WCTH S8 Episode Review: The Kiss - Part 1


    (Clears throat…)


    She picked Lucas! She picked Lucas!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKK!!!!!! I mean… is this even real? Surely I’m just dreaming this up. (Gets up Twitter or any form of social media…) Okay… nope. It’s real alright. Oh. My. Goodness.

    (Catches breath…) Okay. Compose yourself, Hope. Hey, Hearties and welcome to Thursday! It is so surreal to know that not only is this season of WCTH over, but also that Elizabeth finally, FINALLY made a choice. I mean… it’s been THREE WHOLE SEASONS!!! It was so time. And… oh my goodness she picked Lucas!!! Did I squeal? Yes. Did I scream? Yes. Did I kick my feet up and down against my couch recliner. Yes. Did I cover my face with my hands? Yes. Yes, Hearties. I did it all.

    It’s all just so… so… crazy! Lol! It’s also crazy that I only have one final episode review to write. Where did the time go? After years of waiting, guessing, and much hair-pulling it’s finally over. We have our answers. And it’s so, so wonderful to finally not have to go through another off season guessing.

    Now there is a lot to cover in this final review. So much I have decided to split it into two parts. One for the side characters and one for the triangle members. (Or rather previous triangle members. :) However, instead of doing things in my typical “cliffhanger” fashion I am actually going to start with the triangle members first. (Audience gasps!) I know. I’m mixing things up this time. There is just so much to cover, and right now the thing that is on everyone’s mind is the results of this triangle.

    And so, I shall do, not only a review of the events of this final episode, but I am going to be talking about why they chose who they did. I will also be talking about…. The backlash. Something every single Heartie knew was going to happen no matter who won.


    Well, Hearties… Buckle up. This is going to be quite the post. (And quite long if I may add. Lol!)


Side Notes:

Lucas has still never entered Elizabeth’s house.

Robert being Little Jack’s new babysitter is so fun! But… What happened to Laura?


    Also here are all the links to the various interviews I'll be referencing in this post.

John Tinker's: https://www.etonline.com/when-calls-the-heart-boss-spills-on-elizabeth-choosing-lucas-and-teases-season-9-exclusive-165356

Erin, Chris, and Kevin's response: https://www.etonline.com/when-calls-the-heart-cast-reacts-to-elizabeth-choosing-lucas-and-that-passionate-kiss-exclusive 

TV Insider Interview: https://www.tvinsider.com/996303/when-calls-the-heart-season-8-finale-elizabeth-lucas-erin-krakow/


Noble Nathan Grant


    Alright… I have never been more proud of Nathan, or more impressed with him than I was in this final episode. I know that's pretty ironic for me to say at this point, but... He just really impressed me. His integrity. His heart. As odd and sad as this sounds, he proved to me for the first time that he truly loves Elizabeth. And he proved it by his actions. Not so much his words this time. Well... it was a combination of both. :)

    The first scene with Nathan is incredibly brief. He's off to bring supplies up to the search party and help look for Jesse who is still apparently lost. (More on him in the next post.)

    The next time we see him, he has brought Jesse back home. Elizabeth takes Jesse's horse's reins as he runs to his wife. Nathan gives a happy smirk and Elizabeth then looks to him, urgently says that she needs to see him later, and that she's glad he's alright. Nathan replies with a smile and then... He does the Jack hat nod! Okay it's more of the Mountie hat nod. Lol! But in re-watching that scene I was instantly reminded of when Jack did it back in Season 1. And to be clear it's totally fine that he did that. It's kind of this signature Mountie thing, that I really like. He then heads off, and Elizabeth looks after him... until she sees Lucas watching... (But more on that later!)

    We then come... to the moment. The moment this triangle officially ended. I'll be honest.... The moment this scene started up I literally said out loud, "This is it." I just knew this had to be the ultimate deciding moment of the triangle. And I may have had a feeling that... things weren't going to go well for Nathan. It was just way too soon for her to profess her love to him, and that moment wouldn't have felt... big enough. You know? Not... climactic and dramatic enough.

    The scene starts with a very clever call-back to... wait for it... Season 1! First she starts with her opening line from the very first episode, and I believe she combines it with some of her narration from another Season 1 episode. Possibly the second one, but I'd have to go check. Anyhow Elizabeth goes onto explain that for too long she's allowed herself to drift between two men, and that in not being true to them, she wasn't being true to herself.

    So Elizabeth enters the jail looking very anxious, seeming to take Nathan by surprise. They exchange greetings, and the room grows thick with anticipation and tension... (Or maybe that was just the room I was in... ;) After a few drawn out seconds Elizabeth begins. She tells Nathan that she never told him just how thankful she is that the Mountie who came to Hope Valley to replace Jack was him. Nathan gets a gentle smile on his face, and she goes on to say that she couldn't have asked for a more, "courageous, selfless, and good man" to watch over and care for her. The whole time Nathan is just beaming, even seeming a bit shy at her wonderful praise of his character. It's funny as I got this sort of, "Ahh, shucks.." demeanor from him. Lol!

   At this point everyone is just holding their breath, wondering where on earth is this going to go. Elizabeth gives a pause then, her face becomes somber, and her eyes gloss over with tears as she then continues. And this was when my and probably a lot of other Team Lucas fans predictions came true... And when the triangle began to come to a close.

    Elizabeth replied... "But I also realized that I have been trying to find Jack in you. I've been trying to replace him with you."

    And during this whole scene I sat audibly gasping, squealing, and covering my face with my hand like, "Oh, my goodness!!!" I think everyone knew at this point that she was breaking things off with Nathan for good. And to me her reason she gave made sense. (I will get to that in a minute.)

    Instantly Nathan's face dropped, his expression falling. Honestly, the poor man! He just got the worst sucker punch of his life, and we could literally watch his heart dropping into his stomach. Elizabeth goes on to say how her actions weren't fair to anyone, to which I agree. But I also understand that she had to finally realize exactly what she had been doing. Which she did, just... she did it rather late.

    Elizabeth's eyes are filled with tears at this point, and Nathan honestly looks like he's going to cry. Really his story is so sad. He really did get his heart broken by Elizabeth.

    She then makes one of the most gasp worthy statements in the entire episode. One that may have taken many, many Hearties by shock. She says, "Nathan I do love you. It would be impossible not to." And at this moment it may have seemed she'd made a choice, which ultimately she did. But she then went on to say, "But I'm not in love with you." And that right there, was where this triangle officially ended. Finally she said what needed to be said.

    And poor Nathan... I can just see the pure pain in his expression. His heart breaking inside him. He truly does love her, and wanted her to love him back. He remained dead silent through this whole scene, his facial expressions and eyes telling us everything. He went from happy, to sad, to possibly a bit hopeful when she told him she loves him, to absolute pain. She then says she's "so sorry" which I am really glad she did. I mean, that does NOT take away his pain, and I can tell it hurt her so much to see the pain she'd caused him. But she truly did owe him an apology so I'm glad she said that.

    But... (Sighs) Man, was that a heartbreaking moment. And I know I'm Team Lucas, and I know that in the end I got the ending I wanted, but... I can just see and literally feel the pain and pure heartbreak Nathan is feeling here. And I could see and feel just how much it hurt Elizabeth to tell him all this. Never in a thousand years did she ever want to hurt him. She was just so confused and unsure what she was feeling for him, and I think it really came down to the fact that he's a Mountie. He reminded her of the life she wanted with Jack, and so when she found him alive after being told he was dead... It probably felt like the moment she had to have dreamed of happening with Jack. And then she tried to find Jack in Nathan. Tried to make him be the husband she had so tragically lost. And in turn... she hurt Nathan very much. Even though it was totally unintentional, and a bit out of her power as she was so unsure what she was feeling... the truth is she hurt him. And I know she hurt herself as a result.


    She then goes to the door, but hesitates a moment before turning back and saying, "Please tell Allie that I'll always think of you as impeccable." To me this was a final attempt to ease some of his pain. To let him know what an amazing guy he truly is. But... like Kevin McGarry stated in an interview, Nathan was heartbroken.

    Now part of me wondered whether or not that was a good thing for Kevin to say, as it seemed like it would only make the outcome even sadder. However... in all honesty I think this was the right thing to do. I feel Team Nathan would have been even more hurt if the writers had brushed away Nathan's feelings, and made him realize all of a sudden that he didn't love Elizabeth. Instead they showed us that he indeed does love Elizabeth, therefore everything we saw of him pursuing Elizabeth wasn't fake or him "thinking" he was in love with her. I feel this honored Team Nathan way more than if they would have said he never did love her.

    I also read how Nathan was supposed to say "thank you" to Elizabeth before she left, and Kevin McGarry didn't feel that he would say that. And I agree, and think it was a good change. He's hurt so he wouldn't thank her in that moment.

    We then got the scene between Lucas and Nathan in the saloon... and this was the moment I learned that Nathan truly loves Elizabeth. All season long Nathan continued to tell Elizabeth over and over again how he loves her, or is in love with her. And if you recall a previous review I wrote I mentioned how I needed him to prove his love for her to me. I needed proof that he really did love her as much as he said he did. And Hearties... he proved his love in this episode. Ironic, isn't it? 

    Nathan starts the conversation by asking has Lucas seen any Pinkertons, but we all know that wasn't the real reason he came. He then makes the shocking revelation that Elizabeth came by to see him and told him... that she loves him. And in that moment I literally gasped. I was absolutely shocked. For a second I thought that Mountie had taken a very dark turn, and I was flabbergasted. I thought he was taking the spiteful, rejected Hallmark boyfriend route and had decided to lie straight to Lucas' face. Honestly it's a shameful assumption and Nathan proved me so very very wrong. After a short pause, he then continues clarifying that Elizabeth then said that she isn't "in love" with him. And then I exhaled... He wasn't going that terrible route. Bravo Nathan!

    Nathan then goes on to say that he's not sure if Lucas is surprised by that piece of information, and that he's not. He says that what him and Elizabeth share isn't the same as what her and Lucas seem to share. Lucas very sadly then states that at the moment he's not sure what he and Elizabeth share.

    I was so proud of Nathan in this scene. He realized that Elizabeth was in love with Lucas, not him, and what does he do? He goes right to Lucas and pretty much tells him to go get the girl. Nathan wants Elizabeth to be happy, and knowing Lucas makes her happy, he goes to him to make sure Lucas doesn't screw this up. Lol! He even encouraged Lucas to stick around. Once again Nathan was looking out for Elizabeth, making sure she was cared for and happy. Despite his own heartbreak, despite what he may feel about Lucas, his love for Elizabeth showed through his actions. He wanted her to be happy, and so he tried to help.

    In the end Nathan not only encouraged Lucas to stick around, but told him... "I've got your back." And that right there was where Nathan impressed the socks off of me. I was so, so proud of him, and I may have actually "awed" in that moment. Nathan is a sweetheart, and I raise my hat to him.

    The final scene we got with Nathan was what I believe to be the “He’s going to be okay” scene. Faith helps bandage Nathan’s hand which he apparently hurt on some barb wire… while chasing his hat. Lol! Okay, that’s adorable. There. I said it. Nathan was adorable.

    As to any possible thoughts of pairing him and Faith together....

    No. Absolutely no! N.O. I do NOT… I repeat, do NOT want Nathan and Faith together. No, sir. No way. Faith has never been a favorite character of mine, and the idea of her and Nathan together does not appeal to me. At all.

    I want someone brand new to come to town for Nathan. Someone who catches his eye, and he can sweep off her feet. Someone who loves him completely, as well as Allie, and will just fit perfectly into their little family. And it’s just not Faith IMO.

    However I don’t know that the writers plan to set them up. I think both of them were just kind of in the same boat at the moment, and could relate to each other. It was a moment to show that both Nathan and Faith were going to be okay. But I doubt they’ll end up together. Besides, Faith is way too in love with Carson right now, and Nathan probably isn’t going to date anyone for awhile. They both need time to move on and heal. To figure out everything in their lives.

    In the end… Nathan received a sad yet hope-filled outcome. At this point it was pretty inevitable that whoever Elizabeth didn’t pick would be pretty hurt. But at the same time we were shown that yes. He’s going to be okay. He’s going to be able to move on one day.

    Nathan truly deserves to find someone who loves him for him. He deserves to have his own amazing romance, and I believe in time he will find the woman he's meant to be with. And I can't wait to see it all unfold!

    I also have to give a big shout out to Kevin McGarry for his acting skills. In going back for this post and watching his expression as Elizabeth told him the truth… I mean. Wow. Kudos to you for that amazing acting! I could just really see and feel Nathan’s pain, which is a wonderful testament to your acting skills! :)



Elizabeth's Emotional Journey


    And finally the woman has made a decision. Finally she knows who is in her heart. Who she truly loves. And she was finally able to move on, which came in the action of her.... removing her rings! I know so many Hearties have been waiting so long for this to happen. And it finally did.

    It took a lot of time for her to muddle through her emotions and feelings. She was confused by what she felt inside, and for awhile I don't think she fully understood exactly what she was feeling. But once Lucas let her go, once she finally lost him, she then understood who she truly loves. And it was Lucas all along.

    It also felt like we got all of the inner dialogue from Elizabeth that we’d missed out on this entire season. I feel like the writers probably held off on the journal scenes as they didn’t want to clue us in to who she would pick or how she was feeling. Although come to think of it, I don’t think she quite knew how she was feeling and so the absent journaling and dialogue made sense in both ways.

    And so this episode we got so, so much dialogue from Elizabeth and it was truly needed. The Hearties needed closure. We needed everything to be explained in full. How she was feeling, why she made the decision she did. And John Tinker cleverly combined that truth with call backs from Season 1! (Well done, Mr. Tinker!)

    In a nutshell Elizabeth described each of the special men in her life as a season, a reason, and a lifetime. (Honestly Rosemary has such wisdom!)

    Jack was for a season, that meaning he was in her life for the wonderful years they had together. But then God called him home, and so he wasn’t her lifetime. Nathan was in her life for a reason. He came and helped her to truly move on, and she helped him move on as well. They found healing in each other, and forgiveness. They both helped each other find a fresh start in life. One free from the burden and grief Jack’s passing brought them. And Lucas… he is her lifetime.

    He is her true love. The man she is going to spend the rest of her life with. Her soulmate.

    As to when she figured this out… I believe it happened after Lucas let her go, and she said as much. But in truth a few things helped her figure this out over the course of months.

    It took Nathan almost being shot, then declaring his love, and Lucas letting her go for her to finally understand just what she was feeling. Who was truly in her heart. She finally realized that she was trying to find Jack in Nathan, and that she truly fell in love with Lucas. And so… with a final glance at a picture of her beloved Jack, she slowly, ever so slowly, removed her rings. It was a moment of release. Of moving on. It was also a moment of truth, and of embracing that truth.

    She will always love Jack. He was the love of her life, and always will be. But… now she’s found her lifetime. The man she’s meant to spend the rest of her life with. And it all led to that climactic, dramatic, and romantic ending!


At Last...


    (Jumps up and down, before rolling into summersault...) Sigh... Finally... Oh, finally this triangle is over! Finally...finally... she... picked.... LUCAS!!!!

    (Breathe, Hope... Breathe...) Okay, okay... let's start at the beginning.

    The first scene we see with Lucas is when he's sitting in the cafe and Elizabeth shows up. And... she thanks him for letting her go, as it helped her figure somethings out... and then... got interrupted before she could further explain.... and then left.

    This was… (Sigh…) Just… why? That was literally the worst thing she could do in that moment! It totally sounded like she realized she loved Nathan and was thanking him for letting her go! Girl! And of course he happened to be meeting with Wyman Walden about selling the saloon. Perfect timing… But then again, I don’t think she was really ready at that point to tell Lucas she had chosen him. Her heart was still sorting things out, so then wouldn’t have been the right time. But it just means more heartbreak for Lucas… I mean… come on. He can take it, right? He’s used to it by now… ;)

    We also saw Lucas for a brief moment when Nathan brought Jesse back. Guys... I think that was the saddest, most miserable face Lucas has ever made. I mean... He looks crushed! And it seemed like that may have been the moment he gave up. All throughout this episode he probably had this glimmer of hope that she would come back to him. And then... he finds her with Nathan... again. 

    The next time we see Lucas is again very brief. Elizabeth is on her way to make that life altering choice, and she sees Lucas observing her from the saloon balcony. (And again, he's holding a cup in his hand. Lol!) He looks painfully sad, and the next time she looks back to him... he's gone. (Sniff!) Little did he know what she was about to do.

    The next scene with Lucas is him and Nathan's little chat. Now I have already mentioned this scene above so I won't say much more here. However we can just clearly see that Lucas seems to have lost nearly if not all his hope of Elizabeth loving him. And he proves this by this next scene...

    NO!!! Don't sell the saloon Lucas! You're such a good fit for that job! But low and behold Lucas was sitting sadly at a saloon table, the papers all before him. He pulls out his pen, uncaps it, and.... we don't know!!! We don't know if he sold it! Now I'm wondering if in this moment he decided to take Nathan's advice to heart, and didn't sign the papers. Because if he had sold it, that would mean he'd decided to leave town, and that he'd given up on Elizabeth. But later we found that he didn't leave, and actually came looking for her, and so I really wonder if he didn't actually sell it. I guess we'll see.

     We also got a quick but very meaningful scene between Lucas and Henry. Now I’ll go more in depth with this scene in my next post, but I almost wonder if it was Henry’s (Combined with Nathan’s) words that led him to stay in Hope Valley. That made him realize what a big mistake it would be to leave.

    Henry basically told him that shinny objects and fleeting pleasures are not what's important in life. And asked him what brings him comfort at night when, "darkness has wrung all of the light from the day?" (Goodness, Henry! You’re deep!)

    And of course we had that brief moment when Lucas almost ran over Lee with his car. Lol! Well, someone certainly wasn't thinking straight and was in a hurry...

    And then came.... the moment. That long awaited, dreamed of, surreal feeling moment that every Team Lucas fan had been waiting for. And that would be, as the title states, the kiss. YES! Yes, yes, yes, yes!!! They did it! They actually did it! I mean... they did right? I wasn't just imagining it right? (Honestly I wouldn't put it past myself at this point. Lol!) Honestly this whole outcome is so surreal, even to this day.

    So... after chasing after Lucas and believing him to be long gone Elizabeth falls into despair. It seems that she waited to long to finally make a choice and realize who is in her heart. So where does she go? Some place that was special to her and Lucas... and that being the beautiful setting of the bridge. Honestly guys that place is just SO romantic, and was the absolute perfect place for this moment to unfold. So she's standing there, looking out over the water. Guys, her face looked like Lucas had died. It was like she was grieving over her supposed loss of the man she loves. 

    And then... we catch a familiar man standing behind her out of focus. And every Heartie watching holds their breath as we hear a familiar voice say... "I'd hoped I'd find you here." And it's Lucas!!!

    Elizabeth turns quick to face him, almost looking like she'd seen a ghost. I'm telling you guys, her face looked like she was grieving! Then at the sight of Lucas she was rendered speechless, breathless, and looked like she was going to cry. She then got this sweet wobbly smile through her tears, as she realized the man she loves isn't gone, and is standing right in front of her.

    Lucas looks at her deeply, probably seeing the depth of emotion in her eyes, before starting toward her. Elizabeth watches him, and smiles, her expression filled with love for this man, before also starting toward him.

    And then the most romantic scene in all of Season 8 ensued. (Prepare to swoon.)

    They both go to each other and immediately pull each other close as they share their first kiss. Correction... "kiss-es." Lol! And that was no "sweet and quick Hallmark peck," let me tell you. That was an explosion of passion! Eeeeek! R to the omance! :D I'm so glad the writers as well as Erin and Chris chose to do this. Honestly it needed to happen. 

    We've had this build up of two almost kisses between these two, and after three seasons of "she loves me, she loves me not...." This is exactly what needed to happen. They both know that this is the person they want to spend the rest of their life with. Chris McNally's comments about this were honestly so incredibly sweet. He stated...

“He's (Lucas) been through such a roller coaster emotionally… He knows that he loves this woman more than he's ever loved any other woman before, and that she is the woman of his dreams.” 

    I mean... excuse me while I pick up my puddled self from the floor. That is just adorable!

    As to that explosive kiss....

    First off, they didn't even need to say anything! They both just looked at each other and knew. All the feelings they'd been keeping inside, all of the build up of these past three seasons just came spilling out. They just threw themselves into each other's arms and kissed each other with such emotion, longing, and love. And I LOVED just what a breathless moment it was. I mean... excuse me while I swoon... big time.

    They both were just breathless after that kiss. And (Excuse me while I go extremely mushy-gushy on you guys) I loved the extra kiss Lucas gave her after she whispered how she thought he'd left. Between the whispery/husky sound of their voices, to that incredibly sweet kiss he gave her... yeah. That was incredibly romantic.

    Lucas then tells her that he didn't leave. (Duh. He's kissing her, ain't he? Lol!) He then begins to whisper, "When I didn't hear from you, I thought perhaps..." (Perhaps meaning that she didn't love him.)

    And he didn't even need to finish his sentence. She knew what he was about to say, and assured him that no. She does indeed love him. She just needed time to... find her way back. (Aww!!!) Again, cue the romance!

    Lucas then reminds her that he'd told her he'd wait as long as he had to. (Kudos to John Tinker for that call back!) The next part makes me laugh as Elizabeth gives him this little shove and laughs, saying how he was ready to leave. Lol! She's just like, "Dude! You almost left me, and your talking about waiting for me." :D It was sweet to see them so playful and laughing together in that moment.

    Lucas then smiles, knowing she's right, and says... "And that would have been the biggest regret of my life." And as if that wasn't romantic enough he continues on to tell her, "You are all that matters. You're all that's important." (And all of Team Lucas swoons to their living room floor....) That right there is what every woman dreams of hearing the man they love say to them.

    And then, a very big moment occurs. Lucas looks down at Elizabeth's hand... and finds her rings gone. He seems stunned, looking back to her and saying very seriously, "You've taken off your ring." This is a very big thing for him. For all the years he's known her she has always, ALWAYS worn those rings. It stood as a symbol of where her heart stood, and put these invisible walls between them. Now to see them gone, he has a physical sign that she has moved on, and her heart is fully open to love him. I'm actually glad they didn't kiss until she had taken off her rings. Now there was nothing holding her back from loving and fully embracing him.

    Elizabeth then looks at him, understanding just what it meant to Lucas to see her rings gone, and gives a soft nod. She then says, in such a soft, emotional, heart-tugging tone of voice, "Thank you for waiting for me." And I'm melting again... I mean. Eeeeek! Just the emotion in her voice as she said it! It just hits me right here! (Places hand over heart.)

    And with a love filled smile Lucas leans in for another kiss. And another... and another... Lol! Honestly... it's such a surreal moment. And it only gets more and more romantic the more times you watch it.

    BUT! As if that wasn't an already big enough treat... we then got more! The bridge scene instantly goes straight into another Lucas and Elizabeth moment. Elizabeth actually planned a date for Lucas this time! And of course she had to do it in the library! Lol! In all truth, it was about time Elizabeth did something for him. He's done so much to woo her, so it was time she did something to show him how much she loves him.

    So she planned a "private reading" for him. And... wow! Elizabeth Thornton actually decorated a room with candles! Other than that date she set up after her and Jack were married... I can't remember her ever doing that. She then offers Lucas champagne... which to me is a fun call back to all the times Lucas did that for her. She then asks him to sit down in the single chair positioned for the "reading." Honestly Elizabeth was so happy, and flirty. This is something we haven't seen since... honestly Season 4 or 5. This then brings me to another thing... Elizabeth has her "I'm in love" face back! Can anyone remember the last time we saw her look at a man with such love and joy in her eyes? (Yes, I know it was Jack, but do you know how long ago that was?) It's like all her walls have come down and she is fully embracing the love she feels for Lucas.

    So she then goes about beginning this reading in a very playful and flirty manner. She says he may know her from her previous work, "A Single Mother on the Frontier," which is due to be published sometime next year. (Yes! Finally we have a publishing date! Way to go Elizabeth!) She also says how her book being published is largely due to the "very handsome man down front." And Lucas hilariously begins looking around the room for this said man. Lol!

    But she then goes on to say that for that evening she wants to read... from her heart. It's a love story she claims, that she has just begun to write. A story about a woman who has fallen deeply for a man who is patient, and kind. Thoughtful and adoring. (All perfect words to describe Lucas. :)

    And sweetly Lucas raises his hand in question, asking, "Will we get to hear about his side of the love story. Because he has fallen for a woman who is true, selfless, and sweet. Beautiful, and endearing." 

    (Go ahead. I'll wait while you swoon. ;) I know I've used this word a lot, but... isn't this all just so... so... surreal? I mean, we've waited and dreamed of the moment these two would finally become a couple. And now we've finally gotten our wish.

    Elizabeth then assures Lucas (And possibly all the Hearties watching) very playfully that we will be hearing more from "him and her." She then grabs his coat collars and with a very "come hither, in love" look and says..."But for now... I'm afraid she's all out of words." I mean... Just look at her face!


    And with a smile Lucas goes in for a passionate kiss. And that, my friends, was the end of Season 8. Elizabeth and Lucas making out in a dark, candle lit library. I mean... cough... attending a private reading. :D 

   And they are now... a couple!!! Wow! How crazy is that to say? Lol!

    I do have to mention two things here. 

    First off, I realized that they both didn't say the actual words, "I love you," in this episode, but... it was pretty much implied in every other way. Lol! They may just be saving that for Season 9. ;)

    Secondly I do have to ask... where was the "IRIS out to a small heart" Brian Bird mentioned? Maybe it was cut last minute, or they just changed their minds. Either way... who on earth am I to complain? Lol! 

    And lastly.... 😍😍😍

Elizabeth's Choice

    So with all the events now said and done we are given a chance to finally piece everything together. We can now look back at this entire season as a whole and see what was real and what was a red herring. I plan on diving in a bit deeper in a separate post and listing what now appear to have been red herrings. It honestly deserves its own post. So for now I would like to discuss the writers ultimate decision, and why they did what they did. I’ll be pairing my analysis with quotes from Brian Bird, John Tinker, and Erin Krakow herself to back me up here.

    And so… why? That’s the big question right now. Why did the writers make the choice they did in choosing Lucas? A lot of Hearties right now feel that the writers made the wrong choice…. Which in my opinion isn’t the truth. And this isn’t just because I’m Team Lucas. The truth of the matter is this simple fact… This is not our story to tell. This is the wonderful writers of WCTH’s story to tell. It’s also Janette Oke’s story and she did give the go-ahead on Elizabeth’s choice. (More on that later.) And since this is the writers’ story and not ours, they are not wrong in their choice for Elizabeth. They wouldn’t have been wrong if they would have made her choose Nathan, just like they aren’t wrong for making her choose Lucas. And it’s all because it’s their story. They can do whatever they want to, which is the way it’s supposed to be. Writers should be able to tell their own stories.

    Now, as to why the writers did what they did… I’ve recently found an interview ET did with John Tinker and he explained it like this…

"When it came to “wrapping up” the love triangle, we took great pains to consider all options. Ultimately, we approached Elizabeth’s choice by asking two questions: What makes emotional “sense” for Elizabeth and what choice allows for the most interesting stories, for each character, going forward?"

    He then continued to state why Elizabeth ultimately fell for Lucas...

"Elizabeth and Lucas have so much in common. They are lovers of good literature, were raised in rather privileged backgrounds (though remain selfless when it comes to helping others), and have a deep appreciation for family — just to name a few qualities they share. And while Nathan has many wonderful qualities of his own, a relationship with Nathan would be fraught by the hurt Elizabeth experienced by Jack’s death. Of course, to whom someone chooses to give their heart often comes with a certain amount of mystery that can’t be quantified. And, in part, that’s what can make it so magical as with Elizabeth and Lucas."


    And so it would seem that he felt what would be best for Elizabeth and the show would be for her to choose Lucas. And this doesn’t mean Nathan wouldn’t have been a good option for her either. Erin Krakow herself stated that we couldn’t have gone wrong either way, and I believe that. Both men would have created new and fun stories to be told. However, the Mountie storyline had already been done… and this leads me to my next point.

    I’ve seen a very interesting tweet from BB and watched an interview with Erin Krakow that both seemed to end in the same conclusion. Brian Bird tweeted this in response to a fellow Heartie....


    This was the first time I had really heard from a member of the crew why they had gone with Lucas, the words "unpredictable" and "not repeating storylines" being what stuck out to me. I then watched an interview Erin did on TV Insider where she says that she's excited for the Lucas and Elizabeth pairing because she feels it will be "very different for Elizabeth," just with Lucas' profession and how he navigates life, Basically Lucas provides a new direction with new exciting challenges for him and Elizabeth to face and ways they relate to each other. So she's says she's excited for the match. :)

    And so in the end what I've deduced is that the writers didn't want to repeat the Mountie/school teacher storyline. And it wasn’t because Nathan was too much like Jack in personality. He is his own unique person and even had his own unique struggles that would have brought some brand new storylines for him and Elizabeth to deal with. But in the end… We’ve already seen her with a Mountie. We’ve already watched her go through the fears and struggles that come from loving a Mountie. And so for her to pick Nathan would have been repeating a storyline that had already been done. 

    And so this is why I believe the writers chose for Elizabeth to end up with Lucas. Because he’s new, and different in profession and character. I also found it very interesting to know that Janette Oke was included in all this, and gave the okay for going this new direction. I mean this whole show was based on her books, so it's really nice to hear she was involved with this decision.

    Brian Bird also put this tweet out regarding the rest of the cast member's opinion of the outcome, which I found interesting.

    So it seems in the end the entire cast felt this was the right decision for the show. That's a very good thing to know, and I'm glad Papa Bird addressed that.

    To end this incredibly long, bit-off-more-than-I-can-chew post, I do want to take a moment to address the backlash. I think both sides knew this was inevitable. This was a triangle and everyone was super invested and excited. I totally understand. I also understand that a lot of people are hurting, which I also truly understand. 

    I know I'm kind of the worst person to talk about this as I'm Team Lucas, but please do believe me when I say I understand. I relate it to when Jack died back in Season 5. It was just a show, but he was my favorite character and I was crushed and depressed when he died. I had all these what-ifs in my mind, and was incredibly disappointed. 

    I'm sorry anyone had to be hurt by this triangle's outcome. But I do ask that everyone please remember to be kind. Both teams need to treat everyone with kindness and respect, just like we need to treat the cast and crew with kindness and respect. We're all human, and words hurt. So please everyone... let's be different. Let's be a light to others and show love and support rather than disrespect, and hate. :)

    And that my friends is the end of this gigantic post. Honestly I could just go on and on saying how I feel about every little thing, but I'll stop here. Lol! Thank you so much for reading! (Or listening to me ramble. :D ) Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below and any spoilers you wish! Lol! All I ask is that everyone is respectful and kind. Hateful or unkind comments will not be tolerated here and I will delete them.

    Have an amazing day! God Bless!



  1. Before I even read it- Hope!! She chose Lucas!! Okay, got that off my chest, now going to read. :)

    1. So you mean I'm not dreaming? Lol! It's so crazy! She chose Lucas!! Enjoy!

    2. Of course, she chooses Lucas. This serie is so bankable. Writers and producers needs more dramas and stories.
      It was so cliché when E. told N. : "I love you but I'm not in love with you".
      Can't imagine a women, in those days, speaking this way. The last scene isn't not romantic but kind of pathetic. So fake.

    3. Of course everyone is entitled to their opinion, but many of us disagree. That last scene was perfection and very romantic, especially since E initiated it.

  2. Thank you Hope for this wonderful review. I will probably write more later, but wanted to say one thing right here- Nathan was the man in this episode. When he went to see Lucas, I was leary. I was hoping he was going to do the right thing, but I just didn't know, you know?

    When they sat down and he said, she told me she loves me, I instantly said out loud- you jerk. Yes, I did. Then regretted it a few seconds later.

    I had valid reasons for doubting him, I mean, he hasn't always been very nice to Lucas since his first episode. But, I have always loved the dynamic between him and Allie- even moreso this season. I just never thought he and Elizabeth were a good fit- most likely because I am TL. The finale changed my mind completely about him. I had actually hoped he would realize he wasn't in love with her because I didn't want to see either man hurt, but they didn't go that way. They decided to show just how hurt he was and it broke my heart for him. The man didn't say a word and had tears in his eyes. Something about a man crying that gets me.

    For him to possibly be the catalyst to bring Lucas and Elizabeth together was a smart move. One I had thought might happen and was glad it did.

    I will comment more on our couple later today or tomorrow. But thank you again, great review!!

    1. Great review Hope! Great ending! But also a great beginning for Lucas and Elizabeth!

  3. Loved your review! As another TL girl, those scenes with Nathan were actually very moving and I had the exact same thoughts as you in that I’m looking forward to Nathan finding his great love (maybe in season 9?). Nathan really did stepped up and took it like champ. I also appreciated the nod to season 6 where Nathan told Lucas he didn’t seem like a good fit, but Lucas said “I’m not going anywhere.” NOW we got a switch, where Nathan is offering his support and even encouraging Lucas to stick around...cue the future “bro-mance”!

    And of course everything with Lucas and Elizabeth...swoon!! The bridge and library scenes were beautiful and I loved how they gave nods back to moments from season 7. We got the emotions and passion at the bridge, yet we also got to see the lighter sides of Lucas and Elizabeth return in the library scene. (I’ve missed their lighter, flirty, banter most of this season) And while they didn’t say the general “I love you” I believe they went a step beyond in telling the other some of what they love about each other. (Again swoon)

    As for, “But for now, I’m afraid she’s all out of words.” ...was there ever a better, sweeter way to say “kiss me now” in Hope Valley?! :) :) :)

  4. Loved your review. You captured my emotions perfectly. I, too fist-pumped, whooped & shouted to my ceiling when Elizabeth told Nathan she was “not in love with him.” The remaining scenes, for me, led to the bridge. Whew! I’m still fanning! The Library scene was icing on the cake with a scoop of strawberry ice cream alongside. There are so many stories to be told & I am eager to return to Hope Valley in S9!

  5. Hi Hope, Thank you for your great effort in writing the finale review and all the added emphasis with your cute emotions. :)

    I have to admit that while I thought Nathan did deserve high praise for letting Lucas know he believed he (Lucas) had Elizabeth's heart, that first line was a bit brutal. I can just imagine Lucas's heart jumping into his throat, when he said, "Elizabeth told me she loved me.". Chris kind of chuckled about it and said it still showed Nathan's competitive spirit in a Bubbly Sesh interview that he and Erin did after the finale. That said, I thought Nathan was trying to bring some relief to Lucas. In a small way, it might have helped. I loved that Nathan told Lucas that he had his back if the Pinkertons come calling. I do believe they will cause a ruckus in season 9.

    As to the kiss, I have probably set a world record for the person who has watched the kiss the most. I'm sure my ISP address could vouch for me. LOL! I loved the tender, sweet, but oh so passionate kiss. I, too noticed the extra kiss, when Elizabeth told him she though he had left. That extra kiss stood out as I am here with you now, Elizabeth. While I enjoyed the fun of the library private reading, I suppose I would have enjoyed the I love you from both more if it had been done in a tender way. I guess that is being held in a vault for season 9. Ha, ha!

    Also, I might be the only one who wanted Elizabeth to give Lucas a hug and a "I'm sorry," for what she put him through. I bet if Lucas took off his shirt, there would be open wounds. LOL! Thankfully, Lucas was so thrilled to sense Elizabeth's love and feel her lips and kisses, that the I'm sorry might not have been as important to him. I am so happy for Lucas & Elizabeth's new journey into love, and I am looking forward to their sweet romance blossoming in season 9.

    1. Hi Shelby! Thank you so much for reading!

      Yeah, Nathan was a bit cruel with his, "She told me she loves me," comment to Lucas. Lol! But his effort in encouraging Lucas AND telling him he's got his back truly impressed me. I agree with you. He deserves some high praise for that!

      And I love how you described that "extra kiss," as Lucas telling Elizabeth "I'm here with you now!" So romantic! And I agree, the writers are probably saving the "I love you" for next season. That's what they did with Elizabeth and Jack. They kissed in S1 and then said ILY in S2. So I guess we'll just have to wait.

      I'm SO looking forward to all that S9 has in store for these two! I can't wait!!! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me! Have a wonderful day!

  6. Oh, and one more thing... I believe Chris said in the Bubbly Sesh interview that he did not sign the papers selling the saloon.

    1. Thank you for sharing this! I was wondering whether he had sold or not.

    2. You are welcome, Ann! Chris has now said in a couple of interviews that it would be personally enjoyable for him to a play a Lucas who has lost his wealth. I'd rather it wasn't in season 9, but I feel it's coming.

    3. Going broke sounds interesting for Lucas' character. At this point, I'm good with any kind of conflict they dish out, so long as it isn't a triangle. Ha!

      I'm glad you brought up missing an apology from Elizabeth and a less tender approach to their declared feelings. I think that's part of what I felt was lacking. But if the writers bring us a vulnerable Lucas next season, I forgive them. :) Thanks for chatting with me, Shelby!

    4. I listened to the Bubbly Sesh, too, and "Lucas" did say he did not sign the papers! I also listened to a podcast with Brian Bird with LJL Media and Brian said the possibility is there for Lucas to sell the saloon, but he said it as a positive thing.

    5. I am glad Lucas still has the Saloon, cos that saloon isnt just a typical saloon, its whole lot more and holds many things, and events and its really a restaurant and bar. Its also bringing Hope Valley together. Its an integral part of Hope Valley town. I am glad Lucas owns it and is more of a business man. I love his balcony watching over. I hope him and Elizabeth have scenes up there ;)

    6. Thank you so much, Shelby, for sharing that! I was really curious if he had, and I'm very glad he didn't. He's just such a good fit for the job! God Bless!

  7. I knew she'd pick Lucas since episode seven but glad it's finally confirmed!

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I feel some of your enthusiasm rubbing off, which is good because I have some qualms with how the LT was ultimately handled. Seemed a touch rushed in places to be truly satisfying. Course I'm more a meat and potatoes than dessert kinda gal, if you know what I mean.

    And I would have liked more sensitive closure on the Nathan front. Not so much for my sake but because a big chunk of the fanbase was so invested in his getting the girl. I'm firmly TL but can understand how sad it must have been for TN fans to watch this episode. Couldn't Elizabeth had simply stuck with I'm not in love with you? Saying that about Jack to Nathan's face wasn't the most gracious thing (all things considered) and might've been conveyed better in her monologue. Or if he asked for more clarity then she could expound, but with him standing there silent...ouch. I was hoping too that he wouldn't look so devastatingly dumbstruck, seeing how she had rejected him already. I think he’d been hoping against hope for E to return his feelings, but deep down he knew it wasn’t happening. If he’d said something along those lines, I feel like it would have been more cathartic. A softer letdown of closing a door rather than feeling it was shut in his face.

    But Nathan has had some victories this season with Allie’s adoption, the clear of the charges against him, and freedom from his FC secret/guilt, so he isn't in horrible shape. I think those facts have gotten lost somewhere, thanks to the triangle drama.

    I’m heartily glad Elizabeth’s choice is made at last—and she certainly made a good one. ��I feel like season 9 is open for some enjoyable, hopefully less dividing storylines. Lucas and Elizabeth together are brimming with fun possibilities. Look forward to how their love story deepens. I really hope we get to see a more vulnerable Lucas, now that he’s safe to love and be loved. And more L+LJ scenes please!

    1. Ann, I join you in wanting a more vulnerable Lucas. I know from watching Chris in some of his movies, he plays being vulnerable quite well. I believe we need to see it on full display in season 9. We can hope!

    2. I agree with you Ann on Nathan the best it would be to say him saying he kinda knew deep down she didnt feel the same rather then saying nothing. Because at some points i just couldnt understand why Nathan is not seeing that Elizabeth is happy around Lucas, and also the odd way she acted with the red serge. I always felt Nathan felt he was entitled to Elizabeth hence his behaviour and pressure on her which i found selfish. I think he guilt with Jack was also playing into it which i think they should of added on too. But i do agree that Nathan going to Lucas like he did was taking it like a champ... cos this is the man who was always so rude to Lucas since he met him and so on, so its good to see and good to see Nathan putting Elizabeth happiness first. He and Allie will be fine, they have each other, Allie will be fine cos she pretty much understood and weight off her shoulders when she and Lucas had the scene.

    3. And now to see Lucas and Elizabeth romance and the possibilties are so endless and the little family moments with LJ. Like you Ann and Shelby i too want to see Vulnerable Lucas, cos he does guard himself against pain and such. I wanna see layers more. And i think now with Elizabeth he can open up more and she is the only one who can get to those parts of Lucas (like she did in the xmas episode when he didnt realise what he did with the carnival until Elizabeth spelled it out for him and thanked him, he doesnt accept praise... but then he told her what xmas meant to him and having a family around at that time).

    4. Yes, Val! I think Nathan's arc with Elizabeth could have been rounded out better in the end with some dialog. So the choice could be processed more too by viewers who thought E would end up with him. I saw quite a bit of growth from Nathan this season, which helped me like him better.

      And yes to those layers from Lucas. I like that insight you found, about the Christmas episode. You're right--Elizabeth is the one who unlocks those parts of him. She takes the time to really listen and connect the dots. Thanks for sharing!

    5. At this point, idk know if there was any good way to solve the triangle. My understanding was that by having E tell N she does indeed love him, the writers/showrunners went for three things:
      First, restoring honest E. She has found this truth now for herself, so it is natural for her to share it with N as it concerns him two and he deserves her honesty. This goes into the same lines as telling L about N declaring his love.
      Second. It might have been the writer's idea of letting down TN softly. Confirming that indeed there is love between E & N and that their take of what was going on between E & N was not totally wrong, merely incomplete.
      Thirdly: The audience needed to learn about Jack being in the mix at some point (as obviously not everyone saw it). If they had used another voiceover, it could have damaged the integrity of E's character (see 1). And it would not have matched her voiceover from before her conversation with N, the one about life lessons that can only be learned through pain and that avoiding this pain, in the end is not helpful.

    6. I see your point, Kate. Elizabeth *is* an honest person. Thanks for weighing in! It helps me not squirm quite so much at that scene, although I still want N to say something--anything (other than thank you). :p

      You're right: There wasn't anything the writers could do to please everybody on this triangle. Sure didn't want to be them navigating this for three seasons.

  8. https://www.instagram.com/p/CO0vXRQpcPR/?igshid=dwsbddb5zggj

  9. https://www.instagram.com/p/CO0vXRQpcPR/?igshid=dwsbddb5zggj

  10. This is the first time reading your blog and I must admit that I enjoyed my reading.

    You literally took the words out of my mouth. The scene between Lucas and Nathan is probably one of my favorite scenes of the entire season, along with Lucas/Allie's scene. Not only did we have a different Nathan and Lucas in front of us, it was also a moment of incredible sincerity and maturity. I dare imagine that it would be difficult for anyone to face the person their loved one chooses. It was very brave of him to show his emotions and admit that he knew, deep down, that he was not the one her heart desires. I felt heartbroken for him and his face... Gosh, it was hard.

    Obviously, the last scenes are probably the most hoped for. As a Team Lucas, it is obvious that this was a moment that I was looking forward to even though I was very confident that the love triangle's outcome. You see, Chris McNally's body language can be quite revealing during interviews. Also, my interpretation of Elizabeth's behavior was pretty on point. I honestly believed she chose him during the Ladies Choice's dance party in season 6.

    Anyway, I really enjoyed reading you and I hope to be able to read you soon - for season 9. Eeeeek!!! ��

    1. I was also confident, but from time to time I had my serious doubts because it seemed so unlikely that the showrunners and cast would relentlessly push TN to continue hoping if there was nothing to it.
      In my line of work, managing customer expectations is a very important factor in our communications and here they just did not do it - or eventually they did, but first too subtle, then too late.
      The storyline of season 8 for me always and consistently pointed into the direction of L. From E's joy about his return and her hesitation to go on a date with N, Lee's "love is a choice not just a feeling" (or something in the lines of that) to E choosing to date L and all of her meaningful firsts since Jack being with L.

    2. The unknown here was me btw...

  11. This week I've been binge watching season 8 (two episodes a day). It is interesting watching as we now know the outcome. You can clearly see she chose Lucas long ago but had conflicting feelings with Nathan.

    Also, where does everyone think Lucas was driving off too when he about ran Lucas over?

    Lastly, I have not enjoyed hearing the criticism about Elizabeth's behavior and acting differently. I thought she truly portrayed a person grieving so well. Part of the grieving process is being angry. I know, I have grieved (a man I was seriously dating to a car accident, miscarriages, and my father suddenly dying), and my behavior was often horrid, especially to the people I love the most. Luckily they are forgiving and I can repent.

    1. *Lee not Lucas
      Where does everyone think Lucas was driving off too when he about ran Lee over?

    2. I feel Elizabeth repressed alot of grief and wounds from when Jack died... cos then she found she was pregnant so that was another kind of emotions going on. So with trying to find Jack in N and mountie... conflicting feelings and mixed. Whilst her and Lucas enjoy being around each other and bonding. I do think FC secret opened up the grief and wounds again, hence why she was off understandably so .. the trauma. And why the transference with Jack onto N with the red serge kept happening.
      Her friendship with Rosie on thin ice, school thing, the two men... All this going on. She was holding onto Jack so much so that she projecting him onto N. And also afraid to go all in with Lucas too... I always thought it was more Lucas vs Jack (nathan).

  12. My first time reading your blog as well. Man oh man, you are good. Wish all the TL haters would read this. It just might open their eyes more and not be so critical. They are calling for petitions to be signed to change the out come, etc. What can you say.
    Your synopsis, reasons, are so well put. I cannot add anymore to your article.
    I agree that the line E said to N in his office could have been a little more softer. Like, you are so special to me and mean a lot, but my heart belongs to some one else. It was very admirable they put in the conversation with N and L. I also thought for fleeing moment that N was going play wrong with that E situation.
    I believe they could not have made a better choice. Simply because of the constant reminder N would always bring.
    They ending was so out of this world, so passionate, so needed. I have never seen such awesome kisses on any Hallmark Movie. AWESOME.
    I for one hope that L does not go broke. And I do not feel a connection with Faith there either. She also is not one of my favorite character's, or the connection with Carson. It will be interesting to see where that goes. Not with N,tho.
    Now that I have found I will be a follower from now on.
    See you in Season 9.❤❤

    1. Aww! Thank you, and welcome to the blog! I'm so glad you enjoyed the post!

      You made some good points here. E could have put things a bit softer to N, just so it wasn't such a shot to his poor heart. But I am very glad she said she was sorry. That was a must. I also TOTALLY hope Faith doesn't end up with Nathan. They just... aren't my cup of tea, and I don't know that they would work very well together.

      I think the idea of L going broke would be... interesting. I love the potential for drama and some tension but... I don't want too much tension. I guess we'll see.

      Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me! Hope you're having a great day! God Bless!

  13. The triangle ended the way it should have. If Lucas had done all of the things he had done, exhibiting selfless patience for 3 seasons for the woman he loves, and she would have chosen Nathan, then the wrong message would have been sent about Love is Patient...Love is Kind...Love seeks not its own. Nathan wanted to fight for her love. Lucas fought for her happiness. In the end, you're right, Nathan showed he truly loved her - but Lucas earned her love by his continual demonstrations of selflessness where she was concerned. He will be great for her and Little Jack and Nathan went up several pegs in my book in that last episode too. He has a good future ahead of him.

  14. Indeed. Season 8 was full of roller coaster rides. Finally, we now have closure as to who Elizabeth will choose. I am a Lucas fan and have been cheering him on. The finale was more than I expected it to be and has ever since been re-watching it just in case I missed some parts! Lol! Thank you for a great review!!

  15. IRIS out, to a small heart did happen! An iris shot is a technique frequently used in silent film in which a black circle closes to end a scene. An iris-in begins with a small circle that expands, while an iris-out gradually closes an image. If you look at the very last scene the candles and the couple help the screen look like a heart. On the podcast Bubbly Sesh, Chris said that last scene took an hour and a half just to set up. Does that all make sense?

    1. Oh, you're right! I think I've heard of that term before. Thank you for sharing that neat tidbit; I enjoy those insider details.

    2. Oh! Now I see it! Thank you so much for sharing that!

  16. This video shows the parallels between Elizabeth and Jack's relationship with Elizabeth and Lucas's relationship. For those doubting Lucas was the right choice, this makes it clear. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrCd2g8DJJ0

  17. Hi Hope
    Thanks once more for sharing your thoughts. My thoughts (and my heart) have been all over the place for the past days and I have been so looking forward to your post to help me … digest, I guess. It was all so much to take in. In fact, I believe, I’m still processing, so apologies if my comment is still a bit incoherent… Lol.

    I am so thrilled to see L & E finally being able to show what all that they mean to each other, but I would like to comment on someone else first: Nathan.
    Who was that guy I’ve seen in the final episode, lol? Because I’d certainly hope to see more of him in season 9! That scene in the saloon with L, that was …. grand. I have no other word to describe it (which may very well be due to the fact that I’m not a native speaker, but yeah, you get what I mean, at least I hope so). Telling L openly that he had basically been dumped by E … for good … advising L to not give up and stick around … admitting he now sees he never really had a chance against L ….promising to have his back…. WOW!
    And might I add the absolutely fabulous way he took the blow from E in his office. She basically stabbed N’s heart there and you could watch the pain spread over his face in slow motion. Such tremendous acting by Kevin McGarry! I like these quiet scenes, where not much is happening but still so much going on in a character only displayed by small subtle things. And Kevin McGarry pulled that off in such a compelling manner. My compliments.

    I once loosely followed a show that I eventually turned off because I could not stand a certain character. And later on, I started to watch again because that character was involved in a storyline that had drawn me in and I was totally hooked. Why am I writing this? Because I could totally see the same thing (being hooked, I mean, not turning off, lol) happening with Nathan. I disliked his character in S6 & 7 and I mean REALLY disliked, take-everything-the-worst-possible-way-disliked him. I found him overbearing, presumptuous, competitive, and so many other things I now don’t really care to remember or list. I trust you get the picture, lol. This season, I first learned to accept him and once in a while even give him some credit. He still had his moments that nurtured the old dislike but overall, I felt I could make my peace with N. And now after the finale I even respect him as a character and find myself actually looking forward to what season 9 holds in store for him. I’d really like to see the not-weighed-down-by-guilt version of Nathan interact with a woman he cares about romantically (not necessarily Faith, though). And I hope to see more of N & L scenes. With their different characters this could be an interesting relationship/friendship. The grounds have been prepared with this scene. Who would have thought…. The whole N redemption arch definitely worked for me…. Lol.

    Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about L and a lot of TN. The stubbornness to view only the worst in L and not acknowledge a single positive trait in him astounds me. When did people lose the ability to critically deal with different opinions? I mean, if half the viewership takes home a completely different message from what was on the show, why not instead of rendering them all just stupid consider that they might have a point? Critically test your own beliefs and just give it a tiny bit of thought why they see something where you don’t? If you only discuss with your own you will never get to see things from a different perspective. And I had the impression that a lot of people on both teams did this. And that I find just sad because it seems rather than adding to each other’s lives people find more joy in doing the opposite.

    1. Your last paragraph just described the “I’m right, you’re wrong, if you don’t agree with me” mentality of the world today. Discussion with others who don’t agree with you no longer exists. 🙁

  18. Great Read! I LOVED the choice as well, because Lucas is more mature, worldly. He has been patient, tender and romantic with Elizabeth. He stepped back at the end of last season, thinking Elizabeth loved Nathan, and again he set her free, thinking she wanted to be with Nathan. Very adult and mature. Plus, the pain in his eyes this season when he saw Elizabeth with Nathan, or watching Nathan! Especially the finale - when he looked utterly defeated.

    When watching YouTube videos that fans made, you can see all the interaction these two have had, and all the great things Lucas did, such as give Elizabeth a library, a special book, showing up with flowers, etc. Plus all the romantic dates, and the overnight date from last season. He did not attend the adoption ceremony because it would be awkward for Nathan, and gave Ally a gift. He built a school when he left last season, he gave Nathan money...He's no shady character at all.

    He has been nothing but tender, caring and patient. And in the end, when the roadblocks fell, he was passionate as was Elizabeth. What a Kiss!

  19. Continued from above (I really should learn to share my thoughts in less words, lol...)

    But enough of that, let’s come to more joyful things. L & E are IN LOVE. And happy! (grinning widely) And it is everything I hoped it would be. I am so over the moon. Still!
    I did not count how often I watched the bridge scene, lol. Because it’s beautiful, but also because there is so much going on there, that it’s impossible to take it all in and fully appreciate it by watching it only once.
    There’s such a display of different emotions crossing over the faces of E & L. They finally gave us the raw emotions, the passion, and yet E & L were so tender with each other. And best of all: That playfulness that is so characteristic for them and that came out when she scolded him for almost leaving. Like you, I found it adorable how he husked his “No”, shaking his head while sliding another kiss in. The feeling of “now that I have you, I will never let you go” was so palpable in their embrace. For next season, I hope to see how Elizabeth and LJ will unsettle L's composed demeanor more often.
    And yes, N did have his part in preventing L from leaving, although I think we also owe Henry Gowen – big time. I tend to believe it was Henry’s departing words to L that made him realize that Elizabeth was more important than his hurt and this is what got him to seek her out in the end. And I believe the reason why L said what he said to N about not being sure what he and E shared was because he was so hurt that he simply did not know if he could bear it any more. Some think him a coward for preparing to leave – again. I think it was his instinct of self-preservation kicking in – finally. E had crushed his heart in her hands over and over without even realizing what she was doing. She had given N clarity but had not talked to L except for the interrupted, awkward conversation in the café. What was the poor man to think?
    I think that under all his self-assured demeanor, L is a bit insecure about other people appreciating him as a person. He said he was a bit of a loner as a child, not being the most popular kid at school, he never stayed in one place too long, his parents were always busy except for Christmas time. And now he gets all the mixed signals from E, had to admit to himself that despite all his best efforts he may not be enough for the woman he loves to find her happiness with him, that must have been devastating to him.
    And this is where the “love is worth fighting for” theme comes full circle for me. L realized that he owed it to himself and his love to find out where E was standing, he fought against his instinct to call it a day and leave, he put himself out there one last time based on the possibility that E might love him after all, regardless of her silence towards him. He appeared so vulnerable and unsure when he called out for her on the bridge. But he came. Because she’s all that’s important, she’s all that matters. Didn’t that remind you of Henry’s words, too?

    I, personally, could have done without the scene in the library. It was E’s initiative, which was good to see, it showed us that she reciprocates L’s acts of courtship and that his often-criticized “wining and dining” her is not a one-sided thing that L does and E graciously endures. It gave us a glimpse into their future interactions as a couple. It was nice. Period. By no means does it compare to the bridge scene.
    Maybe that is the reason it left me a bit disappointed. Not that I’m complaining, lol. We got the ending we had hoped for and it warms my heart to see them both so happy!
    What stood out to me at first was that neither E nor L have said ILY, but I agree it was implied – and not so subtly – in what they did say about the man and the woman in the new love story they discussed. In the end, as they are both educated, lovers of literature and “have a way with words”, I found this way of declaring their love to each other far more fitting than a plain ILY.

    1. I listened to a podcast, I believe it was by the Bubbly Sesh, and they had Erin and Chris as guests. Chris did say that it was the conversation with Henry that made Lucas decide he needed to stay and not sell the saloon.

      I also think that if Elizabeth had chosen Nathan, there really was no reason for Lucas to stay. It had already been established that he never stays in any place long and Elizabeth was the reason he had settled in Hope Valley. He did receive a great offer for the saloon, so I don't see it as him running away. I don't know why people are so critical of Lucas.

      Also, Erin said that the library seen at the end was to show viewers that Elizabeth had made her decision and was very happy with it and very happy.

      Thank you for all of your comments!

    2. Thank you Lizzie for confirming my thoughts and mentioning the podcast.
      I had heard the term Bubbly Sesh before, but was not aware it was a podcast. With your information I found it now. I had to laugh when Chris said something in the lines of Lucas having one last fight in him after his conversation with Henry.
      Lucas is a character I could always relate to easily, contrary to Nathan.

      The negative comments on Lucas have me wondering, too. Maybe people put him in the bad guy corner based on his initial secretiveness and then getting the gumnen into town. "He almost got her killed" is still a frequent argument brought up against L. Of course, the same people are happy to insist that N did not get Jack killed only because Jack took over his mission. I really have trouble understanding these double standards from people who claim to cherish virtues like honesty and forgiveness. What became of 'practice what you preach'?

      No matter how gently you tried to point out that maybe, just maybe their view was not the only way to see things, many just did not want to hear it. They'd rather close their eyes than even consider other options than their preferred outcome and now they blame everybody else and fuel each other in their rage.

      I think it's just such a shame for the cast who gave so much this season to make these new episodes happen despite it all and worked so hard to make the final scenes so special and worth the wait (like 1.5 hours for the final shot!....)

    3. Kate, you seem like you would be so fun to talk to, especially about WCTH. I really enjoyed listening to the Bubby Sesh a few times this past season. There was one on March 25 with the Leacock family. I loved this one, especially because Viv (i.e. Joseph Canfeld) talks about how it is frustrating Lucas and Elizabeth don't say I Love You. He then explains why and says you know they love each other. It kept me calm the rest of the season. I completely agree about relating to Lucas. Maybe it is because my husband has many of the same qualities of Lucas.

      I just think we are so lucky to have had a season 8, filmed during a global pandemic, that we were able to watch and enjoy. I love watching a show with my little children (my oldest are 9 and 7) that is clean and we all enjoy it.

      Also, I would like to know where you think Lucas was driving off to when he about ran Lee over? He didn't have a suitcase in the back of his car (at least I couldn't see one), so I wonder if he just was going for a drive.

      One more thing about Lucas. Not everything he planned was over-the-top and romantic. He invited Elizabeth to go for a drive, to go horseback riding, to come and lunch with him. He walked her home holding hands. Those are just simple ever day experiences. I'm really looking forward to next season.

      Oh, and I think one of my favorites scenes with Elizabeth and Lucas is at the wedding and when Katie walks in Lucas knew to get the bouquet and handed it to Elizabeth before she even asked. So sweet and showed how much they were both on the same page.

    4. Thanks for your kind words. Lizzy. I am so happy to have found this blog, unfortunately only towards the end of the season. I am not a big user of social media otherwise but it has been so helpful to read Hope’s review and the enlightening comments and to be able to give something back.

      Your background almost threw me off my couch. :) I have two children who are 7 and 9 but I am the only one in my family following WCTH, my children don’t understand English yet. As for the husband, you may have a point there regarding relatability to L. The way L loves and treats E that reminds me a lot of the what I have with my husband. He very rarely says ILY out loud (while I say it frequently, lol) but I can see the love in his eyes when he looks at me and the way he cares about me and puts me first. And because he puts me first, I can put him first, and we are both taken care of. For me that is what love is about. And like E with L, no matter what my husband does, I cannot stay mad at him for long, he just has to give me that ‘Oops, you know I would never mess with you intentionally’-look and my heart melts. Lol. And our conversations often do have a teasing undertone, too. So, geez, no wonder L is my favorite TV character at the moment, lol.
      When I was younger I was was always bored to hear the same old verse from 1 Corinthians at almost every wedding. And then one day, at just another wedding those very same words suddenly touched my heart, as if a veil had been lifted. And that is when I knew that I had found love with this man I later married.

      Regarding L, I have concluded for myself that he went to see E when he almost ran Lee over. It just seems like a thing that L would do: Set his mind to something and immediately set the wheels in motion (in this case literally, the ones of the car, lol). The more I thought about it, the more I was reminded of the episode where they both sought each other out to apologize for hurting the other over his parent’s marriage. And how much I had liked it that they were both taking a step towards each other to mend their fences. If I were a writer on that show that’s what I would have had in mind also for the finale. E trying (and failing) to find L and then visiting a spot that holds memories to happier times with him and L at the same time looking for E in that same spot. A visible illustration how they connect and that they finally have arrived on the same page of their love story.
      I think maybe L tried at her house first (off-screen) as he had the car but only arrived after E. It was so wonderfully done how he came into focus when the camera angle changed.

      One of my favorite scenes is earlier in the season when E picks up some books for the Canfields (what a lovely addition to the cast btw) and he finishes her sentence about bringing food for the soul and then their musical theme starts to play. To me that showed that he just gets her and even though they were distant with each other in that episode, the music was a sign not to lose hope.

    5. Kate, I realized I never responded to your last comment. I love your comments. I can't believe the same ages of our children and your marriage seems similar to mine. We are so lucky! I love your analysis of the show and episode. I hope we can continue to be in touch. I think my husband is tired of hearing me talk about WCTH, but he kindly listens and gives occasional comments.

  20. Hope,

    I could seriously talk all day about that ending. I have to say I was a little surprised they revealed her choice so early in the episode. As soon as she walked into Nathan's office we knew.

    I would have written it just a little differently, but I am no screenwriter, and certainly not a professional. But that bridge scene... As much as I wanted to see a bit of dialogue before the kiss, I could never say I was disappointed in that romantic goodness.

    She chose Lucas! Gosh, I keep saying that as if I need to convince myself after watching the last 5 minutes- ahem- a ...few...times... The library scene was the icing on the cake. We got to see playful Lucas again- I have missed him this season and glad to have him back!

    Those kisses were scrumptious. Can't wait to see more of this couple next season.

    I will say that as thankful as I am for a season 8 which was filmed under the worst of circumstances, I would like to see some of my old HV back next season. The intimate conversations and looks we got in season 7 were absent in 8. For example, Bill watching Lucas and Elizabeth as L helped her with her coat, and B/E's convo afterward about love being in the air. Those are the types of scenes we are used to in HV and were lacking in S8.

    But anyway, loved the ending. Looking forward to your next post.

    1. I thought it was fitting that they rushed into each other's arms without prior dialogue. For me that illustrated that they don't necessarily need words to understand what is going on with the other.
      The part about missing playful Lucas sounds about right. And no wonder he was a different man this season, more guarded after thinking E was leaning towards N after the hug/in the first episodes, then twice he went too fast (with the almost kiss in the car and caressing her hand in public), so add restrained to that.
      I am so looking forward to seeing this playful side of them more often next season.

    2. Hey, Sue! I know right? It's still hard to believe that 1. this triangle is over and 2. SHE CHOSE LUCAS!!! Lol! It's crazy!

      Yes, the moment E walked into N's office I literally said, "This is it," out loud. We all knew that was going to be the deciding moment, and... I could also tell things didn't seem good for N. I think she maybe could have broke things to him a little differently. Maybe could have been a bit softer with him, but... she told him the truth. And that will at least give him closure so he can eventually move on.

      It's still surreal that E&L even kissed. After 3 crazy seasons of wishing, and dreaming... how insane is it that this is finally a reality? And... yeah...I may have watched those last five minutes more than once... ;)

      I am so excited to see them as an actual couple next season! It's going to be so fun, and romantic, and exciting, and.... sighs contently... So fun!

      I will admit I'd maybe like a combination of Season 6-7 with some of S8. I enjoyed the drama and added grit, but I did really enjoy some of the the sweetness in seasons 6-7. So a mixture next season would be good.

      Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me! I love to hear from you! Hope you're having a wonderful weekend so far! God Bless! And...


    3. I've often thought Elizabeth had to be very blunt with Nathan because he wasn't getting the social cues. He had professed his love more than once, which she didn't return, so perhaps Elizabeth felt she had to be blunt and really spell it out for him, especially since she knew he thought love was worth fighting for. Just my thoughts.


  21. Hope,
    Appreciate your finale review of the triangle. At least we are happy and feel that E made the right choice. Now that i have seen how toxic fans are. I ask everyone to forgive me for anything toxic or offensive about WCTH that was written on Hopes blog. I am truly sorry :(

    I hope that Hearties can find Forgiveness, Peace, and coming together for #team Elizabeth. I can't imagine how the whole WCTH team is feeling right now. Some hope that it dies after episode 9. (ouch)

    I just found this petition posted. (How sad)

    1. It's all rather getting silly. All I Can say the same ppl keep being loud and rehashing the same thing doesn't equal to many ppl.

    2. Anonymous, I agree with you. There appears to be a group of people who refuse to let go of their anger and many seem to think it’s okay to make hateful comments if they say it’s their “opinion”.

  22. One other thought on Lucas not entering Elizabeth's house yet. Lucas Bouchard, aside from being from some wealth, has been raised to be a gentleman in every sense. His parents would have grown up in the Victorian era in which a single lady would never call on a gentleman at his home alone nor would a gentleman be found in a lady's house that he wasn't related to in order to preserve her reputation (http://www.avictorian.com/etiquette.html) Elizabeth breaks a TON of those social conventions but Lucas seems to adhere to many of them except for the kiss which he semi-obeyed convention until the end (though he would have kissed her prior to this) when he and she literally dived into one of the steamiest kisses ever aired on Hallmark.

  23. I loved the series finale. The kissing, the playfulness, the settings - the bridge, the library, the romantic words! The writing was spot on, the acting excellent. The show went above and beyond considering all the Covid restrictions - so sad they had to limit their time with the twins who play little Jack. I was impressed by the psychological aspect woven into the story - Elizabeth needing to finally let go - Nathan’s presence a reminder of the past and the single parent aspect - Nathan having to deal with his guilt and need to protect her. I predict some day Lucas will help Nathan find his own true love.

  24. I have been reading about all the backlash from Elizabeth choosing Lucas. I even tried to comfort some of Team Nathan to no avail. Most recently I read that John Tinker was heartbroken from the negative feedback and has taken a break from social media. That makes me really really sad.

    I like how Hope said that the writers of WCTH had the right to go the direction they wanted to go because it is their story to tell.

    Despite being Team Lucas myself, I think they made the decision because of the endless stories that can be told. Nathan is a strong character. He couldn't have been pigeon hold into the role of, let's face it, Mr. Elizabeth Thornton.

    Lucas on the other hand also has the potential for his own stories but at the same time, his intensity and high level of passion/romance makes him a perfect fit as Elizabeth's romantic interest.

    IMO, the love story between Jack and Elizabeth was perfect for that 1st great love story and akin to that high school sweetheart romance.

    Elizabeth who is now widowed, an independent mother, and older needs to be paired with someone like Lucas where she can explore that next level of passion and romance fitting a woman in her current stage of life.

    Lucas was at that level from day 1 but exercised lots and lots (and lots) of patience. Elizabeth got there at the end. The bridge kisses and "book reading" perfectly celebrated this new love.

    I so look forward to season 9! It starts next week right??? :-)

  25. If anyone is interested, I set up a quick blog and wrote a post about some of TN's concerns with the love triangle. Just some thoughts I'd be happy to have other's perspectives on for those who enjoy friendly discussion.

    You can click on my name or head here https://seasoneightwhencallstheheart.blogspot.com/

    1. I just finished reading it, and I absolutely loved it, Ann! Bravo! I also left you a comment on your post as well. :)

    2. You're very kind. Thank you once again!

  26. I liked the nod to Rosemary's line early in the episode, where she is talking to Elizabeth over tea (after Elizabeth said, "Lucas just knows me so well"), and Rosemary said "Now it's up to you to decide who might be here for a reason, or perhaps even a lifetime. And when you have settled that in your heart, you will be able to throw yourself into his arms with all of your being." And that's what Elizabeth did on the bridge!


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