My Hopes For Lucas & Elizabeth in When Calls the Heart Season 9

    Well, hello there Hearties! Happy Friday to you all! I hope you're doing wonderfully this February's day. 

    Can you believe it? In 23 days WCTH will be back on our TV screens with Season 9!!! I am so excited to see all the writers have in store for us this season! And I'm mostly excited to see my favorite couple being... well... a couple! Isn't it crazy? The triangle is over and now we actually get to see Elizabeth in a relationship again. Wow. No more twists and turns, and analyzing the guts out of everything. Lol!

    So I haven't seen all the promos for Season 9, including the newest one that was released with Season 9's cover. (That cover BTW... Beautiful!) However I will say I've seen a fair bit of spoilers this time around, and it's gotten me excited for this coming season. So based on what I have seen I thought I'd write a quick post detailing a few of my LucaBeth hopes and dreams for Season 9.


1.    Lots. Of. Romance. Duh, right? Lol! And from all I've seen so far... I'm going to get my wish. Lucas and Elizabeth have gotten quite... close... since Season 8, and rightfully so. They've known each other, and have been building feelings for each other for three years. It was bound to come spilling out by now. :D One of the cutest things is that they're still holding hands while they walk together, and I just think that's adorable! Jack and Elizabeth didn't really do that, as usually they'd walk arm in arm. But there's just something so intimate and sweet about hand holding, isn't there? But anyhow... yeah. Hand holding, embraces, and plenty of kisses are on my LucaBeth wish list. I also am curious what sort of special outings Lucas might surprise Elizabeth with. Picnics, dinners, walks... All would be quite nice.

    I've also seen that... drum roll please... Lucas has entered Elizabeth's house!!! FINALLY!! Lol! I think it could be really fun if Elizabeth had him over for dinner one night, and her, Lucas, and Little Jack could have a fun evening together. Speaking of the little guy...


2.    Time with Little Jack. Again... duh, right? 😂 Due to Covid the little guy had such little screen time during Season 8, and since a certain scene, which we all know was filmed, was cut, Lucas never got any time with him either. (But I'm over it... Like totally over it...😉) But thankfully this season looks more hopeful in that respect as I've seen multiple pics and clips of Little Jack. And it's great! I also know there is a clip of Lucas and Little Jack bonding, and while I haven't watched it, that sounds great! So I want it all. Mother and son moments, Lucas and Little Jack becoming buddies moments, and scenes with all three of them enjoying life together. I'm curious how Little Jack will take to Lucas. Will all be smooth sailings, or will things be a little rocky to start? And speaking of tension...


3.    Tension. Okay, let me clarify on that point. (And listen good, Mr. Tinker) I want a reasonable amount of tension, and the right kind of tension. You know, maybe some silly arguments between Lucas and Elizabeth, for humor's sake and to show that they aren't perfect. It adds a little texture, and laughter. There can also be some bigger problems that they can tackle... together. You know, like, outside problems that they support each other through, and work together to solve. Or maybe there is a problem between the two of them but they solve it... in a reasonable manner and amount of time. 

    To put things simply... I don't want a repeat of Season 2. Lol! I want to see some tension added to the mix, as without it Lucas and Elizabeth would be too perfect, and their story wouldn't be as exciting. But... I don't want too much tension that it drives me crazy, and has me screaming at my TV, "Just fix things already!" Okay? Okay. :)


4.    Danger! Come on... you know me. I love some good drama. Lol! Now I've got some specifications when it comes to this here danger. My preference is for Elizabeth to be the one who's in danger. Now I know she's had her fair share of danger in the past, but... yeah. It doesn't get old. :D Now I'm not against Lucas being in danger. I guess if I could pick how things go down I would want Lucas to be in danger earlier on in the season, and then Elizabeth to get the big and dramatic stuff at the end. Or I'd like Lucas AND Elizabeth to be in danger TOGETHER at the end. That could be really neat! It would even be interesting if Little Jack was in danger somehow, and Lucas and Elizabeth had to work together to save him.

    Now of course I don't know what's going to happen at the end of the season. But with Wyman and Spurlock in town... the chances of trouble are pretty good in my opinion. ;)


5.    I Love You + Possible Engagement. Come on now. We all know that this absolutely, 100% has to happen. Lucas and Elizabeth both need to confess their love to each other. I mean... It's pretty obvious how they feel, but... yeah they need to say it. Lol! I will actually confess that one of the things I really want to see this season is Elizabeth truly show Lucas how deeply she does feel about him. It's totally obvious how Lucas adores, cherishes, and loves her, but I haven't gotten that level of emotion from her. So, along with her saying those three little words, I want her to show him (And therefore showing me) that she does indeed love him. And of course I need to hear Lucas say it to her. Not because I think he doesn't, but... I just want to. :)

    As to an engagement...  I don't want it to feel rushed in anyway, and I'm sure Hallmark could find all sorts of reasons to make us wait until Season 10, but.... Let's be real. This show has been around for almost nine seasons, and Elizabeth has been unmarried for almost all of them. So... do we really want to wait any longer? :D Plus, judging from the promos I don't know that either of them want a long courtship. Lol! So I do think an engagement is totally possible this season. I have no idea if it does, as I haven't watched all the promos. (Please don't tell me if you know.) But I think Season 9 is a pretty good time for an engagement. And knowing Lucas, he would be sure to make it a moment to remember!


    Well, that's all for this post! WCTH Season 9 is SO close, and I'm so ready for it! Thank you so much for reading! Have an amazing day! God Bless!


    P.S. Have you seen the new designs in my shop? Feel free to check them out!



  1. Always happy to see a new blog from you Hope!

    I have seen some promos, so I will be cautious what I say- no spoilers for you!

    I agree with every point you make! Give me all the romance, tension, danger and family time! That about sums it up in one quick sentence. As for an engagement, in my opinion if it happens, it would be at the end of season. That way we get to see a good courtship with sweet, romantic moments before he asks her. A build up.

    Looking forward to your next post and hope you have a wonderful weekend my friend!



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