Is Nathan in Another Love Triangle? And Who Should He Pick? (Plus Special Announcement!)


    Has Nathan been launched into another triangle? This is the crazy, and gigantic question we Hearties may be asking ourselves right now. Have the writers taken Nathan, the heartbroken rejected suitor of the triangle that drove us crazy, and put him in yet another triangle? Well… at least he’s the one being sought after this time.

    My personal opinion on this is… we really can’t be sure of anything at this point. We don’t know if Mei is coming back, if this new showrunner will continue Faith’s crush on Nathan, or even the supposed triangle itself. And should he be launched into a triangle the good thing is that he’ll be the one getting a happy ending this time no matter what. And the triangle could turn out to not even be a full blown triangle in the sense that the writers could make it completely obvious who he’s going to end up with. (Like with Jack, Elizabeth, and Charles.)

    So with all this being said… I thought I’d do a quick post giving my thoughts on both of Nathan’s potential happily-ever-afters. First off you should know this… I don’t like either of them. Lol! It’s sad but it’s true. I’ve never been a fan of Faith as a character, and Mei… Sigh… She has just failed to win me over. I loved seeing Nathan so smitten with her. That was very sweet and romantic. But as to her character herself… She has simply failed to impress me. And with that I guess I’ll start with her first.

    Mei seems to be currently winning this competition for the Mountie’s heart, and honestly she had the makings to be a great character. A mysterious entrance, a dramatic past, and had Nathan swooping in to save her like a knight in shinning armor. Now I love this kind of stuff, but sadly the way the writers went about it didn’t play out right. They dragged it on for so long, and then suddenly wrapped it up so easily in the end with a little bow. There could have been so much more drama. So much more action and excitement, and even depth to the story. But instead they just had Nathan make a phone call, and BAM! All is well, and Geoffrey just leaves without any trouble. Sure he stilled sued her, which then made an excellent reason for her to suddenly leave. Right when her and Nathan could have actually started a relationship. And then her return was… underwhelming. Now I was told that Amanda Wong left because she was working on another project so I can’t complain too much here. But still… I think you get my point.

    But despite all of the things I just ranted about, my biggest complaint lies just with her character. There’s just… not much to her. And this is not the actress’s fault, but the writers’. I feel like anyone could have played the role of Mei as she was just lacking in personality for me. However despite all of this, Season 9 was her first season, and now that we have a new showrunner maybe her character will grow. Deepen. I don’t dislike everything about her character, and I think with some development she could become a sweet love interest for Nathan.

    We then have Faith… You may very well know that I don’t love Faith. I never have. It’s nothing personal, I just have characters I like more than others. However… I didn’t absolutely hate her with Nathan. Is she my first choice for him? Absolutely not. But I did feel a bit of chemistry and sparks between them during their scene in the Infirmary. Would they work together? Sure. I could see it, although I don’t really want them together. However, when it comes to Faith herself… I think she needs to hit the breaks when it comes to romance.

    Faith has been bouncing around from guy to guy for a while now. From Jack, to Peter, to Shane, to Ray Wyatt, to Carson, to maybe Hickam, to finally Nathan. Shoof! She’s been proposed to almost twice, and was with Carson for three seasons, AND still continues to talk to him over the phone. And now all of a sudden she claims to have feelings for Nathan. Nathan, the man who just got his heart broken in Season 8. Honestly it doesn’t sound like the best idea for her to try and pursue Nathan right now. I feel like she needs to take a really long and hard look at herself, her life, and figure out exactly what she wants in a husband. She openly admitted she’s not in a hurry to get married so… now is the perfect time to just be friends with Nathan, and figure things out.

    Well, that about covers Nathan’s fan group. Lol! When it comes down to it, if I had to pick which girl I’d rather see Nathan with… I’d say I’m not 100% sure. For now my answer is Mei, even though I just ranted her to death. I think her character has potential, and I’ll have to see what the writers do with her. But who knows? Maybe I’ll have a Bill and Molly romance moment and find that I like Nathan with Faith for some reason. But I feel like the writers have made Nathan pretty smitten with Mei, so she very well may be his choice. But you never know. Maybe Nathan will wind up with Fiona for all I know. Lol! I highly doubt that would happen, even though quite a few Hearties have voiced that they’d like that. But my opinion on the possibility of Nathan and Fiona as a couple is for another post on another day.

    Thank you so much for reading! Feel free to tell me your thoughts below in the comments or on my Twitter page. Have an amazing day! God Bless!



    My debut novel, The Average, is about to be released! It's crazy to finally be at this place with a story. It's releasing on Amazon August 1st, and the e-book version is available for pre-order right now! Here's a little info on just what this story is about... 

 Seventeen-year-old Marcie Williams believes she is just average. Nothing special. After finding out that her boyfriend wasn't really her boyfriend, she's sworn off dating. With her self confidence shattered, all she wants is to forget that terrible event ever happened, and do the one thing that makes her feel special; Working alongside her friends at the old blue bent and dent store she loves. The last thing she needs is some new guy inserting himself into her life, and trying to uncover her secrets.

   Eighteen-year-old Daniel Barrett left home to visit his Uncle Jeb so he could figure out just what it is God wants him to do with his life. Without his parents' overwhelming opinions drowning him, and his best friend Lowden by his side, things start to look up. But he never imagined that he'd fall head over heels for Marcie at first sight, or how God would use her to give him the direction he's so desperately seeking. If only that direction didn't mean possible pain for his family...

   But nothing is as it seems at Big Ted's Big Bargains, and soon both Marcie and Daniel find themselves stumbling upon secrets, and getting caught up in a danger neither of them ever saw coming.

    If you're interested in pre-ordering the e-book here's the Amazon link for you! I'm also releasing it in paperback and hardcover versions as well, so stay tuned for those! Thank you so much for all the support you've shown me during this long process. It is so appreciated, and such a blessing to me!



  1. The Heartie ObserverJuly 29, 2022 at 4:29 PM

    As a Nathan fan, I couldn't agree more. Neither of his options excite me at all. Well, maybe Faith little more than Mei. Mei just fell completely flat for me. Hopefully, with the new show runner at the helm, the writers can figure out Nathan's love life in an effective and satisfying way. I just really hope that whoever they choose to pair him with, it is a romance worth the 5 year wait. Great blog post!

    1. Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Yes, it's so sad about Mei. She really had the potential to be a great character, but like you said, just really fell flat. Nathan is one of my favorite characters and I really want him to have an amazing romance. Hopefully this new showrunner can give us that.

      Thank you so much for reading! God Bless!


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