When Calls the Heart Season 9: What I Know So Far

(Thanks to Crown Media & ET for the pic)

    Happy, happy Wednesday Hearties! As always I hope you're doing well, and enjoying this winter season. Maybe staying warm with a fuzzy blanket and a cup of hot chocolate?

    So as you can see I'm a bit late on posting. Sorry for the delay. I had started this post last week to post last Friday, but... Yeah. It didn't happen. But there has been a LOT of WCTH news, promos, and well... spoilers. Lol! And I have to admit I've seen a fair share of them this off season. While I haven't really seen most of the clips, I have read video titles, news articles, and seen a few snippets of Season 9. I figure this is all old news to most of you, but I thought I'd make a quick post covering some of the stuff I've seen, and give my opinion.

    So let's get started!


Release Date 

    So Hallmark went and broke tradition. Yep, they did. For as long as most Hearties can remember the new season has always begun in February. But not this year. Due to the Winter Olympics, Hallmark decided to push the air date of WCTH Season 9's first episode to March 6th. While I'm definitely bummed that I have to wait the extra time, I am glad that they picked the first Sunday of March. It's really not that much longer to wait.

Mustache Mountie

    Wow. Wow, wow... and wow. Nathan really went all out. Just look at that mustache! And he's got a soul patch to boot! I mean, I knew he was going to have this new look, but seeing all these new pictures... You realize wow. He really is going to look like that in the show. Now obviously he won't the whole time, as I've seen him without it too. It's just all these new ones are him with the stache.

    As to my opinion on this said stache... umm... I don't know. Lol! Honestly I'm torn, because I really do love how new and almost exciting this is. Usually Hallmark keeps all the characters looking pretty much the same all the time, but this? This is so different, and I'm glad to see the writers pushing boundaries.

    But... If I'm being honest I prefer him (Kevin McGarry) either clean shaven or with a beard. But I don't know. The stache is growing on me. I kind of like it. It's different and fun. It also has me asking, why on earth does he have it? Is it simply a new look, or did he grow it for a reason? I guess we'll find out!

New Faces in Town

    And it looks like we have a brand new lady in town. Mei Sou. I really know next to nothing about her, other than her name, and I have a bunch of ideas about what she may do in town. She could work with Rosemary and be a reporter. She could take over for Clara at the dress shop, as she isn't going to be there. (More on that in the next topic.) She could work with Bill and Minnie at the cafe. She could do something completely new. I really don't know, but I am definitely interested to find out who she is and what she's all about.

    This is also a good time to say, YAY!!! They brought in someone new for Nathan! Okay, okay, I don't know this for sure, but... It totally wouldn't surprise me if she is to be Nathan's new love interest. I haven't watched the promo with the two of them in it, but I've seen the headlines. And it appears Mei Sou may have caught the Mountie's eye. (Oooooo!) I really, really, really, wanted the writers to bring in a new girl for Nathan, as I was not sold on the idea of him being with either Fiona or Faith. Now I'm very curious to see them together and see if the sparks fly.


    Along with Mei Sou we have two new mystery men in town. (Ooooo!) We have Matthew James Dowden who will be playing a man named Arthur Gilchrist according to IMDB, but the name has yet to be truly confirmed. (All I care is that he has his British accent! :) And (Get this) an actor named PAUL GREEN will also be joining the cast. (Not Paul Greene who plays Carson. Paul GREEN.) Paul Green! What are the odds that two guys with almost the exact same name would be on the same show? I have no idea who either of these guys' characters are. But it's exciting news!

Jesse & Clara Are Gone

    Well... We all kind of figured this was coming, right? I mean after seeing absolutely no BTS pictures of them the entire time Season 9 was being filmed... Yeah. It was kind of inevitable. It's also really, really sad. I really enjoyed Jesse's character, and him and Clara have been around for so long. I mean, Clara has been here since Season 2, and Jesse has been here since Season 3. It's going to be weird not seeing them in Hope Valley this coming season.

    It was explained, however, why they left. Bill reads a letter from them, and lets us know that the couple is now homesteading in Montana. Wow. That sounds like they may never come back. This news is quite sad, and perhaps even heartbreaking to a bunch of Hearties. Jesse and Clara were beloved characters and will be missed.

    The only silver lining that can be found in this is that the huge cast of WCTH has gotten shrunk down considerably with the Flynns' departure, as well as Carson's. Now the writers can add new characters, (Which they have) and focus on the main characters more. But it doesn't make this news not a sad pill to swallow. I'm definitely going to miss them.

Love Is In the Air

    Ooo la, la! Romance is in the air, is it not? And literally... it's in the air. Lol! While I haven't watched all of the promos I did watch a short one where Chris and Erin mentioned Lucas and Elizabeth's romance. A bunch of short clips then played, and let me tell you... those two are quite "cozy." Lol! It's like those invisible triangle walls have been broken down and they are fully embracing this new phase of life. I've seen hand holding, kissing, the two of them with Little Jack, more kissing... Lol!

    I'm planning on doing a whole post just about LucaBeth so I'll keep my comments short for now. But I have to say I'm excited! Finally we'll get to see these two just happy and in love together, embracing this new phase of life.

Dr. Edward Oke Has Passed Away

    I haven't said anything about this on my Twitter page but I wanted to make mention of it here. If you haven't heard yet, Janette Oke's husband of 64 years has very sadly passed away after a long battle with cancer. My condolences and prayers go out to Janette Oke during this time. Being married for 64 years is absolutely incredible and I'm so sorry for your loss.

    And that bring me to the end of this post. WCTH Season 9 is getting so close! We have a little less than five weeks left! I'm so excited to see what happens, and all that the writers have planned for us! Thank you so much for reading! God Bless!

P.S. Have you seen the new designs in my shop? Feel free to stop by and take a look! https://heart-and-family-mercantile.myspreadshop.com/


  1. Hi Hope!

    Now you are keeping me hopping between two blogs, lol. Good for you staying to busy with your writing! :)

    I didn't really want to say much regarding most of your post, but Mei Sou is a curiosity to me. Why is she in HV?

    Wouldn't it be interesting if she knew Lucas in the past? Just a thought. She might be a friend of someone in town and came to visit or is coming for some help of some kind. I am really curious about her and yes, she seems to have caught Nathan's eye, but will that be permanent? Or just a flirtation?

    Time will tell.

    As for the mustache and soul patch- not really loving it. But I don't love mustaches without the beard attached, just my preference. Takes me back to the 70s porn stache era, lol.

    Great blog as always.
    Kudos girl.
    :) smk

    1. Well... This response is WAY overdue, but here it is anyway. :) Thank you so much for your constant support, and kind words. You're the best, Sue. I'm also glad to hear you enjoyed the post.

      I know right? Who is this Mei Sou, and what is her role in Hope Valley? (Other than Nathan's love interest, of course... Lol!) That would be very interesting if she knew Lucas in the past, and could be a really neat plot twist. Especially if she is going to be for Nathan. :D I guess time will tell if she really is for the Mountie or not. It seems like she is just by looking at the cover, but we'll see.

      And yes, Nathan's stache is very different. It's not my preference when it comes to guys. Like you I prefer a mustache with a beard attached, but I do like that the writers are mixing things up a bit. That's fun.

      Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me! (Sorry I took forever to get back to you.) Hope you're having an amazing day! God Bless!


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