My Final Thoughts Before the Finale


    Two days... just two days.... EEEEEEK!!!

    Hello Hearties and welcome to Friday! I'll admit it's probably odd seeing me post on a Friday, but... This is the ultimate, triangle ending finale we're talking about! It deserves an extra post. Lol!

    So before we indulge in the last and final episode of WCTH Season 8 I thought it would be fun to take a look at all the storylines that need to be wrapped up, as well as share my theories for how this all may end. I’ll also share my final thoughts as to who I think is going to win, and why. (You probably already know who I think will win. Lol!)


Unsolved Storylines


    So I composed a list of all the current unsolved plotlines, and… oh boy. I don’t quite know how the writers are going to do it, but I do believe they can.


1.      The Love Triangle (AKA: PICK SOMEONE ALREADY!!! Lol!)

2.      The Pinkerton/Wyman Walden Mystery

3.      Faith and Carson’s relationship

4.      Jesse being lost in the woods

5.      Mr. Landis and the School Issue

6.      Angela’s School Issue

7.      Elizabeth and Rosemary’s Friendship Tension

8.      Elizabeth coming to terms with Jack’s death/ Finally moving on

9.      Florence and Ned’s possible marriage issue

10.  Showing the man Elizabeth rejects is okay

11.  Showing that Allie is happy

12.  Bill and Molly’s romance


    Yep. That is a lot of plotlines to wrap up in one single episode. AND… there’s more! There are a few potential plotlines that could be touched on as well. However I don’t consider them as necessary and don’t know if they will be brought up.


1.      Fiona and Hickam's potential romance

2.      Henry and Abigail’s potential romance

3.      Henry and Christopher’s storyline

4.      Rachel coming back

5.      Hanging the bell in the church tower


    All in all… Mr. Tinker you’ve got a whole lot to accomplish in a little under an hour of time. But in all seriousness, I do believe this season can be wrapped up pretty nicely if done right. A lot of plotlines can sort of be solved at the same time or one can be combined with another. Example…

    Suppose while searching for Jesse in the woods someone comes across the Pinkertons. Or even better Jesse came across the Pinkertons and gets into trouble. That combines two storylines already and then we’ll probably have Nathan come in and help which may contribute something to this triangle situation. And the combinations go on and on. You get my point.

    Anyhow, I definitely believe that the writers can wrap this up in a great and satisfactory way. I also may just have a few theories on how this whole crazy triangle may end… (Come on. You knew I did. Lol!) As per usual I always end up coming up with a theory that results in a Lucas ending, and a theory that results in a Nathan ending. After all, despite my own personal hopes, and thoughts on how this might end, I still don’t know 100% who Elizabeth is going to pick.

My Theories


    And so here we go. Now due to this new twist of “Spurlock the Pinkerton” and Jesse being lost up on the mountain, there are a few ways this could go. 

    So here’s the basic Nathan ending.

    Elizabeth has already broken up with Lucas. (Okay correction. Lucas dumped her.) This leaves her open to explore her feelings for Nathan. Now if she actually has feelings for the man she’s going to have to finally come to terms with them, admit she loves him, and face her fears of loving another Mountie. I also believe some danger may be involved. Nathan gets in harms way by either his job or trying to find Jesse, Elizabeth finds out about it, realizes her feelings, and BOOM. A Nathan ending is born. (Bows as audience cheers)


    As for a Lucas ending…. We’ve already had the “Hallmark trope” of the two lead characters breaking up right before the end. Elizabeth has actually “lost” Lucas in a sense for the first time, and this is going to make her truly realize what her feelings for him are. Again I do believe there may be some danger involved and it very possibly may come from Jesse being up on the mountain.

    Clara has already made a point of asking why Lucas wasn’t up there looking with everyone else. Lee then responded how dangerous that mountain was to anyone who wasn’t familiar with the terrain. This in turn could be foreshadowing of how Lucas is going to go up on that mountain and get lost, or hurt… or both. This of course would make Elizabeth realize her feelings for him.

    I almost wonder if both men will be in danger this final episode. (That’s right. Both.) Maybe both Lucas and Nathan will go to find Jesse and get caught in some trouble. Then Elizabeth could find out about it, and then... (This is the dramatic part) she'd find both men coming back from the mountain together and we hold our breath as we wait to see who she runs to. Lol! Okay, that would be quite dramatic and I have my doubts about it actually happening. But it's fun to consider all possibilities! :)

    However… there is another ending I can picture for Lucas. One that a friend of mine came up with. (You know who you are. :)

    Henry has just informed Lucas that Mike is totally capable of running the oil company… by himself. AND… Fiona’s barber shop might just be purchased by that Wyman Walden fellow and she’s already made it plain that she may be interested in partnering with the oil company. All of this combined with Lucas’ comment to Carson in the previous episode about “moving on” makes me wonder. Maybe Lucas will somehow see Nathan and Elizabeth together, believe she has made her choice, and decide to just leave Hope Valley. (And I wouldn’t blame him if he did.)

    Of course a little prier to that Elizabeth would then realize that she truly loves Lucas. However… she would then also find out that Lucas had just left town. And so in a dramatic and romantic move she would saddle Sergeant, and chase after him! And it all would end with a beautiful moment between them saying "I love you" to each other and sharing their first kiss. The end! :)

    All in all there are a few ways the writers could take things for either guy, but these are the basic ways I can see things going. As to who Elizabeth may pick...


My Final Guess


    So… the moment you’ve all been waiting for. My final guess as to who will be the ultimate winner of this triangle. Now let me clarify I do not actually know who Elizabeth is going to pick. There is no way I could unless Papa Bird called me up and told me so. (Which sadly he hasn’t. Lol!) This is solely a guess based off what I’ve seen in the episodes and my own biased opinion. Also please keep in mind that I don’t watch the episode previews.

    Alright… drum roll please…. The man I believe Elizabeth will pick is no one else than… 

    Lucas Bouchard! 

    (Okay… that answer was pretty obvious. :D ) I’m sure you all could see this answer coming a mile away however… I do have a legitimate reason. It’s logical! (Said in my nerdiest tone of voice.)

1.         Elizabeth and Nathan have both recently been given realistic reasons why their “supposed feelings” may not actually be love.

    Now this is just my very biased opinion but… all of a sudden both Elizabeth and Nathan have been given a legitimate out for their feelings. Nathan has already come right out and said how he felt guilty over Jack’s death and a sense of duty to look after her and Little Jack. Yes, I realize that he said he fell in love with her after coming to Hope Valley, but… I’ve yet to be fully convinced that his feelings are as deep as he says they are. Either way this gives him an out.

    As for Elizabeth, her out would be that Nathan reminded her of Jack. All of a sudden in this past episode she started remembering her life with Jack while Nathan was over. This to me served as a possible instance of foreshadowing and that her “supposed feelings” were simply her longing for “one more day with the man she’d married.” Okay… wow. I honestly didn’t even see how well those dots connect until I wrote them just here. That makes so much sense! In the past episode she comments about wanting one more day with Jack, and then in the very next she’s all of a sudden super friendly with Nathan and falling back into old habits. Habits she formed while she was with… Jack.

    Now I am not going to pretend this is 100% proof that Elizabeth won’t end up with Nathan. I am so very, very biased in my opinion and know that the writers could still take this story anyway they wish. I just find this to be very interesting. It is also one of the biggest things for me that seems to point to a Lucas ending.

    Another thing I thought I'd mention is.... Elizabeth removing her rings. I will confess that before the season ever started I caught the clip of her beginning to remove her rings during a commercial break on Hallmark. There has been this build up lately of Elizabeth twisting her rings, like she's considering taking them off or like she knows she needs to remove them to truly move on. Or both. AND.... the only time she has ever, EVER done this in all of the past three seasons is when she is around Lucas. Never has she messed with or thought of removing her rings while around or after being around Nathan. Why would Lucas make her consider removing her rings? Perhaps because he makes her realize how she truly wants to/ needs to move on from Jack's death. And of course I mean this as her wanting to move on with Lucas. (Because... duh. I'm Team Lucas. Lol!)

    And the final reason I'll state in favor of a Lucas ending would be just how the writers have built up Lucas and Elizabeth's story/relationship. Never in the course of three seasons has Nathan ever, EVER gotten a date or romantic outing of any kind with Elizabeth. And to clarify it doesn't mean candle lit dinners. During Season 1 Jack and Elizabeth weren't even dating and still had a bunch of romantic outings and moments. From the walk they took at the end of episode 2, to the lunch they shared in the boat, to Jack's flirty Latin comment... They weren't actually a couple yet but we still got all these swoon-worthy and romantic moments between them. Meanwhile Elizabeth and Nathan... not as much. I mean yes they have had some. Touching hands over a book, the apple, the plaque... But they never exactly had a romantic outing by themselves. It didn't even have to be a date. Remember when Jack and Elizabeth had that chili dinner while he helped her with Bo? That's the stuff I'm talking about.

    All the while Lucas and Elizabeth have been growing closer and closer... Working together on the library, Lucas helping Elizabeth with her writing, the Union City outing, the date/not date in the library, to eventually a real date in Elizabeth's backyard, to holding hands, to two "almost kiss scenes," to finally Elizabeth twisting her rings and considering removing them... after being with Lucas. It all has been building up to wear we are now. We then got tension between them and Elizabeth seems to be distancing herself from Lucas... after going to a wedding where the message was about making a lifelong covenant with someone and being.... patient. A word that has been used so many times in her and Lucas' relationship. Then we got... the break up. And what always happens to the main characters before they ultimately end up together? Yep. They either fight or break up before the ultimate romantic moment when they come together in the end.

    Now I'm sure I could list a bunch more reasons but I think you get where I'm at from these. Just to clarify, however, I am not saying I am 100% sure Lucas is will Elizabeth's pick. The writers can still go either way in my opinion. But, I also will say how I am probably the most confident I have ever been that Elizabeth may really pick Lucas in this final episode. There are a lot of signs pointing to it, and I am very, very hopeful that we may truly get a Lucas ending.

    It’s funny. This has truly has been a roller coaster ride for me. I came into the season at an all time high. I was so confident. So excited. So hopeful we’d get that Lucas ending and knew how I wanted it to play out. I had hit the peak of the hill. And then… WHOOSH! The season started and I plummeted down, down down… For the longest time everything seemed to point to Nathan being her choice, and I was disappointed and sad. Then the season went along and I started to gather some hope. The tracks became bumpy here, going up and down, up and down. The whole way I had this spark inside that refused to give up on Lucas being it. And then… all of a sudden… I started seeing things pointing toward a… Lucas ending! It was crazy and exciting. From there things just kept going up, up, up… and that’s where I am now. I am once again so excited and… probably way too confident that Lucas may really be Elizabeth’s final choice. Lol! I know things can still go either way, but for me this finale will do one of two things…

    I will either hold my hands up and scream in excitement as we get a Lucas ending… or I will shut my eyes tight as I plummet right back down in disappointment if she picks Nathan. Lol! Now let me be honest here. I still will absolutely continue to watch the show. It’s a great show, and honestly one of if not the best shows on TV right now. Next to nothing else on TV has these values, and it truly is a joy to watch such a fun, heart warming, yet clean and family friendly show.

My Kindness Speech

    And now comes time for my speech… I don’t know how much good it will do me to say what I am about to say, but nevertheless I will say it anyway. This triangle has been one insane ride. It’s gotten us all so, so invested and now it’s about to come to an end. I for one am glad it is, no matter the outcome. This triangle has had a good run, but it’s time for it to end. And that means that one side is ultimately going to be extremely disappointed. Honestly at this point I don’t even think that covers it, as lets face it. We (Including me) are super invested. But it’s so, so important to remember to caution ourselves before we comment anything after this is over.

    I know there are going to be a lot of upset Hearties. I may be one of them. I don’t know. But what I do know is that kindness matters. We have to remember when we comment to others online that these are real people whether they’re behind tweets, our TV screens, or even a blog. ;) They are all real people with real feelings. And we need to remember that before we speak anything after this is over.

    And please… let’s not take our own feelings out on the cast or crew of this wonderful show. Because the truth of it is… this isn’t our show to write. It’s the wonderful WCTH crew’s job. It’s their story to tell. Not ours. We may not agree or like their decision and that’s perfectly okay. We don’t have to. But at the end of the day none of the cast or crew will be wrong in their decision. Because it truly is their decision to make. Not ours. They were just kind enough to bring us along for the ride. :)

    Let’s strive to be the Hearties who truly embody what this show is about. Let’s not be the ones who spread hate and hurtful words. Let’s be the ones who show the world light, hope, and love.

    Well, Hearties... in a few days this will all be over. I, for one, am super excited and can't wait for this coming Sunday! (Honestly, why can't it be today? Lol!) Buckle up! It's going to be one crazy ride! 

    Thank you so much for reading! Feel free to tell me your thoughts below or on my Twitter page! However please don't post any spoilers of any kind from promos, previews or interviews. (This is the last time I'll have to ask that. :) Have an amazing weekend! God Bless!


  1. Hi Hope! I loved reading this!!! glad you can finally say with a measure of confidence that Lucas is the guy!!! I also commend you for being objective every week. You never made anyone feel that there is only one way for this season to end. When you saw a possible way for the other fans to get their wish, you wrote it. You are a seriously good blogger.

    I had my epiphany with episode 7. I saw alot of marriage foreshadowing. The walk me home moment preceded by the Joys and Sorrows comment meant that something very much like a marriage had happened show wise between Lucas and Elizabeth and ofcourse what God puts together, let no man put apart. Immediately, the next episode, Nathan begins trying to break up Elizabeth and Lucas because he doesn't want to lose her.

    Also the music has been a major indicator of what is important and what isn't. Lucas and Elizabeth have their own themes. The adoption ceremony got me because if the writers wanted to trick us into thinking Elizabeth and Nathan were going to be together, they would have made that moment special with the music. I left a thread on twitter about how Nathan fans have been prepared to accept a Lucas ending. When you step back, you can see how the writers tied up stories that would be hard for Nathan fans if he didn't get Elizabeth's heart, but they did NOTHING to tie up stories for Lucas fact, Lucas has NO OTHER stories this season so the only way for the season to end with satisfaction for him, would be if he finally got his perfect woman.

  2. Now, here is a theory that won't play well on this blog. However, what if the producers of the show left us a clue in plain sight? And what if the clue was in the picture of the cast? In the picture on this site, all the people to the left of Elizabeth (as we look at the picture) are single people. All the people to the right are married...except for Nathan. Moving him next to Elizabeth makes it all marrieds on that side. Oh well, so much for clues in plain sight!

    1. Fortunately, there is enough there for each "team" to pick their clues. If you wish to build your castle of dreams on such grounds, I certainly won't object. At least for two more days everyone can be happy with whatever he or she wants to believe.
      And is the picture on this site even an official one?

    2. No, the picture is not an official one. I created it for my blog, I believe before Season 7 started actually. But I'm flattered that people think it looks official. :) I'll probably make a new one once this triangle is over.

      I hope this helps! God Bless!

  3. Wow, that was some post. :)

    Although ...
    I have to disagree on one thing: I would really say the ultimate winner of the love triangle is … Elizabeth (grinning widely). After all, she will end up with her next great love for certain, no matter how the final episode goes, lol.

    OK, seriously, like you, I am super-confident that she will realize she loves and wants to be with Lucas. The signs are all there. Does it mean I am 100% certain? NO! I mean, there are a lot of people out there who see it just the other way and some of them build a line of argumentation that even I can follow and think “Oh, well she/he does have a point there”… at least until I think about all of the thinks speaking for Lucas (at least imo, lol) which I would have to totally disregard to take on the beliefs of the other side.

    And, honestly, I believe I can even be OK with Nathan being her final choice … provided they show Elizabeth to be truly happy with this choice. It just really melted my heart to see her so happy and carefree with Lucas mid-season. For me that was the point where I realized why I never considered myself TeamLucas: I was more happy for Elizabeth in those moments than for Lucas.

    I do hope fans will be nice to each other after, but if the amount of gloating out there already is any indication, I am sadly not too optimistic. But, yeah, one can always hope and maybe (okay that’s a big maybe) once the decision is official and the tension is gone we will all remember that this is only a show with fictional characters but actors as well as the ones we discuss with are real people, with real feelings.

    1. Thanks, Kate! I'm glad you enjoyed the post! And very good point. The real winner will be Elizabeth after this whole triangle is over, as she'll truly open her heart to the next great love story of her life. Lol!

      And you are so right! I'm very hopeful/confident that Lucas will be her choice, but I'm by no means 100% certain. I've read comments by the other team that make me stop and think, "Hey. That makes sense." But in the end, things just seem to be pointing to Lucas for me.

      I too hope that once the dust settles everyone can get along again. After all like you said. This is just a TV show. We all love it and want Elizabeth to be happy. I guess we'll see.

      Only one more day to go! I can't wait! God Bless!

  4. Ooh, ooh, my final guess is Lucas too--for all the solid reasons you've mentioned. :)

    I feel like Nathan and Elizabeth have helped each other forgive and let go. And Lucas and Elizabeth have helped each other slooowly but surely open their hearts to love. That's the direction I've seen with the season's overall arc. Only one more episode to be sure!

    Thank you for addressing the need for kindness. I'm sad one side will be disappointed, but I hope the ending choice, regardless, carries a sense of hope for everyone. It's Hope Valley, so I'm fairly confident all the characters will come out of this in a better place.

    Happy to be aboard the Lucas ship with you! We haven't had to bale any water so far. ;)

    1. Thanks, Ann! I'm glad you enjoyed the post!

      You make a good point. N/E have truly helped each other move on and find forgiveness in their lives. Meanwhile L/E have been slowly but surely getting closer, falling in love, and opening their hearts. We'll find out soon enough who E's ultimate pick will be, and I can't wait! :)

      I also agree about how sad it is that one side will end up disappointed. I know I will be if L isn't E's choice, but I'll still come back. I love this show, and I'm sure the writers will give the rejected guy his own fun romance next season. (Assuming there will be one, of course. ;)

      Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts with me! God Bless!

  5. Thank you for posting this and I am glad that you now have confidence that L is the one. Of course 11 episodes in we may have a different perspective on the early season 8 episodes and I, personally, may be also influenced by the fact that I have not watched season 8 -not on netflix yet- just compilations of Lucabeth videos, but ... It seems to me that this is the story they have told from the beginning. Even in episodes 1-4. It has always been Lucas. When she sees him again in episode 1 she is super happy and excited and all smiles. When she sees him with his mum she seems jealous and it impacts her enough to just dump N and his dinner invitation. She is extremely affected when L gets angry with her. And for someone saying that she doesn't't know if she has made the decision to be with L.she is way too happy and all smiles when L asks"what could this mean for us". Not to mention when he invites her to dinner and every moment after that.

    1. Right.
      And even when she was so worried about Nathan when he went after Allies father/so happy when N was back safe and sound (Ep 1?), it already felt to me like that was routine kicking in from the days when Jack was the Mountie. She's still so entangled in her feelings for Jack.

  6. I loved when you said Nathan being at her house was her 'one more day' with Jack. It makes so much sense now that I have read those words. Honestly, Lucas is the ONLY choice that makes sense.

    We know that the man not chosen will get his own story and a romance next season. I can't see tptb being able to top the romance we have already seen over the last 3 seasons with L/E with L and someone else. Plus, wouldn't it just be weird to see him with another woman after this season? Doesn't it make sense why Nathan has never had a date with E? Why would tptb waste time having them go out if he was never going to be the guy? It would make E's character less date both men in a romantic way. Elizabeth said in the first ep of this season she couldn't continue to see both men as romantic interests, and so far with the finale left, she has stuck to that.

    As I have said before, Nathan was never an option. He was a foil from the beginning. The 'thing that got in the way.'

    Could they have totally pulled the wool over my eyes and go with Nathan? Of course they could, but it would ruin the integrity of everything we have seen. I'm a pretty good analyst and I would actually be shocked by that choice.

    I think E takes L for granted (lol). Him letting her go might be the catalyst to get her figuring things out. And should L plan to leave town- or she thinks he is going to leave- it would jump start her heart into a decision- IMO.

    I am so glad we only have two more days to find out- only 2 days Hope! We are almost there!!

    Thank you my friend for this post. Love reading your thoughts and ideas, always.

    1. And thank you my friend for reading! So glad you enjoyed the post!

      I totally agree it would be weird to see Lucas with another woman period! And I know, right? Why has N never once gotten a date with E should he turn out to be E's choice? Her and L have grown in their relationship these past three seasons from acquaintances, to friends, to actually dating each other and almost sharing their first kiss, (Twice) while her and N have yet to ever even make it inside the cafe.

      I agree with you in that I will be surprised if she picks N at this point. And yet... I know the writers can do whatever they want. But I'm pretty confident/hopeful at this point that E's choice really may be L after all. I know things could still go either way, but things really seem to be pointing to L.

      E really does seem to take L for granted at times. Therefore him breaking up with her (Cough! I mean... setting her free...) came as such a shock. Honestly it was record breaking. E has always dumped guys in the past. This is the first time she has ever gotten dumped to my knowledge. Lol!

      I'm so stinking excited to finally find out who her choice is! Just TWO MORE DAYS!!! EEEEEK!!! :D I can't wait!

      Thank you so much for reading, and sharing your thoughts with me! I love to hear from you! Have an amazing weekend! God Bless!

  7. What a well thought out and great recap. I’m happy for E and her choice. It’s life and sometimes life is messy yet exciting and beautiful at the same time. So, thank you.

    One thought that immediately came to mind after last week’s episode is that Lucas could be behind the people buying up the town.

    He take a drive every morning? While we know where he went with E. Where does he go when she’s not with him?

    Also, Wyman gave J & C their money back after Jesse made a big scene, which Lucas and the entire town questioned.

    Also, Wyman new that Bill liked golf. It’s almost as if he has inside knowledge.

    He also was spoken to by the Marshall after he ruffled some feathers with about the purchasing of the barber shop. Again Lucas is aware of this as well.

    I think the timing of his leaving and response to E leaving may send him over the edge. As he came to Hope Valley to get over a broken heart or a failed proposal as he stated to Carson.

    These are just my thoughts. I have more…library, oil company, salon, etc.

    Can’t wait! I’ll be happy no matter what as I just enjoy the show.

  8. Thanks for summarizing the final episode according to your opinion. I totally agree with your ending, and see it happening similarly, or not far from it. Hoping with all my heart that Lucas can forgive her for the TL fans.

  9. Agreed and when Lucas patched things up with Allie so well, that’s when I was like it’s going to be HIM bc he just does did his magic Lucas way of making it alright if E chose him and not her uncle. Also a thing I’ve pondered is does he leave town to pick up that art work for his parents but E thinks from maybe seeing other things that he’s leaving town/sold his businesses to that guy. Can’t wait to see Team Lucas for the win (hopefully) tonight. They are the CUTEST!!!

  10. This will be my last season. It has been touch and go for me sine Jacks character was written off and Abigail was written off. Lucas was brought in as an antagonist and turned into the hero. It was great while it lasted

    1. I probably would feel much the same as you had the choice gone the other way, but I wanted to respectfully disagree about Lucas. He was never an antagonist. They made him appear that way in the third ep in season 6, but never after that. Mysterious, yes, but that was explained in the Amos episode.

      I actually liked the scene with Nathan and Lucas last night and am very curious what will happen with Nathan next season. There are a lot of possibilities for storylines going forward.

  11. Hope, I have a lot to say about the last ep. Looking forward to your next post. ;)

  12. I am so glad Lucas was Elizabeth's choice!!!!!!

  13. I am so happy with the writers of this show. The men are respectful and honorable and the women are full of compassion for each other. Even when someone is in trouble, the group
    pulls together to help them get on the right path. What a breath of fresh air! I know that Elizabeth has Lucas but Nathan and Faith make a very stunning pair. I am also very happy with the addition of the Cranfields. What a family they are and what a great addition to the Hope Valley. One pair I do not see together is Abigail and Henry. Please NO! I like Abigail and Henry has turned his life around but I do not see them as a couple.


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