A Few Thoughts on WCTH Season 10


    Hey guys! Yes, yes I know. I know it's been forever since I've been on here. I've been working tirelessly on finishing my novel and that's been taking top priority right now. But I figured it was about time I posted on here again so... Here I am! :)

    I just thought I'd write a quick post about Season 10 and give a few thoughts on it. So apparently I'm no Tom Cruise and Season 10 is indeed happening and on Hallmark Channel. (If you read my last post you'll understand. ;) This of course is great news, as we absolutely, 100% needed another season. I mean, I'd watch this show for forever, but with LucaBeth about to be married and the Coulters expecting a baby... We NEEDED another season.

    The interesting thing is that John Tinker is not the showrunner this time around. I know this isn't news anymore, but I just wanted to comment on that a minute. This is actually kind of scary and disappointing to me. I mean, I was not 100% thrilled with everything he did in Season 9. Between the Coulter's incredibly boring storyline (Until the baby part of course) and the complete waste of Wyman and Spurlock's storyline... Yeah I think things could have been done better. However I absolutely loved the lighthearted feel of this season. I loved the humor, the heartwarming moments, and Tinker did the thing ever LucaBeth fan was dying to see. Show LucaBeth head-over-heels in love. Honestly I think the number of times they kissed in this one season set some kind of record. Lol! But he showed just how deeply in love they are, and how perfectly they suit each other. They both bring each other's dreams to life, and seeing the romance between them was a definite treat.

    With this all being said, it disappoints and scares me that the show now has a new showrunner. Lindsay Sturman. I've never seen anything she's made so I really have no idea what she'll bring to the show. All I hope is that she doesn't change things too much. Some change is fine, and is actually sorely needed for some storylines and characters. But I still want to see LucaBeth so happy and in love. I still want that same humor from Nathan. I still want the show to have some of that lighthearted feel that John Tinker gave it. As always... time will tell.

    It's only a few weeks until WCTH Season 10 begins filming. Can you believe it? Time goes by so fast. Soon we'll be swept up in BTS pics and #MountieMonday songs. :D I'm definitely going to be keeping up with things to start out. Honestly the BTS pics weren't all that "spoiler-ish" last season so hopefully that will be the case this year.

    One final thing I'm going to mention is the fact that the Hearties Family Reunion is back! After being canceled due to Covid the big Heartie party is back on! And apparently with an added twist. It's been dubbed, Hope Valley Days: A Hearties Reunion. The official Instagram page had this to say...

#Hearties, you've been asking... and we heard!

Please SAVE THE DATE for "HOPE VALLEY DAYS," a very special Hearties Reunion, coming September 23-24, 2022!

Dust off your passport because we’re bringing you a twist on the Hearties Family Reunions of years' past. We can’t wait to celebrate the Hearties community in-person together again in Hope Valley.

More details COMING SOON to the newly updated website!
    What does this mean? I honestly am not sure. Apparently it's happening in Canada like usual, but I don't know what a "twist" means. I'll have to keep an eye on their site, which has yet to be updated. Here's the link for you. https://www.heartiesfamilyreunion.com/
    Well, that's all for now. I guess I'd better get back to overthinking all the thousands of decisions I have to make to self-publish a book. Lol! Oh, and yes. I've finished my first novel, and am in the process of having it self-published. Yay! I'll share more details on that and where you can find it if your interested soon.
    Have an amazing day! God Bless!


  1. I, too, am a little worried about the new showrunner. I felt comfort in the fact that John Tinker is religious and conservative. I like how he brought God back into the show. I hope He doesn't go away in season 10.

    1. Yes, he really did. The show had been lacking in that area for a while. It might be nice if Tinker at least stays on as a writer instead of the showrunner. But I haven't heard anything about that yet, and I doubt he will. It's sad as while I didn't like everything he did, I really enjoyed some of things he brought to the show.

  2. Thank you for your posts, Hope. I, too, am a little concerned. Although, Brian has said that he spoke with Lindsay Sturman and she will keep to the shows basic principles. I believe he wrote a short blurb abuot the new showrunner on Facebook. My biggest disappointment with season 9 was the lack of time for scenes to show the depth between the characters. IMO, this is a major issue. We need more scenes like Rosemary and Lee's ending scene in the finale. LucaBeth was allowed some longer scenes but many were rushed and cut. I understand that with 42 minutes of time allotted it makes it hard and requires a delicate balance. I felt Alfonso Moreno was able to do it well and he allowed for longer scenes. It would be so satisfying to see WCTH return to that style of editing. It might require less time for supporting characters, but we are missing some of the heart of WCTH with the shorter scenes. JMO

  3. I'm not gonna lie, the new show runner actually excites me. It gives me hope that characters other than Lucas and Elizabeth will get decent storylines too. While I'm glad Lucabeth fans got everything they could have ever wanted from Season 9, some of the other characters didn't get the same treatment. Nathan's one of my favorites, and his storylines told me that John Tinker wasn't a fan. Hopefully things will start to get better now for all of the characters


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