Answering Your Questions!


    Hello Hearties! Boy it's been awhile since I posted on a Wednesday. I hope you're all doing well and have had a great week so far! If you guys didn't hear... WCTH Season 9 has officially finished filming! WOO HOO!!! Isn't that just crazy? You know what's crazier? In around 4 months we'll probably be watching it! How the time flies! I'm so excited!

    And apparently When Hope Calls just released some big, and I mean really big news concerning Daniel Lissings's role in the Christmas Special... (SPOILER ALERT!) Apparently... JACK IS BACK!!! Oh, my goodness! (Said like Shirley Temple.) I'm assuming he's just appearing to Abigail as a ghost or angel of sorts, but still... This is such huge news in the Heartie world!!! (So. EXCITED!) 

(End of Spoilers)

    Anyhow, moving on to the main topic for today. So last week I put out some posts letting you guys ask me some questions, so I could pick some to answer in this blog post. You guys asked some great questions, and now I'm going to do my best to answer them! Now FYI I'm not using you guys' names, as I didn't ask permission to use them in my post. So I'll just list the questions and you'll know which one was yours.


    So the first question I'm going to answer is...

Will you PLEASE consider writing a sequel to your FanFic???😊


    Okay first off... Aww! I'm so touched that you would ask me that! It was such a blessing to write my first fanfic and hear everyone's feedback. I learned things as a writer and I'm so glad people have enjoyed it. Now as for writing a sequel... I have absolutely thought about it. I even had a plot idea that I was working out for a new fanfic idea. But I'm sorry to have to tell you that for right now the answer is regrettably no. Sorry to disappoint. My plate is already pretty full right now as I'm currently working toward my dream of publishing my own book, and writing this blog. So adding writing another fanfic would be too much for me in my current state in life.

    But again I am so flattered that you would even ask for a sequel. I really appreciate you asking me, so thank you so much. I know I would really enjoy posting a new story for you guys, and maybe one day I will. I just have a bit too much on my plate right now.

What are your top 2 storylines you personally are looking forward to in S9?


    That is a great question! The number one storyline I'm looking forward to is obviously... Lucas and Elizabeth's. I'm so looking forward to seeing them as an actual couple, seeing their relationship and love deepen, and what challenges they may face. (And of course all the wonderful romantic moments they are sure to have. :) I'm also very curious to see what the writers' plans are for Lucas' character specifically as it seems John Tinker has some plans on deepening the character and showing us multiple layers to him.

    But as for another stoyline I'm looking forward to... Oh, boy. How do I pick just one more? Lol! One storyline I'm very curious to see is the whole Wyman Walden/Spurlock mystery. I'm very curious what that Julius guy is up to and if Elizabeth gets involved in anyway since she has a history with Charles Spurlock. I also wonder just how Julius is related to Charles Spurlock as he just has to be IMO. And of course I want to see any danger or trouble that may come with either guy, as that's always fun. Speaking of Julius and Wyman, that leads me to the next question....


Predictions for Season 9: For Wyman Walden, The Pinkertons, and Lucas & Elizabeth?

    Danger & romance! Lol! But yes, I think we may see some great drama and danger when it comes to Wyman and the Pinkertons. There are so many scenarios I could see happening with these guys, and to be honest I could picture either one turning out to be a good guy or a really bad guy in the end. I'm actually wondering if one of them is good or will become good in the end, and the other will be the true bad guy. But then again I can clearly picture them both turning out to be nothing but bad news. My predictions for both of them is tons of trouble. Wyman is such a slippery sort of crook, and quite aggravating to be honest. Lol! I can picture him buying up more land and businesses and making trouble for people so they're forced to sell to him. And as for the Pinkertons... I definitely can see them causing trouble for people and Nathan having to straighten things out. But I think they may have a bigger reason for being here that we may not know about yet. I'm really hoping Elizabeth gets involved somehow due to her history with the Spurlock name, and possible gets in danger. But what I really, really hope is that Charles Spurlock comes back! I'm wondering if Julius Spurlock is here because of Charles Spurlock and if he's at all here because of the unresolved mine disaster. (I guess we'll see.)

    As for Lucas and Elizabeth I'm thinking we're going to see a good mixture of romance and tension. I'm kind of scared to be honest that the writers will go a little overboard and make there be too much tension and angst between them. (Kind of like a Season 2 do-over.) So I'm hoping there isn't too much tension that it's overwhelming. But along with that I think we'll get some great romantic moments between them, probably some more dates, and I think Lucas will spend some quality time with Little Jack. I'm also really hoping E&L will finally say the three little words we've been waiting to hear... I love you! I'm also not betting on Lucas proposing this season, but think the writers could totally pull it off if they wanted to.


If you had the ability to write yourself or another character into the show, who would they be? Or anyone else for for that matter?#heartie

    Oh wow! That's a fun question! Alright now, let me think... Honestly if I were to write a character for myself, I'd end up getting paired with Nathan just because of the character I'd play. Lol! I'd probably write myself as a cliche Cinderella type character, with some spunk, and may even be Julius Spurlock's poor sister who got dragged along with his sinister schemes and desperately wants a way out. (Well... that got dramatic. Lol!)

    But okay. In all honesty, if I were to actually be in the show, I'd probably have a small role as a random cafe waitress, or a passing minor character who's a reporter and has come to dig up some dirt on some WCTH character. 😂

    But... If I could write anyone else into the show, I think it would be absolutely adorable if Lucas had a baby sister! :)

When did you become teamlucas? What is your favorite LucaBeth scene?

    Great questions! I became Team Lucas early on in Season 6. For some reason my memory isn't super great, in that I don't fully remember exactly how I felt and when. However I do remember that watching Chris' Hallmark movie, Sailing Into Love, really sold me on Chris McNally. And so around early to mid Season 6 I had jumped on the Team Lucas train. (And I've been there ever since. :)

    As to my favorite LucaBeth scene... Oh that's a good yet hard question to answer. Lol! Obviously one of my all time favorite scenes would be the cliche choice of their first kiss. (Like you couldn't see that one coming. Lol!) And two of my others would be the almost kiss in the rain, and the "steamy" office scene. But if I had to pick a scene other than those obvious three, I really liked the library scene from Season 8, episode 4. The one where Elizabeth found Lucas asleep over a book, and there was a lot of tension between them, and yet Lucas was a sweetheart despite it all. :)

Do you think we will see a clip of Lucas entering Elizabeth's house? 

    We better! Lol! But yes I think we will see Lucas finally enter Elizabeth's house this coming season. I don't know that we'll see the very first time he does, as by the time Season 9 starts a few months probably will have passed. But I do think we'll see him go inside her house, and possibly multiple times throughout the season.

Why do you think Kevin/Nathan has been in hardly any BTS (apart from Jack's posts)?

    Good question! I think in general the WCTH crew has been keeping things pretty "hush-hush" regarding Season 9. But in looking back through the BTS pics I noticed how few there were of Nathan. It's hard for me to say right now as I'm not sure. We know Kevin was keeping his "new look" a secret, so I wonder if that played any part in it as I don't know how long he had it. I also wonder if the writers are trying to keep any storylines a secret, and if so maybe that could also play a part? But other than that... I'm really not sure. I just don't feel like it would be that hard to take a BTS pic or video, even if the cast and crew are trying to keep anything a secret. I will say that Kevin has gotten fair amount of Instagram Story coverage thanks to Jack Wagner, but I do agree there has been precious few BTS pics of Kevin. I'm just not exactly sure why.

Why was Lucas the one for Elizabeth? (I saw it and felt it in many scenes and connection) 

    Wow. That is a great question, but also kind of a big one to answer. It's easy to just say, "Because that's who the writers chose for her," but IMO I think Lucas earned that end kiss more than Nathan would have if he had been chosen.

    Lucas is so great for Elizabeth because he's... patient. This, to me, played a big part in their relationship. He was always so patient and understanding with her, even more so than he had to be at times. Elizabeth had such a hard time figuring out just what was in her heart, and yet throughout it all Lucas proved himself to be a saint of a man. Nathan, while a noble and selfless man, tended to not be as patient at times with Elizabeth, and pressured her with his feelings. Meanwhile Lucas patiently pursued and waited for Elizabeth to be ready, even pulling back when she probably would have let him kiss her. He wanted her to be completely comfortable so he waited. (Even though he really wanted to kiss her. Lol!)

    Another thing that makes him "the one" for her is.... he only wants her to be happy. This again was a huge deal. The most important thing to Lucas is Elizabeth and making her happy... even if that meant he wasn't the man for her. The fact that he was willing to step away, and do it with such grace and love speaks volumes about his character. He puts her happiness above his own, proving how much he loves her.

    And of course there's the fact that he's handsome, thoughtful, kind, caring, generous... and I could go on and on here. Lol! But I think patience and him putting her first are two of the big things that make him "the one" for Elizabeth.

    And that's the end of this post! Thank you guys so much for your questions! I hope I was able to give you some satisfactory answers, and that this was as fun for you as it was for me. Should you have any other questions for me, feel free to ask away in the comments below or on my Twitter/Instagram pages. Have a wonderful day! God Bless!

Book Review

I am honored to be working with one of my favorite authors once more and share Misty M. Beller's newest release with you guys! I love her writing, and her stories are always filled with romance, drama, as well as wonderful Christian values and stories of faith.

    Misty's new novel is a sweet romance about a sort of forbidden love story. Two people from enemy tribes drawn to each other by a powerful love.

    Chogan was so strong yet, so gentle and loving. And Telípe was sweet, and kind, yet strong in her own ways. The end kept me in suspense, and had some twists and turns I didn't see coming. I definitely enjoyed this book, and Misty's writing is great as always! Here's a little more on the story...
    This epic journey is his last chance to start a new life.

    After being cast out of his Blackfoot village for his kindness to the Nez Perce captives, Chogan travels west in search of meaning for his life. Meaning that doesn’t require killing or torturing innocent people. Though the lovely face of Telípe, a Nez Perce woman, is imprinted on his heart, he avoids her village.  She deserves a happy life with her husband and coming child.

    With her husband dead and the birth of her babe imminent, Telípe’s reality looks nothing like she planned. She’s been forced to return to the village where she grew up and the chaos of her family’s lodge—with all her boisterous younger brothers. She desperately desires to start a new life for herself and the babe growing within her, but she can’t seem to climb above the mire of her past. When she stumbles into the brave who’d shown her kindness during her captivity, something ignites within her—a new hope.

    Chogan’s determination to stay and help Telípe is thwarted by her people’s fear and hatred for his tribe—especially since he was among last winter’s kidnappers. It doesn’t matter that he did everything he could to keep her and her unborn child safe and comfortable during that awful event. But as a new predator threatens the safety of the village, Chogan determines to take down the massive wildcat that’s already injured several children—including one of Telípe’s younger brothers. When the danger escalates, Chogan is faced with an impossible choice. No matter which option he chooses, his life will never be the same—nor that of the woman he’s come to love. 

    P.S. Still looking for that perfect gift for that Hearties friend in your life? Feel free to stop by the shop and see if there's anything that catches your eye and save 20% on ANYTHING in the store today only!



  1. Hi Hope!

    Love your post and answers!

    I also can't wait to see Lucas go into E's house, and really looking forward to some Lucas/LJ scenes! I know it will prob be months later and I feel we may have missed some important bonding scenes sadly, but we will have to wait and see.

    There were so many great scenes with our couple in S8, but I think the DL scene from S6 and the short library scene in the Clara/Jesse wedding ep are two of my favs not from this last season. I really just love almost every scene they have done with few exceptions.

    Thank you for entertaining us! :)

    1. Thanks, girl! So glad you enjoyed it! It was a fun post for me to write.

      Yes!!! I can't wait to see Lucas go in Elizabeth's house too! And right on! We NEED some L/LJ scenes! Like NEED them. Lol! I do agree that time will definitely have passed if the start of this season is anything like the start of S8. It will be sad if we miss some things, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

      Yes, we got some great romantic scenes with E & L in Season 8! And I think a lot of Team Lucas will agree with your favorites. :) There were totally sparks flying in both those scenes. I can't wait to see what's next for our favorite couple in Season 9!

      Thank you so much for the comment and sharing your thoughts with me! God Bless!


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