Thank You!

    Avast there, me Hearties! And the happiest of Friday's to ya! (Coughs away terrible fake pirate accent.) Hey guys, and welcome to another Friday!😁 I hope your week has been wonderful so far! Can you believe that it's less than a week until Thanksgiving? How crazy is that? For me that means baking my usual cheesecake for the occasion. (Yum!) I'm thinking traditional, with some sort of fruit topping... and maybe drizzles of chocolate... Anyway....

    It also means we are so stinking close to the premiere of When Hope Calls' Christmas Special, and possibly getting our first glimpse of WCTH's Season 9 poster! Eeeek!!! (I can't wait for that!)

    So last night I was lying in bed knowing I didn't have a blog post for today. I figured I probably would just end up going two weeks without posting anything, (As next week I'm taking a Thanksgiving break) but the idea didn't completely sit right with me. I didn't want to go two weeks without giving you guys something. And then it hit me. Today's post wouldn't be too long, or anything, but it would say something special in the spirit of Thanksgiving.


    Thank you. 

    Ever since I started this blog over two years ago, God has blessed me so much by bringing readers like you. I am so, so thankful that you decided to take time out of your day and spend a minute or two here. Reading something I wrote, whether it's ridiculously long, or silly. I am grateful for you.

    For the love and encouragement you've given me. For taking the time to leave a comment and tell me your thoughts. For responding to or re-tweeting a social media post. I am so thankful for it all. For you. It's been such a blessing getting to talk with some of you, and I've even made some friends I never would have without the blog. And so I just wanted to say a great big thank you! Thank you. I so appreciate your time, and encouraging words, and I just hope you know that. 💗

    And finally of course I thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for everything He's so wonderfully blessed me with. For the blog, the ability to write anything at all, and for bringing you guys into my life.You're such a blessing to me, as is my King Jesus and I give Him all the glory.

    Happy Thanksgiving Hearties! God bless you, and keep you! Have an amazing Thanksgiving!

    “Now therefore, our God, we thank thee, and praise thy glorious name.” 1 Chronicles 29:13


    FYI, my shop will be having a 25% sale this coming Black Friday. There will also be Free Shipping this coming Monday. I've also added some fun new products like mouse pads, and magnets. Feel free to take a look if you'd like.



  1. I love you my dear friend and love your blog! I'm so glad I found it last year!

    Cheesecake?! NOW you are speaking my language! A few years back I was at a friend's get together and someone had brought cheesecake with a strawberry topping. Next to it were bottles of chocolate and--wait for it--caramel topping. I said 'that's an odd combination' to which my friend replied, 'you have to try it.'

    So, I did. me on this. Buy some caramel topping for that strawberry cheesecake. And let me know what you think. It is sooo good.

    Enjoy your week off and Happy Thanksgving Hope!


    1. And you're friendship is a gift straight from God Himself! I am so beautifully blessed to call you my friend. Thank you so much for everything!

      And caramel you say? Now you're speaking MY language. Lol! Although I've never tried it on cheesecake. I'll have to try that sometime. My cheesecake is already baked now, and I just have to restrain myself from eating it for one more day. :D I'm thinking of drizzling the top with chocolate and topping it with a blueberry topping. (Decisions , decisions... ;)

      Have a wonderful Thanksgiving my friend, and know I'm thankful for you! Happy Thanksgiving! God Bless!


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