The Future of When Calls the Heart

    Hey there Hearties! How's life been? I know I kind of just dropped off the face of the earth there for two weeks. I've been taking a nice break from blogging after covering Season 9 for three straight months. I've also been using that time to work on editing my first novel which so far has been going good. I'm actually hoping to be done editing by the end of this month, but we'll see. :)

    Anyhow, I thought I'd jump on here, and make a quick post about a very important topic amongst Hearties right now. Ever since Season 9 ended we've all been waiting for the announcement of Season 10. Or even just an announcement of any kind. Now Brian Bird has come out and made some statements, and they're quite reassuring. He stated....

“Whether or not the Hallmark Channel wants to keep us around forever, it doesn’t matter. There will be somebody else who wants it because it is so unique. And we will keep making the show as long as those Hearties want to show up and watch the show.”

    This is so good for my Heartie heart to hear! It's great to know that the writers still fully intend on making more seasons.

    However Hallmark refuses to tell us what their plans are. Now I've been keeping tabs on this whole situation, and I have a guess. A hunch, as Ethan Hunt would call it. (I'm re-watching the Mission Impossible series. Bear with me. :) I've kind of connected the dots with all these news articles, and my prediction is this...

    Hallmark is not going to renew When Calls the Heart. This is totally just a guess and pure speculation, but I have two things to back it. First off, like I mentioned before, Brian Bird said that they plan to continue the show, with or without Hallmark and that they'd go to another channel if they have to. This tells me that they either know Hallmark isn't picking them back up, or that they're willing to move should they not. This also seems to show that Hallmark doesn't flat out own the rights to the show, so they can't cancel and shelve WCTH. Or it at least appears this way. I don't know this for a fact.

    The second thing, and this is what's really making me believe Hallmark isn't going to renew the show, is this... Hallmark has just picked up two brand new series, one of them being a western themed series called, Ride. Now they did cancel two of their previous series, so you could say that they have some slots to fill. However the fact that Hallmark still hasn't announced anything for WCTH, yet continues to announce new series that are coming to the channel, leads me to believe that WCTH is leaving Hallmark. Not to mention this new series, Ride, is western themed, being filmed in Canada, and features three strong women, one of them being a widow. I could be wrong, but it almost sounds like Hallmark is trying to replace WCTH.

    But if this all sounds scary, never fear. Like I mentioned, the writers have clearly stated that they plan on continuing WCTH with or without Hallmark. And since GAC Family already has When Hope Calls, my guess is that WCTH will move over there, should Hallmark not renew them. In fact I almost wonder if that's why we haven't heard anything. Perhaps Hallmark and GAC are just finalizing the details.

    So that's my hunch. Hallmark Channel isn't going to renew WCTH, and the show will move over to GAC Family. Honestly Hallmark would be pretty stupid not to keep WCTH around. The show always shoots to the top of the charts with how many people tune in every Sunday, and those numbers didn't nose dive after the triangle ended. But... oh well. It would actually be cool if the show went to GAC Family as they currently have WHC. Not to mention they're willing to work with Lori Loughlin. If the show moved to GAC we could see Henry and Abigail reunite, get crossovers with the characters of both shows, (AKA: Gabe can come to Hope Valley!) and Elizabeth could get a visit from her best friend. Or even go visit her best friend in Brookfield.

    So that's about it. Now again, I have no idea if any of this is actually going to happen. I think it's suspisious that Hallmark hasn't renewed WCTH yet, while continuing to pick up new series. I also think GAC Family would love to air WCTH on their channel. I just have to wait and see if this hunch plays out. (Cue the Mission Impossible theme song...)

    Thank you so much for reading! Feel free to tell me your thoughts on this whole situation in the comments section below or on my Twitter page. Have an amazing day! God Bless!

P.S. Need a little more LucaBeth in your life? I got you covered!



  1. Hi Hope! First i want to say thank you for your blogs throughout the series of WCTH. I actually lost interest in the show. Have yet to finish watching the entire season 9. I would not be surprised if WCTH moved to another channel like GAC. Hopefully the actors & actresses do not have to give up Hallmark completely. (some may want to stay on it). I noticed that the WCTH 18-49 numbers had been dropping for years. At least Henry & Lori might get back together on GAC. Maybe WCTH will make GAC a popular channel. I was thinking that Hallmark would give Season 10 a try to see if the 18-49 demo might go up. Thought they filmed in July, so announcement must becoming soon.

    1. Hi, Auntied! Thank you so much for your kind words. I really appreciate that!

      It figures Hallmark would finally make an announcement after I put this blog post out. Lol! But like you, I was really thinking HM might not renew the show, and WCTH could move to another channel. But I guess HM realized what a good thing they have, because now they've renewed it for Season 10. Lol!

      Thank you so much for reading, and sharing your thoughts with me! God Bless!


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