New WCTH Season 9 Promos


    And the When Calls the Heart hype levels have shot way, WAY up again. Like sky high. Almost like Hearties are just floating over the world in a hot air balloon or something... 😉

    Hey Hearties, and happy Friday! I hope you all are doing well. This week has yielded some exciting stuff for us! First off, When Hope Calls airs this weekend! Tomorrow! Yay! I'm definitely excited for that!

    And on top of that, we've gotten our first look at WCTH Season 9!

    So far we've gotten not one but TWO promos featuring clips from When Calls the Heart Season 9. And... man oh man, are the people at Hallmark promoting Elizabeth and Lucas' romance. Everywhere all I'm seeing is those two together whether it's promoting the special Christmas event, (More on that in a second) or in S9 clips and... It's SO fun! Again it just makes you realize... wow. She really picked Lucas. LucaBeth is a thing now, and this whole next season we'll get to see them as an official couple! (Sighs happily...)


    So on top of all this there is a special event happening this Christmas weekend with the WCTH cast. Hallmark is having a movie marathon of all the 2021 Christmas movies and the cast will be hosting the event throughout the weekend. There will also be never before sneak peeks of WCTH Season 9 as well as some BTS footage shown. Sounds exciting! But as per usual I'm not sure just how much of that I'll watch. Lots of spoilers to be had there. I probably won't watch the BTS stuff, but if there's a short clip shown like last year I may give that a watch. Kevin McGarry promises it will be a weekend of surprises, so... I guess we'll see! (BTW that clip of him and Jack Wagner was great! Lol!)

    Here's a link to the video explaining everything.

    Now onto the post!

Romance Is in the Air

    Wow! I mean... wow! Just... yeah just watch this.


    I mean... wow! Okay, first off they're in a hot air balloon for crying out loud!!! Man, Hope Valley is either going places, or perhaps Lucas took Elizabeth to the World's Fair? I'm not sure. There are a thousand reasons for them being in that basket.

    But, on a second note... how sweet, adorable, and romantic is this? Elizabeth and Lucas sharing a hot air balloon ride together, looking very, very much in love. The dialogue is minimal, and honestly they could be talking about anything. Lucas could have decided to give up the oil company, told Elizabeth that he wants them and Little Jack to be a family, and that he wants to raise him as his own son, or could have full out told Elizabeth that he loves her and plans on marrying her! Their words are simply Elizabeth asking Lucas, "Are you sure?" And then Lucas responding that "He's never been more sure. Trust me." What he's so sure about and why Elizabeth has to trust him is a mystery for now.

    BUT!!! Lucas kissed Elizabeth on the cheek!!! (Squeal followed by happy sigh.) SO romantic! He even had his arm around her waist! Apparently they've gotten quite... cozy. Lol! But I love the romance, and I hope to see lots more in the coming season. 

    This clip just shows us how truly happy, and in love these two are. Things seem to be going quite well for this sweet couple, I'd say.

What Child Is This?


    Yes, I know I already used this joke on Twitter, but it's just too good not to use again. Lol! In the other promo Hallmark shared we get a couple of snippets from Season 9. One of them is Joseph and Minnie Canfield sharing a sweet hug. Another is a BTS clip of Kavan, and one of Pascal and Erin.  However... the main thing shown and that people are talking about is the clip of Elizabeth and Lucas swinging Little Jack. Now first off... That is adorable. This is exactly the kind of scene Hearties really wanted, and John Tinker done went and gave it to us. (Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.) But everyone was also asking the question... Who is the little boy? He is obviously not one of the Taylor twins (The twin boys who usually play Little Jack) but he was dressed in Little Jack's outfit.

    Well, just yesterday the question was finally answered. Little Jack has been re-cast. The questions of "why was he re-cast" and "when during the season was he" are still unanswered. There were pics of the Taylor twins on set and in costume for Season 9 so, I'm puzzled here. But aside from that... This new little guy is adorable! His name is Hyland Goodrich, and while it's sad for Hearties to lose Lincoln and Gunner, we will remember them with fondness. Those little men are precious. But with that being said, I am actually really excited to see Hyland's portrayal of Little Jack.

    As harsh as it sounds, (And I do apologize) I don't really mind the change. Honestly I'm excited to see Hyland's portrayal, especially as a "slightly older" Little Jack. And the icing on the cake?

    Lucas is actually holding Little Jack in the pic above!!! Eeeeek!!! He's never done that before, so this is so fun to see! Oh boy, the hype is starting! Season 9 is coming, and I am excited to see what it has in store for us!

    Well, that's all for this post. Things are getting really exciting, folks! When Hope Calls airs this weekend, and I am so ready for it! It's going to be so fun to not only go back to the town of Brookfield and see all that's happened, but to see Abigail, Cody, AND JACK!!! I've read his appearance is supposed to give Jack a proper goodbye, and honor Elizabeth's storyline. Oooo!

    Thanks for reading! Next week I'll be taking a Christmas break, so I won't be posting anything. But don't worry as I will totally be posting a review for the WHC Christmas Special. Just a little late. :) 

    God Bless you all! Have a wonderful weekend, and an amazing Christmas. This time of year is so beautiful, and gives us all a chance to stop and reflect on the greatest gift we were ever given. The gift of Jesus Christ, God's only Son come to earth to die for all the sins of the world. 


    And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, 

    Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

                                                                                                                Luke 2:10-14

    Merry Christmas Hearties!💗



  1. What child is this? Dang, Hope, you are just the comedian, aren't you? ;)

    I've been on cloud nine with the new stuff coming out and of course we are supposed to get more this next weekend. The new season will be here soon- can't wait!

    So much speculation about the conversation on the hot air balloon. A few things I have thought about, but probably all wrong:

    They are already engaged and he is talking about adopting LJ. This is probably not the case, as it seems this was filmed early (from what others have said), unless they filmed out of order. I don't believe it is a conversation about love, as why would she say, 'are you sure'.

    This is a scene from her book and not actually Lucas and Elizabeth. My least favorite option.

    This is a dream sequence. Another least favorite option.

    They are talking about whether the balloon is safe. The context of the dialogue doesn't really suggest that- 'I've never been more sure.' I actually think the first part is one convo and the 'trust me' might possibly be about the balloon.

    They are engaged and talking about getting married quickly- a short engagement- thus the 'are you sure' 'I've never been more sure' lines.

    They are talking about her book.

    As you can see, I have given this a lot of thought. Until I see a bit more, these are my analytical possibilities, even though I don't believe it is any of them, other than the possibility the 'trust me' is a later part of the convo. If this happens early season, I really can't figure out what the dialogue means at all, only late season.

    A new LJ!

    That little dude is such a doll! I've always enjoyed the Taylor twins, but they seem quite shy on camera and that could be why there was a need to replace them. Having so many months in between filming could be a problem as well with small children as their personalities develop and they decide what they want to do and what they don't. Perhaps there was no thought to replace them until they couldn't get them to follow direction- totally my speculation. Anyway, I wish them well and can't wait to see our new little chatterbox in the role. Of course there are those out there that are saying the twins don't like Chris, so they had to replace them- dreamers that don't like the outcome of S8 ...

    Merry Christmas, Hope! I hope you have a wonderful week and will see you soon with your next post!

    Thanks again!

    1. Oh, yes. I'm just another Tim Hawkins. Lol! Thanks Sue! So glad you enjoyed the post!

      Yes, there are so, so many reasons E&L could be having that conversation. And if it is early on in the season some of the scenarios I can think of don't seem to fit. It would work so well for them to be engaged here, and talking about marriage and LJ but I really have my doubts. This is Hallmark after all, and we know how they like to drag things on for forever. Lol!

      Either way, E&L sure seem to have gotten... cozy this coming season. Lol! I can't wait for S9!

      Oh, this new little guy is so sweet! I'm actually super excited to see him play LJ, because he just has such a talkative and fun personality. You probably heard this by now, but apparently the twins' are taking a year off from filming. I still have my doubts, and wonder if it's like you said and they just were too shy or not talkative enough. But either way, we will remember them fondly. :) As for that theory... yeah I'll just leave it right there.

      Merry Christmas my friend! I hope you have an amazing week, and Christmas! God Bless!

  2. Happy New Year, Hope! The promos and previews we saw during the movie marathon were outstanding and have us so hyped up looking forward to the release of season 9. Thank you for all you do on this blog. I really enjoy it! I also really enjoyed your fanfiction. May 2022 be the best year yet!


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