, it so was time!

    Finally everything is fine and dandy! They have their money back, and they are no longer arguing and bickering. (Oh, hallelujah!) And further more... They are going on vacation! I mean... cough... a second honeymoon. Honestly... they need one. Lol! I'm actually hoping that maybe... just maybe... Clara comes back and finds out she's pregnant! Wouldn't that be fun? And then Jesse will be racing to get their dream house built in time. Yay!

    But all in all.... sigh.... Oh, finally our sweet little couple is happy and in love again. :)

The Canfields

    And this is why Hope Valley is unlike any other place. As Abigail once put so perfectly... "We take care of our own." And that is exactly what happened here.

    Elizabeth came and told Minnie the news that the County is threatening to close down the school if Angela attends. They believe Angela's disability would hold back the other students. Minnie is very upset over this, and rightfully so! All she wants is for her daughter to be happy and safe. She also  knows just how heartbroken Angela will be if she not only can't go to school, but if she learns that her attendance may close the school down. Elizabeth begs Minnie to trust her, and says that she wants Angela to come to school the next day. Even if she is the only student there. She knows that Angela has a right to her education just like everyone else. Minnie agrees she absolutely does... but not at Angela's expense. 

    We also had the absolute horrible truth revealed about how Angela went blind. Minnie stopped early in the episode to talk to Carson. She explains that when Angela was two she came down with the measles. She took her to a doctor but... he refused to see her... ultimately causing her to lose her sight. Okay, I don't know who this man is but... that is so wrong for so many reasons. This caused Minnie to not trust doctors, and rightfully so. But then... she met Carson. Right away she could tell he was different. That he wouldn't turn her daughter away. She then gratefully and emotionally thanks Carson, for helping her remove the bitterness she'd had out of her heart. It's a touching and emotional scene, and may make you wonder why, oh why is the man leaving Hope Valley? But I can't fault a man for following his calling. So long as it is his calling...

    We also got the wonderful scene between Joseph and Lee as they're raising the bell into the church steeple. Lee is just in a rut these days, searching for a deeper purpose in life. He says he sells the lumber and then watches everyone else build their dreams. This then prompts Joseph to sweetly ask, "What are your dreams, Lee?" This guy just always knows the right thing to say! And he always has the perfect piece of wisdom to give. So he tells Lee that he is a piece of work... Lol! God's "handiwork." :D He tells him that every person is unique, with their own purpose in life. May I just applaud the writers here? I mean... wow! We went from God's Name barely ever being mentioned to hearing some of the most Godly wisdom ever spoken on this show. Bravo!

    He offered even more wisdom when Minnie came to see him at the church. I love the... well... love (Lol!) that Joseph has for his wife and children. It's so evident by his actions, and words, and it's beautiful. I can also see how much Minnie loves her husband. He tells her that he would pack up their worldly possessions as many times as she wants. But... he knows it's time to stop running. He knows that he needs to stop running and is called to pastor this church. He also knows it's time to stop running and take on anyone who tries to hold back their daughter.

    In the end... they left the decision up to Angela. The poor girl. She was afraid of not only causing the school to shut down for everyone else but also... that the other parents and students wouldn't believe she had a right to be there... just like all the other children do. But her mother advised her to trust them. To trust that some of them would show up and support her, because they deserved a chance... just like she does. And in the end... 

    When it appeared that no one was coming to school that day. That everyone had abandoned school and Angela... we saw that the exact opposite happened. Every single student showed up to... walk with Angela to school. This was such a beautiful act of love. As Robert said, they are truly better together. And so they all walk to school... together. We then see Cooper run ahead into the school joyously shouting, "They're coming! They're coming!" Then when Elizabeth asks who, he smiles and says, "Everyone," before ringing that bell loud for all to hear. I laughed as he was lifted into the air by the ringing bell. Lol! So fun and sweet!

    And this is why this beautiful town is called, "Hope Valley." There truly is hope and love for everyone here. The people there truly care about each other, and come together to support anyone who is hurting or struggling. In the end Angela finally got to experience not only being a part of a fun and supportive classroom, but now gets to further pursue her education. With Elizabeth's help she'll learn to read Braille and who knows what else! The sky's the limit! 

    Take that, Mr. Landis! ;)



    Yes, Henry! You chase your dreams! You find whatever it is that makes you happy! Just.... be sure to come right back for Season 9. Lol!

    Henry didn't get an incredible amount of time this final episode but... he could arguably have had one of the most significant and important scenes in the whole episode. He asked Lucas the question that made him ultimately decide to stay in Hope Valley. (Even Chris McNally said as much on Hallmark's Bubbly Sesh Podcast!) He asks...

    "What brings you comfort at night when darkness has wrung all of the light from the day?"

    Henry has decided that he wants to go after the things that are most important to him. The things that bring him joy and purpose. He even gave up running the oil company! The company he built from the ground up, and was his pride and joy! Now he has handed it all over to Hickam to manage. He even gave him the key. And after tucking a picture of him and his son into his coat pocket (Eeeek! How sweet!) and a final glance at a certain woman's cafe he was off in his car! Off to chase his dreams and happiness! And way to go for him! For so so long he has lived in such guilt and shame. And now? Now he has found purpose. He has a son he loves and who loves him back. He also has a woman he loves out there somewhere. Those are the things that are important to him, and he doesn't want to waste anymore time.

    He also... did something very very brave, noble, and risky. Before leaving he handed Bill a list of names he would need if he's going to open up the mine case again. And... Henry's name is on that list. (Gulp!) Bill outright told Henry that if convicted he'll go to jail. Henry simply repeats Bill's words, implying he knows the risks of his actions and that he's willing to accept whatever the outcome is. His next words... scare me. Bill says it seems like Henry's trying to clean the slate... to say goodbye. Henry then says... "Well, goodbye, hello. We come and go." What. Does. That. Mean?!? Oh please oh please don't leave us, Henry! His storyline this season has been one of my absolute favorites! As far as I've heard he's not leaving. But his words make me wonder just what the future may look like for him in Season 9.

    So where is our beloved Gowen off to? Well... I'm not sure. He could be off to see his son. Or... perhaps he's off to visit a very special woman. A woman who always saw something in him. Always saw the good in him. Always believed in him. Just maybe he's off to find her... and maybe he'll bring her back next season. I have no proof of this but... you never know. ;)



    And our beloved Ned has returned! Florence is ecstatic yet extremely puzzled about what he had to be so secretive about. So much so he couldn't even tell his own wife! But can we pause here a moment and just reflect on how sweet it is to hear Florence refer to herself as Ned's wife! (Sighs happily...)

    We really didn't see much of these two at all in this episode, and Ned's reason for being absent was a combination of randomness, and humor. Lol! Turns out he signed a confidentiality agreement so he couldn't talk about it. But it turns out he'll be applying for a patent for his own invention... An adhesive bandage! (AKA the band-aid!) Lol! Turns out our Ned is quite the dreamer/inventor, and Florence is clearly impressed. All in all, it was a very short, yet sweet and funny moment.



    Okay... Lee's motorcycle is perfect for Fiona! Honestly it just suits her. Boy oh boy does this girl have some big ambitions. First she opens the barber shop, next she's thinking of partnering at the oil company, and now... she's trying to run for mayor! Now I will fully admit that I do not want her to become mayor. She hasn't been in town long compared to most of the people there, and I just feel there are other people who are more qualified. However... her and Hickam make a perfect team at the oil company!

    Which brings me to another topic.... Fiona and Mike.... Will they last? I really don't know guys. It feels like a lot of the attraction there may be here is one sided. I'm just not sure that Fiona is interested in Hickam.

    John Tinker had commented about them as a possible couple as well as Bill and Molly, and stated...

"Two new pairs blossomed this season but, in truth, it remains to be seen whether these “blossoms” are actually scented by love. These relationships will very much continue being explored and is, we believe, another good reason to stay tuned."

    And so I really wonder whether Mike and Fiona are "scented by love" or not. If not... that would be sad. They really just work so well together. They compliment, and bring out the best in each other. Plus they're just so cute together. They both are such business minded people, and have big dreams. Really they seem perfect. But... maybe they're too perfect? Maybe they're too similar or like minded to work as a couple? I don't know. All I do know is that Hickam is the first guy I ever liked for Fiona. But so long as she doesn't end up with Nathan I'll be okay. (Oops! Did I say that out loud? ;) 

    Yes, it's true I am still not a fan of Nathan and Fiona as a couple. To be honest... I'm even more not a fan of the idea of them, than I was during Season 7. Fiona just isn't who I would choose for Nathan personally. But, I guess we'll see.


Bill & Molly


    Well looky here. Somebody actually asked Molly to get coffee! I don't have an incredible lot to say here, especially since they didn't have much screen time this episode. However, I'll just mention again how I've actually grown to like the idea of them as a couple more and more as this season went on. Now if I had a choice I may pick someone else for Bill personally but... I've actually enjoyed their fun antics this season and may actually be okay if they became a permanent couple. It could be really fun.


Lee & Rosemary

    Oh amen and hallelujah!!! Elizabeth apologized to Rosemary! Oh, my goodness that SO needed to happen! Didn't you just feel all this tension exhale from your body? Or was that just me? And it was a very sweet apology, with muffins and all! Elizabeth felt like her whole world was crashing down around her, and sorely needed her best friend. And Rosemary was so quick and willing to forgive her friend. And now all is well again between these two. (Sighs contently...)

    And goodness... Elizabeth should have done this a lot sooner as Rosemary was just chock full of love, support, and wonderful advice. She really became such an anchor for Elizabeth and really helped her deal with all the emotional turmoil she was facing. And Rosemary also helped her with the school issue... which brings me to my next point.

    Rosemary has done it! She has published her very first newspaper! (And kudos to her on the name. "The Valley Voice" has a nice ring to it! :) Finally Rosemary has found her calling for the time being. She has that typical "Rosemary passion" about what she's doing, and honestly it's a great fit for her. As she said to Lee she has a "nose for news" and the town was in sore need of a newspaper really. However... she really needs a staff. Lol! Honestly the poor woman ran herself ragged working into the night to get all the papers printed. In the morning Lee found her sleeping at her desk, and covered in ink. She definitely needs some help. It will be very interesting to see where Season 9 picks up and how the paper has come along by then.

    Moving on we come to Lee.... and may I just say.... YES! Lee would make a perfect mayor! Honestly he's one of the best men in town for the job. Now I will be a little nit-picky and say I do wonder how it would work with him being mayor. I really do enjoy seeing him in his current line of work, and worry how things may change if he becomes mayor. I think if I had to pick someone for mayor I would be torn between him and Bill. Bill just has always been involved in legal matters and I enjoy him in that role. But, either way Lee is a great mayoral candidate and I am very curious to see how this all plays out.

    I also want to mention Lee and Joseph's sweet friendship they're building. Honestly those two just work so well together. I am also surprised to hear Lee mentioning his "moderate faith." I failed to mention this in a previous review, but it's amazing how much emphasis is being put on faith and prayer this season. It's something that has been so lacking these past few seasons and it's so nice to see the writers not shy away from it. People are just outright talking about God, faith, and prayer and that is so wonderful and amazing to see in a modern TV show.

Trouble is Coming...

    Well... it appears the writers are saving this little "Pinkerton storyline" for next season. And I am so intrigued and here for it! Honestly I'm kind of glad it wasn't just brushed over and done with. This can make for some amazing and dramatic storylines next season! Especially with that Spurlock guy.... I mean.... Come on, Mr Tinker! You gave us that incredibly teasing breadcrumb of Bill saying the man's name sounded familiar... and that was it! Talk about keeping us invested. Lol! (Not that I"m not already invested. :D )

    It also appears that this Wyman Walden fellow is going to be sticking around for next season as well. Truth be told... I don't like him. He's just so... yucky! Lol! Really every time he's on screen he's just... yuck! I know this guy is up to no good. I also can tell he's going to be causing a lot of trouble for Hope Valley in the future. However thanks to Chris McNally going on Hallmark's podcast "The Bubbly Sesh" and some fellow Hearties for sharing this info with me, I now know that Lucas did not sell the saloon. Which I am very glad to hear that. Lucas just works so well in that role. :)

I'm Taking a Break

    Well... you've already got the gist of my message from the title. Lol! Yes, I am taking a nice, long creative break from my blog. With Season 8 now over and now that I have all the episodes done and reviewed I'm going to take a breather. And to clarify I'm taking a "creative break" meaning I'm taking a break to be creative. :D I'll still be on Social Media so I won't completely disappear. I'm just taking a break from blogging for a bit. I have a couple projects I'm going to work on during my break that I'm eager to accomplish. So starting next week I will officially be on a blogging break. I plan to return in about three to four weeks. Basically mid-June. 

    Thank you all so so much for your amazing and wonderful support! You guys are such a huge blessing and I'm truly grateful for you!💗

    Thank you so much for reading! Feel free to comment your thoughts below or on my Twitter page! Have an amazing day! God Bless!

    P.S. Feel free to check out my shop for all kinds of fun WCTH inspired merch. There's something here for everyone! :) https://shop.spreadshirt.com/heart-and-family-mercantile



  1. You're right--so many interesting storylines to further explore!

    I hope that the Bill & Molly dynamic doesn't turn into anything more serious--I like the playful, almost Matt Dillon/Miss Kitty vibes they bring to the table now.

    My vote for mayor would be squarely on Lee. Fiona and Mike aren't experienced enough, and Bill is a little too...set in his ways. Lee is smart, firm but diplomatic, and open minded--good traits for the position.

    I knew Jesse and Clara would work things out. A baby does seem like an interesting next step for them.

    As for Team Infirmary...they've not been a favorite pairing since season six with the whole let's-keep-our-relationship-a-secret fiasco. Seemed a bit immature to me. Maybe this separation will be a good way for them to grow.

    Thanks for sharing all these posts for season eight! I've enjoyed following along with you. Enjoy your creative break, and God bless! :)

    1. Thank you, Ann! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

      Lee definitely has some first-rate qualities for the job of mayor! He's honestly one of the best men for the job!

      I haven't been a super big fan of Team Infirmary either. And now with all the tension and craziness between them... I'm really unsure what the future for them looks like. Maybe being separated will help them finally figure out exactly what they want and if they still should be a couple.

      Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts with me! God Bless!

  2. Hope, Thank you for your last review for awhile. It's a great one! I'll jump right in, opining about Fiona and Hickam's relationship. For me, this couple has a lot of appeal to be sort of a younger, comedic-style couple in a "mildly" similar pattern of that of Rosemary and Lee. I believe there is something brewing for them. I guess we will just have to wait and see how the writers envision their journey. In an earlier interview with a few of the ladies of WCTH, Kayla Wallace teased that she'd like to see Hickam and herself together as they are opposites. She even said she needed to try and think of an abbreviated name for them. That was telling, but the writers may not agree.

    I'm also rooting for Lee to become Mayor of Hope Valley. He seems to have the gift of encouragement, as Joseph Canfield has observed, even in his short time in Hope Valley. In my opinion, Lee would have the right temperament to deal with all kinds of people to find compromise as it relates to the town.

    Lastly, I'll mention our wonderful Lucas. Yes! He did say he did not sign the papers to sell the saloon on the Bubbly Sesh, but I still suspect his days in the saloon may be numbered. I hope I'm wrong because I would miss him in that role. However, based on a "tease" by Papa Bird and my mere speculation, I believe we may see Lucas venture into the oil business further. Perhaps due to Henry's temporary absence or Mike's new pipeline. I believe Lucas may invest a large chunk of his personal wealth trying to keep the oil ventures running smoothly. Alas, I think it will be a struggle, that will be the cause of him having to sell the saloon. Finally, I believe he'll try to learn everything about the business, even working in the trenches. His struggle may be great, but he will learn invaluable lessons and will keep many of the town's people employed by bringing new growth to Hope Valley.

    Hope I wish you the best as you take a much-needed break to let your creative juices flow. I've enjoyed reading your blog, and I wish you much success and many blessings. :)

    1. Thank you so much, Shelby! I appreciate that! Also sorry my response is so late.

      I agree Hickam and Fiona would make such a sweet couple! They balance each other out with Fiona's spunk and Hickam's shyness. But you're right. We'll just have to wait and see what the writers have in store for us.

      I also agree that Lee has some wonderful qualities and would work well as the mayor.

      I love the idea of Lucas working in the trenches for the oil company! But... I would really miss him working at the saloon. He's just such a great fit for the role, and I really enjoy him working there. But again I really do like the idea of him struggling to learn how to run the oil business, working in the trenches, before finally triumphing. It sounds fun. :)

      Thank you so much for reading, your support, and sharing your thoughts with me! Have a wonderful week! God Bless!

  3. Hope, I have really enjoyed your blog this past WCTH season and wished I would have found it sooner. You have such a gift for writing. I admire your higher level thinking skills and your ability to no over analyze.

    Personally, I really like the idea of Lee as mayor. As Jospeh pointed out, he has the ability to bring people together. Also, in season 6 when he was on the town council, he voted against having all businesses close at 10:00 p.m. because his men liked going to the saloon. He even voted against his wife. He would be level-headed and truly represent the town.

    I hope Clara doesn't have a baby yet. I feel that her and Jesse still need to mature. I saw an interview with Pascale, Erin, and Kavan and Lee and Rosemary are hoping to resolve building a family in season 9, whether by adoption of birth. Pascale said she did have a preference, but wouldn't say because she didn't want to ruin the element of surprise. They also said it would be too much logistically to have Elizabeth and Rosemary pregnant at the same time (like some fans eventually hope for). So I don't think they'll have Clara and Rosemary pregnant, and I hope Rosemary gets a baby or child first.

    Lastly, I am so grateful the show had more emphasis on God and faith. (I'm a very religious person myself.) I love how they showed prayer, reading from the scriptures, and talked about God and faith. The world NEEDS more God and Jesus Christ, and I'm so grateful for it to be in a television show.

    1. You're so sweet! Thank you! I'm so glad you've been enjoying the blog!

      I agree with you. I think Lee would make a great mayor! He's fair, hardworking, and always has the interests of others at heart.

      I would be okay with either Clara or Rosemary having a child. Honestly I think it would just be the most emotional and happy moment for Lee and Rosemary to find out they're expecting! What I really hope to see next season is Jesse building that house he promised Clara. That would just be so fun and exciting!

      And amen! I so agree with you! The world definitely needs more Jesus! It's amazing to see faith, God, and prayer on a TV show nowadays, and just makes this show even better and more special.

      Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts with me! Have a wonderful weekend! God Bless!

  4. Oh, I would also like to note that I wish I looked as good as Rosemary did after running herself ragged. But I loved that morning scene with Lee finding her asleep in "their" office.


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