I've Started a New Website!


    Hey, Hearties! I hope you're doing wonderfully this Tuesday, and have been enjoying a wonderful new year so far. Now I know it's odd to see me posting on a Tuesday, but... I have something to share with you all!

    So, for a long time (Before Season 8 of WCTH was over actually) I've had the idea to start a brand new website/blog that was all about... writing. Writing is something very near and dear to my heart, and something I believe the Lord Jesus created me to do.

    And now I have decided to start, Writing With Hope. (Yes, it's meant to be a fun play on words. :) It's a place where I hope people can come and find hope and support for their own writing journeys. A place where they can find that they aren’t so different from other writers, and that other people struggle with the same problems they do. I’ll share my own writing journey here as well, with all the ups, downs, and crazy ways I tackle different subjects. I don’t claim to know much, but I’ll share any tips I’ve picked up, as well as writing tools I’ve found to be life-changing.

    I also... plan on posting... an online series of stories. (Gasp! I said it! Hope... just breathe... Breathe...) And by "plan on posting" I mean I'm currently writing it, and will share it once it has reached my standard of perfection. :) Once I start posting it, it's my current plan to post chapters like I did for my WCTH fan fiction. One chapter a week. I'll be sure to let you guys know once it's out.

    So I just wanted to let you guys know about my next big ventures. Please do rest assure that my WCTH blog isn't going anywhere. This is just something more I'm adding to my already busy schedule. :) Feel free to check, Writing With Hope, out if you're interested.

    Thanks for reading! If you have any questions feel free to ask away in the comments below or on my Twitter page. God Bless!


  1. Hope!

    busy, busy girl!

    I am so excited for this new venture you have in the works. Enjoyed your first post and so looking forward to whatever you have for us in the future!

    Keep it up! God bless!

    1. Hey Sue! Sorry this response is so late. Thank you so much for your kind words and constant encouragement! You're the best! God Bless you my friend!


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