My Dream LucaBeth Wedding

    Hey everyone! It's been awhile since I last posted on here, hasn't it? Not much is being shown behind the scenes lately, which is interesting as prior seasons didn't feel as secretive as this one currently feels. I also learned that Lori Loughlin's acting job seems to be a movie with GAC Family rather than a return to WCTH which is interesting and sad at the same time. It would have been so cool to see her come back for Lucas and Elizabeth's wedding. Speaking of which, that's actually the topic of today's post!

    It's so fun that this next season we actually have LucaBeth's wedding to look forward to! But with this wedding, comes a lot of expectations, hopes, and wishes from so many LucaBeth fans. After all, Elizabeth has gotten married before, and so Hearties may have some "requests" on how they'd do things differently this time.

    Naturally, as a LucaBeth fan myself, I have a few things I'd like to see happen on their special day. So here are a few "requests" I have for Elizabeth and Lucas' wedding.

An Outdoor Wedding

    Next to the pond to be precise. Light twinkling lights, lanterns, white fabric draped in decorative ways, and an arbor or arch for the couple to stand in front of. The reception will be outside as well, with everyone lighting paper lanterns to release into the star filled sky. (Not that I've given this much thought... ;)

Elizabeth's Hair MUST be Left Down

    I was NOT pleased at all by Elizabeth's hair or wedding dress when she married Jack. Honestly I was quite disappointed. I feel like the stylists were going for a more traditional/classic look, but sadly it just didn't do it for me. So this time I want her style to be different. Not so classically styled, but a more beautiful carefree look. I'd like her hair to be at least partly pulled back, or maybe just completely down long, and with more curl than usual. As to her dress, I want something more... frilly I guess. I really wasn't a fan of the lace, or the general look of her first dress. This time I want something different. Something flowy, frilly, beautiful, and a sort of princess/country dress.

They Have to Get Married in the First Half of the Season

    I absolutely do NOT want the whole season to be about the stress of preparing for a wedding. We've been there, and done that with Jack and Elizabeth. And Hearties are already thinking that the wedding will possibly take place in the 100th episode which would happen to be the second episode of Season 10. This would actually suit me just fine. Elizabeth and Lucas literally already act like a married couple. They just live in two different houses. ;) So the first episode can get us caught up with the Hope Valley residents, maybe introduce some sort of problem, and the second episode can solve it before LucaBeth says I-Do. Perfect! :)

Both Elizabeth and Lucas' Family Need to Come to the Wedding

    This is just a given, and an absolute must. Maybe not every single family member will show up, but I need at least Elizabeth's father, her sister Julie, and both Lucas' mother and father to be present. Period.

Gustave, Henry, or Mike Needs to Be the Best Man

    I just can't think of anyone better to do the job. After all Lucas isn't really that close with Lee, or Joseph. And as for Nathan... Yeah... That would be hilarious, sweet, and weird all at the same time. Lol! But Lucas has worked closely with both Mike and Henry for awhile so either of them would be great. As for Gustave... I mean come on. You have to like Gustave! And the man is Lucas' family so he'd be great.

    These are just a few things that would make LucaBeth's special day even more special. (At least for me. Lol!) What about you? What are your hopes and dreams for their big day? Feel free to share them below in the comments or on my Twitter page! Thank you so much for reading! God Bless! 

    P.S. I just released the trailer for my book, The Average, to my YouTube page. Feel free to check it out!

    P.P.S. Need a gift for that special Heartie in your life? Feel free to look through these fun WCTH inspired designs, and see of you find anything you like! (Also feel free to tell me any new designs you'd like to see added to the shop!)



  1. I agree with you about Elizabeth’s dress. I actually didn’t like her first dress at all. I’d like to see something more simple and in a champagne color. Hair down. I want Lucas to wear a morning suit. Sigh! We know that Julie was on set, so she’ll be there. Teryl Rothery (Helen) is filming Virgin River in Vancouver, so she might be able to steal away for a couple of days for the wedding. I want Henry to be Best Man. I really hope we get to see Lucas’s father. I want the camera to focus on Lucas’s face as Elizabeth walks towards him, and maybe a little tear run down his face. Excuse me while I faint.

    1. Sorry my response is so late! Yes, I really am not a fan of Elizabeth's first wedding dress or how she had her hair for that matter. I'd love to see her with her hair down this time! And that's interesting about Teryl. I didn't know she was filming nearby. Neat! And I'd love to see Lucas' father show up for the event!

      Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me! God Bless!


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