WCTH Season 9 News Flash


    Hey there Hearties, and welcome to Friday! Sorry I was absent last Friday, but I'm back today to chat about some exciting stuff!

    So it's been a bit since I last posted some BTS pics and news regarding Season 9. Honestly.... there's not always a lot to tell. Which I guess that in itself is something to talk about. For some reason very, very little has been shared for Season 9, at least in terms of plotlines and possible events. This is really odd when compared to prior seasons, as usually we would know or see more than we have so far. It all makes me wonder what the S9 crew is trying to do. Is something big going to happen that they're trying to keep under wraps? Is the secrecy going to help bring fans back to the show? I don't know at this point. However the traditional ET interviews are coming soon, so I'm sure Hearties will learn a lot more then! (More on that later.) Also usually the cover for the season gets revealed around Christmastime, so I'm super excited for that!

    Anyhow, over the past weeks we have gotten little snippets here and there of Season 9, so I thought I'd make a short post showing some of them, and give my thoughts.



    So first I want to set the record straight about Paul Greene. It would figure after after I did that whole blog post about Faith and Carson I would learn that... Paul Greene isn't coming back. Like... at all. I had previously thought I'd heard that Paul was coming back for the latter half of Season 9. Apparently... that's not the case. Paul recently talked with the guys from "Deck the Hallmark Podcast" and revealed that he is not in WCTH Season 9 at all, nor would he reveal exactly why. He said it wasn't just one reason that he wasn't in S9, and wouldn't give too many details. But... At least now we know for sure. As for WCTH... Carson was never a favorite character of mine so I'm more okay with this. However... IMO... Faith better explain whether things are resolved between her and Carson or not. (We all deserve to know! ;) 

    Here's a link to the video of Paul talking with the guys from Deck the Hallmark Podcast if you'd like to listen to it yourself. https://www.instagram.com/tv/CVYu5-bpX1_/

    Moving on we have some pics of the lovely ladies of Hope Valley. While these pics don't reveal anything plot-wise I do like getting to see the hair styles and outfits for the season. Especially when it comes to Elizabeth.

    I've noticed a little shift in her attire as she's wearing more greens, and I've even seen her in a new blue jacket. However I've actually liked what I've seen so far. She looks so happy, and very pretty in her new outfits. I've also like her hair from what I've seen so far. And... speaking of hair...

    I have failed to mention this anywhere, be it social media or in a blog post, and I really shouldn't have. After all... this is pretty big news. (Although it's old news now.) And I'm talking about Kevin's new look...

    OH MY GOODNESS!!! The man has a stache and soul patch!!! I mean wow! This is so different just for Kevin in general when it comes to movies, let alone Nathan. Now obviously he's not keeping it all season long. We saw pictures early on and he didn't have a mustache. I also saw him without it recently in Jack Wagner's fun Instagram story. (You know... the one where he called Kevin a diva. Lol!) But still... why the new look? Instantly my mind goes to Nathan having an undercover job, so he disguises himself. Or maybe he'll have it right at the start of the season. Who knows!

    As to my thoughts on the new look in general... I prefer him without it, but if it's only for an episode or two it could be fun. I enjoy seeing the show take new directions and doing things outside the box.


    The next pic here is from that Instagram Story I mentioned earlier that Jack Wagner posted. Aside from the video being humorous, a lot of people found the setting and what Nathan was holding interesting. I'm not positive exactly where he is, but the room looks like Lee's office, and he's holding... a big old gun. The weapon alone begs a hundred questions, but combined with the setting the whole picture gets even more mysterious. Just why does he have a gun, and why would he possibly be in Lee's office with it? (Questions, questions...)


    Along with these great Nathan BTS pics and vids, we've also gotten a little bit of LucaBeth BTS stuff too! Oh, you guys, seeing these two together just makes me excited for Season 9 to get here already. Lol! It's going to be so fun seeing Lucas and Elizabeth together AS A COUPLE!!! Eeeek! I'm so ready for that! 

    So the first thing is this fun little video Erin posted of her and Chris walking down the road. Aside from how cute and fun it is seeing them together, the thing that caught my eye is the new tan suit Chris is wearing. It appears Lucas is getting a new suit or two this coming season. (Sorry for the fuzzy pics.)


    The next pic is from yet another Instagram Story Jack Wagner posted of him singing in the cafe kitchen. He's desperately trying to get Erin and Chris to sing with him, but... they're not helping him out. Lol! But other than all that good stuff, it was just so fun to see Lucas and Elizabeth together. Elizabeth appears to have a new blue jacket, and that might be a new gray suit for Lucas.

    Another thing that was shared via Instgram Story was just how many cast members will be in the finale block of filming. (AKA: The last two episodes I believe.) And the whopping number that Pascale shared was 28 cast members! Wow! It sounds like literally the entire WCTH cast will be featured in the finale! Now I did a little figuring and wrote down all the cast members I could think of... excluding Carson, Jesse, and Clara and I came up with 28 people. Now of course this did include all the children and Little Jack twice as he's played by twins, but to my thinking it's still easy to come to that number after switching things around. We don't know if there's a new cast member or two after all. Either way...

    I'm making a bold prediction here (And please remember this is just my opinion and not fact) but I'm guessing that Jesse and Clara will not be in Season 9. Unless there is some crazy secret the crew has been keeping concerning them, like Clara being pregnant all season long... there is no reason for us not to see them. And that's the thing. We always, always see BTS pics of them, so to not see a single picture the whole time Season 9 has been filming... it's really not painting a good picture for Team Classe. Now IMO the cast was very large, so maybe Tinker felt the need to scale down a few people? I'm just not sure. What I do know is that if they aren't in Season 9 they will be sadly missed by the Hearties.

    I've also seen the cast and crew filming some night scenes, and this pic of Elizabeth in her nightgown. 


    Since this is the last block of filming and I believe they're filming the last two episodes... night scenes have me curious just what might be taking place. Elizabeth in her nightgown could simply be her writing a journal entry, or it could be for something more dramatic. Maybe something happens and someone rushes to her door at midnight to tell her something. I have no idea. 

    Another thing I have no idea about is this... (Again sorry for the fuzzy pic.)


    It appears that Lee and Rosemary's bedroom is making a return! (Or at least that's who's bedroom I've seen people say it is. I'm not 100% positive.) But... why on earth is someone's bedroom being filmed? We rarely ever see these characters' bedrooms, and when we do its usually when someone gets hurt or sick or has a baby. So... Yeah. I'm going to leave that one right there, and just say I have no idea why its being filmed, and that I'm very curious.

    Now as you may know by now, Deidre Behar from ET just recently asked Hearties to send in their questions for the cast members. We only have about two-three weeks left of the cast filming Season 9, and with the end of filming comes the traditional ET interview. The one that spills all the juicy details on Season 9 and what's to come for our favorite characters. So this is very exciting!

    I actually have my own tradition when it comes to this interview in that... well... I don't watch it. Lol! Yes, I'm afraid soon the "no spoilers" side of me is going to reemerge and I'll be a lot more cautious when it comes to WCTH. I always go back after the season though and watch it, seeing what was spoiled and to what extent. (It's weird, I know. Lol!) However I will try and post blog posts that aren't weird. You know, posts where I'm wondering if something may happen but you already know if it will or won't because you watched the interview and I didn't. That always gets weird, and awkward for you guys, so I'll try and stick to topics where that won't happen too much. (Good thing I still got plenty of LucaBeth scenes to talk about!)

    Well, that does it for this post, Hearties! We've had some good BTS revealed recently, and it's only making me even more excited for Season 9! Thank you for reading! Feel free to share your thoughts below or on my Twitter/Instagram pages. Have a wonderful weekend! God Bless!

    P.S. For a limited time you can get FREE SHIPPING on your order! Feel free to stop by and take a look! https://heart-and-family-mercantile.myspreadshop.com/


  1. I heard Lori Loughlin was coming back, that the name of the show was changing and that it was not going to be on Hallmark anymore? Any truth to any of this? I heard it on TMZ.

    1. Hi! Lori is playing Abigail Stanton again, but on WCTH's spin-off series When Hope Calls, in a Christmas Special that airs this December. It's also airing on GAC Family rather than Hallmark Channel. I hope this helps! God Bless!

  2. Another good article, keep them coming! After reading your thoughts on the upcoming season, I wanted to share a few of my own.

    1. In an article from Showbiz Cheatsheet, it was reported Hearties were speculating the possibility of a wedding in season 9, hence the filming of 28 cast members in a given scene. But I think those 28 characters are gathering together for a funeral. Think about it, we just had back-to-back weddings in season 7 and 8. The last time we saw a funeral in Hope Valley was back in season 5, when Jack passed away. If this is the case, it would explain Jesse and Clara's disappearance and Paul's silence on Carson's whereabouts. Here's the link to that aforementioned article if you're interested:


    2. After reading your article, I realized how Martin Cummins has appeared in very few behind-the-scenes photos. This makes me wonder if Henry will have a bigger story in season 9?

    3. Sometimes, movies or tv shows will film scenes out of order, editing them in order after production. In regards to 28 cast members in one scene, maybe that will be the season premiere? That would explain why some male cast members had beards early in the filming process.

  3. Hi Hope!

    Trying to play catch-up on some of your posts!

    So....I have been sooo out of the loop the last several months. I had no idea Paul wasn't returning. I suspected as much, but didn't know it had been confirmed. And I agree that probably team Classe won't be back this season.

    What could be up with that new look for Nathan? That is quite different and you could be right that he is undercover. So few bts pics of him from what I hear, so they must be keeping his story under wraps. Should be interesting.

    Thank you my friend, always enjoy reading your work. :)

    1. And thank you for reading, my friend! And taking time out of your busy day to comment! I so appreciate you!

      Yeah, I only learned more recently about Paul toward the end of October, as before I thought he was returning. But apparently not. I'm okay with this though, as sad as it sounds. Carson just wasn't a favorite character of mine. But it is sad that we've seen nothing for Jesse and Clara, and that they probably won't be returning. While I admit the cast was very, very large, they'll definitely be missed.

      I know! Nathan's look is SO different! I'm so curious to find out why he looks like that, when he does in the season, for how long, and what storylines he'll have!

      Thank you for your sweet words and sharing your thoughts with me! God Bless!


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