Single and Ready to Mingle?

    Well, hello there! Welcome to Friday and today's blog post! I hope your week has been wonderful, and that your day has been going great so far!

    Now first off... us Hearties got some big, no really colossal news! I mean... jeepers! I just keep getting hit with all these big announcements that I never saw coming. And this one... I really REALLY did not see coming.

    JACK IS BACK!!!! Oh my freaking goodness! Okay correction... Daniel Lissing is back, and back in the When Calls the Heart universe to be exact. It was announced that Dan is going to be in the When Hope Calls Christmas Special!!!


    Now obviously there are mixed opinions on this topic as... he left, therefore killing Jack. However it has yet to be announced just who exactly he'll be playing, as the role has been dubbed a "secret role." (Ooooo!) Is it a new character all together? Or will Jack be featured in a flashback or dream scene? Will he just be someone who looks like Jack but isn't Jack? (That would be weird and frustrating.) Or... is Jack back with amnesia?!?

    I doubt it's the last option as that would cause a HUGE amount of backlash. But either way... WOW! I was excited before about WHC but now? I'm super excited!!!

    I could go into more detail here on Dan and more WHC news, but I'm going to wait until after Dan's "secret role" has been revealed. (So excited!)


    So for today's actual post, I'm going to be talking about Hope Valley's single residents! What might be in their romantic futures? Who might these bachelors and bachelorettes fall for? When would it happen, and why? And what do I think about their possible options?

    Let's get right to it!


Bill & Molly?


    While I was writing and listing out the single residents of Hope Valley I realized I forgot about Bill and Molly. So I just stuck them up here at the top of the list. S8 ended with Bill asking Molly out for coffee, so... Maybe things will progress for them. Yet from past experience watching both Bill and Molly on WCTH I know for a fact that things can die just as quickly as they started. However seeing as though John Tinker was the one who put them together, and he's still the showrunner... I think they really could stick. (At least a little bit longer anyway. ;)

    To be honest I see more of the same happening for the both of them. I do think Molly will still be pursuing Bill in S9, and I'm actually kind of okay with that. Surprisingly I enjoyed them together. They're both so stubborn and fiery and it made them fun to watch together. I could see things escalate to another kiss-and-run (Bill is famous for that😂) and then things are over by the end of Season 9. Or... I could actually see things working out for the long run. Time will tell.

    But should they not stay together I'm picturing more of the same. Bill being a kiss and run, falls for every new "middle-aged" lady who comes to town, and Molly still out looking for a potential husband. (To put things oh so gently... Lol!) But in all honesty I'm thinking this sparking romance will only continue to get hotter this coming season. It's where things go, and how S9 ends that will tell if these two are meant to be. (Dum, dum, DUM! :)



     Well Fiona... You've got some options. 

    You may already know this, but I have been extremely picky about who I want Fiona with. Nobody really clicked with her in my opinion, even though there used to be at least four guys to chose from for her. (I say used to be as a certain saloon owner just left the 'single pile.' ;) 

    But last season changed that for me big time, and I've learned something... Hickam and Fiona are so fun together! They're cute, they make a wonderful team, they're each others confidant and friend. Honestly... why not? They just... they just work! :)

    Okay...okay... let me compose myself. The way I see things for Fiona, she has two options... and they're pretty obvious. Either she'll eventually realize she's in love with Hickam or... she'll realize even more so that she's not. I will say this much. It's really time that she finally got a permanent love interest on the show. She's been single for three seasons. I think it's time she gets an actual love interest, and I believe Season 9 could do that for her.

    But then again... we only just learned about her ex-fiance so she has a pretty good excuse for remaining single. I actually wonder if this guy will show up in Hope Valley in S9. That would be really fun! It would also give us some info on her past.

    Anyhow... Getting back to the main topic. Should she not go with the wonderful Mike Hickam, I really need the writers to bring in someone new for her IMO. There's just nobody else that I like for her. Nobody else really works with her life goals and personality. She's very independent and spunky, but also very business driven. I just don't see that business ambition mixing well with Nathan and Allie. And now that I really think about it... He's kind of the only single guy left. Lucas is now taken, and Kevin disappeared into the black hole of doom. (You know exactly what I'm talking about. :)

    So it is my firm opinion that someone new has to come for Fiona should she reject Mike. It is also my opinion that the guy needs to be one of two things. Either someone kind of... how do I say this? Someone kind of... goofy. Lol! Mike and Kevin are/were always kind of shy, quiet, and sweet and let Fiona take the lead. They were also a bit goofy. (Which can be a really fun personality to watch!) Fiona is just so independent and strong, and I think she needs someone to support her. Someone who would encourage her to chase her dreams. (Someone like Mike.... ;)

    The other option IMO (Which I would prefer) is for someone new to come to town who challenges Fiona. You know, someone who matches her spunk, and determination and takes her by surprise. I also have no idea who the dude would be. Lol! Just someone new.

    So to put it simply... Nathan is an option but I don't know that she'll go with him, Mike and her are wonderful, but I'm not sure if she likes him like that, and if she doesn't end up with either guy... Someone new needs to come to town.



    My thoughts on the lovely and beloved Mike Hickam? Well... It's honestly really simple. Either he and Fiona become a couple or... the man shall remain single another season. That's my two cents anyway. The poor man has so much to offer. I've seen how kind-hearted, and thoughtful he is. How supportive, and encouraging he is. A woman would be lucky, and honestly outright spoiled should she get Hickam as her man. I know that once he falls for a woman (Which he maybe already has... wink, wink) he will do everything in his power to make her happy. He would literally give her the moon if he could.

    But... still the man continues to be single. So my thoughts are this:

    Either Hickam will work with Fiona all S9, fall for her, admit his feelings, and Fiona says she feels the same way. Or...

    Hickam and Fiona perhaps even date a bit in S9 and either realize they like or don't like each other in that way. Or...

    Hickam remains single for another whole season. Any option is possible at this point, and we'll just have to wait and see.



    Ah... Poor Faith. A woman who's been dumped twice by men due to her love for Hope Valley. It's a little awkward to put her in the "single bin" because... Do we even know if her and Carson are officially over? IMO they really need to settle this once and for all before either of them can truly move on.

    Now we do know that Carson is coming back, though when and for how long is still to be seen. This in my opinion is a good thing.

    Things weren't really settled whether they're still a couple or not. However, I don't really see things changing for them, unless one of them has a crazy change of heart and decides, "Oh I really do want to live in Hope Valley," or "Oh, I'll follow you anywhere! Even to Baltimore!" I really don't see the last one happening, unless the writers want Faith off the show. The first option however I actually could see happening if it was done right. You know...Carson went to the city, found out how much he missed Hope Valley, and Faith, and decides to move back. I do have my doubts though, as to whether that would actually happen. I can see him coming back for a bit in the latter half of the season, officially breaking things off with Faith for good, and then leaving. Again.

    This leaves Faith open to new romantic possibilities. I wonder if S9 will either start with her saying that things are truly over with her and Carson, or if she's kind of confused about it. She'll then maybe start considering someone else, and Carson will come back toward the end and just confuse her even more. I really don't know.

    But as to who she might consider in a romantic light? (Sighs deeply...) Well... the first guy that comes to mind is Nathan sadly. Now for all TN fans reading this, I am NOT for this potential couple. Faith has never been a favorite of mine, and I'd like to see Nathan with someone else. However I'm left to wonder just what the writers have up their sleeves. Since both Faith and Nathan have just recently experienced heartbreak I think they'd be good friends. Whether that develops into something more for a time or permanently I'm not sure.

    If they have to be paired for any amount of time it would be my preference if it was a sort of "Carson and Sofia" situation. You know, where they explore the idea of being together, find out it won't work, and part as friends, but they both help each other move on. Realize they can open their hearts again to love.

    As I said, I guess we'll just have to see. Of course there is always the possibility that someone totally new comes to town for her, but... I really have no idea if that would happen. I really have some questions when it comes to this lady. :)




    And I have saved Hope Valley's beloved Mountie for the grand finale! Nathan has been through... a lot. He's lived through a traumatic childhood, lost his older sister, became a father to Allie and raised her on his own, was disciplined at Fort Clay, carried the guilt of Jack's death for three years, and then... got his heart crushed by Elizabeth. The man... (Sigh) The man has been through so much in his young life. And I think it's about time something good happened for him. It's about time Nathan was happy.

    Now the subject of romance for Nathan is a big one amongst the Hearties. Everyone has their own opinion as to what should happen with him, and who exactly he should fall for. I do as well, and from what I've seen so far, I think I'm in the majority with my thoughts.

    I want someone brand new to come to town for Nathan. I know there's Faith, and there's Fiona, but... neither girl fits the bill for me. I'll discuss each woman briefly.

    I've already been over Faith just a moment ago, but I'll say it again. I really don't want her with Nathan. She's just not what I have in mind, or what I would prefer when it comes to Nathan's love interest. Not to mention she was Carson's girl for three years so... that would be quite awkward.

    As for Fiona, you may know very well by now that I have never been a fan of the idea of her and Nathan as a couple. The fact that the actors are a couple in real-life sways me a little bit as that would just be cute if they became a couple on the show. But it appears the actors aren't for that idea, and honestly neither am I. Fiona just isn't the type of girl I'd want paired with Nathan. 

    No, I want someone brand new for Nathan. Someone who's sweet and kind, with a happy, bubbly personality. Someone who will just knock Nathan off his feet, and love him deeply. Someone who will support him, stand by his side, love Allie like her own daughter, and brave the difficulties of loving a Mountie. I'm not exactly sure which actress I would like to play this new lady. (Please leave your ideas in the comments if you'd like!) Just someone who really works with Kevin McGarry.. 

    Now... what do I think will happen on the show? Well... I'm not quite sure. There has been talk by Peter Deluise and even his wife about Nathan possibly having a new love interest. I believe Peter's wife even made a comment of how boring it would be if Nathan didn't get a love interest. Now I love romance and so I'm all for Nathan finding true love in S9. However... I don't know if that will happen right away, and I don't know that it should. Nathan literally had his heart broken in the end of S8, and I think he's going to need time to heal. I also think we'll see him still dealing with the pain of Elizabeth's rejection at the beginning of S9. However I definitely can see him opening his heart this coming season as well. The big question is this...

    Will he find his true love this season, or simply learn that he can indeed love someone again? I obviously would prefer the first option. Nathan needs to be happy. He's been through so, so much in his life, and I think it's time he finds happiness. I'm just not sure when he'll find his true love, or who it might be.


    Well, that's all for this post! Thank you so much for reading! Please feel free to leave your ideas for these characters' romance futures in the comments below or on my Twitter page! Have a wonderful weekend! God Bless!


    P.S. Feel free to stop by and check out some fun merch if you'd like! (Christmas is coming... wink, wink. :)


  1. Hi Hope, First let me say that I spent two days trying to convince and reassure an avid Lucas fan that Jack was not coming back to WCH with amnesia. My Twitter feed had quite a few upset people fearing his return. I also agree that a backlash would ensue, one of earthquake proportions. Many who love Lucas & Elizabeth would be disheartened. I suspect he will return possibly in a dream to help Abigail.

    I'm not sure how I feel about Bill and Molly. They both have strong-willed personalities, but I suspect Molly might be a little too, LOL! I tried to finish it, but I'll leave it, as just a little, too. LOL! I guess time will tell. I believe JT is trying to find a way to use the existing cast since it is so large.

    Like you, I love Hickam and Fiona. There is something cute and fun about their pairing. They seem like a good fit, IMO. I suspect these two may eventually become romantically involved (even though Fiona will fight it,) because they are opposites. I'd like to see Hickam continue to have a bigger role, since he's been a part of WCTH for a long time, too.

    Nathan, Nathan, Nathan... LOL! I hope the WCTH producers are open to someone new, too, but I am afraid they are going to eventually pair him with Faith. I like Faith, but IMO, she and Nathan both need someone that helps them have loads of fun. They both have very serious professions and need to relax, laugh and have more fun.

    Thank you for all your hard work and effort that goes into preparing your blog and writing these weekly posts. I appreciate them very much, and I always enjoy your insightfulness.

    1. Hi Shelby! Thank you so much! That's so sweet of you to say, and I really appreciate it! I'm also so glad you enjoy these posts!

      Yes, I have to agree with you about Jack. I don't think he's coming back to WCTH. After all the triangle drama, I don't think it's even a good idea at this point. He'll probably just appear to Abigail in a dream or be in a flashback scene.

      Yes! Bill and Molly are two very stubborn people. If you had asked me before S8 about pairing them I probably would have made sick noises. Lol! But for some reason I actually enjoyed them together. But like you said, time will tell if I continue to like them or even if they stay together.

      Yay! So glad to find someone else who loves Mike and Fiona! :) I agree they are just cute and fun together, and have a nice chemistry together.

      Oh, yes I totally agree! I really want someone new for Nathan, and even Faith should her and Carson officially end things. They both need someone who will support them, and bring so much fun and happiness to their lives. I really, really hope the writers don't pair them together.

      Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts with me! I hope your day is going well so far! God Bless!

  2. I'm definitely with you that I don't want Nathan and Faith together. She was so indecisive in S. 8 and Nathan doesn't need MORE of that in his life. I think a new person would be an awesome option for him. Hopefully the writers don't try to push the Faith/Nathan thing, because that is just downright lazy IMO.

    I think if Nathan does find love in S. 9, it will be at the tail end of the season. Maybe a kiss in the finale? Maybe a declaration? Who knows? Hopefully they won't just keep him single the whole time, because that's just another season gone by where Nathan doesn't find love and Allie doesn't have a mother figure in her life, which is something I dearly hope to see. Hopefully, they'll give Nathan something good and hopeful this season after he's been through so much. I think it will be hard for the show to hold TN's interest if they don't give Nathan some happy storylines like that

    1. Yes, Faith was all over the place in S8. One minute wanting Carson to stay, and the next wanting him to go, yet she didn't really want him to go, and yet she wouldn't say yes to his proposal... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But other than that I just not a huge fan of Faith in general and think someone brand new would be so much better for Nathan.

      And I agree. I don't want Nathan to be single all next season either. That would be sad for him and the Hearties. I want someone to come who just adores Nathan and supports him. I'm very curious what his storylines are for S9. Hopefully the writers have some good ones in store for us, and hopefully some happy ones at that. Like you mentioned N has been through a lot. It's about time he got some happiness too.

      Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts with me! God Bless!


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